six types of fears

[color=darkblue]Asalamualykum warhmatulahi wabarakthu

Uthman (ra) said, "The believer is in six types of fear

- The first is that Allah the Exalted will take away his iman (faith);

-The second is that the angels will write down things that will expose him on the Day of Judgement;

-The third is that Satan will render his actions void;

-The fourth is that the Angel of Death will take his soul when he is in a state of heedlessness;

-The fifth is that the dunya will delude him and make him work for other than the Hereafter;

-The sixth is that his family and children will preoccupy him such that he neglects the remembrance of Allah the Exalted."

walakumasalaam warhmatulahi wabarakthu[/color]

a lot of them are things ive thought about

does that make it a good thing or bad? :?

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


[color=darkblue]asalamualykum warhmatulahi wabarakthu

I guess it is a good thing that you do think about such issues beacuse it makes a beliver aware of the possibilities..?..i dunno lol...sorry

walakumaslaam warhmatulahi wabarakthu[/color]

A Muslim Paradise is not a place of arrival, but a way of Travellin


Baby girl. Can I request that you refrain from starting so many new threads.

Kindly use the existing topics; unless, ofcourse, you feel that there is no thread on the subject you want to talk about.


Baby girl you can consider using the "Jokes/Poetry or anythin alike!" thread, it pretty much covers anythin, just a suggestion.

[color=darkblue]asalamualykum warhmatualhi wabarakthu

ok im sorry i'll start posting there yeah?

walakumasalaam warhmatualhi wabarakthu[/color]

A Muslim Paradise is not a place of arrival, but a way of Travellin


Also, please cut down on the arabic.

This is England.


more blessing in the ful sentnce. no harm in collecting those neki's!

For SuccESS ATtiUtUde IZ jUsT Az IMporTAnt as ABiliTY