How bout hot tea across his silly face and pathetic hands that are used for violence against his wife?
Go angel.
Submitted by Allahuakbar on 15 October, 2005 - 10:58 #32
I don't think it is. If it was why would there be so many practising female muslims?? If Islam was oppressive towards women, why would there be the hadith about a mother being 3 times more important than the father. Also, men are told to lower their gaze when they see a woman they do not know, oppressing the woman would be molestation which many non-muslims do to females. Some may like the attention but Im sure many don't.
There is just one question though, I think maybe someone quoted the hadith out of context. Muahmmed (pbuh) said: "I have seen hell, and it contains mainly women". What conclusions can we draw from this if is an accurate hadith????
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
Submitted by Sirus on 15 October, 2005 - 12:02 #33
yes ive also heard that one, that it will contain more women than men
thats coz women nowadays expose themselves too much and have no sharam (in general society- not reffering to anyone here!!!)
this society has become sex-crazy, and the women today aint doin the pardah! (in all its senses)
maybe other reasons, but thats whats apparent i think
oh....n they tend to backbite a lot more, unnessecary chit chat etc
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by Dawud on 15 October, 2005 - 14:37 #34
As Salaamu Alaykum.
Women in Islam, eh?
well lets see, are they oppressed?
In countries such as Iran maybe, [size=18]but by men not the shariah[/size]
In Islam the males are equal to females, the men enjoy a degree of advaantage in some aspects and the females have advantage in others.
Indeed it is in my opinion that if Prophethood was not soley for men, then the women would easily be superior to men. As it stands there is a regard for women in Islam that makes me feel they are the superior ones but this could just be because i juxtapose it against the society I live in.
I think it pertinent to mention at this point that in a certain Islamic language (most likely Arabic, but can't remember for sure) the word woman means 'man with womb'. And this is their special mercy, they can bear children and children are a special mercy.
Don't believe me?
The people of Noah AS (their women) stopped conceiving 40 years before the flood so that when it came everyone was mature and no children were killed.
Thats all for now but people who think Men are superior to women in Islam...should drink more milk oh and incidentally in all of creation which gender produces milk...
[size=24]Just Imagine a world without milk[/size] nuff said.[/b]
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
There women seem to generally have been given rights.
Even western journo's that visit are suitably impressed.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Its not anything about lewdness, but a fact of life.
shame has nothing to do with gender.
Such as a person etxted in to that lets talk show yesterday asking for a show on women wearing the hijab.
I was wondering why no-one mentioned we should discuss the male hiab, and the beard.
A beard is wajib. however lets cover the women! that is important! lets make sure they do not do zina! what about the brothers? is it ok for them?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
A beard is wajib. however lets cover the women! that is important! lets make sure they do not do zina! what about the brothers? is it ok for them?
thats tru
this obsession with covering up the women-thats all good but what about the men?
I'll start a thread up on this later on
Submitted by salaf on 15 October, 2005 - 18:14 #39
The obsession with covering up women is partly political. Some muslim groups feel that this is the best way to express themselves in the modern world. These same groups however turn a blind eye to usury and the unislamic financial systems of their nations. Usury is much worse than even fornication but they put all their attention on women.
Submitted by Allahuakbar on 16 October, 2005 - 11:35 #40
Oh yeah, I 4got about the fact that theres more women on Earth than men, this must be one of the explanations of the hadith I mentioned above. Also it was said by the prophet (saw), that you should be good to your wives, even if you don't like them. In the Qur'an it says "respect the womb that bore you".
1 more from the Holy Prophet(saw): "the best among you are the ones who are best to their wives". Alhamdulillah, Islam respects women as the above statements show.
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
Submitted by *DUST* on 17 October, 2005 - 21:57 #41
i was talking to someone bout this topic recently, and they made some good points...
many men treat women badly. FULL STOP. whether theyr muslim, hindu, atheist or whatever is often not a contributing factor. such men have big egos and they like to feel superior to women. they need to get their attitude sorted out.
also, to add some statistics to the discussion; after 9/11 the ratio of women to men who have converted to Islam is 5:1. think about that...
Submitted by Allahuakbar on 18 October, 2005 - 10:27 #42
"many men treat women badly. FULL STOP. whether theyr muslim, hindu, atheist or whatever is often not a contributing factor. such men have big egos and they like to feel superior to women. they need to get their attitude sorted out".
Hmmmm, reminds me of someone on this forum. Not mentioning any names. It should be obvious
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
Submitted by ALquds on 18 October, 2005 - 15:36 #43
The Hindus are trying to claim that Muslims do not give freedom to their women. You be the judge.
The Hindu Woman:
1. The laws and rights of marriage and divorce (if at all) are undefined or varied for the Hindu Woman leaving her with none or very little advantage.
2. The same applies for property or inheritance rights. Males make and absorb all claims.
3. Choice of partner is limited because she can only marry within her own caste; moreover her horoscope must match that of the intending bridegroom/family.
4. The family of the girl has to offer an enormous dowry to the bridegroom/family.
5. If her husband dies she loses value in the family/society. Sati (being cremated with her dead husband) is a possible exit/recommendation. Since today's law forbids Sati, society mainly punishes her in other "holy" ways (see below).
6. Remarriage is a big problem.
7. The widow is considered to be a curse and must not be seen in public. She cannot wear jewelry or colourful clothes. (She may not even take part in her children's marriage!)
8. Child and infant marriage is encouraged.
9. A woman is brought up to believe that she must look upon her husband as a god (Pati Parmeshwar).
The Muslim Woman:
"Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to
reward any worker among you for any
work you do, be you MALE OR FEMALE,
Quran 3:195
1.The Muslim woman has the same right as the Muslim man in all matters including divorce.Quran 3:195
2. She enjoys property and inheritance rights. (Which other religion grants women these rights?). She can also conduct her own separate business.Quran 4:7
3. She can marry any Muslim of her choice. If her parents choose a partner for her, her consent must be taken. Quran 4:24-25
4. The dowry in Islam is a gift from a husband to his wife .Quran 4:4
5. A Muslim widow is allowed to remarry, and her remarriage is the responsibility of the Muslim society. Quran 2:234
6.Mixed marriage is encouraged and is a mean to prevent racism creeping in society.Quran 4:25
7. A Muslim mother (and father) is given the highest form of respect. Quran 17:23
8. Marriage is between consenting adults. Since marriage is a more significant institution than a financial one which needs maturity, see 4:6. Maturity and understanding is required for marriage as much.
9.God teaches clearly in the Quran " not reverence human beings; you shall reverence Me (God) instead...." Quran 5:44, 9:18
Gossip is the most destructive thing in the universe...
asslam alikum brother or sister
i just joined and read something abt our muslim families and our elderly copying the hindus. let me tell you something before pakistan was even made everyone lived together hindus, muslims, sikhs etc.
however people were illeterate and were not aware of what islam says but looked at culture and traditions. neverthless peoples views and attituides are changing. therfore it is our duty as the youth of islam to help the elderly understand what islam says and not culture.
asslam alikum thank you guys for reading,
allah will guide us to the right path.
Submitted by ALquds on 19 October, 2005 - 13:43 #45
i agree sisininslam.. lot of problems in the asian muslim community is due to strict implementation of culture.... culture is full of headaches... islam is full of peace
Gossip is the most destructive thing in the universe...
Submitted by laila on 19 October, 2005 - 14:23 #46
welcome brother Alquds,
culture where it does not contradict religion is ok and everybody should be allowed to follow it.
it is part of our heritage and should not be forgotten nor dissed
it is part of a trend to negate culture especially Pakistani/Indian culture it makes me yawn those who go on and on about it without having conducted any proper research or thought about the matter
Submitted by ALquds on 19 October, 2005 - 14:31 #47
yep i agree..i was goin on bou fings like- forced marriages, "honour" killings etc... ther r beautifull things in culture such as the different types of food and er thats all i can think of at the mo :? im brain dead 2day
Gossip is the most destructive thing in the universe...
Submitted by Beast on 19 October, 2005 - 16:42 #48
Culture is good.
It's only when you start to justify negative cultural aspects with religion that you get problems.
Submitted by equanimity on 20 October, 2005 - 15:40 #49
"irfghan" wrote:
Culture is good.
It's only when you start to justify negative cultural aspects with religion that you get problems.
common irfan culture is obviously bad ,
pakistani culture tells us to have big weddings with hindu style ceromonies e.g. mendy,maarnia, music, intermixing
pakistani culture tells us to believe in dilbars, peirs, witch doctors this is classed as shirk, unforgivable sins
pakistani culture has made divisions in islam e.g. barewilarys, diabundis, ardiecarnies, almaadiyas
pakistani culture also involves forced marriages and mistreating of women
the list is endless , stop mixing culture with islam
islam is a universal religion for all colours, countrys and continents lets keep islam origionally the way it was according to the quran and prophets.
(diversity is good, culture bad)
Submitted by Beast on 20 October, 2005 - 16:38 #50
"Raf786" wrote:
pakistani culture tells us to have big weddings with hindu style ceromonies e.g. mendy,maarnia, music, intermixing
These are sometimes pre-Islamic customs. But you shouldn't use Islam to justify them, or to give them Islamic meanings etc.
"Raf786" wrote:
pakistani culture tells us to believe in dilbars, peirs, witch doctors this is classed as shirk, unforgivable sins
Darbars and saints are not exclusive to Pakistan or even the Subcontinent. You can find them in many Muslim countries.
BTW Pir is just another word for Sheikh.
"Raf786" wrote:
pakistani culture has made divisions in islam e.g. barewilarys, diabundis, ardiecarnies, almaadiyas
You can find different sects in all countries and regions of the Muslim world. It is not Pakistani culture that has caused divisions.
"Raf786" wrote:
pakistani culture also involves forced marriages and mistreating of women
Forced marriages and mistreatment of women is obviously bad. It shouldn't be justified using Islam. This problem is not confined to Pakistan.
"Raf786" wrote:
the list is endless , stop mixing culture with islam
When did I mix culture with Islam?
"Raf786" wrote:
islam is a universal religion for all colours, countrys and continents lets keep islam origionally the way it was according to the quran and prophets.
Different people have different views as to what 'original' Islam is. How do you know that your way is the right way?
"Raf786" wrote:
(diversity is good, culture bad)
What kind of diversity is good if it doesn't involve cultural differences?
Submitted by Sirus on 20 October, 2005 - 17:08 #51
looks like someone aint proud 2 be paki :shock:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by equanimity on 20 October, 2005 - 17:08 #52
when i talk bout pakistani culture i say that because i can relate to it but all culture pakistani or not is wrong when used to change how islam tells you to lead your life.
you spent all that effort to defend your precious culture well written by the way, but instead you should have tried to defend islam from culture[/quote]
Submitted by Sirus on 20 October, 2005 - 17:11 #53
u wasnt attacking Islam tho, u were attacking Pakistani culture
so it sobvious hes gona defend the culture
obviously in some aspects it does go a lil overboard, but thats with all cultures, and most of th times its the fault of the people
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by Beast on 20 October, 2005 - 17:12 #54
"Raf786" wrote:
when i talk bout pakistani culture i say that because i can relate to it but all culture pakistani or not is wrong when used to change how islam tells you to lead your life.
you spent all that effort to defend your precious culture well written by the way, but instead you should have tried to defend islam from culture
When did I defend culture over Islam?
When did I mix culture with Islam?
You seem to very specific on cultural aspects but not on Islamic aspects.
Submitted by equanimity on 20 October, 2005 - 17:17 #55
shut up man
culture bad, islam good
very simple
Submitted by Beast on 20 October, 2005 - 17:20 #56
culture is culture. Where it is Islamically acceptable, it is good. Where it contravenes Islam, it is bad.
There is no 'Islamic culture', just culture accepted by muslims as it does not contradict islam.
bw, sects are everywhere, and you mentioned Ahmaddiyya as a sect. They are not. They are murtad, just like the khalifites.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Angel on 21 October, 2005 - 00:52 #59
"Admin" wrote:
culture is culture. Where it is Islamically acceptable, it is good. Where it contravenes Islam, it is bad.
There is no 'Islamic culture', just culture accepted by muslims as it does not contradict islam.
bw, sects are everywhere, and you mentioned Ahmaddiyya as a sect. They are not. They are murtad, just like the khalifites.
Btw what does "murtad" mean? I thought i knew but its obviously gone out my head!
someone who was rejected Islam after accepting it. An apostate.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Go angel.
I don't think it is. If it was why would there be so many practising female muslims?? If Islam was oppressive towards women, why would there be the hadith about a mother being 3 times more important than the father. Also, men are told to lower their gaze when they see a woman they do not know, oppressing the woman would be molestation which many non-muslims do to females. Some may like the attention but Im sure many don't.
There is just one question though, I think maybe someone quoted the hadith out of context. Muahmmed (pbuh) said: "I have seen hell, and it contains mainly women". What conclusions can we draw from this if is an accurate hadith????
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
yes ive also heard that one, that it will contain more women than men
thats coz women nowadays expose themselves too much and have no sharam (in general society- not reffering to anyone here!!!)
this society has become sex-crazy, and the women today aint doin the pardah! (in all its senses)
maybe other reasons, but thats whats apparent i think
oh....n they tend to backbite a lot more, unnessecary chit chat etc
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
As Salaamu Alaykum.
Women in Islam, eh?
well lets see, are they oppressed?
In countries such as Iran maybe, [size=18]but by men not the shariah[/size]
In Islam the males are equal to females, the men enjoy a degree of advaantage in some aspects and the females have advantage in others.
Indeed it is in my opinion that if Prophethood was not soley for men, then the women would easily be superior to men. As it stands there is a regard for women in Islam that makes me feel they are the superior ones but this could just be because i juxtapose it against the society I live in.
I think it pertinent to mention at this point that in a certain Islamic language (most likely Arabic, but can't remember for sure) the word woman means 'man with womb'. And this is their special mercy, they can bear children and children are a special mercy.
Don't believe me?
The people of Noah AS (their women) stopped conceiving 40 years before the flood so that when it came everyone was mature and no children were killed.
Thats all for now but people who think Men are superior to women in Islam...should drink more milk oh and incidentally in all of creation which gender produces milk...
[size=24]Just Imagine a world without milk[/size] nuff said.[/b]
Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.
Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes
actually Iran is a bad example.
There women seem to generally have been given rights.
Even western journo's that visit are suitably impressed.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
women are NOT more shameless then men
both are just as bad as each other
it takes two to tango-and we still live in a society where (generally) men chase the women
but i do agree with ur second point regarding backbiting
There ARE more women than men.
Its not anything about lewdness, but a fact of life.
shame has nothing to do with gender.
Such as a person etxted in to that lets talk show yesterday asking for a show on women wearing the hijab.
I was wondering why no-one mentioned we should discuss the male hiab, and the beard.
A beard is wajib. however lets cover the women! that is important! lets make sure they do not do zina! what about the brothers? is it ok for them?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
thats tru
this obsession with covering up the women-thats all good but what about the men?
I'll start a thread up on this later on
The obsession with covering up women is partly political. Some muslim groups feel that this is the best way to express themselves in the modern world. These same groups however turn a blind eye to usury and the unislamic financial systems of their nations. Usury is much worse than even fornication but they put all their attention on women.
Oh yeah, I 4got about the fact that theres more women on Earth than men, this must be one of the explanations of the hadith I mentioned above. Also it was said by the prophet (saw), that you should be good to your wives, even if you don't like them. In the Qur'an it says "respect the womb that bore you".
1 more from the Holy Prophet(saw): "the best among you are the ones who are best to their wives". Alhamdulillah, Islam respects women as the above statements show.
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
i was talking to someone bout this topic recently, and they made some good points...
many men treat women badly. FULL STOP. whether theyr muslim, hindu, atheist or whatever is often not a contributing factor. such men have big egos and they like to feel superior to women. they need to get their attitude sorted out.
also, to add some statistics to the discussion; after 9/11 the ratio of women to men who have converted to Islam is 5:1. think about that...
"many men treat women badly. FULL STOP. whether theyr muslim, hindu, atheist or whatever is often not a contributing factor. such men have big egos and they like to feel superior to women. they need to get their attitude sorted out".
Hmmmm, reminds me of someone on this forum. Not mentioning any names. It should be obvious
The media, government, tried to blow us, but they can't out the flame, or doubt the name.
The Hindus are trying to claim that Muslims do not give freedom to their women. You be the judge.
The Hindu Woman:
1. The laws and rights of marriage and divorce (if at all) are undefined or varied for the Hindu Woman leaving her with none or very little advantage.
2. The same applies for property or inheritance rights. Males make and absorb all claims.
3. Choice of partner is limited because she can only marry within her own caste; moreover her horoscope must match that of the intending bridegroom/family.
4. The family of the girl has to offer an enormous dowry to the bridegroom/family.
5. If her husband dies she loses value in the family/society. Sati (being cremated with her dead husband) is a possible exit/recommendation. Since today's law forbids Sati, society mainly punishes her in other "holy" ways (see below).
6. Remarriage is a big problem.
7. The widow is considered to be a curse and must not be seen in public. She cannot wear jewelry or colourful clothes. (She may not even take part in her children's marriage!)
8. Child and infant marriage is encouraged.
9. A woman is brought up to believe that she must look upon her husband as a god (Pati Parmeshwar).
The Muslim Woman:
"Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to
reward any worker among you for any
work you do, be you MALE OR FEMALE,
Quran 3:195
1.The Muslim woman has the same right as the Muslim man in all matters including divorce.Quran 3:195
2. She enjoys property and inheritance rights. (Which other religion grants women these rights?). She can also conduct her own separate business.Quran 4:7
3. She can marry any Muslim of her choice. If her parents choose a partner for her, her consent must be taken. Quran 4:24-25
4. The dowry in Islam is a gift from a husband to his wife .Quran 4:4
5. A Muslim widow is allowed to remarry, and her remarriage is the responsibility of the Muslim society. Quran 2:234
6.Mixed marriage is encouraged and is a mean to prevent racism creeping in society.Quran 4:25
7. A Muslim mother (and father) is given the highest form of respect. Quran 17:23
8. Marriage is between consenting adults. Since marriage is a more significant institution than a financial one which needs maturity, see 4:6. Maturity and understanding is required for marriage as much.
9.God teaches clearly in the Quran " not reverence human beings; you shall reverence Me (God) instead...." Quran 5:44, 9:18
Gossip is the most destructive thing in the universe...
asslam alikum brother or sister
i just joined and read something abt our muslim families and our elderly copying the hindus. let me tell you something before pakistan was even made everyone lived together hindus, muslims, sikhs etc.
however people were illeterate and were not aware of what islam says but looked at culture and traditions. neverthless peoples views and attituides are changing. therfore it is our duty as the youth of islam to help the elderly understand what islam says and not culture.
asslam alikum thank you guys for reading,
allah will guide us to the right path.
i agree sisininslam.. lot of problems in the asian muslim community is due to strict implementation of culture.... culture is full of headaches... islam is full of peace
Gossip is the most destructive thing in the universe...
welcome brother Alquds,
culture where it does not contradict religion is ok and everybody should be allowed to follow it.
it is part of our heritage and should not be forgotten nor dissed
it is part of a trend to negate culture especially Pakistani/Indian culture it makes me yawn those who go on and on about it without having conducted any proper research or thought about the matter
yep i agree..i was goin on bou fings like- forced marriages, "honour" killings etc... ther r beautifull things in culture such as the different types of food and er thats all i can think of at the mo :? im brain dead 2day
Gossip is the most destructive thing in the universe...
Culture is good.
It's only when you start to justify negative cultural aspects with religion that you get problems.
common irfan culture is obviously bad ,
pakistani culture tells us to have big weddings with hindu style ceromonies e.g. mendy,maarnia, music, intermixing
pakistani culture tells us to believe in dilbars, peirs, witch doctors this is classed as shirk, unforgivable sins
pakistani culture has made divisions in islam e.g. barewilarys, diabundis, ardiecarnies, almaadiyas
pakistani culture also involves forced marriages and mistreating of women
the list is endless , stop mixing culture with islam
islam is a universal religion for all colours, countrys and continents lets keep islam origionally the way it was according to the quran and prophets.
(diversity is good, culture bad)
These are sometimes pre-Islamic customs. But you shouldn't use Islam to justify them, or to give them Islamic meanings etc.
Darbars and saints are not exclusive to Pakistan or even the Subcontinent. You can find them in many Muslim countries.
BTW Pir is just another word for Sheikh.
You can find different sects in all countries and regions of the Muslim world. It is not Pakistani culture that has caused divisions.
Forced marriages and mistreatment of women is obviously bad. It shouldn't be justified using Islam. This problem is not confined to Pakistan.
When did I mix culture with Islam?
Different people have different views as to what 'original' Islam is. How do you know that your way is the right way?
What kind of diversity is good if it doesn't involve cultural differences?
looks like someone aint proud 2 be paki :shock:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
when i talk bout pakistani culture i say that because i can relate to it but all culture pakistani or not is wrong when used to change how islam tells you to lead your life.
you spent all that effort to defend your precious culture well written by the way, but instead you should have tried to defend islam from culture[/quote]
u wasnt attacking Islam tho, u were attacking Pakistani culture
so it sobvious hes gona defend the culture
obviously in some aspects it does go a lil overboard, but thats with all cultures, and most of th times its the fault of the people
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
When did I defend culture over Islam?
When did I mix culture with Islam?
You seem to very specific on cultural aspects but not on Islamic aspects.
shut up man
culture bad, islam good
very simple
k, salaam.
good one
IMO Paki clothes and food is the best
and if someone wants to diss Paki culture-then he should pick on stuff that SPECIFICALLY relates to the Paki culture
culture is culture. Where it is Islamically acceptable, it is good. Where it contravenes Islam, it is bad.
There is no 'Islamic culture', just culture accepted by muslims as it does not contradict islam.
bw, sects are everywhere, and you mentioned Ahmaddiyya as a sect. They are not. They are murtad, just like the khalifites.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Btw what does "murtad" mean? I thought i knew but its obviously gone out my head!
someone who was rejected Islam after accepting it. An apostate.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.