Islam is truly a religion of peace, tolerance and love.
At the bottom of the page.
The forum is stormfront.
I thought it was funny.
It's strange, white supremacists hate jews, think the holocaust is a myth - but they also hate muslims, and all other "mudpeople." My general read is that they are between a rock and a hardplace with this guy...
They don't matter though - whether they love the event or not is of little consequence - and I don't think Ahmadinejad's comments are so shockingly fresh to the region - in fact I wouldn't be surprised if an already very large number of people already believed it.
I've heard some strange things about Jews and the holocaust come out of the middle east.
The event pretty proudly announces that this is about looking into the "holocaust myth" - he's not debating the merits of the holocaust. That would be ridiculous and hateful.
No no, he's going to try to rewrite history - because that's what looneys do.
I can't wait until he gets the bright idea to start a "conference" on 9/11.
I'll personally walk - yes walk - to Iran and reorganize his face.
Submitted by Beast on 16 January, 2006 - 16:39 #33
"Andoverpolo" wrote:
lol I was looking up what neonazis have to say on the subject when I came across this quote:
The event pretty proudly announces that this is about looking into the "holocaust myth" - he's not debating the merits of the holocaust. That would be ridiculous and hateful.
No no, he's going to try to rewrite history - because that's what looneys do.
I can't wait until he gets the bright idea to start a "conference" on 9/11.
I'll personally walk - yes walk - to Iran and reorganize his face.
Omrow's CNN report says that OIC will sponsor it.
I doubt any other Muslim gov will want to associate too closely with Ahmadenijad's efforts in this sphere. Unless US or Israel appear not to mind.
Submitted by Beast on 16 January, 2006 - 21:21 #36
[size=18]Up to Iran to prove its nuclear intentions: Straw[/size]
[b][i]Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said it is up to Iran to reassure the international community that it really is not pursuing the development of nuclear weapons.[/i][/b]
Speaking at a security conference in London, where senior diplomats were holding a closed-door meeting on Iran, Straw underlined the danger of weapons of mass destruction falling into the hands of terrorists.
"This is why the international community's stand against Iran's continued non-compliance with its Non-Proliferation Treaty obligations and successive resolutions of the board of governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency is so important," he said.
lol well... it's kinda stating the obvious, they have to prove they are not because the world has been forwarding it's case against them for some time now with little or no real answer to the important evidence against it.
The UN has been uncovering some chilling facts about the illegal Irani nuclear program, and Iran hasn't really addressed any of it. For example why it needs highly enriched uranium or a heavy water treatment plant for plutonium. All they do is say they aren't building a weapons program because they are muslims.
The only alternative is to take Iran at it's word.
Submitted by Omrow on 16 January, 2006 - 22:00 #38
This reminds me of the warning given to Saddam.
He was told that it was up to him to prove that he did not posses weapons of mass destruction.
America is still suffering in Iraq from that mistake: Flawed intelligence can land you in a hell hole: Its worse than Vietnam for the beleaguered US Marines: No wonder some Senators are demanding that troops should be pulled out.
Submitted by Beast on 16 January, 2006 - 22:05 #39
"Andoverpolo" wrote:
The UN has been uncovering some chilling facts about the illegal Irani nuclear program, and Iran hasn't really addressed any of it. For example why it needs highly enriched uranium or a heavy water treatment plant for plutonium. All they do is say they aren't building a weapons program because they are muslims.
The UN has been uncovering some chilling facts about the illegal Irani nuclear program, and Iran hasn't really addressed any of it. For example why it needs highly enriched uranium or a heavy water treatment plant for plutonium. All they do is say they aren't building a weapons program because they are muslims.
Is enrichment necesary to produce nuclear energy?
Enrichment yes, highly enriched Uranium (Uranium that contains the isotope uranium 235 in a concentration of 20% or more), which they are producing, and plutonium no.
Submitted by Beast on 16 January, 2006 - 22:10 #41
"Andoverpolo" wrote:
Enrichment yes, highly enriched Uranium (which they are producing) and plutonium no.
Do they try to justify the uranium and the plutonium?
So I suppose in a way it doesn't deny or explain anything - they just confirm and say nothing else.
Submitted by Omrow on 17 January, 2006 - 12:27 #43
BBC - Iran's Response:
[b]Iran 'does not need nuclear arms' [/b]
" Leaders who believe they can create peace for themselves by creating war for others are mistaken ", President Ahmadinejad
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that his country does not need nuclear weapons.
At a rare news conference in Tehran, Mr Ahmadinejad said they were needed only by people who "want to solve everything through the use of force".
The president defended Tehran's recent move to restart nuclear research, which has sparked international condemnation.
Iran says it has a right to peaceful nuclear technology and denies that it is covertly seeking to develop weapons.
The US, UK, France and Germany are threatening to refer Iran to the United Nations Security Council, which could impose sanctions.
But the president said a referral would not end its nuclear plans.
"If they want to destroy the Iranian nation's rights by that course, they will not succeed," he said.
Tehran has said it will stop snap UN inspections of nuclear sites if its case is sent to the Council.
The crisis intensified this week when Iran removed seals at three nuclear facilities, ending a two-year freeze.
'Arrogant rulers'
Mr Ahmadinejad told reporters Tehran pursued an active foreign policy which sought peace, based on justice.
He criticised the "double standards" of Western countries which already had nuclear weapons, and attacked "arrogant rulers" for causing suffering.
"Leaders who believe they can create peace for themselves by creating war for others are mistaken," he said.
A few had a "medieval mindset" and sought to deprive Iran of valuable technology, without evidence of wrongdoing, he added.
Mr Ahmadinejad sparked international outrage with his hardline stance towards Israel, following his election last June.
He repeated both his attacks and calls for a referendum for Palestinians to choose their future political fate.
"(Israelis) have no roots in Palestine and almost all are immigrants," he said.
"Let the nation of Palestine decide among themselves."
Diplomatic divisions
Western countries are now seeking to persuade other members of UN nuclear watchdog the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to agree to refer Iran to the Council.
European, Russian, Chinese and US officials are due to meet in London on Monday, when they are expected to set a date for the crucial IAEA meeting.
On Friday, US President George W Bush and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed that the crisis should be resolved through peaceful means.
Washington, Israel and many European powers distrust Iran, partly because it had kept its nuclear research secret for 18 years before it was revealed in 2002.
Since last August, Iran has resumed all nuclear activity apart from enrichment, which can produce fuel for power stations or, under certain conditions, for bombs.
Tehran has always said it has the right under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty - which it has signed - to research nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
[b]Excerpts: Ahmadinejad conference [/b]
These are excerpts of Iranian President at the news conference in Tehran.
" A nation which has culture, logic and civilization does not need nuclear weapons. The countries which seek nuclear weapons are those which want to solve all problems by the use of force. Our nation does not need such weapons.
They ask us why we have started [nuclear] research. Our reply is that there is no limitation to research. There are no limits imposed on research in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty nor in the Additional Protocol. Nor have we made any such commitment.
They say openly that they are opposed to this research. By what right do you make such a statement? Is this not a fundamentalist medieval perspective? We believe that, unfortunately, despite their technological and scientific development, in certain parts of the world, several Western countries still have an ideological and intellectual perspective which belong to the medieval age.
Today, the language of hegemony, of force, of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons is no longer applicable. These things are no longer effective in international dealings. Today, nations have awakened, and they will determine their own future.
We have adhered to international laws and continue to do so. Over 1,400 days of inspection have been carried out at our facilities - that is unprecedented.
We have put forward a proposal calling for the UN to set up a disarmament committee. But some countries hold a stick over our head during the negotiations, threatening to refer our case to the UN Security Council unless we bend to their will. Why do they tarnish the integrity of international institutions? Why do they force the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] to get involve with politics?
Our path is very clear. We shall continue with our activities within the regulations of the IAEA and the NPT. According to international law, Iran has the right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy. We are acting in the framework of the IAEA's regulations. Today, we are carrying out research. I should also say that our people will not accept that others should impose on us whatever they want. Our nation has a definite right to peaceful nuclear technology and will achieve it.
We are the only nation that has invited all others to come and join us. If you say that you do not trust us, you can come and become our partner. We are ready to become your partner in your [nuclear] technology. We can each supervise the other's activities. We can watch that you do not deviate towards nuclear weapons, and you can also become our partners and monitor our activities directly.
How do you justify this logic of having a full arsenal of nuclear weapons, but when it comes to nations such as ours, you do not even allow research? This logic cannot rule the world today. Even if the Security Council gets involved in this subject, it will not help solve the equation. We do not want to move in this direction. But those who insist on undermining our rights should know that this will not happen. "
[b]Iranian press scorns nuclear criticism [/b]
Iranian commentators argue that it would be unfair to refer Tehran to the UN Security Council over its decision to resume nuclear research.
They also accuse the West of mounting a media campaign against Iran and urge the country's leaders to reply in kind.
The US and the EU-3 have scheduled a meeting in London with Russia and China... and are expected to call for an emergency session of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). This has been accompanied by an extensive media campaign to justify the Western political agenda against Iran. The world continues to be bombarded with concoctions about the so-called threat to international peace posed by the Iranian nuclear activities... in the meantime, Iran is determined to rally international support for mastering the nuclear fuel cycle on its home territory... the Europeans will only mar their own credibility further by acting illogically.
The truth of the matter is that the Security Council route would solve nothing and only unnecessarily add to the enmity on both sides... it is time for both sides to move away from a course of conflict, act more judiciously and prudently and work toward finding a mutually palatable resolution to this disagreement.
Some US and European statesmen are talking about the need for imposing 'smart' sanctions on Iran, including a ban on Iranian officials' visit to other countries and the blocking of Iran's foreign accounts. However, the adoption of such measures will be opposed by countries that have extensive political and economic relations with Iran. It seems that the West, in spite of insisting on strong measures against the Islamic republic, does not have many diplomatic options with which to confront Iran.
Concurrent with practical measures to vindicate the natural and legal right of Iran in the sphere of nuclear technology, our officials responsible for Iran's nuclear dossier must embark on extensive publicity in order to achieve two aims: the enlightenment of world public opinion about Iran's rights in the sphere of nuclear technology and the portrayal of the anti-human rights face of the West.
According to the Iran-EU agreement, the suspension of nuclear activities was not supposed to last more than two years under any circumstances, and the two-year deadline passed months ago... the resumption of nuclear research activities in Iran is definitely a national and Islamic demand, and the Iranian government cannot be indifferent towards the national will. In addition, neither the United States nor other Western countries can resist the will of the world's 1.5 billion Muslims, who also recognise Iran's right to possess nuclear technology meant for peaceful purposes... the West should change its tone because the time for threatening language is over.
The behaviour of Western countries towards Iran, which is trying to vindicate its rights, has fundamentally undermined international law... they use their gigantic propaganda machine to aggrandise the whole issue and give the impression that from the Fall of Adam, Iran is the only country that has undermined the extremely sensitive and important rules of the IAEA... European countries are bent on persuading their citizens that Iran is trying to undermine the world order while Iran is doing the opposite: Iran is trying to understand the 'real' world order and adjust its behaviour accordingly.
[b]Iran's president - his own words [/b]
Iranian President sets out his stance on foreign and domestic issues.
The following are quotes from Mr Ahmadinejad since he took office in August 2005:
A nation which has culture, logic and civilisation does not need nuclear weapons. The countries which seek nuclear weapons are those which want to solve all problems by the use of force. Our nation does not need such weapons.
We are asked why we have started [nuclear] research. We answer that there is no limitation to research. There are no limits imposed on research in NPT [Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty] or in the Additional Protocol. Nor have we made such a commitment. Research is necessary for the life and dynamism of a nation.
The UN Security Council has been set up for the world security. Is the UN Security Council a mere tool in their [Western powers] hands to use at their will - threatening to send our case to the UN if we refuse to comply with their demands? Our understanding is that the UN Security Council belongs to all nations and is not a tool for a few countries. Why do they use it for their own purpose?
The prevalence of military domination, increasing poverty, the growing gap between rich and poor countries, violence as a means to solve crises, spread of terrorism - especially state terrorism - existence and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the pervasive lack of honesty in interstate relations, and disregard for the equal rights of peoples and nations in international relations, constitute some of the challenges and threats.
As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map.
They have created a myth today that they call the massacre of Jews and they consider it a principle above God, religions and the prophets.
Government belongs to all people. It has to address the problems of every parts of the country. All parts of the country should move forward simultaneously. Every Iranian is entitled to equal right, especially in developing individual talent and development.
Human excellence, the excellence of human society comes about in the light of justice and spirituality. Measures that are taken outside religious morality, politics minus morality, economics minus morality, culture minus morality only turns the world into a hell for nations and humanity.
We neither oppress anyone nor are we prepared to submit to anyone's oppression. We want justice, peace and security for all nations. We are defenders of human dignity all across the world.
Belief in a saviour is universal. It is the pivot of our beliefs as Muslims and Iranians. We believe that an offspring of the prophet, may peace be upon him, will be the ultimate saviour. His name and attributes are clear. He will come and will administer ultimate justice.
The Iranian nation is a learned nation. It is a civilised nation. It is a history-making nation... You know and we know: you need us far more than we need you.
[b]International double standards? [/b]
Washington's nuclear friends and foes
The developing diplomatic row over Iran's nuclear ambitions has highlighted the question of consistency in US and Western efforts to halt the spread of nuclear weapons.
Close US ally Israel is widely believed to have an advanced nuclear arsenal which rarely, if ever, draws any criticism from Washington.
India is quite open about its nuclear weapons programme, but this has not stopped the Americans from proposing an ambitious programme of civil nuclear co-operation with the Indians.
So has strategic interest trumped consistency in the non-proliferation field?
North Korea
Iran has frequently charged that it is being treated unfairly. It insists that its nuclear ambitions are solely for peaceful purposes.
Iranian experts say other countries have fully-fledged nuclear weapons programmes, but they do not incur Washington's wrath.
One of the great concerns is that Iran could follow North Korea's route, accepting the constraints of the Non-Proliferation Treaty for now - and then breaking out once its nuclear programme is sufficiently mature.
However, North Korea shows some of the limitations of diplomacy in tackling such thorny non-proliferation issues.
But military options to halt its nuclear programme are almost unthinkable - just as with Iran.
The onus remains on the diplomats to find a way through this complex crisis which involves energy policy, security issues and basic nationalism.
No treaties
So what of Iran's claim of there being double-standards, especially in Washington?
There is little doubt that both India and Israel have a nuclear weapons capability.
Both though maintain close ties with the Americans. Israel has a very close military relationship with Washington and the Bush administration seems to have thrown initial reservations about India's nuclear programme to one side and is now eager to step-up nuclear co-operation, at least in the civil field.
So what price consistency?
In stark diplomatic terms Israel and India are in a different category to Iran.
Neither India nor Israel, nor Pakistan for that matter - which is also thought to have a small nuclear arsenal - have signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Thus they are not breaking their treaty obligations in pursuing a nuclear weapons programme. However, Iran has signed the Treaty and is bound by it.
Iran has been far from forthcoming about much of its past nuclear history - and that is one reason why there is so much concern.
But diplomacy is not just about observing treaties; it is about sending the right signals.
And many US arms control experts see the Bush administration's plans for civil nuclear co-operation with India as driving a coach and horses through the broader non-proliferation regime.
Viewed from Washington, consistency is not so much the issue as interests. Israel and India are key strategic allies of the United States.
They are democracies.
Their arsenals are not seen as destabilising - in fact, it is quite the opposite.
And Iran, at least for the Americans, falls into a very different category.
Submitted by Seraphim on 18 January, 2006 - 15:35 #46
" News" wrote:
Key powers 'agree' on Iran
The United States and key European powers along with Russia and China agree that Iran should suspend its nuclear programme and return to negotiations, a senior US official said.
US Under-secretary of State Nicholas Burns said the six powers - which include Britain, France and Germany - did not completely agree on how best to deal with Iran's nuclear ambitions at a meeting in London on Tuesday.
He refused to elaborate on their differences, but Russia and China - Iran's past backers - urged negotiations after the meeting, while the United States and the Europeans have taken a tougher line on Tehran.
"There is a consensus that Iran should turn back, return to negotiations and suspend its nuclear programme," Burns said in Bombay, his first stop on a South Asia tour.
"But that's not the path Iran is on now," he said.
The United States and other nations fear Iran will use the programme to develop nuclear weapons. However, Iran says the programme is for peaceful purposes only.
Burns repeated US demands that the UN nuclear watchdog refer Iran to the Security Council - where it could face sanctions - for resuming research on centrifuges used in uranium enrichment. Russia and China oppose sending Iran to the Security Council.
The administration of US President George Bush had sent Burns to London to co-ordinate strategy with allies on dealing with Iran and its nuclear programme.
Burns conceded differences remained.
"We reached a consensus on some points ... others need to be worked on," he said.
I think of all the enemies of the United States, I would turn to page 12,891 and point midway down the C section to China as the one I respect the most.
You gotta love China - they aren't so much... evil, they are more like cyborgs. They go with the most brutally practical choice to secure China's place in the world.
US policy makers are so stupid wrt China, when China is on our team we shout yay! they've come around!! now were bestest best buddies! but when they aren't on our team they shout boo! China is a horrible place and they are trying to destroy america!!
I get the feeling china is pretty much indifferent to "liking" or "disliking" - it's more like if it's good for China do it, and if it's not find a tactful way to not do it.
If they don't destroy the world they will probably end up ruling it.
Submitted by Beast on 18 January, 2006 - 16:38 #48
The world is a big sandbox filled with "mean people" and "nice people"
The mean people range from the sandbox bully to the kid that doesn't want to share his toys with us.
The nice people are the ones that constantly tell us how cool we are and give us presents and cookies.
If you're a meany we don't want to talk to you and we will harass you and call you names.
If you're nice we just take advantage of you and pat you on the back for being a nice kid.
And if you're a nice kid that figures out it's a one sided relationship and you stop playing with us - you're instantly a mean kid.
Also - all the mean kids have banded together because they hate the most important person in the world - the america kid. They call themselves the "axis of meanness" and they plot ways to be mean to us all the time with single minded devotion.
The Cyborg Collective of China doesn't have that mentality - they just want to rule the world through shrewd decisions and draconian measures.
That theory is alot better than einsteins attempt for unification (of everything)!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
(It also did attack Iraq circa 1984 destroying its nuclear hopes... even though it was been nuclear since 1968 - only one year after Britain became nuclear! (and with help from britain...))
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
When Pakistan went nuclear supposedly Israeli jets were on the way... Pakistan was warned by neighbouring countries and the order for the tests was made in the middle of the night...
So its not just because of Ahmedinejad...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
When Pakistan went nuclear supposedly Israeli jets were on the way... Pakistan was warned by neighbouring countries and the order for the tests was made in the middle of the night...
So its not just because of Ahmedinejad...
Right but regardless - an illegal arms program by a man who very vocally calls for the destruction of Israel is justification for considering military options.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by salaf on 22 January, 2006 - 14:59 #57
"Don Karnage" wrote:
"Admin" wrote:
When Pakistan went nuclear supposedly Israeli jets were on the way... Pakistan was warned by neighbouring countries and the order for the tests was made in the middle of the night...
So its not just because of Ahmedinejad...
Right but regardless - an illegal arms program by a man who very vocally calls for the destruction of Israel is justification for considering military options.
It's not "by him" though. Iran isn't a democracy remember. The elected rulers have no power. Funny how people like to ignore this fact when it suites their purpose.
Speaking of Iran. Some commentators see an attack coming soon
It's not "by him" though. Iran isn't a democracy remember. The elected rulers have no power. Funny how people like to ignore this fact when it suites their purpose.
Speaking of Iran. Some commentators see an attack coming soon
The concern now is that both he and the mullahs are ships sailing in the same direction. The policy toward nuclear armanent which began in 1998 with enriching nuclear energy past a civilian use level predates Ahmadinejad's administration - however there was always the hope that Iran would "democratize" and "the people" who are supposedly this freedom loving, western minded liberal crowd would abandon the hardliner policies.
This completely shatters that [i]myth[/i]. We now know that the Supreme Council's decisions are backed by popular will - as we see in the popularity of the democratically elected Ahmadinejad.
The wave of belligerence and armament in Iran is not some localized "power holder" trend - but rather a political movement through all of Iran.
The population not gonna vote for people who were seen to be funded from washington...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
The population not gonna vote for people who were seen to be funded from washington...
Yes but the frightening this is that the population seems more than willing to elect a guy who supports isolation, armament and the destruction of Israel.
This is not the liberal peaceful democracy minded Iranians the nay-sayers have been attempting to feed us for the last 20 years since the revolution.
lol I was looking up what neonazis have to say on the subject when I came across this quote:
At the bottom of the page.
The forum is stormfront.
I thought it was funny.
It's strange, white supremacists hate jews, think the holocaust is a myth - but they also hate muslims, and all other "mudpeople." My general read is that they are between a rock and a hardplace with this guy...
They don't matter though - whether they love the event or not is of little consequence - and I don't think Ahmadinejad's comments are so shockingly fresh to the region - in fact I wouldn't be surprised if an already very large number of people already believed it.
I've heard some strange things about Jews and the holocaust come out of the middle east.
lol how is it not a given?
He invited holocaust deniers to talk about the "truth" of an event we already know the truth about.
Besides I thought it was the [url= Association of Islamic Journalists[/url] who are putting this on.
The event pretty proudly announces that this is about looking into the "holocaust myth" - he's not debating the merits of the holocaust. That would be ridiculous and hateful.
No no, he's going to try to rewrite history - because that's what looneys do.
I can't wait until he gets the bright idea to start a "conference" on 9/11.
I'll personally walk - yes walk - to Iran and reorganize his face.
That guy's trying to be ironic.
I didn't think Nazis had a sense of humor...
Or recognized they were psycho.
Omrow's CNN report says that OIC will sponsor it.
I doubt any other Muslim gov will want to associate too closely with Ahmadenijad's efforts in this sphere. Unless US or Israel appear not to mind.
[size=18]Up to Iran to prove its nuclear intentions: Straw[/size]
[b][i]Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said it is up to Iran to reassure the international community that it really is not pursuing the development of nuclear weapons.[/i][/b]
Speaking at a security conference in London, where senior diplomats were holding a closed-door meeting on Iran, Straw underlined the danger of weapons of mass destruction falling into the hands of terrorists.
"This is why the international community's stand against Iran's continued non-compliance with its Non-Proliferation Treaty obligations and successive resolutions of the board of governors of the International Atomic Energy Agency is so important," he said.
[url= News[/url]
Sound familiar?
lol well... it's kinda stating the obvious, they have to prove they are not because the world has been forwarding it's case against them for some time now with little or no real answer to the important evidence against it.
The UN has been uncovering some chilling facts about the illegal Irani nuclear program, and Iran hasn't really addressed any of it. For example why it needs highly enriched uranium or a heavy water treatment plant for plutonium. All they do is say they aren't building a weapons program because they are muslims.
The only alternative is to take Iran at it's word.
Which is (to remind you) [url=]trust us.[/url] [url=]We won't build nukes[/url], [url= they are against our religion[/url]; [url=]just don't peak[/url] [url=]while we break the rules[/url]
This reminds me of the warning given to Saddam.
He was told that it was up to him to prove that he did not posses weapons of mass destruction.
America is still suffering in Iraq from that mistake: Flawed intelligence can land you in a hell hole: Its worse than Vietnam for the beleaguered US Marines: No wonder some Senators are demanding that troops should be pulled out.
Is enrichment necesary to produce nuclear energy?
Enrichment yes, highly enriched Uranium (Uranium that contains the isotope uranium 235 in a concentration of 20% or more), which they are producing, and plutonium no.
Do they try to justify the uranium and the plutonium?
They deny both.
And this is not flawed US intelligence this time - the IAEA report uncovered the HEU
as well as centerfuges to create HEU
Here is information about the different uses of high and low enriched uranium:
Also it has admitted to experimenting with Plutonium.
So I suppose in a way it doesn't deny or explain anything - they just confirm and say nothing else.
BBC - Iran's Response:
[b]Iran 'does not need nuclear arms' [/b]
" Leaders who believe they can create peace for themselves by creating war for others are mistaken ", President Ahmadinejad
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said that his country does not need nuclear weapons.
At a rare news conference in Tehran, Mr Ahmadinejad said they were needed only by people who "want to solve everything through the use of force".
The president defended Tehran's recent move to restart nuclear research, which has sparked international condemnation.
Iran says it has a right to peaceful nuclear technology and denies that it is covertly seeking to develop weapons.
The US, UK, France and Germany are threatening to refer Iran to the United Nations Security Council, which could impose sanctions.
But the president said a referral would not end its nuclear plans.
"If they want to destroy the Iranian nation's rights by that course, they will not succeed," he said.
Tehran has said it will stop snap UN inspections of nuclear sites if its case is sent to the Council.
The crisis intensified this week when Iran removed seals at three nuclear facilities, ending a two-year freeze.
'Arrogant rulers'
Mr Ahmadinejad told reporters Tehran pursued an active foreign policy which sought peace, based on justice.
He criticised the "double standards" of Western countries which already had nuclear weapons, and attacked "arrogant rulers" for causing suffering.
"Leaders who believe they can create peace for themselves by creating war for others are mistaken," he said.
A few had a "medieval mindset" and sought to deprive Iran of valuable technology, without evidence of wrongdoing, he added.
Mr Ahmadinejad sparked international outrage with his hardline stance towards Israel, following his election last June.
He repeated both his attacks and calls for a referendum for Palestinians to choose their future political fate.
"(Israelis) have no roots in Palestine and almost all are immigrants," he said.
"Let the nation of Palestine decide among themselves."
Diplomatic divisions
Western countries are now seeking to persuade other members of UN nuclear watchdog the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to agree to refer Iran to the Council.
European, Russian, Chinese and US officials are due to meet in London on Monday, when they are expected to set a date for the crucial IAEA meeting.
On Friday, US President George W Bush and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed that the crisis should be resolved through peaceful means.
Washington, Israel and many European powers distrust Iran, partly because it had kept its nuclear research secret for 18 years before it was revealed in 2002.
Since last August, Iran has resumed all nuclear activity apart from enrichment, which can produce fuel for power stations or, under certain conditions, for bombs.
Tehran has always said it has the right under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty - which it has signed - to research nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
[b]Excerpts: Ahmadinejad conference [/b]
These are excerpts of Iranian President at the news conference in Tehran.
" A nation which has culture, logic and civilization does not need nuclear weapons. The countries which seek nuclear weapons are those which want to solve all problems by the use of force. Our nation does not need such weapons.
They ask us why we have started [nuclear] research. Our reply is that there is no limitation to research. There are no limits imposed on research in the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty nor in the Additional Protocol. Nor have we made any such commitment.
They say openly that they are opposed to this research. By what right do you make such a statement? Is this not a fundamentalist medieval perspective? We believe that, unfortunately, despite their technological and scientific development, in certain parts of the world, several Western countries still have an ideological and intellectual perspective which belong to the medieval age.
Today, the language of hegemony, of force, of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons is no longer applicable. These things are no longer effective in international dealings. Today, nations have awakened, and they will determine their own future.
We have adhered to international laws and continue to do so. Over 1,400 days of inspection have been carried out at our facilities - that is unprecedented.
We have put forward a proposal calling for the UN to set up a disarmament committee. But some countries hold a stick over our head during the negotiations, threatening to refer our case to the UN Security Council unless we bend to their will. Why do they tarnish the integrity of international institutions? Why do they force the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] to get involve with politics?
Our path is very clear. We shall continue with our activities within the regulations of the IAEA and the NPT. According to international law, Iran has the right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy. We are acting in the framework of the IAEA's regulations. Today, we are carrying out research. I should also say that our people will not accept that others should impose on us whatever they want. Our nation has a definite right to peaceful nuclear technology and will achieve it.
We are the only nation that has invited all others to come and join us. If you say that you do not trust us, you can come and become our partner. We are ready to become your partner in your [nuclear] technology. We can each supervise the other's activities. We can watch that you do not deviate towards nuclear weapons, and you can also become our partners and monitor our activities directly.
How do you justify this logic of having a full arsenal of nuclear weapons, but when it comes to nations such as ours, you do not even allow research? This logic cannot rule the world today. Even if the Security Council gets involved in this subject, it will not help solve the equation. We do not want to move in this direction. But those who insist on undermining our rights should know that this will not happen. "
[b]Iranian press scorns nuclear criticism [/b]
Iranian commentators argue that it would be unfair to refer Tehran to the UN Security Council over its decision to resume nuclear research.
They also accuse the West of mounting a media campaign against Iran and urge the country's leaders to reply in kind.
The US and the EU-3 have scheduled a meeting in London with Russia and China... and are expected to call for an emergency session of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). This has been accompanied by an extensive media campaign to justify the Western political agenda against Iran. The world continues to be bombarded with concoctions about the so-called threat to international peace posed by the Iranian nuclear activities... in the meantime, Iran is determined to rally international support for mastering the nuclear fuel cycle on its home territory... the Europeans will only mar their own credibility further by acting illogically.
The truth of the matter is that the Security Council route would solve nothing and only unnecessarily add to the enmity on both sides... it is time for both sides to move away from a course of conflict, act more judiciously and prudently and work toward finding a mutually palatable resolution to this disagreement.
Some US and European statesmen are talking about the need for imposing 'smart' sanctions on Iran, including a ban on Iranian officials' visit to other countries and the blocking of Iran's foreign accounts. However, the adoption of such measures will be opposed by countries that have extensive political and economic relations with Iran. It seems that the West, in spite of insisting on strong measures against the Islamic republic, does not have many diplomatic options with which to confront Iran.
Concurrent with practical measures to vindicate the natural and legal right of Iran in the sphere of nuclear technology, our officials responsible for Iran's nuclear dossier must embark on extensive publicity in order to achieve two aims: the enlightenment of world public opinion about Iran's rights in the sphere of nuclear technology and the portrayal of the anti-human rights face of the West.
According to the Iran-EU agreement, the suspension of nuclear activities was not supposed to last more than two years under any circumstances, and the two-year deadline passed months ago... the resumption of nuclear research activities in Iran is definitely a national and Islamic demand, and the Iranian government cannot be indifferent towards the national will. In addition, neither the United States nor other Western countries can resist the will of the world's 1.5 billion Muslims, who also recognise Iran's right to possess nuclear technology meant for peaceful purposes... the West should change its tone because the time for threatening language is over.
The behaviour of Western countries towards Iran, which is trying to vindicate its rights, has fundamentally undermined international law... they use their gigantic propaganda machine to aggrandise the whole issue and give the impression that from the Fall of Adam, Iran is the only country that has undermined the extremely sensitive and important rules of the IAEA... European countries are bent on persuading their citizens that Iran is trying to undermine the world order while Iran is doing the opposite: Iran is trying to understand the 'real' world order and adjust its behaviour accordingly.
[b]Iran's president - his own words [/b]
Iranian President sets out his stance on foreign and domestic issues.
The following are quotes from Mr Ahmadinejad since he took office in August 2005:
A nation which has culture, logic and civilisation does not need nuclear weapons. The countries which seek nuclear weapons are those which want to solve all problems by the use of force. Our nation does not need such weapons.
We are asked why we have started [nuclear] research. We answer that there is no limitation to research. There are no limits imposed on research in NPT [Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty] or in the Additional Protocol. Nor have we made such a commitment. Research is necessary for the life and dynamism of a nation.
The UN Security Council has been set up for the world security. Is the UN Security Council a mere tool in their [Western powers] hands to use at their will - threatening to send our case to the UN if we refuse to comply with their demands? Our understanding is that the UN Security Council belongs to all nations and is not a tool for a few countries. Why do they use it for their own purpose?
The prevalence of military domination, increasing poverty, the growing gap between rich and poor countries, violence as a means to solve crises, spread of terrorism - especially state terrorism - existence and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the pervasive lack of honesty in interstate relations, and disregard for the equal rights of peoples and nations in international relations, constitute some of the challenges and threats.
As the Imam said, Israel must be wiped off the map.
They have created a myth today that they call the massacre of Jews and they consider it a principle above God, religions and the prophets.
Government belongs to all people. It has to address the problems of every parts of the country. All parts of the country should move forward simultaneously. Every Iranian is entitled to equal right, especially in developing individual talent and development.
Human excellence, the excellence of human society comes about in the light of justice and spirituality. Measures that are taken outside religious morality, politics minus morality, economics minus morality, culture minus morality only turns the world into a hell for nations and humanity.
We neither oppress anyone nor are we prepared to submit to anyone's oppression. We want justice, peace and security for all nations. We are defenders of human dignity all across the world.
Belief in a saviour is universal. It is the pivot of our beliefs as Muslims and Iranians. We believe that an offspring of the prophet, may peace be upon him, will be the ultimate saviour. His name and attributes are clear. He will come and will administer ultimate justice.
The Iranian nation is a learned nation. It is a civilised nation. It is a history-making nation... You know and we know: you need us far more than we need you.
[b]International double standards? [/b]
Washington's nuclear friends and foes
The developing diplomatic row over Iran's nuclear ambitions has highlighted the question of consistency in US and Western efforts to halt the spread of nuclear weapons.
Close US ally Israel is widely believed to have an advanced nuclear arsenal which rarely, if ever, draws any criticism from Washington.
India is quite open about its nuclear weapons programme, but this has not stopped the Americans from proposing an ambitious programme of civil nuclear co-operation with the Indians.
So has strategic interest trumped consistency in the non-proliferation field?
North Korea
Iran has frequently charged that it is being treated unfairly. It insists that its nuclear ambitions are solely for peaceful purposes.
Iranian experts say other countries have fully-fledged nuclear weapons programmes, but they do not incur Washington's wrath.
One of the great concerns is that Iran could follow North Korea's route, accepting the constraints of the Non-Proliferation Treaty for now - and then breaking out once its nuclear programme is sufficiently mature.
However, North Korea shows some of the limitations of diplomacy in tackling such thorny non-proliferation issues.
But military options to halt its nuclear programme are almost unthinkable - just as with Iran.
The onus remains on the diplomats to find a way through this complex crisis which involves energy policy, security issues and basic nationalism.
No treaties
So what of Iran's claim of there being double-standards, especially in Washington?
There is little doubt that both India and Israel have a nuclear weapons capability.
Both though maintain close ties with the Americans. Israel has a very close military relationship with Washington and the Bush administration seems to have thrown initial reservations about India's nuclear programme to one side and is now eager to step-up nuclear co-operation, at least in the civil field.
So what price consistency?
In stark diplomatic terms Israel and India are in a different category to Iran.
Neither India nor Israel, nor Pakistan for that matter - which is also thought to have a small nuclear arsenal - have signed the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Thus they are not breaking their treaty obligations in pursuing a nuclear weapons programme. However, Iran has signed the Treaty and is bound by it.
Iran has been far from forthcoming about much of its past nuclear history - and that is one reason why there is so much concern.
But diplomacy is not just about observing treaties; it is about sending the right signals.
And many US arms control experts see the Bush administration's plans for civil nuclear co-operation with India as driving a coach and horses through the broader non-proliferation regime.
Viewed from Washington, consistency is not so much the issue as interests. Israel and India are key strategic allies of the United States.
They are democracies.
Their arsenals are not seen as destabilising - in fact, it is quite the opposite.
And Iran, at least for the Americans, falls into a very different category.
Iran Daily
Iran News
Jomhuri-ye Eslami
Tehran Times
[url= Independent[/url]
That's like what I said.
[url= 4 [/url]
- Outlines Russian and Chinese interests in Iran.
- Jack Straw: No hard evidence that Iran wants bomb.
Back in BLACK
I think of all the enemies of the United States, I would turn to page 12,891 and point midway down the C section to China as the one I respect the most.
You gotta love China - they aren't so much... evil, they are more like cyborgs. They go with the most brutally practical choice to secure China's place in the world.
US policy makers are so stupid wrt China, when China is on our team we shout yay! they've come around!! now were bestest best buddies! but when they aren't on our team they shout boo! China is a horrible place and they are trying to destroy america!!
I get the feeling china is pretty much indifferent to "liking" or "disliking" - it's more like if it's good for China do it, and if it's not find a tactful way to not do it.
If they don't destroy the world they will probably end up ruling it.
lol nah we're little children.
The world is a big sandbox filled with "mean people" and "nice people"
The mean people range from the sandbox bully to the kid that doesn't want to share his toys with us.
The nice people are the ones that constantly tell us how cool we are and give us presents and cookies.
If you're a meany we don't want to talk to you and we will harass you and call you names.
If you're nice we just take advantage of you and pat you on the back for being a nice kid.
And if you're a nice kid that figures out it's a one sided relationship and you stop playing with us - you're instantly a mean kid.
Also - all the mean kids have banded together because they hate the most important person in the world - the america kid. They call themselves the "axis of meanness" and they plot ways to be mean to us all the time with single minded devotion.
The Cyborg Collective of China doesn't have that mentality - they just want to rule the world through shrewd decisions and draconian measures.
Oh - and Hilary Clinton will never be President because there are no girls allowed in the sandbox
That theory is alot better than einsteins attempt for unification (of everything)!
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Well the [url=]pot decided to call the kettle[/url] black!
(It also did attack Iraq circa 1984 destroying its nuclear hopes... even though it was been nuclear since 1968 - only one year after Britain became nuclear! (and with help from britain...))
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Well Iran has been [url= rattling[/url] for quite some time now.
Israel has to consider her options.
When Pakistan went nuclear supposedly Israeli jets were on the way... Pakistan was warned by neighbouring countries and the order for the tests was made in the middle of the night...
So its not just because of Ahmedinejad...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Right but regardless - an illegal arms program by a man who very vocally calls for the destruction of Israel is justification for considering military options.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
It's not "by him" though. Iran isn't a democracy remember. The elected rulers have no power. Funny how people like to ignore this fact when it suites their purpose.
Speaking of Iran. Some commentators see an attack coming soon
The concern now is that both he and the mullahs are ships sailing in the same direction. The policy toward nuclear armanent which began in 1998 with enriching nuclear energy past a civilian use level predates Ahmadinejad's administration - however there was always the hope that Iran would "democratize" and "the people" who are supposedly this freedom loving, western minded liberal crowd would abandon the hardliner policies.
This completely shatters that [i]myth[/i]. We now know that the Supreme Council's decisions are backed by popular will - as we see in the popularity of the democratically elected Ahmadinejad.
The wave of belligerence and armament in Iran is not some localized "power holder" trend - but rather a political movement through all of Iran.
This broadens the problem.
The population not gonna vote for people who were seen to be funded from washington...
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Yes but the frightening this is that the population seems more than willing to elect a guy who supports isolation, armament and the destruction of Israel.
This is not the liberal peaceful democracy minded Iranians the nay-sayers have been attempting to feed us for the last 20 years since the revolution.