[size=18] US 'aiming at Syria regime change'[/size]
Israel predicted yesterday that America would impose fresh sanctions on Syria in an attempt to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad.
Shaul Mofaz, the defence minister, said he believed sanctions would follow publication of a United Nations report expected to implicate senior Syrian officials in the murder of Rafik al-Hariri, the former Lebanese prime minister.
"I won't be surprised if Syria gets a red card," Mr Mofaz told Israel radio. "[The United States] will take actions against Syria, beginning with economic sanctions and moving on to others, that will make it clear to the Syrians that their policies do not comply with UN decisions, the US's new world order or the prohibition of sovereign states to support terrorism."
On Saturday, President George W Bush and his national security council are to discuss America's options on Syria, ranging from tightening existing limited sanctions to military action.
Washington regards Syria as a transit point for fighters travelling to Iraq and a safe haven for Iraqi Ba'athists to organise and finance the insurgency. With US troops mounting repeated campaigns against insurgents in Iraqi towns along the Syrian frontier, some senior US officers advocate cross-border "hot pursuit" operations. Others call for assassinations of insurgent masterminds in Syria.
Any action will have to await the outcome of the UN investigation into Mr Hariri's murder in February.
Amid a wave of anti-Syrian anger and pressure from America and France, Mr Assad was forced to withdraw his troops from Lebanon after a presence of 29 years. He reluctantly agreed to allow the UN investigator Detlev Mehlis to question Syrian officials.
Mr Mehlis, a German prosecutor, is due to report by Oct 21. According to leaks, he will name Syrian officials, although it is unclear how far he will point the finger of blame at President Assad.
America has taken soundings from regional governments on possible successors to Mr Assad.
They haven't even gone to war with Iran yet. :roll:
you know, they may go for them the same time!
you know, don't holdall eggsin same basket. If they have a bad startin one, take the media to the other. :twisted:
But seriously, I see this as Mofaz trying to stir the situation.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Iran's supreme leader insists U.S. seeking world domination
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Iran's supreme leader accused the U.S. on Friday of seeking global domination and vowed his country would not give into demands to abandon its disputed nuclear program. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei also alleged that Washington was stirring Sunni-Shiite violence in Iraq, and criticized Muslim countries who commit the "bad deed" of recognizing Israel.
"Our main opponent in the nuclear issue is the U.S. government," Khamenei said in a Friday sermon to thousands of worshippers at Tehran University.
"The Americans claim Iran is seeking nuclear weapons. We know they are lying and the audience know they are lying too. This hard-line war-seeking government in the U.S. is seeking an empire and world domination."
Khamenei said the U.S. "will not stop in the Middle East."
"Its European partners know that when the U.S. dominates the Middle East and Asia, it won't leave Europe alone."
Last month the UN International Atomic Energy Agency warned Iran it could be hauled before the UN Security Council if it persisted with its uranium enrichment activities in violation of an agreement with Britain, France and Germany.
Iran denies charges it is seeking weapons, and argues that making nuclear fuel for peaceful purposes is a "right" it should enjoy as a signatory of the Non-Proliferation Treaty.
"Our ambitions have nothing to do with nuclear weapons. The Iranian nation will not give up this technology," Khamenei said of Iran's fuel-cycle work - which could potentially be diverted to weapons manufacture.
"The Iranian nation has a right and will demand that. The Iranian nation will not have anything imposed on it by the United States or any other country," he added, dismissing Western demands as "absurd."
The so-called EU-3 has called for Iran to abandon enrichment-related work in return for a package of trade and other incentives. Iran has ruled out making such a deal.
Khamenei also described Iraq's constitutional referendum - set to cement the position of several of Iran's allies - as a "huge act" and "not absolutely in line with what America wants."
He said the U.S. was "stressing" disputes between Shiites and Sunnis in Iraq: "The Shiite-Sunni dispute is the policy of enemies of Islam. All Iraqi groups should denounce such acts."
Khamenei also said "Islamic states must not normalize their relations with the cruel Zionist regime, which is a threat to all, to make America happy."
"It is a bad deed and should not be committed," said Khamenei, whose clerical regime openly calls for the total destruction of the state of Israel.
http://www.dailystar.com.lb/article.asp?edition_id=10&categ_id=2&article...(link is external)
Well what do you lot make of the UN report which links Syria to the murder of Rafik Hariri (former Lebanese PM)?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
It doesn't actually name any person who was responsible
for the assassination of the Prime Minister of Lebanon, Rafiq Hariri.
Therefore, the report was a useless waste of money and resources by the UN.
Both Lebanese and Syrian governments have, naturally, rejected the entire report as bogus.
Even if Syrian 'officials' were involved, that's not to say that the Syrian gov was involved.
These 'officials' could have been following their own little private agendas.
But that won't stop America from accusing Syria of [url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/shared/spl/hi/middle_east/03/story_of_the_war/ht... in another county's affairs. [/url]
[u]NEW WORLD ORDER[/u]= FREEMASONS (FOLLOWERS OF MASEEH AD DAJJAL). Time to take this as a warning and prepare for the major signs of Qiyamah
Take what as a warning? :?
http://www.missionislam.com/nwo/(link is external)
http://etori.tripod.com/dajjalsystem/home.htm(link is external)
If you read the text you will see that the words NEW WORLD ORDER are used, these words are used by freemasons who are trying to bring the system of dajjal into the world. I would reccomend that you read about them, you can find a lot of details on Harun Yahya's website also.
warn us about dajjal
If you did not know, the symbol of freemasons is the ALL SEEING EYE. And what did the Prophet
[u]Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 4.554 Narrated by Abu Huraira
Allah's Apostle said, "Shall I not tell you about the Dajjal a story of which no prophet told his nation? The Dajjall is one-eyed and will bring with him what will resemble Hell and Paradise, and what he will call Paradise will be actually Hell; so I warn you (against him) as Noah warned his nation against him." [/u]
What's that got to do with the UN report pointing to the involvement of Syrian officials in the death of former Lebannese pm Rafiq Hariri?
Money talks, BS walks?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.