You & your sister /brother!

Ma sister is so ugly, I don't understand it .. She can't get beautiful girls around ma home. All she brings with her are those ugly girls...This is a real problem to me. She wants going out with me and a group of ugly girls. I did this once all friends were laughing at me.. So, I keep on hiding from her whenever she asks me. She never want to have good looking girls around coz no one would look at her. The whole group of these ugly girls love to get together by themselves avoiding other groups...This is very bad, especially to me. What should I do?

I need to know about you folks?
How's your relation with your sis/bro?. Are you closer, talking to each others in a friendly manners!!. How do you treat each others?.

One thing I know, you should always pray for a good looking sister. I think there is a lot you will benefit from that


I dnt hav any bros although all the bros in Islam r my bros.

Brother wether u hav an ugly or nice sister at the end of the day Allah subhana wata Allah created them n us all, plus there is nothing we can do bout it.

Well wen pple laff at u becoz of who u hangin round wid etc. is them who will get punished 4 it nt u as Allah subhana wata Allah has taught us all to respect 1 anotha n b kind 2 1 anotha.

Its a shame nwdayz even though Allah subhana wata Allah has granted us all we need we still dnt take notice in things dat r important 2 us. Its alwayz the opposite. Pple shuld luk at themselves 1st, hw they r behaving n then others.

Plus in the hereafter ur looks or hw nice u look wnt count is ur heart dat will count n wat u did in dis life for the pleasure of Allah subhan wata Allah.

Jazak'Allah khair

"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"

i have the best sisters in the world-

the older one makes me laugh, looks after me, understands me, sticks up for me, takes me out, sorts my problems out-i have a very lonely, lame life when she's away from home

the younger one is my "lamb" cos she follows me around the house ALL day long-she's looks like a little dolly

i recently made up with my good for nothing brother :roll:-we are no longer arch enemies-he's also started to spend a lot of time with me and my sisters in our room...i suppose he aint bad :roll:

i wish i had more sisters Cray 2

ur lucky....ive only got one sister!!

and she was in pakistan all last year..... Sad

you should be grateful for your sisters, theyre sumat special.....missed her when she was gone badly. never thought it would happen

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


I have a seahorse...

His name is Pete


I also wish I had more sisters.

A friend of mine is one of five sisters…I rate her family and the relationship she has with all of them.

My younger sister makes me laugh, she’s extremely loyal, if I love/dislike someone she does too (even though I don’t expect this from her), she’s very useful…pretty much does what I ask her to do….she’s always backs me…I’ve been close to her since we were born, we’ve always shared a room together…she does have a jealous nature though...she hates me getting close to others.

I can hardly feel the 2 ½ year age gap at times….

I used to hate my brother, we used to physically beat one another up…our fights were so vicious. I used to hate him cos he was always looking for reasons to grass me up….and I’d fight with him cos he used to bully my younger sister (who isn’t much of a fighter)…..we’ve become closer though over the last 3 years...

My youngest sister is only seven….she looks and acts like a dolly. She’s a very lovable girl with an agreeable nature.

Mum should have had more kids.

(Dave are you the only child? Do you ever get lonely?)


"Dave" wrote:
I have a seahorse...

His name is Pete

the only child is ALWAYS the spoilt one.

Nuff said.


I have one sis get on with her the most out of the rest of my siblings, my older bro is OK most of the times, the one few yrs younger than me, well most of the time i hate him in the sense he does my head in..the younger one is ok most of the and my sis share a room, she does go on and on in the night time and keeps me up and says i am goin to sleep and by then i dont feel sleepy but i love her!

"angel" wrote: and my sis share a room, she does go on and on in the night time and keeps me up and says i am goin to sleep and by then i dont feel sleepy but i love her!

yeh i think thats the worst thing about sharing a room

if ones awake the other HAS to be awake

in my room-my sister wont shut the light she always is doing sumin at late night...typing or reading

this makes me MAD :evil:

and if one starts talking-then the WHOLE night will be spent awake chatting to one another

another thing that bugs me is morning time

my sister always wakes up a few hours before me-cos she always has to be somewhere (even on Sunday mornings :roll: )

so she'll open the curtains, go down her wardrobe, wake me u just to ask were her shoes are...she makes SO much noise

but whenever dad asks me if I want a separte room I always say NO Biggrin

I'm a space nazi.. I couldn't share a room with anybody.

Dunno how you could get used to that...

"Dave" wrote:
I'm a space nazi.. I couldn't share a room with anybody.

Dunno how you could get used to that...

i dont think that cos ur a space nazi

the above statement just manifests your selfish side :twisted:

learn to SHARE dave

lol what about privacy et cetera.

I don't want somebody else in the room when I am getting dressed et cetera.

Not to mention I have a routine I will not accept getting interrupted, I simply won't stand for people interrupting my morning workout routine or constantly being bothered whilst I am reading.


when we were above the shop there was a lot of room sharing for a long time

now Alhamdulillah Allah SWT has blessed us with a big house, all of us get a room each (7 - parents share so 6) ...and theres 2 spare bed rooms Biggrin

i always used to complain i want my own room.........but now i have my own....i think i prefer sharing!! gets lonely on your own :?

but my brother is next door to me, so occasionaly he pops in2 mine or i pop in2 his and we talk in2 the nyt!

yeah i knw wat u mean big bro wakes me every morning to steal my stuff or ask me daft questions :evil:

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Mujahid'" wrote:
Ma sister is so ugly, I don't understand it .. She can't get beautiful girls around ma home. All she brings with her are those ugly girls...This is a real problem to me. She wants going out with me and a group of ugly girls. I did this once all friends were laughing at me.. So, I keep on hiding from her whenever she asks me. She never want to have good looking girls around coz no one would look at her. The whole group of these ugly girls love to get together by themselves avoiding other groups...This is very bad, especially to me. What should I do?

I need to know about you folks?
How's your relation with your sis/bro?. Are you closer, talking to each others in a friendly manners!!. How do you treat each others?.

One thing I know, you should always pray for a good looking sister. I think there is a lot you will benefit from that

Midge, my 12 year old daughter just saw this and shook her head in disgust; as we were discussing it, my six year old son said 'how can he think his sister is ugly? She's his sister, Allaah wouldn't like him saying that'.

Out of the mouths of babes....

~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~

"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson

Mashallah at least the future generation of Muslims have more sense than todays!! Lol

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
i recently made up with my good for nothing brother :roll:-we are no longer arch enemies-he's also started to spend a lot of time with me and my sisters in our room...i suppose he aint bad :roll:

aww, finally!! i'm happy for you! Biggrin


I knew I had a different upbringing to most of u lot here. I don't have one brother but 3 brothers to share a room with, that what you call ghetto. Too be honest it ain't that bad as I still hardly see them, they normally coming in when I am up for Fajr.

But having a tight nit family is important, over the years I seen the relationship will my brother kind if disappear and don't really understand none of them anymore even when we were young and used to fight all the time we had a better relatinship. It seem that most people I know had a different relatinship with their brothers and normally done it the other way round. But it funny how life take people in different directions.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."

[url=http//]Quran[/url](link is external)

beauty is skin deep.

However those who do go for loads and loads of cosmetics do start to look hideous. It is nature's revenge.

Think wack jacko, and loads of others.

A good looking person can be ugly if their manners are not upto scratch. Similarly someone not as good looking may have beautiful mannerisms that are far more endearing.

But in this material world people insult their own sisters!

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

How you talk about ma sister that way?. Next time you say anything about ma sister I ask moderator to cancel your access. Even if ma sister is ugly she is so nice and lovely. One thing you must know, beauty is not the look but what's inside a person. I know ma sister is the most beautiful person inside. This beauty last for ever, those who are beautiul outside never last.


OK U are right Admin! but what to do, she's ugly She knows that too....


politeness muji...

and what exactly do you disagree with?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

i dont think anyone thinks they goodlooking.

"Mujahid'" wrote:
How you talk about ma sister that way?. Next time you say anything about ma sister I ask moderator to cancel your access. Even if ma sister is ugly she is so nice and lovely. One thing you must know, beauty is not the look but what's inside a person. I know ma sister is the most beautiful person inside. This beauty last for ever, those who are beautiul outside never last.

Midgy,Midgy, Midgy.. I wasn't bad-mouthing your sister. I was showing disgust at YOU for bad-mouthing your sister. She's your sister! And you have the nerve to call her ugly?!! You need to sit back and take a long hard look in the mirror yourself, Midge :roll:

~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~

"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson

how can people say that about their own sister? astagfirullah....only because she dusnt bring good looking birds home for you!!!!!!!!...u dont deserve them anyway....if u can say that ur sister is ugly god knows what u would say about them lol
funny man do u understand that we should love our brothers and sisters 4 who they are and be happy with how Allah swt made them...why on earth would u call ur sister sure your gettin your own back becoz someone said it 2 u lol Biggrin
i dont have any sisters but wish i did!!!!!!!!!! have three fantastic brothers masallah Lol


How many times must i tell you be tactfull. As you mentioned physical beauty aint everything, so she has ugly friends... what are you doing checking them out anyway?

Ive got an elder brother whom im constantly in competition with, he got soo many GCSEs i gotta get more etc He is my arch nemesis, but we still have a love hate relationship. My little sister is my protege, i teach her everything how to cuss people etc lov her to bits. Im the elder over protective brother, if she needs anything i'll get it. If she has a problem she'll come to me.

Bottom line mujh: God made everyone beutiful mujh... but not everyone can see it.

Back in BLACK

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:

yeh i think thats the worst thing about sharing a room

if ones awake the other HAS to be awake

in my room-my sister wont shut the light she always is doing sumin at late night...typing or reading

this makes me MAD :evil:

and if one starts talking-then the WHOLE night will be spent awake chatting to one another

another thing that bugs me is morning time

my sister always wakes up a few hours before me-cos she always has to be somewhere (even on Sunday mornings :roll: )

so she'll open the curtains, go down her wardrobe, wake me u just to ask were her shoes are...she makes SO much noise

but whenever dad asks me if I want a separte room I always say NO Biggrin

My sis gets up for tahajad and she was askin me the other day wether she should wake me up but i felt i should get my fajar routine sorted then maybe, but i be dead to the world, if anyone is in my room i wont know, even if sum1 tried to kidnap me i still wouldnt know!! Sharing rooms has advantages, ie when you your scared you can annoy sum1 bout it!

Sisters can be so funny. couple of years back when we had those small earthquakes my sister was in one room and i was in another. You could here stuff shaking and my sister quite seriously shouts to me "stop jumping around!"

Gentleness and kindness were never a part of anything except that it made it beautiful, and harshness was never a part of anything except that it made it ugly.

Through cheating, stealing, and lying, one may get required results but finally one becomes

kids with no brothers/sisters must be very lonely people

its also sad that families are getting smaller

with many not wanting to have more then 2 kids Cray 2

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
kids with no brothers/sisters must be very lonely people

its also sad that families are getting smaller

with many not wanting to have more then 2 kids Cray 2

Only 2 kids... what is this China?

Damn'it i'll have 7 kids if i want!!!

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