I remember this being in the old forum, so I thought I start one up again. Three word too describe yourself and we can use three word to describe other as well, which will be fun. :roll:
I start, I think I am
Stubborn, relax (my definition of lazy, sound much better IMO) and considerate.
My three most dominant traits ….. Sensitive, considerate and hardworking.
I know you said three only…but depending on the situation and my mood I can also be stubborn/sarcastic/immature/very reliable/too polite/too serious/very active/emotional…the list can go on and on…..
wow that is a very comprehensive list!
The three words to describe me would be:
Friendly, trustworthy, happy (mostly)
optimistic, sensitive, friendly.........my list can go on 2 but thats enough 4 now!
....she's also VERY silly, very clever, very FUNNY, very selfish with her clothes, very girly....
and yuit three words aint enough to describe me either
for now I will say, I'm funny, lazy and clever
ur right sis...3 wordz aint enough 2 describe any1!
I give you funny,
Lazy, you the most active poster here :?:
Clever, I think this smiley says it all :roll:
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
lazy in real life
being an active member actually proves how lazy a person is :oops:
and I AM clever
All right I give you the lazy one, but I still not budging from the clever bit :roll:
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
define clever?
if ur measuring it academically then I aint that clever-
I'm a B grade student only if I work hard
but I'm clever in the sense that I'm clued up on life/people
The fact that you posted this message, when I was obviously joking, indicate why you may not be as clever as you think you are. :roll:
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
that might have sumin to do with that fact that I'm lazy and dont have anything better to do with my time :roll: :roll:
And the fact that you ain't clever as you really think you are :roll:
Anyway, I think this could continue and continue and to stop a agrument developing, I agree you are clever :roll: :roll: Happy now.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
back to u too-
I can't believe you haven't put immature in one of your description.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
I really dont see myself as being immature
I have my rare moments....but overall I aint an immature person
my older sister is more immature then me-the other night she drew a mustache on my sleeping baby sisters face-it was SO funny
how do other people see me
feel free to assasinate my character-
(cavemen's views will not be taken seriously-rather their opinions will be laughed at)
very very funny (at times you crack me up when i am feelin down, go lilsis!)
Sore loser! (when i win
I will be kind, but Angel don't expect the same treatment for yourself.
I describe lilsis as Witty, offensive, funny
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
i see yuit as
very moody
very lazy
very considerate
very sarcastic
pretty decent (thats the most praise you'll get from me)
I guess that decent coming from lilsis, I ain't moody not on this forum at least, it just my style I develop for myself.
Angel, is considerate and ammusing I guess
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
umm u guess?
Yeah, not too sure about you since your comment on the CL thread.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
Make up your mind, either i am considerate and amusing or not!
how many of our "online persoanlity's" match our "off line personality's?
i SERIOULSY lack confidence in real life
even tho i really big it up here on the forum :?
Yeh i think at times i am very out spoken on this forum but not really like that in real life, but i am generally friendly and happy.
If you carry on speaking like that too me, I would have to say Not
I am very similar, but not exactly the same person as I am on the forum.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
in real life i'm NOT outspoken
I LACK self confidence
I'm LESS blunt
LESS funny (in real life my sister is a lot more funnier then me)
I'm LESS harsh and offensive
the rest of my online personality is the same tho
That basically means your a complete opposite?
yeh pretty much
i ome out of my shell here
i have the guts to say/do stuff that I dont usually have in real life
Thats interestin, i wudnt say i am opposite of my personality here, i am pretty much like what you see of "angel" on this forum. but slightly more shy in real life.