Lol-Wow….it seems that everyone thinks that their mum is the best. That’s great.
I too see my mum as my bestest mate…she can clock on to how I’m feeling without even having to ask me. She knows when there’s something bothering me.
I also strongly believe that everything that I am is because of her…how I think…what I’ve accomplished….the reason why many people like or respect me is only cos of her and her dua’s.
I pray that we all become fantastic sadqa Jaria’s for our parents.
Submitted by Sirus on 9 September, 2005 - 16:35 #34
"MuslimSister" wrote:
Lol-Wow….it seems that everyone thinks that their mum is the best. That’s great.
I too see my mum as my bestest mate…she can clock on to how I’m feeling without even having to ask me. She knows when there’s something bothering me.
I also strongly believe that everything that I am is because of her…how I think…what I’ve accomplished….the reason why many people like or respect me is only cos of her and her dua’s.
I pray that we all become fantastic sadqa Jaria’s for our parents.
yup, I'd agree
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by Medarris on 9 September, 2005 - 18:29 #35
I disagree that just because some people have a strict upbringing it is a licence for them to later on go all liberal. If the parents were strict that is no justification for teh child going totally the other way. Responsibility is a beautiful thing and personally I think those kids who go liberal would have been even worse if they were not controlled as kids. sorry but thats how i see it.
Submitted by Saadia Khan on 9 September, 2005 - 23:51 #37
just like every1 else i love my mum to bits too and obviously there are lots of good things i could say about her and still they wouldnt be enuff.
one thing i could say is tho my own achievement for both ma parents is that they have both taught us islam and to read namaz and like eds mum was always naggin us till we (ma bros and sis) were old enuff to realise like 16-18, when they sed to us Look we have taught u wat we can and now u know wats right and wrong and wat u have to do so, dont expect us to constantly tell u coz we wont be over ur heads all the time. kinda like sayin time to grow up. However Alhamdulilallah we didnt think ryte now they have backed off we can do wat we like instead we tried to become more involved in our religion. ma parents were never the really strict type, culture and religion was never forced so i had the choice of wearing head scarf and so on. so wat am tryin to say is that ok they didnt force me however the love compassion and trust and everything they showed enabled me to follow ma religion deeply and now on ma own account i do wear the headscarf and ok its recent oops but i have heard them talking to people and (no i wasnt eves dropping) but i can sense achievement in thier voices D when people say so how cum saadia started wearing the hijab as they call it and ma parents are like shes done it her self from within . ma parents are just as much into religion we have a big group of mancunians who take part in a weekly dars and Alhamsulilallah they have always showed us the ryte path.
with out them i wouldnt be sat here. i say them even tho the threads for mums coz the dad does play a large part aswell
ne way may Allah(swt) give them a long and healthy life Ameen
Submitted by star on 10 September, 2005 - 00:47 #38
i just wanted to say i love my parents equally....and i love them to bits and pieces and they've alwayz wanted the best for all 5 kids
as for my dad (may allah grant him a long life) has but all his money towards giving us kids a good islamic education .....all kids apart from my small bro have been to/still going to boarding school.
and if it wasnt for my dad we'd all be corrupt with no aspects to life like the majority u now see.
being away from home is really hard ....and if it wasnt for my mum bringing us the lovely dishes from home and coming on weekends to see us and just seeing her smile and dads proudness we probably wouldnt be the way we are.
alhamdulilah my parents are the perfect match...they both will shout if us do wrong ...
made the hijaab compulsory on us girls since the age of 9 (now thats why we cant go without it)
were all at mosques at the age of 4 no matter whether we cryed our eyes out
in a way they kinda strict and im happy this way as i know this life aint worth living and we have to live righteous to attain our goal
Submitted by Medarris on 10 September, 2005 - 01:16 #39
May ALLAH Rabbul Izzat bless us all with true haya and modesty and may He crown us with the light of knowledge.
Muhtarama is your hijab from age 9 including the covering of face? Alhamdulillah by us there is a girls madrassah run by bengali ulama (this is not the madrassah that I am affiliated with) and by them the girls have to necessarily cover the face once the salah become haraam on them.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by laila on 10 September, 2005 - 01:51 #40
my mother - i am in her debt always
Submitted by Sajid Iqbal on 10 September, 2005 - 12:32 #41
"Medievalist" wrote:
May ALLAH Rabbul Izzat bless us all with true haya and modesty and may He crown us with the light of knowledge.
Muhtarama is your hijab from age 9 including the covering of face? Alhamdulillah by us there is a girls madrassah run by bengali ulama (this is not the madrassah that I am affiliated with) and by them the girls have to necessarily cover the face once the salah become haraam on them.
Strange...niqaab is not fardh or waajib, a woman does not have to cover her face, hands or why make the sisters wear the niqab. The Ulema say niqab only becomes waajib on you when you are put in a situation where fitna is likely to occur. So for this madrassah which says SISTERS HAVE TO WEAR NIQAAB is harsh, strict and making something compulsory which Islam hasnt made compulsory.
"Ayesha (R) reported that Asmaa the daughter of Abu Bakr (R) came to the Messenger of Allah (S) while wearing thin clothing. He approached her and said: 'O Asmaa! When a girl reaches the menstrual age, it is not proper that anything should remain exposed except this and this. He pointed to the face and hands." (Abu Dawood)
I heard that its a sin to turn sumin into Fard if it aint specifically stated as being Fard
Submitted by star on 10 September, 2005 - 17:10 #43
"Medievalist" wrote:
May ALLAH Rabbul Izzat bless us all with true haya and modesty and may He crown us with the light of knowledge.
Muhtarama is your hijab from age 9 including the covering of face? Alhamdulillah by us there is a girls madrassah run by bengali ulama (this is not the madrassah that I am affiliated with) and by them the girls have to necessarily cover the face once the salah become haraam on them.
no actually it was just covering the hair not the niqaab....but the madressahs that we attended the hadhrat zakariya sahib(may allah grant him a long life) who also owns bury kidderminister blackburn...made it a rule that all girls in jamia MUST do the nikaab. otherwise we'd be in deep trouble if we were seen without the nikaab on a day out or when entering jamia.
Submitted by Medarris on 10 September, 2005 - 19:29 #44
Editor do not be so rigid and narrowminded and accept that there is a difference of opinion.
I will not elaborate in detail on this issue but suffice to say that the hadeeth referred to in your post has not passed by us and its explanation and its time of utterance has also not passed us.
Perhaps you are unaware of the time of this hadeeth, its time of occurrence and also the time of occurrence of the verses of hijab.
Your accusations upon the madrassah are troubling. But it is a sign that the people of truth always suffer at the hands of others, I am sure the madrassah will bear your lies with the utmost dignity.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Sajid Iqbal on 10 September, 2005 - 19:50 #45
"Medievalist" wrote:
Editor do not be so rigid and narrowminded and accept that there is a difference of opinion.
I will not elaborate in detail on this issue but suffice to say that the hadeeth referred to in your post has not passed by us and its explanation and its time of utterance has also not passed us.
Perhaps you are unaware of the time of this hadeeth, its time of occurrence and also the time of occurrence of the verses of hijab.
Your accusations upon the madrassah are troubling. But it is a sign that the people of truth always suffer at the hands of others, I am sure the madrassah will bear your lies with the utmost dignity.
lies??? what lies?
rigid- me?
accusations upon the madrassah-????? what accusations???
a sad and shocking statement from you attacking me again. i just stated that a valid view is that niqab is not fardh or wajib....yes , some also hold the view that it is fardh.....I disagree with this opinion that does not make me a liar, rigid etc...
i know you cant stand my views....because you think i'm 'too liberal'....mmmhhhh...i will just say what i belive, if you dont like dont bother me.
Submitted by Angel on 10 September, 2005 - 22:49 #46
Whats so great bout my mum...hmm whats not great bout her..
I dont think any words can justify a mother’s greatness but one can attempt.
My mum is the best cuz she cares for me loads, gives me all the love i need...
One thing i really love bout her is she tells me off for being lazy even though i do my share of work but in front of others praises me for helpin out...
Also when i am bak from work i get lazy so mum warms up my food for me.
I dont thank mum enough for her kindness but she is thebest in this whole universe!
Submitted by Medarris on 10 September, 2005 - 23:01 #47
Editor brother rather it is you who bothers me!
You made statement that ''for this madrassah which says SISTERS HAVE TO WEAR NIQAAB is harsh, strict and making something compulsory which Islam hasnt made compulsory.'' This is the lie because you have just admitted there is difference of opinions so the asatizah in that madrassah are nor makinig something compulsory which is not compulsory in Islam.
Even your words at the begining of that post ''niqaab is not fardh or waajib''. You do not make clear that you think this is just one opinion. If you want to later say that it is difference of opinion you should make it clear at the beginning and infact the stronger opinion is that it IS fard to have the face closed.
Thank you.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by Sajid Iqbal on 11 September, 2005 - 00:24 #48
"Medievalist" wrote:
Editor brother rather it is you who bothers me!
You made statement that ''for this madrassah which says SISTERS HAVE TO WEAR NIQAAB is harsh, strict and making something compulsory which Islam hasnt made compulsory.'' This is the lie because you have just admitted there is difference of opinions so the asatizah in that madrassah are nor makinig something compulsory which is not compulsory in Islam.
Even your words at the begining of that post ''niqaab is not fardh or waajib''. You do not make clear that you think this is just one opinion. If you want to later say that it is difference of opinion you should make it clear at the beginning and infact the stronger opinion is that it IS fard to have the face closed.
Thank you.
stronger opinion from your point of view only
Submitted by Medarris on 11 September, 2005 - 00:29 #49
stronger opinions according to ALL four schools actually.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Submitted by star on 11 September, 2005 - 01:06 #50
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"Medievalist" wrote:
Editor brother rather it is you who bothers me!
You made statement that ''for this madrassah which says SISTERS HAVE TO WEAR NIQAAB is harsh, strict and making something compulsory which Islam hasnt made compulsory.'' This is the lie because you have just admitted there is difference of opinions so the asatizah in that madrassah are nor makinig something compulsory which is not compulsory in Islam.
Even your words at the begining of that post ''niqaab is not fardh or waajib''. You do not make clear that you think this is just one opinion. If you want to later say that it is difference of opinion you should make it clear at the beginning and infact the stronger opinion is that it IS fard to have the face closed.
Thank you.
stronger opinion from your point of view only
totally agree with MED
Submitted by Medarris on 11 September, 2005 - 02:17 #51
brother and sisters! I am seriously concerned about our dear beloved brother editor. He is hallucinating and imagining that I am with Tablighi Jamaat, perhaps it is the effect of his imbibing halal imitation beer, who knows?
I think the sooner we get him to an alim to do dam on him the better, perhaps he will regain his senses. He has even started on innocent kuri/19 merely because she agrees with me on an issue. I think he may become violent so approach with caution.
(NB if a link between imitation beer and ed's erratic behaviour is established then my points about hallucination occurring by imbibing such substances stands correct)
We all love our mums....but does anyone here share a delicate love/hate relationship with their dad?
I do, and this bugs me a lot.
And whilst I can control my actions...what I do/say etc cos I'm big on self-control....I find it very hard to control my feelings.
I was badly shouted at last night and spent most of the night in tears...I wasnt even in the wrong. My dad is very unreasonable sometimes.
Him and mum came into my bedroom late night whilst I was still upset and five minutes later I was laughing again. I got over it....however, its very difficult for me to love him sometimes...
If mum ever asks me to do something...I do it straight away. Even if she wakes me up at three in the morning and asks me to do something I do it happily...
Yet if dad asks me to do anything I do it cos I'm "supposed to"...
Am I the only one who feels this way?
Submitted by Sirus on 11 September, 2005 - 21:36 #53
Alhamdulillah i think i can say i have a better understanding with my dad now
for a good long time, al 4 brothers could never understand him, only sister did - he didnt like us out, wasnt keen on us doing certain things, didnt like us mixing with families to much
but now as weve all grown older weve understood him more, and wish we could make up on those years gone by
to me, my dad is truly special and one of a kind - hes never shouted or hit anyone or been angry - despite us in the past not listening to him
with patience comes understanding - took time, but its there now Alhamdulillah
i love my dad coz everythng hes done (considering where hes come from and where we are now) was all for us. took me ages to realise unfortunately
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Submitted by yuit on 11 September, 2005 - 23:12 #54
I think you really apprecaite your parent when the time are hard. These was the situation where my parent really excel in. Also in time you realise that many of the thing that your parent did in the past, which you may have disliked and couldn't understand were really done to make you a stronger person and you do appreciate them for it. I think that parent do alot in bringing character into their children, which can't be done by the mothering them all the time. Take my dad, he can be very negative towards me and tend too put me down before I even do anything, though I don't like this it has benefited me in many ways. I also like the fact my parent are fair from perfect as it goes to show you that life is a challenge and you can just do the best you possibly can and accept it as Allah swt know best.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
no one in my entire family gets on with my dad-except for me
even my dad dont get on with HIS dad
none of his brothers or sisters do either
according to mum she was the only one who got on with her dad (my late grandad) none of her brothers and sisters did either
i suppose some men just like to extert their authority over others too much-and this is suffocating at times
this makes them very unlikable
Submitted by Aphrodite on 12 September, 2005 - 20:04 #56
Just... cherish your parents. We all have/will have regrets in relation to them at some point. Best to try and keep those regrets to a minimum.
~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~
"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson
Submitted by St George on 12 September, 2005 - 21:16 #57
wots great about my mum?
puttin up wiv my violent drunken father for so many yrs just cos she thought it was best for me and my little sista...she a brave lady
she shulda booted his sorry arse into touch yrs before she did...she was also too scared of others reaction...i still dont talk to my uncle, her brother, for not protecting her when she needed it...coward..i dont let himn in da house these days...
some might think im wrong for sayin it, but i hate my “father” hell with happiest childhood memories r all occasions when he wernt there....
course ppl shuld luv their parents, but dont forget dat some “parents” are rotten to da core...
true......but im always hesitant to blame parents
SOME parents....others is obvious
its usually down to a lack of understanding, if theres no bond or special relationship between the two - things are bound 2 go wrong
i thawt this was a mother appreciation thread, not one to attack parents
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
nah my mother is top
and I'm sure MOST mothers are too
I'm just feeling it for them people who dont have it this good
the ones who are bitter/been beaten up/forced into marraige etc
gotta look at it from all angles
Lol-Wow….it seems that everyone thinks that their mum is the best. That’s great.
I too see my mum as my bestest mate…she can clock on to how I’m feeling without even having to ask me. She knows when there’s something bothering me.
I also strongly believe that everything that I am is because of her…how I think…what I’ve accomplished….the reason why many people like or respect me is only cos of her and her dua’s.
I pray that we all become fantastic sadqa Jaria’s for our parents.
yup, I'd agree
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I disagree that just because some people have a strict upbringing it is a licence for them to later on go all liberal. If the parents were strict that is no justification for teh child going totally the other way. Responsibility is a beautiful thing and personally I think those kids who go liberal would have been even worse if they were not controlled as kids. sorry but thats how i see it.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
some parents drive their kids to it
its not a justification
but it is part of the reason why kids go astray
i know parents like that
just like every1 else i love my mum to bits too and obviously there are lots of good things i could say about her and still they wouldnt be enuff.
one thing i could say is tho my own achievement for both ma parents is that they have both taught us islam and to read namaz and like eds mum was always naggin us till we (ma bros and sis) were old enuff to realise like 16-18, when they sed to us Look we have taught u wat we can and now u know wats right and wrong and wat u have to do so, dont expect us to constantly tell u coz we wont be over ur heads all the time. kinda like sayin time to grow up. However Alhamdulilallah we didnt think ryte now they have backed off we can do wat we like instead we tried to become more involved in our religion. ma parents were never the really strict type, culture and religion was never forced so i had the choice of wearing head scarf and so on. so wat am tryin to say is that ok they didnt force me however the love compassion and trust and everything they showed enabled me to follow ma religion deeply and now on ma own account i do wear the headscarf and ok its recent oops but i have heard them talking to people and (no i wasnt eves dropping) but i can sense achievement in thier voices D when people say so how cum saadia started wearing the hijab as they call it and ma parents are like shes done it her self from within . ma parents are just as much into religion we have a big group of mancunians who take part in a weekly dars and Alhamsulilallah they have always showed us the ryte path.
with out them i wouldnt be sat here. i say them even tho the threads for mums coz the dad does play a large part aswell
ne way may Allah(swt) give them a long and healthy life Ameen
i just wanted to say i love my parents equally....and i love them to bits and pieces and they've alwayz wanted the best for all 5 kids
as for my dad (may allah grant him a long life) has but all his money towards giving us kids a good islamic education .....all kids apart from my small bro have been to/still going to boarding school.
and if it wasnt for my dad we'd all be corrupt with no aspects to life like the majority u now see.
being away from home is really hard ....and if it wasnt for my mum bringing us the lovely dishes from home and coming on weekends to see us and just seeing her smile and dads proudness we probably wouldnt be the way we are.
alhamdulilah my parents are the perfect match...they both will shout if us do wrong ...
made the hijaab compulsory on us girls since the age of 9 (now thats why we cant go without it)
were all at mosques at the age of 4 no matter whether we cryed our eyes out
in a way they kinda strict and im happy this way as i know this life aint worth living and we have to live righteous to attain our goal
May ALLAH Rabbul Izzat bless us all with true haya and modesty and may He crown us with the light of knowledge.
Muhtarama is your hijab from age 9 including the covering of face? Alhamdulillah by us there is a girls madrassah run by bengali ulama (this is not the madrassah that I am affiliated with) and by them the girls have to necessarily cover the face once the salah become haraam on them.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
my mother - i am in her debt always
Strange...niqaab is not fardh or waajib, a woman does not have to cover her face, hands or why make the sisters wear the niqab. The Ulema say niqab only becomes waajib on you when you are put in a situation where fitna is likely to occur. So for this madrassah which says SISTERS HAVE TO WEAR NIQAAB is harsh, strict and making something compulsory which Islam hasnt made compulsory.
"Ayesha (R) reported that Asmaa the daughter of Abu Bakr (R) came to the Messenger of Allah (S) while wearing thin clothing. He approached her and said: 'O Asmaa! When a girl reaches the menstrual age, it is not proper that anything should remain exposed except this and this. He pointed to the face and hands." (Abu Dawood)
I heard that its a sin to turn sumin into Fard if it aint specifically stated as being Fard
no actually it was just covering the hair not the niqaab....but the madressahs that we attended the hadhrat zakariya sahib(may allah grant him a long life) who also owns bury kidderminister blackburn...made it a rule that all girls in jamia MUST do the nikaab. otherwise we'd be in deep trouble if we were seen without the nikaab on a day out or when entering jamia.
Editor do not be so rigid and narrowminded and accept that there is a difference of opinion.
I will not elaborate in detail on this issue but suffice to say that the hadeeth referred to in your post has not passed by us and its explanation and its time of utterance has also not passed us.
Perhaps you are unaware of the time of this hadeeth, its time of occurrence and also the time of occurrence of the verses of hijab.
Your accusations upon the madrassah are troubling. But it is a sign that the people of truth always suffer at the hands of others, I am sure the madrassah will bear your lies with the utmost dignity.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
lies??? what lies?
rigid- me?
accusations upon the madrassah-????? what accusations???
a sad and shocking statement from you attacking me again. i just stated that a valid view is that niqab is not fardh or wajib....yes , some also hold the view that it is fardh.....I disagree with this opinion that does not make me a liar, rigid etc...
i know you cant stand my views....because you think i'm 'too liberal'....mmmhhhh...i will just say what i belive, if you dont like dont bother me.
Whats so great bout my mum...hmm whats not great bout her..
I dont think any words can justify a mother’s greatness but one can attempt.
My mum is the best cuz she cares for me loads, gives me all the love i need...
One thing i really love bout her is she tells me off for being lazy even though i do my share of work but in front of others praises me for helpin out...
Also when i am bak from work i get lazy so mum warms up my food for me.
I dont thank mum enough for her kindness but she is thebest in this whole universe!
Editor brother rather it is you who bothers me!
You made statement that ''for this madrassah which says SISTERS HAVE TO WEAR NIQAAB is harsh, strict and making something compulsory which Islam hasnt made compulsory.'' This is the lie because you have just admitted there is difference of opinions so the asatizah in that madrassah are nor makinig something compulsory which is not compulsory in Islam.
Even your words at the begining of that post ''niqaab is not fardh or waajib''. You do not make clear that you think this is just one opinion. If you want to later say that it is difference of opinion you should make it clear at the beginning and infact the stronger opinion is that it IS fard to have the face closed.
Thank you.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
stronger opinion from your point of view only
stronger opinions according to ALL four schools actually.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
totally agree with MED
brother and sisters! I am seriously concerned about our dear beloved brother editor. He is hallucinating and imagining that I am with Tablighi Jamaat, perhaps it is the effect of his imbibing halal imitation beer, who knows?
I think the sooner we get him to an alim to do dam on him the better, perhaps he will regain his senses. He has even started on innocent kuri/19 merely because she agrees with me on an issue. I think he may become violent so approach with caution.
(NB if a link between imitation beer and ed's erratic behaviour is established then my points about hallucination occurring by imbibing such substances stands correct)
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
We all love our mums....but does anyone here share a delicate love/hate relationship with their dad?
I do, and this bugs me a lot.
And whilst I can control my actions...what I do/say etc cos I'm big on self-control....I find it very hard to control my feelings.
I was badly shouted at last night and spent most of the night in tears...I wasnt even in the wrong. My dad is very unreasonable sometimes.
Him and mum came into my bedroom late night whilst I was still upset and five minutes later I was laughing again. I got over it....however, its very difficult for me to love him sometimes...
If mum ever asks me to do something...I do it straight away. Even if she wakes me up at three in the morning and asks me to do something I do it happily...
Yet if dad asks me to do anything I do it cos I'm "supposed to"...
Am I the only one who feels this way?
Alhamdulillah i think i can say i have a better understanding with my dad now
for a good long time, al 4 brothers could never understand him, only sister did - he didnt like us out, wasnt keen on us doing certain things, didnt like us mixing with families to much
but now as weve all grown older weve understood him more, and wish we could make up on those years gone by
to me, my dad is truly special and one of a kind - hes never shouted or hit anyone or been angry - despite us in the past not listening to him
with patience comes understanding - took time, but its there now Alhamdulillah
i love my dad coz everythng hes done (considering where hes come from and where we are now) was all for us. took me ages to realise unfortunately
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
I think you really apprecaite your parent when the time are hard. These was the situation where my parent really excel in. Also in time you realise that many of the thing that your parent did in the past, which you may have disliked and couldn't understand were really done to make you a stronger person and you do appreciate them for it. I think that parent do alot in bringing character into their children, which can't be done by the mothering them all the time. Take my dad, he can be very negative towards me and tend too put me down before I even do anything, though I don't like this it has benefited me in many ways. I also like the fact my parent are fair from perfect as it goes to show you that life is a challenge and you can just do the best you possibly can and accept it as Allah swt know best.
"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."
no one in my entire family gets on with my dad-except for me
even my dad dont get on with HIS dad
none of his brothers or sisters do either
according to mum she was the only one who got on with her dad (my late grandad) none of her brothers and sisters did either
i suppose some men just like to extert their authority over others too much-and this is suffocating at times
this makes them very unlikable
Just... cherish your parents. We all have/will have regrets in relation to them at some point. Best to try and keep those regrets to a minimum.
~Judgements prevent us from seeing the good that lies beyond appearances.~
"God put me on this earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now I am so far behind that I will never die" ~ Bill Watterson
wots great about my mum?
puttin up wiv my violent drunken father for so many yrs just cos she thought it was best for me and my little sista...she a brave lady
she shulda booted his sorry arse into touch yrs before she did...she was also too scared of others reaction...i still dont talk to my uncle, her brother, for not protecting her when she needed it...coward..i dont let himn in da house these days...
some might think im wrong for sayin it, but i hate my “father” hell with happiest childhood memories r all occasions when he wernt there....
course ppl shuld luv their parents, but dont forget dat some “parents” are rotten to da core...
ur mum sounds like a top lady
i hope ur a mummy's boy
Yeh agree with lilsis, your mum does sound great and one who has gone thru a lot, she truly is a brave woman.
Yes she sounds like she has a lot of integrity