This thread will be a sort of tribute to mothers…an appreciation thread.
Mothers do SO much….one only realises their value when they go away for a bit and the house seems so unbelievably empty.
Everyone thinks that their mum is the best mum in the world; use this thread to explain why YOU think your mum is so fantastic…..(this is NOT a competition).
Why do I think my mum is so fantastic?
Cos she’s on a level…..cos she is extremely calm, tolerant and forbearing by nature….cos she’s very polite….cos she goes out of her way to help others and be there for them in time of need……characteristics I really admire in a person.
I consider her my friend, which is why I go out of my way to tell her what I did during the day….I keep her updated about everything……(I even fill her in regarding the latest discussion on the forum!)….I talk to her when I’m upset, when I’m angry and when I’m happy, cos she has a logical way of looking at stuff.
I rate how active she is….every Tuesday she goes a delivers an Islamic speech in someone’s house….every Thursdays she holds an Islamic circle in her house and delivers a speech….every Mondays she goes to learn Arabic Tajweed/Tafsir….as well as cleaning the house and cooking for her family daily….and she keeps on top of stuff despite the fact that she was registered blind 10 years ago….she never lets her disability hold her back…and never have I seen her get upset or frustrated because of it….cos she don’t feel it, we don’t feel it either….
I rate how active she becomes in Ramadan…the way she’s so awake and chirpy at Sehri time…. she cooks different stuff for all of us ….its missions dragging my dad and brother out of bed but she’ll still go up the stairs numerous times to call them up…..whilst the rest of us are like zombies….if I ever become half the woman she is, I’ll consider myself very fortunate.
So use this thread to discuss what makes your mum so special…..
State what type of characteristics a great mum SHOULD possess?
Is it true that they don’t make mums the way they used to?
Because our upbringing greatly differs to our parent’s upbringing inevitably we’ll be different parents…Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Share your thoughts.
well, everyone thinks their mum is great...
and i think my mum is the best mum in the world.....
mums are brilliant because:
they show and give you so much love no matter what
they are so kind and caring
they will do anything for you
they will cook for you all the time, even if you say no:-)
they look after you soo much its unbelievable
they know you soooo well, better than anyone
they never shout at you or look down on you or judge you like dads sometimes can
they always pray for you...all the time...
they are prepared to give you so many chances and never shut you out
they are so approachable and easy to talk to about almost everything
they have advice on everything
they are there when you need a shoulder to cry on
they are there when you need motivation, inspiration
they are there to help you no matter what
they always put a smile on your face
they make you feel special
they make you laugh
most mums are like this...well i know definitely that my mum is....and i'm soooo greatful to her and to Almighty Allah (swt) that He has gave me a mum like that.
If I have achieved anything in my life today...its mostly because of my mum. May Allah give her the ability to continue to be great and to continue to be a very good pious Muslim.
May Allah also give me the ability to serve, help, assist, respect and love my mum as long as she is with me. When she goes....i dont know what I will do
my mum makes me laugh
me and my older sister can sit there and tease her and she laughs it off
yet when me and mum get together and tease my older sister, she gets annoyed cos she gets embarrased v quickly
and when mum and my older sister get together and tease me I lose my temper and get angry-i HATE being teased
mums on a level
thats why other girls on my street come to MY house to chat to mum about their personal problems-stuff they cant talk to their parents about
I'll also be the best mum in the world
cos I LOVE kids
With all due mum is the best in the world
shes like no mum ive ever seeen, she understands where culture has to stop and make way for Islam. shes never forced anything up on us. she understands the way kids are in britain, they way they think and act.
she's HILARIOUS.....she got it from her mum (May Allah SWT bless her soul)....and i onlt get shouted at when im a naughty boy :oops:
but its only for my own good ever, and we cant ever be angry at each other - she really is my best friend
If it wernt for her, i wouldnt be doin a degree fulfilling her dreams of having a son who is a lawyer, something im determined not to give up on.
Shes raised all 5 of us very well Alhamdulillah and i also rate heighly her understanding with Dad. Alhamdulillah - they truly were made for each other. whenever i look around...i cant see a couple like them - and i thank Allah SWT for that soo much
Besides that she thrives on working for a Deen-y cause. shes a Vice President of the Minhaj Womens league and is holdomg and attending programs nearly every week.
yup tru - mums jus aint the same anymore.........and similarly to MS, i would love to be anything like me Dad....which aint an easy task
When Mum was having an op in was the darkest days of my life seeing her in such conditions. i may be a mummys boy (whatever that means!)....but i seriously couldnt go a day without her.
Shes my whole life - and for that i make sure i kiss her hand when i greet her
not neccesiarly a bad cant excatly be the same as ur parents, but its important we try to learn from them in order to ensure we bring up our kids well.
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
and they cover up for you behind dads back
insh'Allah u will b
Alhamdullilah its great 2 hear bout ur mums coz they r sumthin precious 4 every1.
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
Mash'Allah dats gud
Plus i think i mght no her..hehe Ive met plenty of members its just hard 2 rememba which 1 is which. Besides mum's shuld wrk 4 the deen is an excellent example towards their kids.
Jazak'Allah khair
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
when i was younger and a naughty boy... my mum always used to get me out of trouble....and the honest truth is...the ONLY thing that stopped me from doing big sins like drugs, alcohol, zina, theft etc was the fact that it would break my mums heart if she found out...the thought that she has gave me soo much and i end up as a bad person!!!!! i couldn't do that to my mum.
so mums keep you away from the bad path and keep you in touch with Islam. Every time my mum sees me after asking 'have you ate' , its 'have you read your namaaz'!
Bless her!
lol....u might just do as well....u knw my sis, well ....shes her mum as well
Another thing i 4got 2 mum is a wedding planner
Shes hooked loadza people up. people come to her sayin wat kinda person theyre after, and my mum does the rest. shes got a massive network
So Inshallah wen its my tym....i wont be short of options
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
i have met hayders mum a couple of times...and mashallah they definitely are a great person...they give and show me so much respect...but i dont know why
they are very kind and caring...they are very much attached to the deen and unlike alot of mums today they are very active in the deen....mashallah.
Yup i agree with Ed Saab..........Mums care 4 u so much, how can u go behind thier back and do sumfin wrong? i couldnt and Inshallah i dont plan on either
mind dad never shouts at us, in our house it works the other way round!!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
''Maa ki dua, jannat ki hawa'' The mothers prayers are a breeze from paradise.
I agree with all the above points about mothers. My mother is the best. She does not force culture on us, she is kind and caring. She cooks, cleans and does everything for me without once complaining or making a big deal about what she has done for me.
She brings up a number of sons without once complaining about how demanding it is. I can have a laugh with my mother respectfully; she rarely tells me off, she worries about me even when there is nothing to worry about.
She makes a morsel of food taste better than any I have fed myself.
Maa ki dua, jannat ki hawa.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
yeh same here
the only reason why me and sis havent done anything majorly bad in life-is cos we love mum TOOOOOOOOO much
breaking her heart and making her upset is our ultimate nightmare
thats my dua every night too-that God does not let me do anything that will break mums heart
whenever me or sis are late from sumwhere-we call mum up saying "mum calm dad down-" and that lady goes OUT OF HER WAY to cover up for us
but thats cos she know that her girls arent doing anything stupid-
not sure if she would cover up for us if we were doing bad stuff
well, we all love our mums..and our mums do everything for us....
the question is:
thats coz theyre under the false assumption ur an angel
Seriously tho, they like you and your bro and his Mrs a lot
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
she tells us to pray,get an education and jus be good.....which Alhamdulillah all 5 of us are doing
i admit....i shud help around the house a lil more :oops:
but at the end of the day, i always meet her b4 she goes bed and see whether shes happy
and more often than not, she is
Thanks to Allah SWT, were Alhamdulillah a happy household
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
There is cure in a mothers kiss, the best cure for a headache is mothers gentle pat. Mothers smell nice, they exude warmth and love; causing them happiness wipes away a million sorrows.
We dont do enough for our mothers and that is a fact of every single person. They deserve more than we can ever give them thats why we pray that ALLAH gives them the reward.
All that I am is because of my parents, their upbringing and character have shaped any good that is in me. If it were not for them I would be a druggie or a thief or a fornicator. They taught me right from wrong, my good deeds are their good deeds, my knowledge is the fruit of their labour. ALL good that is in me is due to my parents, all evil in me is due to myself.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
i think i do a lot
1-if we're at home-we clean the whole house
2-i spend a lot of my pocket money on her
3-my sister reads to mum daily and writes her lectures out for her and helps her learn them
4-none of us let mum go out the house on her own
5-most evenings we spend with her-she sits in our room and we have jokes
6-she gets ocasional foot masages from us
7-bro does all the shopping for her
8-we always dress mum up-choose her clothes/do her hair
9-when dad shouts at her-we all console her
I could do a lot more tho :?
after all if there is peace and happiness in our househld its cos of mum
I agree totally with you bro. couldnt have said it better myself. Mashallah
And May Allah swt give our Mum's (and Dad's!) a long and prosperous life and reward them for all they are and all they have done for us. Ameen
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
this prety much sums up everything
Jannat lies underneath the feet of your mother
i cant stand it when people take advantage of thier mums or show no respect to them :evil:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
The situation: past and present.
In the past when an elderly lady would do tawaaf she would be sit on a stretcher and be carried around on her sons shoulders.
Now an elderly lady is pushed around in a wheelchair.
In the old days she was carried on the shoulders, now the sons push her around.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
She is my ticket to Paradise.
that's the best thing you've said on these forums
Thanks Boss.
kids often end up being like their parents
so if u want to know what kind of person you'll be in the future just look at ur parents
people say that I'm like my dad-totally
my sister is almost identical in her persoanlity to mum
my dad is like his dad
my mum was also like her dad
its a clear pattern
im not like my mum or dad..they're on a different level...
i can never be as hardworking or Islamic as them....
but fortunately i do have some good habits which i have got from them...personality wise im closer to my mum..shes the funny one
the best thing about my mum and dad is that they never stopped me doing whatever i wanted to Islamically....i know parents today who dont allow their children to get too involved in Islam, or to go to Islamic events etc...
i mean i started organising talks, study circles..then the revival magazine, website, Islamic stalls, then ramadan radio...they have always gave me their support, motivation, backing , approval and advice.... and never said why ar eyou wasting you're time on that for! My dad reads every single page of the revival every issue and gives me his feedback
i've never been close to dad
none of us have
i think its due to cultural difference
he's very loving and is crazy about his kids-
but he's never understood us and we've never understood him
but its TRUE that kids end up like one of their parents-
not totally but pretty much the same
everyone knows that if u want to know how your partner will be in 30 years time-just look at their parents
[b]what about parents who are great, love their kids, islamic, done their best for their kids....
but the kid/s have grown up to be bad, dodgy, not islamic, or just criminals?[/b]
is that solely down to the kid being ungrateful, messed up, hanging around with the wrong people, society etc...???
or is it because even though parents were cool and loved their kids, they didnt know how to bring them up properly, eg either too soft or too strict... or had no influence over them...or didnt emphasise on the deen enough...???
sumtimes its cos parents didnt do enough
sumtimes its cos kid was ungrateful-asociated with bad company
many times tho-its a bit of BOTH
diff people-diff situations
Kids Fault
Parents can only do so much
if they start goin corrupt at a young age (upto 12-13)....then parents should shoulder some blame
but once they grow past that age....its a whole diff ball game
outside influences beyond parents control....and the kids develop a mind of their own
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
not always
sumtimes parents drive them to it
either cos hey are TOO strict-so the girl had to rebel
or cos of lack of communication issues
or cos parents were too backwards/cultural and never understood kid
sumtimes kid never got any love-so he/she had to go looking for it elsewhere