The Do’s And Don’ts Of Dawah

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"khan" wrote:
so u dont know the name of the ones who force you to listen to Islam.. but theyre famous :roll:

Never asked them.

I couldnt care less what they are.

But yes, they are "famous" for using force with others. Many people I personally know have experinced this.

It's easy to get a rep in a small town.

all i say is if they get too rowdy call 999.

[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]

Assumption 1. Tablighi Jamaat force people to the masjid.

1. I have never come across any jamaat in my lifetime which forces people to masjid. From my experience they give an invitation to come to masjid for next namaz. People either say ok I will be there or people begin to make excuses. If a person says he will come then from my experience jamaat take that as enough. If the person starts making excuses jamaat challenge the excuse. I met some1 who said his clothes were napaak. Jamaat brother said no problem we have pure clean clothing in the masjid, we will lend u ours for 15 mins and just tell us where the impurity is so one of the brothers can wash it. From what I see jamaat only invite and ask for further clarification if a male says he cant come. If a person is adamant that no1 gonna call him to the mosque jamaat leave by trying atleast to get an inshaALLAH that he will come for namaz.

Now any1 provide evidence jamaat FORCE people to mosque? If Tablighi Jamaats invitation, and strong encouragement makes people feel unconfortable then the fault is with the people in my view. The TJ is calling men to come and read namaz, if a man feels angry by that that why they poking there nose in my business the problem is with the receivor. Inviting others to read namaz, not beating them into it but just inviting them is not a wrong act.

Assumption 2. Jamaat only goes door 2 door

2. People need to find out what it is that jamaat do rather than just make accusations or assumptions. Part of the gasht as explained by khan bro is that they do go to market places, youth centres and snooker places but that is the more experienced brothers because taking a young person new on jamaat to a shopping mall is not beneficial.Taking an experience person who can deal with the environment is more productive. SubhanALLAH EVEN TJ goes to universities in UK and USA.

3. TJ essentially are non-violent non-condemning, non-sectarian. There sole actions from what I have seen is calling people to the masjid, encouraging the adherence to 6 points and that is it. Discussion of sects, of politics of anything other than deen is not permitted because th purpose of jamaat is to bring the muslims back to the masjid. Ofcourse politics and evryything else is important but when the people are not acting on the basics then where does that leave other issues.

Truly TJ was a divinely inspired movement.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

"Medievalist" wrote:
Assumption 1. Tablighi Jamaat force people to the masjid.

1. I have never come across any jamaat in my lifetime which forces people to masjid. From my experience they give an invitation to come to masjid for next namaz. People either say ok I will be there or people begin to make excuses. If a person says he will come then from my experience jamaat take that as enough. If the person starts making excuses jamaat challenge the excuse. I met some1 who said his clothes were napaak. Jamaat brother said no problem we have pure clean clothing in the masjid, we will lend u ours for 15 mins and just tell us where the impurity is so one of the brothers can wash it. From what I see jamaat only invite and ask for further clarification if a male says he cant come. If a person is adamant that no1 gonna call him to the mosque jamaat leave by trying atleast to get an inshaALLAH that he will come for namaz.
If Tablighi Jamaats invitation, and strong encouragement makes people feel unconfortable then the fault is with the people in my view. The TJ is calling men to come and read namaz, if a man feels angry by that that why they poking there nose in my business the problem is with the receivor. Inviting others to read namaz, not beating them into it but just inviting them is not a wrong act.

Assumption 2. Jamaat only goes door 2 door

2. People need to find out what it is that jamaat do rather than just make accusations or assumptions. Part of the gasht as explained by khan bro is that they do go to market places, youth centres and snooker places but that is the more experienced brothers because taking a young person new on jamaat to a shopping mall is not beneficial.Taking an experience person who can deal with the environment is more productive. SubhanALLAH EVEN TJ goes to universities in UK and USA.

3. TJ essentially are non-violent non-condemning, non-sectarian. There sole actions from what I have seen is calling people to the masjid, encouraging the adherence to 6 points and that is it. Discussion of sects, of politics of anything other than deen is not permitted because th purpose of jamaat is to bring the muslims back to the masjid. Ofcourse politics and evryything else is important but when the people are not acting on the basics then where does that leave other issues.

Truly TJ was a divinely inspired movement.


we know you're TJ and you love them to bits....but try to be objective....

you wrote:
[b]If the person starts making excuses jamaat challenge the excuse. [/b]
so u force them to the mosque, so he will only read it because you made him feel guilty, and not because he wanted to or for the sake of Allah.Mashallah!
Now any1 provide evidence jamaat FORCE people to mosque? [/b]
you just told us yourself! duhhh!
SubhanALLAH EVEN TJ goes to universities in UK and USA.[/b]
big deal! every organisation that is anything is at uni. TJ is one of the least active organisations at uni..its normally HT, al muhajiroun, salafi...
TJ essentially are non-violent non-condemning, non-sectarian.[/b]
that is a joke. almost every TJ guy mainly talks about brewli -bashing. they are sectarian, i know , i have debated with many. they have got the salafi disease and accuse many muslims of bidah, shirk. they believe, just like other sects, only THEY have correct aqeeda and if u disagree with them , you are worng

[b]Truly TJ was a divinely inspired movement[/b]
oh really? did the founders of tabligh get a call from Allah?
TJ is just a sect, just like other sects, they are sectarian, rigid, a bit backward, not up to date with modern issues, teach the Taliban Islam..and put most emphasis on intermixing, women not going mosque, keeping sunnah if these are the most important issues facing teh Muslism today!!!!



"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"Medievalist" wrote:
Assumption 1. Tablighi Jamaat force people to the masjid.

1. I have never come across any jamaat in my lifetime which forces people to masjid. From my experience they give an invitation to come to masjid for next namaz. People either say ok I will be there or people begin to make excuses. If a person says he will come then from my experience jamaat take that as enough. If the person starts making excuses jamaat challenge the excuse. I met some1 who said his clothes were napaak. Jamaat brother said no problem we have pure clean clothing in the masjid, we will lend u ours for 15 mins and just tell us where the impurity is so one of the brothers can wash it. From what I see jamaat only invite and ask for further clarification if a male says he cant come. If a person is adamant that no1 gonna call him to the mosque jamaat leave by trying atleast to get an inshaALLAH that he will come for namaz.
If Tablighi Jamaats invitation, and strong encouragement makes people feel unconfortable then the fault is with the people in my view. The TJ is calling men to come and read namaz, if a man feels angry by that that why they poking there nose in my business the problem is with the receivor. Inviting others to read namaz, not beating them into it but just inviting them is not a wrong act.

Assumption 2. Jamaat only goes door 2 door

2. People need to find out what it is that jamaat do rather than just make accusations or assumptions. Part of the gasht as explained by khan bro is that they do go to market places, youth centres and snooker places but that is the more experienced brothers because taking a young person new on jamaat to a shopping mall is not beneficial.Taking an experience person who can deal with the environment is more productive. SubhanALLAH EVEN TJ goes to universities in UK and USA.

3. TJ essentially are non-violent non-condemning, non-sectarian. There sole actions from what I have seen is calling people to the masjid, encouraging the adherence to 6 points and that is it. Discussion of sects, of politics of anything other than deen is not permitted because th purpose of jamaat is to bring the muslims back to the masjid. Ofcourse politics and evryything else is important but when the people are not acting on the basics then where does that leave other issues.

Truly TJ was a divinely inspired movement.


we know you're TJ and you love them to bits....but try to be objective....

you wrote:
[b]If the person starts making excuses jamaat challenge the excuse. [/b]
so u force them to the mosque, so he will only read it because you made him feel guilty, and not because he wanted to or for the sake of Allah.Mashallah!
Now any1 provide evidence jamaat FORCE people to mosque? [/b]
you just told us yourself! duhhh!
SubhanALLAH EVEN TJ goes to universities in UK and USA.[/b]
big deal! every organisation that is anything is at uni. TJ is one of the least active organisations at uni..its normally HT, al muhajiroun, salafi...
TJ essentially are non-violent non-condemning, non-sectarian.[/b]
that is a joke. almost every TJ guy mainly talks about brewli -bashing. they are sectarian, i know , i have debated with many. they have got the salafi disease and accuse many muslims of bidah, shirk. they believe, just like other sects, only THEY have correct aqeeda and if u disagree with them , you are worng

[b]Truly TJ was a divinely inspired movement[/b]
oh really? did the founders of tabligh get a call from Allah?
TJ is just a sect, just like other sects, they are sectarian, rigid, a bit backward, not up to date with modern issues, teach the Taliban Islam..and put most emphasis on intermixing, women not going mosque, keeping sunnah if these are the most important issues facing teh Muslism today!!!!


I do feel sorry for you Ed, you always seem to run into the wrong people and that why you have the opinion that you do. I think you need to approach these people will more of a open mind and not be too quick to look for their errors. My experience with them was brillant, they didn't come across as patronising and after their small bayaan they left it on me too take up their offer, which I didn't, but they were cool with that.

The tabligh I know are brillant and some are actually brewalvi as well. From what I know the Tabligh do not fall into one sect of islam, I have met many tabligh who aqueedah fall into different groups, so to put one set of thought on them is unfair. The name calling and muslims bashing, I don't think there a worse group then the brewalvi at this, they are the only one I know that consitently bash other groups. I sure other group do as well, but as they are the one I am most closely connected too, so I can only speak for what I know, so before critising other, it best to look a bit closer to home.

Instead of always looking for the negative in all groups, it may be a good idea too look at the positive and try to develop a relationship on that, because as far as Dawah goes, I think the Tabligh are far the best, and as muslims we can learn alot from them, starting with the zeal they have for Islam, while alot of us look for excuse about some aspect of islam, they accept everything fully with no condition attach.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


sumtimes people's "negative" speak louder then their positive

their negatives make it easy to ignore their positives

"MuslimSisLilSis" wrote:
sumtimes people's "negative" speak louder then their positive

their negatives make it easy to ignore their positives

Yeah, but if you in a negative mood to begin with, it far easier to pick on the negative rather then all the positive that are there in front of you. I know some people just by hearing about the Tabligh start thinking wahabbi's or Taliban wannabe, which affect the attitude and negate them getting out any good. It always easier to be a critic.We have to give everyone the same opportunity that we would expect to be given to us if in the same situation.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


not really

most of the time I'm in a good mood

its only when people start to shout at me I get angry-switch off and automtically only look the negative

why should i look at the positive of someone who is being mean to me?

"yuit" wrote:
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"Medievalist" wrote:
Assumption 1. Tablighi Jamaat force people to the masjid.

1. I have never come across any jamaat in my lifetime which forces people to masjid. From my experience they give an invitation to come to masjid for next namaz. People either say ok I will be there or people begin to make excuses. If a person says he will come then from my experience jamaat take that as enough. If the person starts making excuses jamaat challenge the excuse. I met some1 who said his clothes were napaak. Jamaat brother said no problem we have pure clean clothing in the masjid, we will lend u ours for 15 mins and just tell us where the impurity is so one of the brothers can wash it. From what I see jamaat only invite and ask for further clarification if a male says he cant come. If a person is adamant that no1 gonna call him to the mosque jamaat leave by trying atleast to get an inshaALLAH that he will come for namaz.
If Tablighi Jamaats invitation, and strong encouragement makes people feel unconfortable then the fault is with the people in my view. The TJ is calling men to come and read namaz, if a man feels angry by that that why they poking there nose in my business the problem is with the receivor. Inviting others to read namaz, not beating them into it but just inviting them is not a wrong act.

Assumption 2. Jamaat only goes door 2 door

2. People need to find out what it is that jamaat do rather than just make accusations or assumptions. Part of the gasht as explained by khan bro is that they do go to market places, youth centres and snooker places but that is the more experienced brothers because taking a young person new on jamaat to a shopping mall is not beneficial.Taking an experience person who can deal with the environment is more productive. SubhanALLAH EVEN TJ goes to universities in UK and USA.

3. TJ essentially are non-violent non-condemning, non-sectarian. There sole actions from what I have seen is calling people to the masjid, encouraging the adherence to 6 points and that is it. Discussion of sects, of politics of anything other than deen is not permitted because th purpose of jamaat is to bring the muslims back to the masjid. Ofcourse politics and evryything else is important but when the people are not acting on the basics then where does that leave other issues.

Truly TJ was a divinely inspired movement.


we know you're TJ and you love them to bits....but try to be objective....

you wrote:
[b]If the person starts making excuses jamaat challenge the excuse. [/b]
so u force them to the mosque, so he will only read it because you made him feel guilty, and not because he wanted to or for the sake of Allah.Mashallah!
Now any1 provide evidence jamaat FORCE people to mosque? [/b]
you just told us yourself! duhhh!
SubhanALLAH EVEN TJ goes to universities in UK and USA.[/b]
big deal! every organisation that is anything is at uni. TJ is one of the least active organisations at uni..its normally HT, al muhajiroun, salafi...
TJ essentially are non-violent non-condemning, non-sectarian.[/b]
that is a joke. almost every TJ guy mainly talks about brewli -bashing. they are sectarian, i know , i have debated with many. they have got the salafi disease and accuse many muslims of bidah, shirk. they believe, just like other sects, only THEY have correct aqeeda and if u disagree with them , you are worng

[b]Truly TJ was a divinely inspired movement[/b]
oh really? did the founders of tabligh get a call from Allah?
TJ is just a sect, just like other sects, they are sectarian, rigid, a bit backward, not up to date with modern issues, teach the Taliban Islam..and put most emphasis on intermixing, women not going mosque, keeping sunnah if these are the most important issues facing teh Muslism today!!!!


I do feel sorry for you Ed, you always seem to run into the wrong people and that why you have the opinion that you do. I think you need to approach these people will more of a open mind and not be too quick to look for their errors. My experience with them was brillant, they didn't come across as patronising and after their small bayaan they left it on me too take up their offer, which I didn't, but they were cool with that.

The tabligh I know are brillant and some are actually brewalvi as well. From what I know the Tabligh do not fall into one sect of islam, I have met many tabligh who aqueedah fall into different groups, so to put one set of thought on them is unfair. The name calling and muslims bashing, I don't think there a worse group then the brewalvi at this, they are the only one I know that consitently bash other groups. I sure other group do as well, but as they are the one I am most closely connected too, so I can only speak for what I know, so before critising other, it best to look a bit closer to home.

Instead of always looking for the negative in all groups, it may be a good idea too look at the positive and try to develop a relationship on that, because as far as Dawah goes, I think the Tabligh are far the best, and as muslims we can learn alot from them, starting with the zeal they have for Islam, while alot of us look for excuse about some aspect of islam, they accept everything fully with no condition attach.

no need to feel sorry for me. im ok.
listen im being open, constructive amd telling you about what i have seen and from the people i have met and spoke to.
i dont hav eanything against TJ's...i just disagree on a few issues. Of course they are doing good work aswell, like all other groups..everyone has their good and bad points...
th eproblem on this forum is that as soon as i highlight some points which i disagree with i get accuse do fbeing negative, hating certain groups....
i have aproblem with brelwis, salfais, wahabis, tj's, shias....on few issues...
yuit, you may be a brelwi-im not. im ahlussunah, beliefs are according to quran, sunnah, ijam, qiyas...i follow classical schoalrs..none of my belief is from india! i am more critical of brelwis than i am of deobadis!

next time i'll just say all groups are brilliant Biggrin


"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"yuit" wrote:
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"Medievalist" wrote:
Assumption 1. Tablighi Jamaat force people to the masjid.

1. I have never come across any jamaat in my lifetime which forces people to masjid. From my experience they give an invitation to come to masjid for next namaz. People either say ok I will be there or people begin to make excuses. If a person says he will come then from my experience jamaat take that as enough. If the person starts making excuses jamaat challenge the excuse. I met some1 who said his clothes were napaak. Jamaat brother said no problem we have pure clean clothing in the masjid, we will lend u ours for 15 mins and just tell us where the impurity is so one of the brothers can wash it. From what I see jamaat only invite and ask for further clarification if a male says he cant come. If a person is adamant that no1 gonna call him to the mosque jamaat leave by trying atleast to get an inshaALLAH that he will come for namaz.
If Tablighi Jamaats invitation, and strong encouragement makes people feel unconfortable then the fault is with the people in my view. The TJ is calling men to come and read namaz, if a man feels angry by that that why they poking there nose in my business the problem is with the receivor. Inviting others to read namaz, not beating them into it but just inviting them is not a wrong act.

Assumption 2. Jamaat only goes door 2 door

2. People need to find out what it is that jamaat do rather than just make accusations or assumptions. Part of the gasht as explained by khan bro is that they do go to market places, youth centres and snooker places but that is the more experienced brothers because taking a young person new on jamaat to a shopping mall is not beneficial.Taking an experience person who can deal with the environment is more productive. SubhanALLAH EVEN TJ goes to universities in UK and USA.

3. TJ essentially are non-violent non-condemning, non-sectarian. There sole actions from what I have seen is calling people to the masjid, encouraging the adherence to 6 points and that is it. Discussion of sects, of politics of anything other than deen is not permitted because th purpose of jamaat is to bring the muslims back to the masjid. Ofcourse politics and evryything else is important but when the people are not acting on the basics then where does that leave other issues.

Truly TJ was a divinely inspired movement.


we know you're TJ and you love them to bits....but try to be objective....

you wrote:
[b]If the person starts making excuses jamaat challenge the excuse. [/b]
so u force them to the mosque, so he will only read it because you made him feel guilty, and not because he wanted to or for the sake of Allah.Mashallah!
Now any1 provide evidence jamaat FORCE people to mosque? [/b]
you just told us yourself! duhhh!
SubhanALLAH EVEN TJ goes to universities in UK and USA.[/b]
big deal! every organisation that is anything is at uni. TJ is one of the least active organisations at uni..its normally HT, al muhajiroun, salafi...
TJ essentially are non-violent non-condemning, non-sectarian.[/b]
that is a joke. almost every TJ guy mainly talks about brewli -bashing. they are sectarian, i know , i have debated with many. they have got the salafi disease and accuse many muslims of bidah, shirk. they believe, just like other sects, only THEY have correct aqeeda and if u disagree with them , you are worng

[b]Truly TJ was a divinely inspired movement[/b]
oh really? did the founders of tabligh get a call from Allah?
TJ is just a sect, just like other sects, they are sectarian, rigid, a bit backward, not up to date with modern issues, teach the Taliban Islam..and put most emphasis on intermixing, women not going mosque, keeping sunnah if these are the most important issues facing teh Muslism today!!!!


I do feel sorry for you Ed, you always seem to run into the wrong people and that why you have the opinion that you do. I think you need to approach these people will more of a open mind and not be too quick to look for their errors. My experience with them was brillant, they didn't come across as patronising and after their small bayaan they left it on me too take up their offer, which I didn't, but they were cool with that.

The tabligh I know are brillant and some are actually brewalvi as well. From what I know the Tabligh do not fall into one sect of islam, I have met many tabligh who aqueedah fall into different groups, so to put one set of thought on them is unfair. The name calling and muslims bashing, I don't think there a worse group then the brewalvi at this, they are the only one I know that consitently bash other groups. I sure other group do as well, but as they are the one I am most closely connected too, so I can only speak for what I know, so before critising other, it best to look a bit closer to home.

Instead of always looking for the negative in all groups, it may be a good idea too look at the positive and try to develop a relationship on that, because as far as Dawah goes, I think the Tabligh are far the best, and as muslims we can learn alot from them, starting with the zeal they have for Islam, while alot of us look for excuse about some aspect of islam, they accept everything fully with no condition attach.

no need to feel sorry for me. im ok.
listen im being open, constructive amd telling you about what i have seen and from the people i have met and spoke to.
i dont hav eanything against TJ's...i just disagree on a few issues. Of course they are doing good work aswell, like all other groups..everyone has their good and bad points...
th eproblem on this forum is that as soon as i highlight some points which i disagree with i get accuse do fbeing negative, hating certain groups....
i have aproblem with brelwis, salfais, wahabis, tj's, shias....on few issues...
yuit, you may be a brelwi-im not. im ahlussunah, beliefs are according to quran, sunnah, ijam, qiyas...i follow classical schoalrs..none of my belief is from india! i am more critical of brelwis than i am of deobadis!

next time i'll just say all groups are brilliant Biggrin

Well a little consitency in the message would be good, if you only going to talk about the negative of one group, you can't blame people for taking your message the wrong way. You may only disagree with them on a few points, but it seem that you still letting drive a wedge between you and them and it is affecting your opinion on them. I disagree with them on a few things as well. But I rather inform people of the good they doing.

So the fact you critcal of Brwalvi, are you implying that you critcal of the work of Imaam Ahmed Raza Khan, as the group is based on his work, are you saying his work is not based on teh Quran, sunnah, ijam, qiyas and he not a classical scholar. That what I thought that Brewalvi were, at least the one I see in my area, but they have start using the same definition as you of late, but it still doesn't take away from their action.

I only consider myself muslim. Which school of thought I follow when reading namaaz and the people that I listen too, don't really define who I am, as Im just part of the bigger brotherhood of islam, and that all I consider myself as. I refuse to recogonise myself under any other caterogry. If all muslims did that, I think we would have less problems affecting us.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


"yuit" wrote:
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"yuit" wrote:
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:
"Medievalist" wrote:
Assumption 1. Tablighi Jamaat force people to the masjid.

1. I have never come across any jamaat in my lifetime which forces people to masjid. From my experience they give an invitation to come to masjid for next namaz. People either say ok I will be there or people begin to make excuses. If a person says he will come then from my experience jamaat take that as enough. If the person starts making excuses jamaat challenge the excuse. I met some1 who said his clothes were napaak. Jamaat brother said no problem we have pure clean clothing in the masjid, we will lend u ours for 15 mins and just tell us where the impurity is so one of the brothers can wash it. From what I see jamaat only invite and ask for further clarification if a male says he cant come. If a person is adamant that no1 gonna call him to the mosque jamaat leave by trying atleast to get an inshaALLAH that he will come for namaz.
If Tablighi Jamaats invitation, and strong encouragement makes people feel unconfortable then the fault is with the people in my view. The TJ is calling men to come and read namaz, if a man feels angry by that that why they poking there nose in my business the problem is with the receivor. Inviting others to read namaz, not beating them into it but just inviting them is not a wrong act.

Assumption 2. Jamaat only goes door 2 door

2. People need to find out what it is that jamaat do rather than just make accusations or assumptions. Part of the gasht as explained by khan bro is that they do go to market places, youth centres and snooker places but that is the more experienced brothers because taking a young person new on jamaat to a shopping mall is not beneficial.Taking an experience person who can deal with the environment is more productive. SubhanALLAH EVEN TJ goes to universities in UK and USA.

3. TJ essentially are non-violent non-condemning, non-sectarian. There sole actions from what I have seen is calling people to the masjid, encouraging the adherence to 6 points and that is it. Discussion of sects, of politics of anything other than deen is not permitted because th purpose of jamaat is to bring the muslims back to the masjid. Ofcourse politics and evryything else is important but when the people are not acting on the basics then where does that leave other issues.

Truly TJ was a divinely inspired movement.


we know you're TJ and you love them to bits....but try to be objective....

you wrote:
[b]If the person starts making excuses jamaat challenge the excuse. [/b]
so u force them to the mosque, so he will only read it because you made him feel guilty, and not because he wanted to or for the sake of Allah.Mashallah!
Now any1 provide evidence jamaat FORCE people to mosque? [/b]
you just told us yourself! duhhh!
SubhanALLAH EVEN TJ goes to universities in UK and USA.[/b]
big deal! every organisation that is anything is at uni. TJ is one of the least active organisations at uni..its normally HT, al muhajiroun, salafi...
TJ essentially are non-violent non-condemning, non-sectarian.[/b]
that is a joke. almost every TJ guy mainly talks about brewli -bashing. they are sectarian, i know , i have debated with many. they have got the salafi disease and accuse many muslims of bidah, shirk. they believe, just like other sects, only THEY have correct aqeeda and if u disagree with them , you are worng

[b]Truly TJ was a divinely inspired movement[/b]
oh really? did the founders of tabligh get a call from Allah?
TJ is just a sect, just like other sects, they are sectarian, rigid, a bit backward, not up to date with modern issues, teach the Taliban Islam..and put most emphasis on intermixing, women not going mosque, keeping sunnah if these are the most important issues facing teh Muslism today!!!!


I do feel sorry for you Ed, you always seem to run into the wrong people and that why you have the opinion that you do. I think you need to approach these people will more of a open mind and not be too quick to look for their errors. My experience with them was brillant, they didn't come across as patronising and after their small bayaan they left it on me too take up their offer, which I didn't, but they were cool with that.

The tabligh I know are brillant and some are actually brewalvi as well. From what I know the Tabligh do not fall into one sect of islam, I have met many tabligh who aqueedah fall into different groups, so to put one set of thought on them is unfair. The name calling and muslims bashing, I don't think there a worse group then the brewalvi at this, they are the only one I know that consitently bash other groups. I sure other group do as well, but as they are the one I am most closely connected too, so I can only speak for what I know, so before critising other, it best to look a bit closer to home.

Instead of always looking for the negative in all groups, it may be a good idea too look at the positive and try to develop a relationship on that, because as far as Dawah goes, I think the Tabligh are far the best, and as muslims we can learn alot from them, starting with the zeal they have for Islam, while alot of us look for excuse about some aspect of islam, they accept everything fully with no condition attach.

no need to feel sorry for me. im ok.
listen im being open, constructive amd telling you about what i have seen and from the people i have met and spoke to.
i dont hav eanything against TJ's...i just disagree on a few issues. Of course they are doing good work aswell, like all other groups..everyone has their good and bad points...
th eproblem on this forum is that as soon as i highlight some points which i disagree with i get accuse do fbeing negative, hating certain groups....
i have aproblem with brelwis, salfais, wahabis, tj's, shias....on few issues...
yuit, you may be a brelwi-im not. im ahlussunah, beliefs are according to quran, sunnah, ijam, qiyas...i follow classical schoalrs..none of my belief is from india! i am more critical of brelwis than i am of deobadis!

next time i'll just say all groups are brilliant Biggrin

Well a little consitency in the message would be good, if you only going to talk about the negative of one group, you can't blame people for taking your message the wrong way. You may only disagree with them on a few points, but it seem that you still letting drive a wedge between you and them and it is affecting your opinion on them. I disagree with them on a few things as well. But I rather inform people of the good they doing.

So the fact you critcal of Brwalvi, are you implying that you critcal of the work of Imaam Ahmed Raza Khan, as the group is based on his work, are you saying his work is not based on teh Quran, sunnah, ijam, qiyas and he not a classical scholar. That what I thought that Brewalvi were, at least the one I see in my area, but they have start using the same definition as you of late, but it still doesn't take away from their action.

I only consider myself muslim. Which school of thought I follow when reading namaaz and the people that I listen too, don't really define who I am, as Im just part of the bigger brotherhood of islam, and that all I consider myself as. I refuse to recogonise myself under any other caterogry. If all muslims did that, I think we would have less problems affecting us.

i dont have anything to do with ahmad raza khan. dont know what he believes. dont care
im critical of brelwi actions or in action, no organisations in mosques etc....
i dont see myself attached to any sect.... that is proof in it self that one is on the wrong path...
difference netween me and you is that when u disagree with a group u ignore it, i dont, i highlight it, to create awareness, to get som eexplanation, understanding, correction etc....that doesnt m,ean i hate anyone, or create hatred or division.....


1st of all.. can people start editing their quotes to a particular point their responding to.

In total agreement with yuit. I think you're allegiance to the greater 'brotherhood' of Islam is critical for all of us who are still searching for a Jamaat to be actively part of.

Editor bro, disagreement is fine. But politeness is also important as yuit mentioned. Its fine to say I do not agree with x y and z because of a b and c. But to make a mockery of Muslims who follow different beliefs and agendas to you, with little knowledge of what they're about will upset many. Both the members of the groups, and those who observe unfair treatment.

[b][i]Round and round the Ka'bah,
Like a good Sahabah,
One step, Two step,
All the way to jannah[/i][/b]

"khan" wrote:
1st of all.. can people start editing their quotes to a particular point their responding to.

In total agreement with yuit. I think you're allegiance to the greater 'brotherhood' of Islam is critical for all of us who are still searching for a Jamaat to be actively part of.

Editor bro, disagreement is fine. But politeness is also important as yuit mentioned. Its fine to say I do not agree with x y and z because of a b and c. But to make a mockery of Muslims who follow different beliefs and agendas to you, with little knowledge of what they're about will upset many. Both the members of the groups, and those who observe unfair treatment.

i agree with u khan and yuit
i dont mock, well dont mean to. apologies if i have done so....
yes we ar eall msulims, part of the sam ebrotherhood..and unity is crucial..meaning getting on with each other and helping each other out despite our differences...
the revival magazine consists of ppl from deobandis, brelwis, salafis, jamaat islaamis ! so we all have our differences but get on with to discuss real issues for teh betterment pf islam, inshallah. a sign of unity.


i held a stall once on the sisters side in some Milad programme last year

it had lots of diff literature on it

i had put sweets on my stall too so that people come for that reason

I ended up getting jacked by the lil kids :evil:

"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

difference netween me and you is that when u disagree with a group u ignore it, i dont, i highlight it, to create awareness, to get som eexplanation, understanding, correction etc....that doesnt m,ean i hate anyone, or create hatred or division.....

I don't ignore it, I simply accept their explantion for it. Like I said I don't like the door knocking idea, but having spoke to them I agree with the fact that it may have some good, for that reason I don't critise it. See you may not think of it as causing division, but what would Tj think if he saw what you wrote, he could quite easily take it the wrong way. Obviously I don't think you creating division, alhumduillah I can see that by the work you doing for Islam, but saying that I think your method could be worked on abit.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


"yuit" wrote:
"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

difference netween me and you is that when u disagree with a group u ignore it, i dont, i highlight it, to create awareness, to get som eexplanation, understanding, correction etc....that doesnt m,ean i hate anyone, or create hatred or division.....

I don't ignore it, I simply accept their explantion for it. Like I said I don't like the door knocking idea, but having spoke to them I agree with the fact that it may have some good, for that reason I don't critise it. See you may not think of it as causing division, but what would Tj think if he saw what you wrote, he could quite easily take it the wrong way. Obviously I don't think you creating division, alhumduillah I can see that by the work you doing for Islam, but saying that I think your method could be worked on abit.

if ppl take things the wrong way i cant help that...but i can see your point. well on behalf of teh revival we never even think about these issues of different groups, sects..cos it doesnt really mean anything to us. i dont get a bit carried away when i really feel strongly about an issue, method, belief, viewpoint.....
im a pssionate guy , what can i say. Thats my biggest weakness Biggrin


How many people here listen to the radio for dawah?

Did anyone listen to Radio Ramadan last year? (based in London).

I never, really switch my radio on....

neither do i much....only before Iftari when were all sat down....or occasionaly on a weekend IF theres something interesting on....oh...and wen ma sis is on Biggrin

The evenings are pretty interesting, Ed's Lets Talk show.....action-packed Lol .....altho i rarely tune in!!

MAYBE inshallah will be on it this year, only if i feel i can contribute sensibly Dirol

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"MuslimSister" wrote:
How many people here listen to the radio for dawah?

Did anyone listen to Radio Ramadan last year? (based in London).

I never, really switch my radio on....

i think most ppl listen to radio ramzaan if good programmes are on....

yep lets talk show that i do, is very popular, hamdulillah....

i think ppl throughout UK ar ein to their local ramzaan radios.

excellent way of dawah, tabligh, discussing issues facing muslims



"TheRevivalEditor" wrote:

you wrote:
[b]If the person starts making excuses jamaat challenge the excuse. [/b]
so u force them to the mosque, so he will only read it because you made him feel guilty, and not because he wanted to or for the sake of Allah.Mashallah!
Now any1 provide evidence jamaat FORCE people to mosque? [/b]
you just told us yourself! duhhh!

Strange. You think challenging peoples excuses is forcing them to the mosque? Ok, see i dont get that. Strange that a person invites another to mosque, the person gives excuses, brothers say well ur namaz is an obligation, come let us help u with ur excuses. So that is forcing people ? hmmm

Why do ppl not have a problem with the one who refuses to the come to the mosque but they have problems with the one who merely invites?

TJ is divinely inspired. If you knew about its history then you would know the truth about the statement. See Editor you try to come across as understanding and with constructive criticism but the more I read your posts the more I can see that it is infact YOU who are into the whole barelwi scene. AbdusSalam informed that previously you people had sent the Saudi brothers to hell because they demolished a few buildings, here you are accusing TJ of things that they dont do.

As for your great love for radio stations, let me say that having rap 'islamic' songs, ''sisters'' and brother chatting with each other for no reason but some lighthearted fun on the radio waves is not exactly islamic. I see your mind has been polluted and you are finding it difficult to determine truth from falsehood. I advise you brother to go on chillah (40 days) with jamaat. InshaALLAH ALLAH will purify your heart, May HE purfiy us also. ameen

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

so radio is sinnig as well??

Seems like any form of good deed you try to do....sum1 will always knock you down!!

I dont agree with rap as well, but the radios dnot play that....well i habvnt heard it

And there is no light hearted discussions....its all islamic

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


no radio is not sinning if it does islamically.

But on what grounds is allowing rap ''islamic'' music allowed?

On what grounds are the men and women presenters allowed to present together? On what grounds are women allowed to be presenters.

People seem to forget that by some ulama the womans voice is awrah. They seem to ignore that some of the Mothers of Believres placed cloth infront of their mouths when speaking with strangers so that their voices did not come out with the normal attraction that is in the womans voice?

Do you believe in part of the book and disbelieve in the rest?

ALLAH save us.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

See Editor you try to come across as understanding and with constructive criticism but the more I read your posts the more I can see that it is infact YOU who are into the whole barelwi scene. AbdusSalam informed that previously you people had sent the Saudi brothers to hell because they demolished a few buildings, here you are accusing TJ of things that they dont do.



no surprise...if you dusagree with a TJ then they accuse you being a brelwi. then say say TJ is a blessed organisation which is non-sectarian :shock:
i have stated above i am not brelwi, i have issues with brelwis, i dont belong to a sect, i dont know anything about ahmad raza khan..
my beliefs are in line with quran and sunnah, ijam and qiyas and go along with classical scholars...
because i celebrate mawlid u accuse of being a imam asqlani, suyuti, ibn kathir , imam nawawi are all brelwi then?

thats the thing i hat ethe most...if u disagree with a group, especially TJ..then yoiu have to be a brelwi....

im not accusing TJ of anything..i was just sharing my view in a constructi=ive way...but you cant tak ethat can you. You want me to say TJ are the best in the whole world Biggrin

i have already sai dTJ are good bros, doing good stuff, if i disagree with ceratin methods and a few issue sdoe sthat mean i hate them. NO! i dont hate anyone....



er i m not TJ so get that out of your head yeh?

I like and support TJ, that doesnt mean I am TJ. Alhamdulillah WE follow Quran and Sunnah and Ijmaa and Qiyas aswell alhamdulillah.

When did i say anything abt the molvi of bareilly, ahmad raza sahib? Dnt get me into that cos I didnt mention ahmad reza sahib.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar

I dont like islamic rap but if it gets ppl interested then whats wrong with it, mostly in rap they just use their own voice.

"Medievalist" wrote:
no radio is not sinning if it does islamically.

But on what grounds is allowing rap ''islamic'' music allowed?

On what grounds are the men and women presenters allowed to present together? On what grounds are women allowed to be presenters.

People seem to forget that by some ulama the womans voice is awrah. They seem to ignore that some of the Mothers of Believres placed cloth infront of their mouths when speaking with strangers so that their voices did not come out with the normal attraction that is in the womans voice?

Do you believe in part of the book and disbelieve in the rest?

ALLAH save us.


most radio shows dont have islamic rap on, most dont have mixed presenters..if they do then dont listen to that part of teh show...
i have been doing radio shows for last 6 years ...and i dont know of any shows with mixed presenters....

the islamic rap music played is the one done my myna raps..they dont use haram musical instruments, mainly just duff...and they ar every inspirational for the muslim youth....
according to Hujjatul Islam Imam Ghazzali rahimullah certain music instrumenst are allowed if they are used to bring ppl to iSLAM. I advice you to read his book Alchemy of Happiness.

also womans voice is only part of awarh according to ahnaaf if woman beautifies her voice, not if she just speaks....

[b]Do you believe in part of the book and disbelieve in the rest?[/b]
again, you ar every quick to judge peopel and question their faith and practise but get upset when you get criticised...mmmhhhh

most radio stations are good, if they have some unislamic bits then one needs to give naseeha to the organisers.



well the whole rap culture derives from US and hiphop is a culture, more than just music

the beats, te style.......everytm i lisun 2 it...its like lisnin to 2pac all over again :?

Im not a fan of it and dont agree.....but if it can reach out to those on the streets and bring them to islam (as it has in US) then i suppose its ok

but stick 2 naats and nasheeds Lol

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth Hayder" wrote:
well the whole rap culture derives from US and hiphop is a culture, more than just music

the beats, te style.......everytm i lisun 2 it...its like lisnin to 2pac all over again :?

Im not a fan of it and dont agree.....but if it can reach out to those on the streets and bring them to islam (as it has in US) then i suppose its ok

but stick 2 naats and nasheeds Lol

Thats what i mean if it gets the message of islam across and gets ppl interested why not...i personally hate it!!

your rights naats and nasheeds!

Yeah, I like the idea of a radio station, I think I watch a show a couple of years ago about Ed and his radio station, it was one in Oldham anyway. I like the idea of a radio station like that, where you can exchange views and it ain't too formal and judgemental.

Muslims Rap is also ok for the non practicing muslims, it better then liostening to the like of Kanye West, 2pac and which ever idiots is about at the mo. I have gave some CD out in the past, which I thought would be good for some brothers.

"A true Muslim is thankful to Allah in prosperity, and resigned to His will in adversity."


I understand people think that we need new ways to reach out to people and to spread islam but my view is more along the orthodox and traditional. It is becuase we have adopted alien ways and new methods that we are not seeing any benefits, in my view the way forward is to go back if that makes sense?

We have to return to the methodology of the Holy Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Sahabah Karaam alayhim ridhwanullahi ta'ala.

Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
