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"St George" wrote:
i was callin bush, and his pals, racist, not you..but the fact his administration are so cack handed leads me, and millions others, to believe that he doesnt give a rats ass about poor black ppl...ur articles prove jack...

as the south has a terrible track record on race, dont u think bush shulda done more, at least to avoid the inevitable accusations of racism, as well as save his own sorry, redneck, ass?

My articles proove beyond a reasonable doubt that FEMA was unprepared for any disaster. That facts are quite clear George - New Orleans could have been the whitest location on Earth - whiter than Europe, and nothing could have saved them. Your assumptions from across the ocean really don't account for much. You [i]assumed[/i] that Bush would have acted only if he had something political at stake - ignoring the [i]fact[/i] that in both the 2000 and 2004 elections Mississippi and Louisianna went Bush.


Check out the county breakdown on 2000 - look at New Orleans especially. The whole city - and county went Bush, as did the state and Miss.

You ignore the [i]fact[/i] that millions of dollars in energy (specifically oil company) assets were lost - we all know how close Bush is to the Oil industry.

79% of production killed in a matter of hours. You know his buddies are feeling that in the pocket.

So basically to get back to your earlier point - Bush woulda done more if there were rich white Bush supporters in NO like in New York (you still have no response to the fact that NY went Kerry) - you are soundly defeated by the facts that 1. Louisianna and Miss are thoroughly Bush supporting Republican and 2. Oil interests were anihilated by the storm with absolutely no federal assistance.

All you seem to be left with is the opinion of Kanye West.

They kid can turn a phrase but he's not going to hold my attention in a national policy class.

"St George" wrote:
Kayne is surly he would understand his own community more than a rich white kid...he was just telling it as he, and millions of black amricans, saw do u understand black culture more than him? i heard bare black victims complaining about racism in the last few days...the fact dat u boast about "ur experience in government" proves nothin other than ur own bias

lol Kanye himself is a racist - singing about gold digging white girls just got him into a little spat in canada. But you're right - lots of black people think it was racist that there was little federal assistance in Louisianna. That's just the black experience - the facts pretty well establish that that's not what happened. My government experience = practical knowledge in how this government (this [i]specific[/i] government works) that's not a bias - that's knowledge. Kanye West's prejudices about white people "the man" trying to tear him down and leading him to the conclusion that this is a conspiracy to destroy black people - That's a prejudice.

"St George" wrote:
so FEMA screwed up? didnt bushy boy say “u doing a great job micheal” to the head of that very body? the morals of ur officals run about as deep as the surface...bush didnt give a shit... bush is a moron...he shuld resign, along side our own moron, liar, mr tony ‘phony boloney”, blair

lol great job mike? - and are you talkin about brown or Chertoff?

He demonstrated his deep admiration for Mike Brown's "Great Job" by relieving him of duties in New Orleans.

Poor guy thinks the big mean press is making him a "scapegoat"

I mean... who are these "press" people anyway to put all this blame on him for the miserable job his administration did?

And Boy Bush's got a funny way of telling Chertoff (the hs sec) what a great job he is doing - His consistent message since this turned out to be worse than he possibly imagined was "this is not enough" "I am displeased with the Federal Efforts"

Like any good politician he got caught screwing up as a leader and is DISTANCING himself from the problem. You should have already known that if you read my conversation with Irf earlier - Irfghan provided the link!

"St George" wrote:
the whole "usa is a land of equal opportunities" is complete horse s**t,

just like my own country...its all about the money...aint a damn thing funny...u gotta have a con in this land of milk and honey

We aren't the land of equal opportunity - but we are the land that strives more than any other for equal opportunity - the first to put those exact words into law. And we certainly are the number one meritocracy on Earth.

"St George" wrote:
and thats comin from someone who loves the USA and its people...

Sure I can feel the love. We all can. Britain recently said it has more respect for communist China than it does for the US.

Unless you want to rely on our lapdog blair for evidence of this love it's pretty clear we are about as beloved by the British (and the resta the world for that matter) as cancer.

Just be honest for two bloody seconds and admit the fact you don't like us very much. We are arrogant and ostentatious, we set the rules for the modern world and don't play by em. We told Europe after ww2 they had to dismantle their beloved empires and inadvertantly started building our own, we told the world to play capitalism with us meanwhile we enacted protectionist legislation for US business - we push yall around with our weapons and talk about how much we want peace while at the same time have a military objective of "complete victory any where in the world within 24 hours" and a "48 hour full deployment" for our military branches.

Don't play games with me. I am not interested in the monotonous ritual cordialities of dislike. Do you really believe all those idiotic stereotypes that American's have one or two stamps on their passports - or have never stepped on plane before. We know what you think of us - we've talked to you in your countries, we listen to your pundits and debates, we are in your chatrooms.

I know full well what you think of us - don't throw me a bone, just stick to the truth.

"St George" wrote:
and there is nothin wrong wit the kind hearted ppl of bangladesh, one of the poorest countries in the history of humanity, offering help....but it shames the USA that the gov coulndt do more to help its poorest, and darkest, “citizens”

lol oh come on - there's a big problem with Bangladesh. They are poor - you said it yourself "they are a third world country!"

You just got caught in the same arrogant western mindset you're accusing me of. Did you think I was going to go into some vicious rant about how we don't need it - or pretend they offered nothing and it's no big deal?

Bangladesh - for shame. They aren't equal to the great western nations!! They could never be! They are asians!! When has Bangladesh ever accomplished anything as great as the Britain? There is a reason for that you know - they will always be poor! - Or at least not as great as Britain!

lol don't pretend that's not how you meant it. Little pathetic Bangladesh offering to assist a mighty western nation like the US - Britain would never stoop so low.

"St George" wrote:
D, stop playin...ur country used to have a hell of a lot of friends around the world...u losin them at a rapid rate...stop tryin to deny the obvious truth...the rich of the usa couldnt give a tinkers toss about their own poor it is no suprise that the rest of world r also regarded as inferior scum by ur gov...

Yea we used to have a lot of friends - aware of that. Unfortunately the world was disappointed by the USA. For the last 100 years we built insitutions of multilateralism talked about freedom of men and democratic virtues, tore down the old world and just when you all thought we might just be a new kind of empire we did something you didn't expect. Acted like just another normal selfish nation. Again - aware of it. No sense pretending everything is just fantastic and we are all coming together for the world's biggest group hug if we just get rid of Bush.

You wanna fix the problem? Stop lying to yourselves and us. No more of this "ohh I like American's just not their government" - we trust you probably about as much as you trust us.

Ever wonder [i]why[/i] we feel the need to have such a gigantic military? - Think about it.

"St George" wrote:
sorry D, but u cant except ppl to ignore the truth, especially when it stands in front of us as tall and proud as a mountain...

I'm not. The paperwork on this is a mile high and the gov't is doing it's best to cover over it's unprepared tracks that go back years ago.

I'm just not willing to call it racist until I see some real evidence.

"Admin" wrote:
I have changed my opinion on this matter.

I am now of the opinion that there was institutional racism incolved.

Not malicious racism, but decisions were taken to benefit one community more than another based on the colour of skin.

While evacuating the astrodome etc, a decision was made to evacuate the fair coloured people first. Now that is racism.

The decision was made because the authorities did not want them targetted by racists. However, instead of choosing the right answer (maybe creating diffeent zones for different people), they chose to evacuate based on the colour of skin.

It was not a malicious decision, but the effect is the same. You are prioritised on the colour of your skin. If you are black, tough luck. You must wait. You must let the white people leave first. You are not as a high a priority for evacuation.

I would love to know who the plonker was who thought 'hmmm... we may have racist incidents...' 'Eureka!' 'Lets evacuate the white people first!' The cure cure and the problem were created at the same time. at the same time.

Also a brit quit with the aid effort after he was branded racist. He may not have been one, but his actions were. He was evacuating just white people from mixed and predominantly black areas of the city.

The evacuation of the city was orchestrated in an institutionally racist manner.

Hooold on - you gotta show me a link on that evac whites first thing.

I can buy institutional racism in that there are less advantages available to predominantly black urban areas - leading to more poor on the streets and due to the fact nobody seems to care about them anymore they were left behind.

But that's way diff. - Hook me up with a reputable link on that I gotta see that for myself

I saw a couple of articles online which mentioned white people being evacuated first... it was not the main point in the articles, just accounts of some witnesses... I will get you some links... but for now:

Jenny Sachs, of Sheffield, told how soldiers had to smuggle her out of the Superdome in secret.

She was one of about 30 Britons who, realising they could not escape the city, had fled to the stadium for shelter.

"It has hit me more now I am at home, when you can have clean water, how bad it was," she said.

She said people had been raped and that others were beaten up.

"A guy was brought in who had seven stab wounds and was covered in blood."

The military told all non-US citizens to stay together for safety, Ms Sachs added.

They later told them they would be secretly smuggled out in groups of 10 under cover of darkness as it had become too dangerous for them to remain in the stadium, she told BBC News.

"When we were leaving, people were going 'Where are you going?' and giving us looks.

"But the military got us out, which we were all thankful for."[url=]BBC News[/url]

RE the British worker who quit, it was todays Metro (Good quality free paper in the UK), Page 9

[size=18]Rescuer: Survivors branded me racist[/size]

A briton who rescued 60 people in New Orleans gave up his mission after survivors branded him a racist.

Andrew Rowling Moved to Luisiana in May to Marry his Fiancee. He and a friend ignored police and army cordons to pick up flood victims in a boat - but abandoned their efforts amidst threats from the mostly black residents.

The 21 year old builder, Oroginally from Chesterfield, Kent, said: "We were abused by people we didn't pick up and accused of being racist by helping only white's in a predominantly black neighbourhood. Needless to say, 90 percent of the people we rescued were black. The water was 3m deep in places, full of petrol, trees, garbage, tiles and cars."

While he did mostly help black people, he picked up only whites in one neighbourhood?!?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Eh.. well it's a different thing having the military go in to pick up foreign nationals. It's somewhat natural and to be expected so I can understand that.

But if that aid worker was making decisions based on race that is blatently illegal and wrong. Does the article state if that was official policy or if he was acting alone?

That is the whole article!

Its just a small sace filler next to the main article ('Troops told to force survivors out of city')

I think he was acting of his own accord.

However smuggling one set of people out of the superdome over another set is wrong.

If law and order is a problem, create safety zones. Give different categories their own area. Separate families from individuals type of things. But do not proritise using false logic.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

"Admin" wrote:
That is the whole article!

Its just a small sace filler next to the main article ('Troops told to force survivors out of city')

I think he was acting of his own accord.

However smuggling one set of people out of the superdome over another set is wrong.

If law and order is a problem, create safety zones. Give different categories their own area. Separate families from individuals type of things. But do not proritise using false logic.

Well they probably had to smuggle out the foreigners because the very angry americans in the superdome wouldn't have wanted to have a discussion about good foreign policy at that point.

I mean it's pretty clear the feds have no control - they want to make it appear to the outside world that they do.

It's wrong and stupid but I don't see how it's racist - unless they explicitly state that they are preferring people based on skin color - but I cannot find that specific comment anywhere...

Well all it says is that the survivors called him racist... Nothing in his actions seem to indicate racism... and if it's his own accord the feds cannot really say much about it...

[size=18]Shas rabbi: Hurricane is Bush's punishment for Gaza pullout support[/size]

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, a former chief rabbi and the spiritual leader of the ultra-Orthodox Shas movement, said on Wednesday that Hurricane Katrina was God's punishment for U.S. President George W. Bush's support for Israel's Gaza pullout.

"It was God's retribution. God does not shortchange anyone," Yosef said during his weekly sermon on Tuesday. His comments were broadcast on Channel 10 TV on Wednesday.

Yosef also said recent natural disasters were the result of a lack of Torah study and that Katrina's victims suffered "because they have no God," singling out black people.


aah Bless!

Politics hijacking a distaster!

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

lol I am just getting used to those "God did this because (fags, israel, iraq, rabies)"

Totally classless nonsense. They will answer to God for it - false prophets!

lol Dick aint so good at handling...people.

They are too carbon based for his liking - and emotions just doesn't make sense to him.

That's hilarious - I think he was trying to name Jon Stewart but didn't want to deviate from the "Let's not give him national attention" plan.

Sure is workin great so far.

"Dave" wrote:

That's hilarious - I think he was trying to name Jon Stewart but didn't want to deviate from the "Let's not give him national attention" plan.

Sure is workin great so far.

Whats that about?

On a side note is it true that Dick Cheney's wife is a nazi supporter?

"salaf" wrote:
Whats that about?

On a side note is it true that Dick Cheney's wife is a nazi supporter?

Everybody knows Jon Stewart wants the President to show up on the Daily Show for an interview... it's an unwritten challenge. The Admin knows it - the audience knows it - everybody knows it.

The Admin's been dodging Jon Stewart's existence for the longest time but he is getting too popular. The President just looks like an idiot now when reports ask and he responds "who?"

They tried to placate everybody by sending lower level or retired officials to the show but that's just not enough. Tom Ridge and Colin Powell aren't gonna cut it - we all want the real thing.

Cheney isn't stupid enough to acknowledge Jon's existence - especially when he is so open to attack.

Prolly will show up on the DS tonight.

As for Lynn... never heard anything like that. I have met her before and didn't get the impression she was racist. It wouldn't make sense either - her husband is too important.

I suspect it's just a rumor.

"Admin" wrote:
I have changed my opinion on this matter.

I am now of the opinion that there was institutional racism incolved.

Not malicious racism, but decisions were taken to benefit one community more than another based on the colour of skin.

While evacuating the astrodome etc, a decision was made to evacuate the fair coloured people first. Now that is racism.

The decision was made because the authorities did not want them targetted by racists. However, instead of choosing the right answer (maybe creating diffeent zones for different people), they chose to evacuate based on the colour of skin.

It was not a malicious decision, but the effect is the same. You are prioritised on the colour of your skin. If you are black, tough luck. You must wait. You must let the white people leave first. You are not as a high a priority for evacuation.

I would love to know who the plonker was who thought 'hmmm... we may have racist incidents...' 'Eureka!' 'Lets evacuate the white people first!' The cure cure and the problem were created at the same time. at the same time.

Also a brit quit with the aid effort after he was branded racist. He may not have been one, but his actions were. He was evacuating just white people from mixed and predominantly black areas of the city.

The evacuation of the city was orchestrated in an institutionally racist manner.

I agree with you.

Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still. -- Lou Erickso

Hey Jamal,

Have u also heard anything about Cheney's wife bein a Nazi?

She's just realised that he's oblivious.

That's what the south is all about - home.

Looks like those migrant metrosexuals up north are just startin to figure it out.

They just don't get it - they messed up and a lot more people's homes were destroyed than shoulda happened and NO is destroyed.

They think Southerners are just gonna be cool with that and give em a bi - that's not how things work. You mess this up for us get the hell well fix it ourselves.

"salaf" wrote:
She's just realised that he's oblivious.

lol she's the leading dem in the house and was whip for a number of years. Ultra lib.

Her daughter did an interesting documentary on the Bush run to the white house though.

Dave...u in [i]italics[/i] again....king georgi in [color=red]RED[/color]

[i]My articles proove beyond a reasonable doubt that FEMA was unprepared for any disaster. That facts are quite clear George - New Orleans could have been the whitest location on Earth - whiter than Europe, and nothing could have saved them.

So basically to get back to your earlier point - Bush woulda done more if there were rich white Bush supporters in NO like in New York (you still have no response to the fact that NY went Kerry) - you are soundly defeated by the facts that 1. Louisianna and Miss are thoroughly Bush supporting Republican and 2. Oil interests were anihilated by the storm with absolutely no federal assistance. [/i]

[color=red]dis aint some phoney rich kid uni class….ur “facts” r complete rubbish….written by liars, tryin to save their own sorry asses…I never said NY was republican….i said texas was full of redneck, racist dimwits….it IS!

I said NY was full of rich bankers…it IS!

How many black ppl vote republican? [/color]

[i]All you seem to be left with is the opinion of Kanye West.

lol Kanye himself is a racist - singing about gold digging white girls just got him into a little spat in canada. But you're right - lots of black people think it was racist that there was little federal assistance in Louisianna. That's just the black experience - the facts pretty well establish that that's not what happened. My government experience = practical knowledge in how this government (this specific government works) that's not a bias - that's knowledge. Kanye West's prejudices about white people "the man" trying to tear him down and leading him to the conclusion that this is a conspiracy to destroy black people - That's a prejudice. [/i]

Lol…so kanye is a racist cos he sleeps with white hookers!?
U seem to dismiss the “black experience” as chip on the shoulder crap…u tell me not to listen to the black “northern propaganda”….but u want me to listen to ur southern propaganda…why?? Cos of ur “experience in gov”!?

Look D, I couldn’t give a rats ass about u filing and photocopying for some rich friend of the family in the “government”….

gimmie a break D, ur evidence is laughable…which is exactly wot I am doing now!…ur fake “experience” prove JACK…..
So black Americans are all wrong, and rich WASPs like u are all correct!? GTF outta here!!!

Ur government, just like MINE, are lying scumbags, and the fact u r trying to defend their incompetent, racist, redneck asses show me u either
1..blind and dum b
2..a biased kid looking for a job in gov in the near future [/color]

[i]lol oh come on - there's a big problem with Bangladesh. They are poor - you said it yourself "they are a third world country!"

You just got caught in the same arrogant western mindset you're accusing me of. Did you think I was going to go into some vicious rant about how we don't need it - or pretend they offered nothing and it's no big deal?

Bangladesh - for shame. They aren't equal to the great western nations!! They could never be! They are asians!! When has Bangladesh ever accomplished anything as great as the Britain? There is a reason for that you know - they will always be poor! - Or at least not as great as Britain!

lol don't pretend that's not how you meant it. Little pathetic Bangladesh offering to assist a mighty western nation like the US - Britain would never stoop so low. [/i]

[color=red]lol....wots did? the reverse race card?...i said bangladesh were "kindhearted"....u said the were "pathetic"....well if u can use smart ass lawyer talk to win points so can i... Biggrin

D, my millionaire friend,….ur lame ass lawyer spin is a joke! Dis aint some dum b ass southern courtroom where u can fool some hick “jury” with ur smart ass comments….

The fact dat the poorest country in the world is offering the richest aid proves how morally bankrupt ur despicable government it…..u cowards are ready to take cash and aid from the poorest ppl in the world just cos ur incompetent, racist, richkid, redneck, moronic, war mongering, scumbag of a government don’t give a shit about poor black ppl!!!

U can spin dat anyway u want, richboy…

which is why the world hates ur ass, and by association OUR lickspittle ass….50 ppl killed in MY city last month, cos of ur lying corrupt government, and our cowardly moron of a leader….u DAMN RIGHT the world hates u [/color]

[i]Yea we used to have a lot of friends -
You wanna fix the problem? Stop lying to yourselves and us. No more of this "ohh I like American's just not their government" - we trust you probably about as much as you trust us. [/i]

[color=red]D, my trainee lawyer/politican friend…u scrapping the barrel now eh?
I luv the brave heros of the USSR for savin our asses in WW2…but I don’t wanna erect a statue to joesph stalin! Ur country is hated all around the world, and I wish we could distance our selfs from u lot…if only!!

The bottom line, as u business men like to say, is that I simpy DO NOT believe you, and many black americans feel the same...

btw...criticising ur nation and some of the flaw in its society r the very thing that ensures freedom…u just a party hack

dont take personal, buddy


"St George" wrote:
Dave...u in [i]italics[/i] again....king georgi in [color=red]RED[/color]

[i]My articles proove beyond a reasonable doubt that FEMA was unprepared for any disaster. That facts are quite clear George - New Orleans could have been the whitest location on Earth - whiter than Europe, and nothing could have saved them.

So basically to get back to your earlier point - Bush woulda done more if there were rich white Bush supporters in NO like in New York (you still have no response to the fact that NY went Kerry) - you are soundly defeated by the facts that 1. Louisianna and Miss are thoroughly Bush supporting Republican and 2. Oil interests were anihilated by the storm with absolutely no federal assistance. [/i]

[color=red]dis aint some phoney rich kid uni class….ur “facts” r complete rubbish….written by liars, tryin to save their own sorry asses…I never said NY was republican….i said texas was full of redneck, racist dimwits….it IS!

I said NY was full of rich bankers…it IS!

How many black ppl vote republican? [/color]

[i]All you seem to be left with is the opinion of Kanye West.

lol Kanye himself is a racist - singing about gold digging white girls just got him into a little spat in canada. But you're right - lots of black people think it was racist that there was little federal assistance in Louisianna. That's just the black experience - the facts pretty well establish that that's not what happened. My government experience = practical knowledge in how this government (this specific government works) that's not a bias - that's knowledge. Kanye West's prejudices about white people "the man" trying to tear him down and leading him to the conclusion that this is a conspiracy to destroy black people - That's a prejudice. [/i]

Lol…so kanye is a racist cos he sleeps with white hookers!?
U seem to dismiss the “black experience” as chip on the shoulder crap…u tell me not to listen to the black “northern propaganda”….but u want me to listen to ur southern propaganda…why?? Cos of ur “experience in gov”!?

Look D, I couldn’t give a rats ass about u filing and photocopying for some rich friend of the family in the “government”….

gimmie a break D, ur evidence is laughable…which is exactly wot I am doing now!…ur fake “experience” prove JACK…..
So black Americans are all wrong, and rich WASPs like u are all correct!? GTF outta here!!!

Ur government, just like MINE, are lying scumbags, and the fact u r trying to defend their incompetent, racist, redneck asses show me u either
1..blind and dum b
2..a biased kid looking for a job in gov in the near future [/color]

[i]lol oh come on - there's a big problem with Bangladesh. They are poor - you said it yourself "they are a third world country!"

You just got caught in the same arrogant western mindset you're accusing me of. Did you think I was going to go into some vicious rant about how we don't need it - or pretend they offered nothing and it's no big deal?

Bangladesh - for shame. They aren't equal to the great western nations!! They could never be! They are asians!! When has Bangladesh ever accomplished anything as great as the Britain? There is a reason for that you know - they will always be poor! - Or at least not as great as Britain!

lol don't pretend that's not how you meant it. Little pathetic Bangladesh offering to assist a mighty western nation like the US - Britain would never stoop so low. [/i]

[color=red]lol....wots did? the reverse race card?...i said bangladesh were "kindhearted"....u said the were "pathetic"....well if u can use smart ass lawyer talk to win points so can i... Biggrin

D, my millionaire friend,….ur lame ass lawyer spin is a joke! Dis aint some dum b ass southern courtroom where u can fool some hick “jury” with ur smart ass comments….

The fact dat the poorest country in the world is offering the richest aid proves how morally bankrupt ur despicable government it…..u cowards are ready to take cash and aid from the poorest ppl in the world just cos ur incompetent, racist, richkid, redneck, moronic, war mongering, scumbag of a government don’t give a shit about poor black ppl!!!

U can spin dat anyway u want, richboy…

which is why the world hates ur ass, and by association OUR lickspittle ass….50 ppl killed in MY city last month, cos of ur lying corrupt government, and our cowardly moron of a leader….u DAMN RIGHT the world hates u [/color]

[i]Yea we used to have a lot of friends -
You wanna fix the problem? Stop lying to yourselves and us. No more of this "ohh I like American's just not their government" - we trust you probably about as much as you trust us. [/i]

[color=red]D, my trainee lawyer/politican friend…u scrapping the barrel now eh?
I luv the brave heros of the USSR for savin our asses in WW2…but I don’t wanna erect a statue to joesph stalin! Ur country is hated all around the world, and I wish we could distance our selfs from u lot…if only!!

The bottom line, as u business men like to say, is that I simpy DO NOT believe you, and many black americans feel the same...

btw...criticising ur nation and some of the flaw in its society r the very thing that ensures freedom…u just a party hack[/color]

lol wow - my virgin ears!

You have the articulation of an arsenal fan.

George what are you talking about... how did the president "write" the 2000 and 2004 election results? How did the president "write" the damage done by the hurricane to oil production in the South? How did the president forge the actions of his admin in 2003 and 2004 to destroy FEMA? That's what happened, well documented long before this happened.

All i'm saying is it's inevitable - wouldn't make a damn difference how many bankers lived there - there were no resources to respond because of his bad leadership from two years ago.

As for Kanye - he's racist because his songs accuse white girls that go out with blacks of being gold diggers. His words - not mine, his trouble in Toronto - not mine. There is seriously no such thing as a white girl that is genuinely in love with a black guy?


I'm not even going to begin to address your vitriolic rant against "rich WASPs" like me.

That pretty much speaks for itself.

I still don't see what's morally bankrupt about accepting assistance from poor countries when they are generous enough to offer it in time of crisis.

I don't see how precisely I am a "party hack" for saying that the Bush Admin failed the US in it's rescue attempts down in "the city of Louisiana," but i'm not willing to call him racist without something a little more real than St George McAngry, and Kanye West.

Like I said, I can buy institutional racism in that blacks have less opportunity available to them and thus there are more on the street. I've got the numbers the experience and seen it myself. I'm not extending that to the targeted racism you are accusing the Pres of until I can see clearly that he 1. Had the ability to act before hand, 2. Made a definite decision to not act knowing full well the City would drown, and 3. Made that decision in the hope of killing as many blacks as possible.

You gotta have more George if you're going to accuse the President of being a modern Nero.

Frankly George, I don't know if you noticed - I don't really care what you think of me. My observations of the situation are sound, backed by useful evidence. I don't have to rely on cowardly prejudicial insults like "wasp" to get my point across.

You gotta get some control over yourself and actually read the articles and evidence I provided when you are cool enough to think impartially.

"St George" wrote:
[color=red]dont take personal, buddy[/color]

lol... riiiight "buddy"

...and stop calling me "D"

Admins - anyway you could clear up some of the language and ad homs a bit? George can make his points without swearing every three seconds.

you tell em dave!

The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.

Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.


"Darth Hayder" wrote:
you tell em dave!

lol maybe we should take this over to the Jinn possession thread as an example of Jinn possession!


I am so sick of his talking and for God's sake does he have to sound it out everytime he says "Cher-toff"

It there is one good thing - ONE good thing about all this it is that it showed a lot of Americans (like me) that Bush is inept for the job in Iraq.

I mean seriously - look at all the symptoms of NO,

looting, raping, lawlessness, lack of basic services to people - and total failure of the ultimate objective.

That IS Iraq.

I wasn't for the war in Iraq, although I was for Afghanistan - but I always figured his admin knew how to rebuild the country.

I don't see how any reasonable person could believe that now...

Michael Moore's Letter to Bush

Dear Mr. Bush:

Any idea where all our helicopters are? It's Day 5 of Hurricane Katrina
and thousands remain stranded in New Orleans and need to be airlifted.
Where on earth could you have misplaced all our military choppers? Do
you need help finding them? I once lost my car in a Sears parking lot.
Man, was that a drag.

Also, any idea where all our national guard soldiers are? We could
really use them right now for the type of thing they signed up to do
like helping with national disasters. How come they weren't there to
begin with?

Last Thursday I was in south Florida and sat outside while the eye of
Hurricane Katrina passed over my head. It was only a Category 1 then
it was pretty nasty. Eleven people died and, as of today, there were
still homes without power. That night the weatherman said this storm
on its way to New Orleans. That was Thursday! Did anybody tell you? I
know you didn't want to interrupt your vacation and I know how you
like to get bad news. Plus, you had fundraisers to go to and mothers of
dead soldiers to ignore and smear. You sure showed her!

I especially like how, the day after the hurricane, instead of flying
Louisiana, you flew to San Diego to party with your business peeps.
Don't let people criticize you for this -- after all, the hurricane was
over and what the heck could you do, put your finger in the dike?

And don't listen to those who, in the coming days, will reveal how you
specifically reduced the Army Corps of Engineers' budget for New
this summer for the third year in a row. You just tell them that even
you hadn't cut the money to fix those levees, there weren't going to be
any Army engineers to fix them anyway because you had a much more
important construction job for them -- BUILDING DEMOCRACY IN IRAQ!

On Day 3, when you finally left your vacation home, I have to say I was
moved by how you had your Air Force One pilot descend from the clouds
you flew over New Orleans so you could catch a quick look of the
disaster. Hey, I know you couldn't stop and grab a bullhorn and stand
some rubble and act like a commander in chief. Been there done that.

There will be those who will try to politicize this tragedy and try to
use it against you. Just have your people keep pointing that out.
Respond to nothing. Even those pesky scientists who predicted this
happen because the water in the Gulf of Mexico is getting hotter and
hotter making a storm like this inevitable. Ignore them and all their
global warming Chicken Littles. There is nothing unusual about a
hurricane that was so wide it would be like having one F-4 tornado that
stretched from New York to Cleveland.

No, Mr. Bush, you just stay the course. It's not your fault that 30
percent of New Orleans lives in poverty or that tens of thousands had
transportation to get out of town. C'mon, they're black! I mean, it's
not like this happened to Kennebunkport. Can you imagine leaving white
people on their roofs for five days? Don't make me laugh! Race has
nothing -- NOTHING
-- to do with this!

You hang in there, Mr. Bush. Just try to find a few of our Army
helicopters and send them there. Pretend the people of New Orleans and
the Gulf Coast are near Tikrit.


Michael Moore
------------------------------------------------------------ ---------

Y'll can also send mail to the "President"

Life is like a taxi. The meter just keeps a-ticking whether you are getting somewhere or just standing still. -- Lou Erickso

"jamal253" wrote:
Y'll can also send mail to the "President"

Like he seriously would care to read.

I hear all those newspapers he claims to read are just outline (ya know like we did in 7th grade?)

He should be recalled for this

Let's see if anyone can manage to blame this on the terrorists. Biggrin
