whats the latest..... how long will it take to recover?
some chap mentioned to me its a curse from God for the Iraq war!!!!
whats the latest..... how long will it take to recover?
some chap mentioned to me its a curse from God for the Iraq war!!!!
We can see why God would want to curse [url=]this place[/url].
It is sad
....but i say wat goez round cums round n im pretty sure every1 knows wat the president of dat country did very well.
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
Just seen the Channel 4 report on this.
New Orleans is completely anihilated, 121 are confirmed dead thousands more are assumed dead, the water is undrinkable and disease is spreading rapidly - they are mobilizing the national guard to send in. They will probably recover the most infrastructure within a couple months to a year after the water recedes. I doubt they will have everything rebuilt for another decade. The President said that it will probably take close to 20 years for the city to be completely rebuilt - and much of Mississippi is in the same condition.
Alabama was hit hard too - not nearly as bad though.
That's classless.
I have never felt that mississippi or louisiana were particularly godly places. Witchcraft is big there, New Orleans is the sight of that ridiculous mardis gras orgy, and gambling is rampant. On top of that they are just flat out strange people, of course that's what you get for living in a french swamp.
But there are plenty of good people there too. Just like with the tsunami I find those types of comments offensive to the victims and blasphemous against God.
I realize of course you didn't say it - and I highly doubt you agree with it.
That's pretty heartless.
However if you want a [i]real[/i] sign from God that he doesn't want us in Iraq,
here ya go is external)
It's like a 50,000 foot spider!
I'll accept THAT as a sign from God.
Mujahid - if ur still around - are there any of those in Oman?
ewwwww dave that was sick!
I did warn you that it is a good candidate for the wrath of God incarnate...
what were you expecting?
the teletubbies?
...then again...
...and that website is very dodgy. A-hem Dave ? :?
Heeey I just found the video when I was looking up "monster spiders" - I dunno what else is on the website.
Apparently these horrible horrible creatures run 10 miles per hour and can jump three feet in the air and are carnivorous.
They might be a sign of the apocalypse... not sure.
oh boy... I think I see what you mean from the ads and stuff...
Then again what? not everyone likes dressin up like tinky winky with a handbag dave, might be your thing..
Actually I was implying they are terribly annoying - thus making them a strong candidate for the wrath of God.
I dunno where YOU were going with that.
Changed links cuz I found a better video - and there is no... other stuff...
Seems like it's in a big hurry in the new video... wonder what it's thinkin.
tut tut-naughty Dave
thats a VERY rude webiste :evil:
anyway reagrding this disaster-I heard that Katrina was expecting it
wasnt there anything they could do to reduce the disaster
It's not my fault!! I didn't check out the website I just saw the uberscary spider!!!
Yes.. Katrina had a very good idea she was coming.
Actually I think its divine punishment for them re-electing Bush!
Are you some sort of prophet?
Where do those spiders come from?
I heard some miracles about spiders and Iraq but not sure if its true.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar
Hell most likely...
A friend of mine got back recently and told me about them - naturally I didn't believe a word he said until I checked it out myself and say that initial video of it eating a medium sized lizard.
Which was so terrifying I went out and bought about 12 cans of raid... just in case.
He said they live all throughout the middle east - especially in the desert. I got the feeling they are more dangerous looking than actually dangerous.
But they do jump at you and can get up at a surprising height.
I'm starting to have a better appreciation for the little guy.
Check out how fast and determined he is about building his sand castle.
That's impressive, it's like a mini bulldozer.
I bet a fleet of them could build a pretty nice sized lean-to in a quarter of an hour.
It is true that the majority of the people in New Orleans who have been effected were the poorest (which unfortunately usually means they are of color). This is largely because they did not have the means to escape the city before hand. The evacuation was ordered however public transportation was too scarce so most of the car owners were able to escape.
However there are a large number of people who are not poor who had to stay - either out of a sense of duty to their homes, or in the case of many, because they were unable to leave for medical reasons.
I really don't think the racial divide has anything to do with why they are recieving so little help. That is often overplayed in the South due to our sketchy past. The fact is the federal government did not prepare whatsoever. I have no idea what the president was thinking before this but they are talking about structural failure, lawlessness and contaminated water as if these thoughts never came to them. Presently the evacuation from the city has come to a halt because there are too few buses to take everyone at once, furthermore the city has come dangerously close to becomming feral national guardsmen have been shot and the police have no control.
Essentially they are making the same blunders that they are making in any location in Iraq - not tending to the basic necessities first and blundering in their attempts to establish order.
It's a disaster - I suspect more people will die as a result of the federal government's lack of planning than for any other reason.
I also see the Bush admin took this opportunity to "temporarily" allow the production of high polluting gasoline to "alleviate" the gas shortages caused by halted production.
There are several reasons this won't work and is a handout to energy corps but I won't go into it.
The Mayor of New Orleans just flipped out on the President...
This may actually be the fall of Bush. is external)
Check out "Get off your asses"
what did he say?
does he not want his job!!
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Check out the video from cnn - the mayor is telling what is going on and how there is no federal response.
He told the President "flying over in air force one is just not enough"
He's damn right too - this is ridiculous.
They are calling to enact ex parte militica - which might actually happen.
He 's trying to deflect criticism of himself by joining in the condemnation of the 'relief effort'.
[size=18]Bush condemns Katrina aid effort[/size]
whats with the shoot to kill and gunmen? :shock:
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
And he's going to make an address from New Orleans. Should make a good photo op.
But he should be wary. The 'mission accomplished' cok-up comes to mind.
If you looked at the latest CNN headline it pretty clearly didn't work.
The feds are in charge of the relief efforts - the president is the fed.
"Don't tell me 40,000 people are coming here. They're not here. It's too doggone late. Now get off your asses and do something, and let's fix the biggest goddamn crisis in the history of this country."
The headline of cnn reads "WHERE'S THE HELP?"
They had better do something fast - New Orleans is dying.
The city is out of control and is very close to martial law.
If the President accepts the Mayors request for ex parte militica the army will take over all rights will be stripped and it will be for an indefinite period of time.
I feel sorry for the people.
Dave u probably know the situation better than me but I cant help but think that if those stranded people were mainly white then the response would have been swifter.
I m looking at the pictures and thinking to myself that this sis supposedly democratic and a superpower so why are all the starving stranded people black?
And also I would just like to say if Bush cant deal with one city suffering major problems, if he cant stop so-called democratic minded people from going around raping lil children as mentioned on cnn, then how can any1 believe he can contrlol iraq?
here no1 can say the hurricane was caused directly by bush, nor can they say bush is an invader or that he wants to steal the cities wealth yet still bush is not getting control over the city so when bush is directly responsible for iraq, bush is an invader, bush is looting the countries wealth then how can he EVER hope to control the country.
I feel sorry for the people and would love to see Tablighi Jamaat go there and assist the ppl as they did when the floods came in india.
Ya ALLAH Madad.
Haq Chaar Yaar