
Islamophobia is powered by politics, domestic and foreign policies, and through recent political campaigns. It’s powered by our institutions and our labour market. It plays out on our TVs and social media, in our schools, and on the streets. It was only last year that a white terrorist ploughed his van into Muslims outside Finsbury Park Mosque.

We have to realise that Islamophobia isn’t just an uncomfortable conversation with a workmate about Islam, or someone hurling abuse at you on public transport. Its manifestations have helped shape a highly charged environment where Muslims are vilified, attacked, and even killed. Makram Ali was killed at Finsbury Park, Mushin Ahad kicked to death by two white men in Rotherham. And only a few days ago, Paul Moore was convicted of the attempted murder of a Somali mother, Zaynab Hussein. He knocked her down with his car and then tried running over her again, while she was on the ground. Minutes later, he attempted grievous bodily harm on a 12-year-old Muslim girl.

Recent events like the EU referendum vote, the attacks at London Bridge and Manchester have given an opening for racist crimes to rise. The backlash from such events impact Muslim communities across the country – especially women and young people. If we look at the figures on hate crime, there were over 80,000 offences reported in 2016-17 in England and Wales. That’s up from  62,000 from the year before. And these are reported crimes; imagine how many more go unreported. Islamophobia is part of everyday life for many Muslims living in Britain.

No one has any problem when: Jews keep beards and wear
their traditional caps Christian priests and nuns wear their religious outfits
Buddhist monks wear orange robes Sikhs keep beards and wear turbans Indian
aunties wear Sarees (cross streets and hang out in Wal-Mart) Yeah but if any
Muslim male keeps beard or if any Muslim girl wears hijab then everyone has
problem. It's Freedom when you go naked but it's extremism when you wear hijab -
just plain hypocrisy! Looking at the case of France, a major secular nation, I
believe it is also not allowing women freedom by not letting her to wear her
choice of clothing as it supposedly "clashes with French secular values".

Stop treating foreigners like garbage and they will
stop ruining your precious country. Why did you let them in in the first place
if you didn't want them here? They left everything in their countries because of
your promises. Are you so anxious to please that you can't say "no"? I would
love to see you go to a foreign land where you don't have any friends, you don't
even know anyone and you don't speak the language, and start from scratch.

The Muslim Council of Britain and the Church of England
condemned a spike in hate crimes recorded by police in England and Wales since
2012. The majority of the hate crimes were committed against Muslims.

Racially or religiously aggravated harassment crimes – such as verbal or written racist abuse – increased from a total of 15,249 in 2012 to 17,605 in 2014.

The figures, obtained from 41 of 43 police forces
approached through Freedom of Information (FoI) requests, show a total of more
than 47,000 hate crimes recorded over the past three years.

Muslims have been the main victims, say anti-racism
campaigners, partly due to the rise of Islamic State (formerly ISIS/ISIL), the
murder of Lee Rigby by Islamic extremists in 2013 and anti-immigration rhetoric
by right-wing and mainstream political parties.

Dr Shuja Shafi, secretary general of the Muslim Council
of Britain, described the recent spike in harassment crimes as “disturbing” but
“not unexpected” before stressing the “urgent need” to combat the growth of
Islamophobia across England and Wales.

“With racist bullying in schools attributed to
Islamophobia on the rise according to Childline, job discrimination against
Muslims commonplace and regular attacks against Muslims … there is a serious
concern that needs to be both acknowledged and tackled,” Shafi said.

In the past, Muslim community was a victim of Paki-Bashing and now it
is a victim of Islamophobia. Stop treating foreigners like garbage and they will
stop ruining your precious country. Why did you let them in in the first place
if you didn't want them here? They left everything in their countries because of
your promises. Are you so anxious to please that you can't say "no"? I would
love to see you go to a foreign land where you don't have any friends, you don't
even know anyone and you don't speak the language, and start from scratch.

The shocking level of targeting of the Muslim community of Birmingham
is indicative of the normalisation of the dehumanisation of the Muslims of
Britain. Under the pretext of "extremism", criminal undemocratic and unethical
abuse of public institutions and the Muslims of the UK can occur without much
accountability. This pervasive attitude, especially amongst officials like
Michael Gove needs to change. Our schools are truly trying to develop our
children to do well at schools so later in life they are able to stand on their
own two feet, but if we stop our schools from doing this than our country will
have up rise of unemployment, benefit issues, crime levels high, I think it's
time for you apologize and allow practitioners to do their job right.

Muslim community in all western countries need Masajid, state funded
Muslim schools, Halal meat, sharia laws, time off for Friday afternoon prayers
in the Masjid, two religious holidays per year  and Muslim cemeteries. West must
learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. Don't these hypocrites
idiots know what their ancestors did to Native American Indians they slaughtered
150 millions of Native American Indians! and also do they know that Great
Britain invaded 80% countries around the world? They should call them terrorist
first and as well call their ancestors terrorist! British did the same to Native
American Indians and sadly they still treat Native American Indians badly! So
Americans Indians know how you Muslims feel! They stolen Indian land and killed
150 millions of Indians the British did! They were forced to go to the white
man's school and learn the language, culture and faith of the white man. Inspite
of that, they are still the underdogs of the American society.

British media and politicians have been trying their best to
propagate against Muslim schools. Muslim schools are even called Osama bin Laden
Academies by a Teaching Union. Only less than 5% of Muslim children attend
Muslim schools while more than 95% are in state schools to be mis-educated and
de-educated by non-Muslim monolingual teachers. The demand for state funded
Muslim schools is in accordance with the law of the land. Muslim community is
not asking for any favour. State schools get appalling Ofsted reports as well.
There will be good and bad state schools and good and bad free schools. Muslim
Girls school tops state school rankings in Blackburn. Yet, the only news we get
is about a failing school in Derby. Muslim children in state schools with
non-Muslim teachers are not in a position to develop positive self-confidence
and self-esteem.

The native Brits must learn to respect and tolerate those who are
different. You have failed to respect and tolerate Black community, who speaks
your language, share your culture and faith. English, Irish, Welsh and Scott
hate each other, sharing the same culture, faith and language. It is difficult
for you to accept, respect and tolerate Muslims with different culture,
languages and FAITH. You have no choice but to accept them for your own
survival. The number of Muslims is on the increase because of immigration, high
birth rate and conversion. By the end of this century, nearly 50% of British
population would be Muslim.





Islamaphobia; according to the Oxford dictionary the definition of Islamaphobia are         

Unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Muslims or Islam:

Is it unreasonable to be fearful of Suicide bombers, people who plant bombes, or kill with knives people who are not Muslim in the name of Islam?

Is it unreasonable for the indigenous population to change the way they think, or say, In case a small % of the population either take offence and commit acts of violence on the indigenous population.

Is it unreasonable for the indigenous population to change the way they dress, or appear, or act in public? In case a small % of the population see you as immoral, easy and of no value and can be treated accordingly?

Is it unreasonable for a section of a community to try to change how another section  [indigenous] choose to live?

The above is a link to an article on Islamophobia, you may find of interest.

I did try to look up the word westernophobia, or westernphobic. My definitions are:

Unreasonable dislike or fear of, and prejudice against, Westerners, or Christians. Or for that matter anyone who does not submit to the will of people who say they represent Islam:

But I could not find one, or is the word westernphobic considered Islamophobic? What did find was the word, ethnocide.

Ethnocide; according to the Oxford dictionary the definition of Ethnocide are

The deliberate and systematic destruction of the culture of an ethnic group.

‘ethnocide is being carried out against the indigenous people of the west by the destruction of our way of life’

Don't these hypocrites idiots know what their ancestors did to Native American Indians they slaughtered 150 millions of Native American Indians!

What was the Native American population in 1800? Estimates range from a low of 2.1 million to a high of 18 million . By 1800, the Native population of the present-day United States had declined to approximately 600,000, and only 250,000 Native Americans remained in the 1890s So it looks like the native American population is rising. Probably better health-care and resistance to disease?

Native American Demographic and Tribal Survival into the Twenty-first Century

Russell Thornton. For more info here is the link

Stop treating foreigners like garbage and they will stop ruining your precious country. Why did you let them in in the first place if you didn't want them here? They left everything in their countries because of your promises. Are you so anxious to please that you can't say "no"? I would love to see you go to a foreign land where you don't have any friends, you don't even know anyone and you don't speak the language, and start from scratch.

Several points; I don’t think that we treat foreigners like garbage. 40% of the population are now second or third migrants and most seem to have a decent life and contribute to UK Plc.

I have worked in Tripoli, Libya, Yanbu, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Whilst I was well paid I was on a fixed term contract. Contract complete and home I went. Also I had to pay Dimmi tax [it was dressed up as national Insurance at 1.5%, but my company picked up any health or school fees? Also I had to have a work permit to enter these countries, on arrival, this was endorsed and to leave I would have to apply for a exit and re-entry permit. One could say I was a virtual prisoner, never mind I was well paid.

Why did you let them in in the first place if you didn't want them here?

Why did you let us in? I think that you will find that most of the indigenous working class did not want massive immigration. Lots of us was living in overcrowded sub-standard housing, not forget many of us was emigrating to Australia, New Zealand and Canada etc for the chance of a better life. Some of us forcibly, see link below for more info

Why you were let in was for two reasons, the people who run UK Plc wanted cheap labour and to keep the wage costs down. What is happening now is automation is becoming cheaper and the immigrant population, not to mention the indigenous population who do not have the technical skills, or the aptitude to pick up these skills quickly. Are surplus to the needs of UK Plc. Or to use the correct business jargon, no longer cost effective, Same applies to the over 70’s which my friend Iftikhar means you also.

The native Brits must learn to respect and tolerate those who are different. You have failed to respect and tolerate Black community, who speaks your language, share your culture and faith. English, Irish, Welsh and Scott hate each other, sharing the same culture, faith and language. It is difficult for you to accept, respect and tolerate Muslims with different culture, languages and FAITH. You have no choice but to accept them for your own survival. The number of Muslims is on the increase because of immigration, high birth rate and conversion. By the end of this century, nearly 50% of British population would be Muslim.

You have failed to respect and tolerate Black community, who speaks your language, share your culture and faith.

Utter rubbish I think that you will find that there are more mixing on a personal basis, not to mention marriage between whites and blacks, not forgetting Indians and east Asian’s. Then there are between Muslims and non-Muslims.

It is difficult for you to accept, respect and tolerate Muslims with different culture, languages and FAITH. You have no choice but to accept them for your own survival. The number of Muslims is on the increase because of immigration, high birth rate and conversion. By the end of this century, nearly 50% of British population would be Muslim.

You may be right, up to a point. But for several things 1] cost of benefits for the low paid [which include migrants] not to mention pensioners are becoming unaffordable. 2] Second and third generation descendants of migrants are starting to have smaller families, thus achieving a higher standard of living. 3] Immigration to the UK a] will be severely restricted for economic reasons by UK Plc and b] the general living standards for most of the current population, as well as migrants are on the wane. 4] Migrants who have or can retain their dual-nationality and have the right skills and finance could probably do better in other countries. 5] If 50% of the British population are going to be Muslim [to quote you mainly of Pakistani origin] I can’t see the well-off section of this population keeping us in the manner to which we have grown accustomed too. Looking at the conditions in Pakistan today.


Only a person holding dispicable views would wrote the above blog post.

If you dont want to interact with Muslims you don't have to. At the same time you dont have to abuse those weaker than you.

Most of those that show Islamophobia will often find an isolated target, mostly a woman, naybe with her children.

They won't dare spouse their views to someone who they consider to ahve equal physical attributes to them because they are cowards.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I don't understand your point?

I don't think i have bullied anyone, I have presented a reasonable point of view, I have presented my opinions which i think are reasonable.

If one criticises others, one must also accept criticism.

Most of those that show Islamophobia will often find an isolated target, mostly a woman, naybe with her children.

Agreed to attack a woman, or a child to prove a point, for any ideology  is totaly wrong and despicable

We live on a small crowded island and wether we like it or not we have to get along with respect and toleration on both sides. There is no such thing as one handed clapping.


Agreed to attack a woman, or a child to prove a point, for any ideology  is totaly wrong and despicable

That is how Islamophobia is experienced.

Forget the dictionary or some sanitised version of the term. Anyone is free to debate Islam and no Muslim considered civilised debate or even criticism of Islam as Islamophobia. You are even free to hate Islam.

However when people report Islamophobic attacks, they are not reporting debate on religion. They are reporting violent attacks often on women and children. Rarely on men or people percieved as capable of defending themselves.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Another day and another Western phobic by a Muslim?

This time it happened in Liege, Belgium. A Muslim shot and killed three woman. [two of which were policewomen] and woman passer-by. He then ran off and took a woman cleaner hostage in a school [thankfully all the children had ran out of the back door] The man was killed by the police after wounding several whilst resisting arrest.

That is my only comment. Otherwise I might be condemned of Islamaphobia. The only exception was to compare two things that happened this year but on different continents.

It appears a man of middle eastern appearance was hanging around Starbucks for over half an hour, when asked he said that he was waiting for someone? He was then asked to either buy a coffee or leave. I met my nephew in Canary Wharf, arranging to meet in a café in Sainsburys, my wife and I on arriving early, bought a coffee whilst we were both waiting. I certainly would not dream to sit at a table in a café for half an hour or so without buying something?

When you think that the shooting carried out in Liege was by a man of middle eastern appearance, not to mention countless suicide bombings have been carried out by people of similar appearance. Was the manager right [or even brave] to challenge the man’s reason for being there?

Non-the less it appears the manager as been moved and all the Starbucks staff in the US have to attend ethnic diversity training.


According to my reading of this page Europe has around 22,000 homicides per annum. That makes it around 60 murders a day.

You wont focus on the majority of those because they will not be done by an immigrant or a member of a community that can be scapegoated.

This individual was recently released from prison and had allegedly committed a murder the day before aswell. If he had not been from a specific group, this incident would be limited to local news only.

But because he turned out to be from the Muslim community, it is suddenly bigger news and I have to justify our community's non violence due to his actions.Just to be clear, I have never sat down with him. I have never asked him why he was a criminal in the past or why he would commit murders in the future.

As fir Starbucks and their ethnic diversity training, those that have been chosen to provide it would support the Israeli Snipers over the Palestinians that are getting shot protesting within Gaza. Maybe they will do some good to the starbucks employees, but the wrong organisation has been chosen to provide the training.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

According to my reading of this page Europe has around 22,000 homicides per annum. That makes it around 60 murders a day.

Fair enough but if you look at Asia it as around 122000 homicides per annum. Which equals around 334 murders per day.

Then again if you exclude the homicides in Russia 16,232 and the Ukraine 1988 a total of 18220 homicides pa. This gives a net figure of 4000 about 11 a day. It is, you must admit quite a reduction. Also as most of these homicides have very little to do with a persons race, religion or politics. They are mainly robberies gone wrong, domestic violence, attacks on gangs by gangs [turf wars] very few homicides, or indeed major violence carried out against the Muslim community.

I agree that there are name-calling and punch-ups between young men, [but we have always had these] high testosterone, I can p### farther then you etc, but young men grow older and settle down. Yes there have been hate mail and bomb threats against Mosques, but nothing actually carried out.

The verbal attacks on Muslim women, or the taking off by force the niqab or burqa, are silly, cowardly and counter-productive, making the person who does it look both a coward and a pratt. Then again I am not to pleased by the attitude of the males in the Muslim community against our girls and women.

Anyway back to the subject of homicides within Europe;

Islamic terrorism in Europe (2014–present)

As most of these figures in your link are taken for 2015. If you look at this article there were 150 homicides by Muslims recorded in 2015, almost 1 a day or 4% of the homicides in Western Europe are by Islamic Jihadis against non-Muslims. As Muslims population is thought to be about 25 million this represents about 5% of the EU’s population.

If one was to say 5% of the population are responsible for the homicides of non-Muslims [150] there are very few killings of Muslims by non-Muslims in comparison. 5% = 150 or 30 homicides for every 1%. If 95% of the EU’s population, who are non-Muslim, committed homicides against Muslims at the equivalent Muslim rate of killings. There would be 2800 homicides pa, or 7 a day. Which if this was true it would be headline news and mass protests [and rightfully so] by the Muslim population.

Before you say that it is only a small % of Muslims who carry out these crimes. [Which I totally agree with and the UK compared to the rest of Europe is relatively free of these crimes] There is a much smaller % of non-Muslims who carry out similar crimes. Yet all we seem to hear are;

Such and such happened and I was insulted, or I felt threatened etc, so the rise of Islamophobia crime is on the rise. So much so that MP’s are wringing their hands and seeking ways to appease a very vocal minority. Yet to say that most terrorist [Islamic] attacks are against non-Muslim or westernised people and to give it a name Westernophobia would seem to cause upset.

It was called “acts of terrorism?” but this as been changed to “Islamic terrorism” because these terrorist acts are carried out on non-Muslims. Back in the 1970’s the IRA were committing terrorist bombing campaigns on the British mainland far in excess what the Muslim radical extremist have carried out. But the IRA was totally indiscriminate.

The above link is an example of this name change in a speech by Sajid Javid, Also as he rightly states a] within the UK there as been very little recriminations against the Muslim population and b] it is only a small % of Muslim radicals who carry these terrorist attacks.

The usual excuse for these attacks are, it is in retaliation for what the west is doing in Islamic countries, as if the general populaion as any control  of what our government do. The IRA extended their bombing campaign to the UK mainland for the self-same reason, but to little avail. It resulted in punch ups, and name calling against the Irish. Indeed there was a common joke [hurtful at the time] which was told in Clubs and Theatres.

Anyone here from Ireland, if someone said, yes. The response was usually, keep your eyes on him, and if he leaves, we all follow him. Then again, this is, was a way of making light of all the bombings that were being carried out at the time.

I wonder what the response would be if a commedian said in a Theatre, “Any Muslims in the audience? And if someone said, yes. Then the commedian said, “If you have brought your knife, can I have a short back and sides, but leave my head on.”

Would the audience laugh? Would it be classed as hate speech? Or would it be seen as British sense of humour?


I am not going to respond to the rest of the post at this time, but I want to address this bit:

I agree that there are name-calling and punch-ups between young men, [but we have always had these] high testosterone, I can p### farther then you etc, but young men grow older and settle down. Yes there have been hate mail and bomb threats against Mosques, but nothing actually carried out.

The problem is that this is not what generally occurrs in Islamophobic instances. It is generally a crime against a lone woman.

A couple that come to mind is one being pushed in front of a train, another one being punched from behind.

There was also a recent article about how a schoolgirl was constantly recieving abuse from drivers driving past her as she was on the way to and from school.

Those are the type of filth you are giving a platform to and supporting. None of them would dare challenge someone who they thought would be able to respond back equally.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I don’t know what part of Britain you live in, but if it is that much, over-rated, over-crowded, over-expensive, multi-cultural diverse part of Britain called London. Then you have my deepest sympathies.

London as probably the greatest density of nutters, of all races, politics and religions anywhere within the Britain, Unfortunately, I can’t see it getting better anytime soon,

The part of the country that I live in, we have a Muslim population, sufficient in numbers for my local Tesco’s to have a large freezer section for Halal foods, and a aisle full of Asian food. Then again they have the same for Polish and Eastern European food. Plus if you so wish you could eat out in a different restaurant each weekend and not repeat the cultural experience.

You see Muslim women out and about [mainly] wearing an Hijab. It is common to see them with their pushchairs out together with friends or on their own,. They even go to our local cinema and believe it or not, you see them driving.

What I have not seen is them being given any grief, or being pushed under buses, trains or cars. But what I have seen is if you stand back and let them out of a lift, or if they are passing through a doorway and you happen to smile. The smile is returned, is that un-Islamic?

Those are the type of filth you are giving a platform to and supporting. None of them would dare challenge someone who they thought would be able to respond back equally.

I am giving a platform, nor supporting anyone. I am simply expressing my views. But does your type of filth include the grooming gangs, who were drugging, raping and trafficking young girls?

This had been going on for decades, the Muslim community was aware of it, the Police, social services and politicians were aware of it. No one wanted to be seen as racist. But when it was eventually to big an issue to sweep under the carpet. The BBC called it Asian grooming gangs, until, the South East Asians, not to mention the Chinese community, complained and after much soul searching the BBC said that it was men of mainly Pakistan origin. [Carefully avoiding the M word] even though Lawyers argued that a lot of problems were of a cultural misunderstanding. [Code for it was in their rulebook]

What I have noticed, is whilst these [filth] are being prosecuted in the courts with the minimum of publicity, so as to not inflame public sentiments. [Which public? and whose sentiments?] Yes, we have child rapists and molesters within the British Community, but to my knowledge, the victims are not sold or trafficked. If anything, for these people to be seen to be punished and to not to be above the law, would IMHO, have eased tensions.

Yes there have been hate mail and bomb threats against Mosques, but nothing actually carried out.


Four killed in attack on Christians in Pakistan's Quetta

Attacks often target Pakistan's minorities, including Shia Muslims as well as Christians, Hindus and members of the Ahmadiyya sect.

Unlike racist, Islamophobic and bigoted Britain who as a Muslim Mayor of our capital city and a Muslim Home Secretary.


I agree with your ciriticism of the lack of protection of minorities in Pakistan. It is a disgrace and has been a disgrace for a long time.

I don't live in London either and I am glad to hear that you have not witnessed anyone being attacked.

I have only been involved in an incident or two, but as a young relatively healthy male, they were not so bad.

The ones that I have not seen myself and read about in articles on seen on videos are the ones that worry me.

I have no problem with anyone disagreeing with either Islam or with Muslims. If everyone agreed with Islam there wouldnt be any non Muslims.

My issue only is that sometimes when conflating criticism (however justified or not) with violent acts, it diminishes the seriousness of the violence. Attacking someone who is percieved weaker is never a simple matter of fisticuffs.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

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