Fish Love

Fish & Chips

Fish & Chips
Fish & Chips. And other stuff. That can be eaten.

An interesting video on love:

For some reason the video is not embedding. The video is asking the question whether you love fish. Is it love if you take it out of the ocean, kill it and eat it?

What is described as love in this example is something you find beneficial. You love what you benefit from. This love is then contrasted with another form of love – one that you ivet in, one that you give into and it is suggested that the love where you ge is superior to the love where you recieve.

I dont necessarily agree with it, but it is interested to analyse why we desire what we desire.

What the video does not cover is any love for the Creator and the logic becomes distorted when you think about God. But it works for a lot of love for material/created things.


You are right – I had watched it on my phone before posting from the computer and when looking from the computer I posted the wrong link. I have changed it for the one you posted now.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

No problem, On the subject of a new computer.

I am thinking of changing mine [windows 7] but to windows 10. Some people say its rubbish, whilst others say it is a good system. It as been arround for a few years so i am hoping all tha bugs have been soted out.

Any thoughts.


Its uglier than Windows & IMO. but turn off the gimmicks (Cortana) and turn off all the spying settings and its pretty similar to Windows 7, but more secure.

That makes it a good thing. But Windows 7 was the pinnacle of Windows IMO.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Thanks for the info


From my Churches monthly magazine

Seniors and Computers

As we silver surfers know, sometimes we have trouble with our computers

Yesterday, I had a problem, so I called Georgie, the 11 year old next door, whose bedroom looks like mission control, and asked him to come over. George clicked a couple of buttons and immediately the problem was solved.

As he walking away, I called after him, “so what was wrong?” He replied, “ It was an ID Ten T error,” I didn’t want to appear stupid, but nevertheless enquired, “ An ID Ten T error! What’s that? Just in case I need to fix it again,”

Little Georgie grinned, “haven’t you heard of an ID Ten error before?” “No” I replied, “Write it down.” He said, “and I think that you will figure it out,” So I wrote it down; [readers do the same]

ID10T [I used to like Georgie – the little clever clogs.]