Mahdi Hasan: Europe vs Africa: The refugee double standard


Its pretty damning about our behaviour and how those less well off are far more hospitable of others.

Here is another one from last year:



Mahdi Hasan: Europe vs Africa: The refugee double standard

Mahdi Hasan; I can listen to him spout his views forever, forever good on talk and discourse. After all he is a qualified lawyer, political news correspondent and is used to debates and getting across any viewpoints that suits his needs.

I have watched his many debates at the Oxford Union. Were he as won a good many and lost a few. But I have never seen him criticise the real threat to the Muslims and the cause refugees in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia, not to mention the proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Why as he not condemned the bombing of Yemen, causing many civilian causalities. He openly condemns Israel for doing a similar thing in Gaza. But back to this latest of Mahdi’s hasan video.

Yes, I agree there are more displaced people within Africa and the Middle East then have gained access to Europe. Escaping the war which seems to be never ending in Africa, not to mention grinding poverty. I have several questions that Mahdi Hasan will never address.

1] How many Europeans fled to Africa, or the Middle east after the European War ended?

2] European was totally devastated after the European War, not to mention the devastation in Japan. Yet within a generation it had virtually rebuilt themselves.

3] Billions have been poured into Africa over the last 50+ years. Where as it all gone?

The answer to Q1] very, very few. For more information check the following link  not to mention there is a series of programmes on the European Migrant Crisis [not the current one facing Europe] But the one that faced Europe after the last European War. This starts on Sunday 27th November. For the under thirties and second or third generation migrants it should be interesting and maybe enlightening.

The answer to Q2] Whilst we may criticise the European Civil Servants [administration] not to mention Politicians. Most are honest and pretty efficient in what they do.

The answer to Q3] Most of the money as never filtered down to the mass of the people. Not to mention rampant corruption within the ruling elite in Africa. Plus what I think is the most controversial and one people try to ignore. a] Many well qualified, not to mention western trained migrants have come to the west and stayed. Instead of using their skills to improve their own countries. Lastly b] The massive rise in the uncontrolled and unsustainable birth rates in Africa, not to mention the Middle East etc,


I think he has criticised saudi, but some have suggested he has failed to criticise Iran – no idea how true the allegation is, even if one person cannot be expected to take up all causes equally (that will be the same as taking no stand as there is so little time and so many problems in the world).

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

As i see it wrote:
The answer to Q2] Whilst we may criticise the European Civil Servants [administration] not to mention Politicians. Most are honest and pretty efficient in what they do.

Even when they aren’t the discrimination felt here in the UK/Europe is often less than what happens elsewhere.

The problem is often what is done elsewhere. I am no fan of Assad and want him gone.

But first western power(s) (or jsut the CIA) fanned the flames in Syria to get rid of him and then the same powers are ready to do a deal with him when they realised there was also other blowback – the people suffering are not the refugees let into Europe or even in Turkey. Its those remaining in those warzones of Syria and Libya.

We will never understand their suffering or fully understand our elected officials’ roles in creating it.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.