Some thoughts on the Revival Webb site

Some thoughts on the Revival Webb site

Some thoughts on the Revival Webb site, I have dropped by on this site for some time now and found it most interesting. I accept its main aim to reach a Muslim audience who are mainly in their teens and twenties.

As the Magazine says on its front page “Voice of the Muslim Youth”. The magazine goes back to 2005. I have looked through articles in the magazine, finding some both controversial, yet thought provoking. But don’t take my word for it have a look for yourself.

The most beneficial thing about the web site, yes it is Muslim orientated, but it is open to non-Muslims. I myself have raised comments and submitted articles [I am not a Muslim and definitely no longer a youth] but I have been able to discuss issues with both openness and civility, on both sides.

This I believe makes this site unique, and should be valued, not being taken for granted. There are many sites out there that are very pro Islam, very forceful in their opinions and will accept no criticism whatsoever. The same also applies to anti Islam site. All that happens are a] they become a shouting match, not a debate and b] ridicule and denigrate any dissent. So no one listens to anyone.

It reminds me of a story about a person arriving in heaven, on being shown round his/her new home he/she comes to an area where there is a lot of shouting and screaming. He/She asks the guide what is all that about. So the guide says come on and I’ll show you.

They both enter an arena, a bit like a large football stadium, surrounding the pitch is a large ditch full of bubbling burning hot tar, which prevents anyone from leaving or gaining access to the pitch. On the pitch there are crowds of people all arguing amongst themselves. In places these arguments turn violent, punches are thrown, knives and sticks are used to beat each other with, causing severe injuries.

On asking the guide,” what is all this about?”

The guide replies, “Oh! That is purgatory. God places all people who try to force people to do what they say God wants them to do. Or say God says do this or do that. God does not like being told what he means, and certainly does not like being forced to take sides. So there they remain forever, forever arguing and hurting each other in the process of trying to get their viewpoint across.”

I noticed several people standing around an area at one end of the pitch, talking quietly amongst themselves. So I asked the guide, “What are they up to?” 

The guide says, “ The injuries that they inflict on each other are both painful and do kill, but at the end of an allotted period the people on the pitch go to sleep. Their bodily injuries are healed and the dead are raised and the arguments start all over again. But the people are aware of this fact. After many allotted periods of this happening some of the people see the error of their ways and gather as far as possible from the fighting. At the next sleep period these people are removed from the stadium.”

They have become enlightened and have realised that all God wants is for people to try to understand each other’s point of view, accept that each one of us is of value to God. That God as created a wonderful world for us all to enjoy in all its variety and to take care of. God has created a paradise for mankind and mankind as turned it into a hell.

2] Care for the flock that God has entrusted to you. Watch over it willingly, not grudgingly—not for what you will get out of it, but because you are eager to serve God. 3] Don’t lord it over the people assigned to your care, but lead them by your own good example. 4] And when the Great Shepherd appears, you will receive a crown of never-ending glory and honour.

1Peter ch5 v2-4


Thanks for the compliments.

The problem with being fair and balances in presenting views is that sometimes people want there to be some chaos and argument.

Some of the bigger sites in tech (an area I follow a lot) are not thre because of their excellent content but because they have headlines which are very opinionated. This does enfuriate the users, but it keeps them coming back for more.

However, having this place do a similar think would make me uncomfortable because I like things be civil and civilised.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Some of the bigger sites in tech (an area I follow a lot) are not thre because of their excellent content but because they have headlines which are very opinionated. This does enfuriate the users, but it keeps them coming back for more.

This is true of many things, Headlines sell papers, bad news is good for sales, whilst good news barely gets a mention.

Mrs Thatcher [after she retired, [stabbed in the back?]] Political Leaders nowadays are all front, soundbites and no substance. As opposed to a Politician she admired, Clement Atllee, who was all substance and no front.

A quiet man who achieved a lot considering the Britain had come through the second world war, It may have been on the winning side, but the country was broke. Yet in five years he, and his government achieved more for the British people. Which we now take for granted?

Governments of today [both Labour and Conservative] appear hell bent on destroying.

To quote my old school Motto "In omnibus novi teipsum" or in English, "In all know thyself".