Reports: Three-year-old child from London placed in government anti-extremism programme

You know something is wrong with the system when a 3 year old is flagged up by it:

A three-year-old child from London is one of hundreds of young people in the capital who have been tipped as potential future radicals and extremists.

As reported by the Evening Standard, 1,069 people have been put in the government's anti-extremism 'Channel' process, the de-radicalisation programme at the heart of the Government's 'Prevent' strategy.

Read More @ The Independent

You know something is wrong with the system when a 3 year old is flagged up by it:

At first sight, I Think, what a crazy world. But when you go to the link;

Then read the full article.

A three-year-old child from London is one of hundreds of young people in the capital who have been tipped as potential future radicals and extremists.

As reported by the Evening Standard, 1,069 people have been put in the government's anti-extremism 'Channel' process, the de-radicalisation programme at the heart of the Government's 'Prevent' strategy.

The three-year-old in the programme is from the borough of Tower Hamlets, and was a member of a family group that had been showing suspect behaviour.

So one child out of 1069 people. Yes one child is too many. But it appears that the entire family group had been showing radical behaviour. It does not say what is deemed radical behaviour?

Unfortunately children are influenced by their parents and elders. So apart from attaching the name to the family file. What else can the authorities do?

Please do't go down the MSM path and sensationalise things when there is no need to do so.

A good reputation is hard to achieve, but it is very easy to lose.  This is a fair description of the channel process


I have issued with the process where it seems that certain normal Islamic ideals are considered signs of extremism.

Avoiding pork, disliking alcohol are not signs of extremism.

Taking issues with Israel's oppression of the Palestinians is not extremism.

The family being labeled as something that may have some tendencies that may lead to extremism is one thing, but that is where it should stop. Instead tests are being carries out in nurseries and primary schools - and it is a process of indoctrination that the government is trying to undertake here.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

It's disgusting it's more disgusting that we allow it to happen. It's even more disgusting that when someone points this out someone thinks that it's sensationalising for goodness sake it is totally horrible and everyone should be kicking up a stink.

There has been a 16 year old removed from her amil due to extremism recently. I will post up the article when I find it again.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I have issued with the process where it seems that certain normal Islamic ideals are considered signs of extremism.

I have no problems with normal Islamic ideals. Not drinking alcohol. Not eating pork, If these were to be considered radical, then we would all have a problem. Halal Butchers could be considered as Terrorist cells. Then again I am partial to bacon sandwiches and beer. Wetherspoons serve good bacon sandwiches, plus a decent range of beers. Does this make Wetherspoons a centre for Islamaphobia and all those who enter are white supremacists?  Apart from the fact that anyone can go into a Wetherspoons regardless of Colour, Race or Religion. They do serve soft drinks and salads.

No if we start going down that route and we are all lost.

Yes the Muslim community clearly has a problem with Radical Islam. I know the classic answer, “The people who carry out these??? Etc, are not following the true teachings of Islam”. But when the question is asked what can we/you do about it? Or can we have a more response from UK Muslim leaders? We get the above set answer. It is becoming a worn record, plus the majority of UK residents are starting to stop listening to Muslim complaints, “Why do people keep picking on us. Or “they just do not understand Islam”. And even “if all would just submit to Islam things would only get better”.

Looking at all the violence, the killings of Muslims by Muslims, also the inequalities in most Islamic countries. Islam does not have all the answers.

Coming back to the original comments. The first duty of a government is to protect the safety and well being of ALL its citizens. To provide a Justice System that is fair and treats ALL its citizens equally [without discrimination against Sex, Colour, Race, or sexual orientation.]

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

In this we have done to the best of our abilities, some would say we have been too tolerant, as we have given ground, the Muslim population as demanded more.

We have tolerated and allowed the use of Sharia Courts, which in some cases do not treat all equally [as compared with UK Law] A woman’s testimony is only worth half of a mans. A non-Muslim’s testimony is not even accepted. As for what the Sharia verdict would be on a Muslim saying “he or she is gay? Plus I want set up a relationship with a non-Muslim?” I should not like to guess the outcome.

40% of the UK population are now second or third generation immigrants. Of these less then 20% are Muslims. We have Afro-Caribbean, Africans, Indians, Chinese, Malayans etc, One could say from wherever the British ruled and many places that we did not, Europeans, South Americans and North African countries. These people have lived within the UK and whilst still keeping their distinctive cultures have integrated and mixed with other immigrants and UK residents. What is starting to happen now is they are seeing how the Muslim community as responded to the tolerance and give [I won’t say give and take] of the UK. They are now starting to complain more openly.

What would be the result if the above immigrants started to demand separate Laws, to other communities? The result would be chaos.

What would be the result if all these demanded this that or the other? Equal status with Muslims and threaten disruption if they did not achieve it.                                                                                   

What would the result be if all these demanded separate areas in which to live? As per Muslim dominated areas, using the implementation of Sharia Laws to control the residents living there?

The above is starting to happen in parts of the UK now. What should the Government do? The Government is for ALL the UK Residents?

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

What do I see as radical in Islam?

I see Muslims demanding Sharia Law to be eventual Law of the UK for all its residents. [the 95% who are not Muslims]                                                                                                                                     

I see Muslims who try to act as though they are culturally superior to the west.                                    

I see Muslims who will not tolerate western democracy?                                                                       

I see Muslims who demand tolerance and respect of their values. Whilst having no respect of tolerance for western values.                                                                                                                 

I see Muslims using western values [when it suits] to gain advantage over other sections of the population. Simple question? If I were to demand the abolition of Sharia in Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, or Malaysia what would the Governments of those countries do?

Some examples of these problems

Time to face the reports of election abuse head on.  Birmingham Post, 11 June 2015

Possible election fraud in Birmingham, this follows the Election fraud of the Mayor in Tower Hamlets. Without a fair, transparent election system democracy dies. Once Democracy dies, you will be left with a Dictatorship. You might not get the Leader that you wish for. Ref; Syria and Iraq.

International observers raised concerns about elections in Birmingham, so why is the council not taking this seriously

Ever since Birmingham was likened to a “banana republic” by an election court judge a decade ago, there has been an annual tide of allegations of sharp practice around election time. Last month, however, we had the benefit of a visit from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, whose observers watched polling stations in six constituencies in the UK, including Birmingham Ladywood.

And it was here they reported that party agents were harassing voters outside and even just inside a polling station. They also saw more than one voter inside a polling booth at a time with election officials either unable or unwilling to step in.

Given Birmingham’s track record on elections, it is surprising that there has been little public response to this report – that is, until the Conservative shadow cabinet member Matt Bennett put down a motion calling for an open council inquiry into the conduct of elections.

He rightly pointed out that when a delegation of observers from countries, which include Uzbekistan, hardly a bastion of democracy, point out that there’s something fishy about an election in England, you probably should take notice

Gun attack on Amsterdam to Paris train

The 25-year-old Moroccan man El-Khazzani is accused of perpetrating a terror attack on a train bound for Paris from Amsterdam.

Ayoub El-Khazzani moved to Spain from Morocco in 2007 when he was 18. “He was a very good boy, very hardworking,” his father told the Telegraph.

But Spanish intelligence authorities paint a very different picture of a man who appeared to live off odd jobs and drug trafficking

Did he go to Syria? Spanish intelligence services say he went to Syria from France in 2014. However, the suspect has reportedly denied going to the conflict-ridden country, parts of which are under Isil control

The gunman, Ayoub , is sticking to his version that he intended to rob the passengers and investigators are being forced to use a translator to question him as he is insisting that he does not speak French or English, a source close to the investigation told the Telegraph's David Chazan in Paris.

[Quote] He's denying any terrorist or jihadist motive and says he was homeless and found the weapons abandoned in a suitcase in a Brussels park. He's playing with our nerves. He's as stubborn as a mule. He says he wanted to rob the passengers, not kill them. He claims he planned to shoot out a window in the train and then flee."

But French investigators are "pretty certain" that his motive was terrorism and are liasing with their Belgian counterparts, who believe El-Khazzani was not a lone wolf but was acting under orders from a terrorist organisation.

I suppose the next story will be “El-Khazzani, just happened to be on the train and found a bag with a AK47, a pistol and numerous magazines. He was attacked by 5 people for looking like a Muslim, so he defended himself. A good Muslim Lawyer defends him and El-Khazani walks free with a million Euros in compensation”.

Isis: Mother who fled UK for Syria with five children 'wants to come home'

A woman from Manchester who fled to Syria with her five children is now desperate to return to the UK. Shukee Begum left last year and made her way into Syria via Turkey.

The woman of Somali origin, is reportedly married to an Islamic State fighter and claims she only travelled to Isil's self declared capital of Raqqa, with the intention of persuading her husband, Muftah el-Deen, a jihadist and also a British national, to return home with her.

Her husband is believed to have died in conflict and Begum is now appealing for help to return home to safety with her three daughters and two sons, who are aged between one and 12.

There is two good things that might be worth pointing out.

In the recording, she describes her plight, adding that her house being bombed by the US-led coalition was the final straw, prompting her decision to escape. She appears to regret her decision to flee the UK and place her children in the Isis stronghold and now denounces the militant terror group describing it as 'not Islamic'.


Ahmed Adul Kader, an activist with anti-ISIS group Eye on the Homeland, based in Turkey, who helped smuggle Begum and her children out of Syria, told The Telegraph the family were "traumatised" by the ordeal and are now terrified that they would be tracked down by Isil sleeper cells in Turkey for escaping. Anyone who demonstrates opposition to the regime or defects would almost certainly be executed.

So anyone planning to do the same in the name of Islam, should think very carefully. The UK Government is the least of their problems.

Now the questions do we [the UK tax-payers fund the family safe return to the UK?] Also we only do so if she states publicly the what’s and whys? [Or will the UK government be accused of exploiting the situation for political purposes?

And finally

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

David Cameron believes British Muslims have an extremism problem

David Cameron believes British Muslims have an extremism problem. And he believes it goes beyond a tiny minority.

His views may be based at least in part on his experiences during a visit to Birmingham in 2007, when he was Leader of the Opposition, after he spent the best part of two days staying with a Muslim family in Balsall Heath.

But they have already led to a clash in the House of Commons with one practising Muslim, Birmingham MP Shabana Mahmood, who argued that constant demands that British Muslims stand up to extremism is placing an unfair and unrealistic burden on them.

One could say, that "Shabana Mahmood MP". Just gave the standard Muslim reply. "It's not our fault, it's the 95% who are against us." I look forward to the time when you don't have to say Muslim MP before the MP's name. We don't say Jewish MP or Catholic MP or indeed Gay MP before their name. 

The question of how the UK and the world combats extremist views is in the spotlight right now.

The Prime Minister spelt this out in the House of Commons on July 1, when he said there was a problem with groups and people in the UK “who are very clever at endorsing extremism but stopping one step short of actually condoning terrorism.”

In a speech to the Global Security Forum in Bratislava, Slovakia, on June 19, Mr Cameron said British young people who became terrorists may have been influenced by “people who hold some of these views who don’t go as far as advocating violence, but who do buy into some of these prejudices giving the extreme Islamist narrative weight.”

That included “firebrand preachers” who broadcast sermons in online videos, he said - but he added that these ideas were sometimes “quietly condoned ... perhaps even in parts of your local community”.

And in the House of Commons on June 29, he explained exactly what types of ideas he had in mind.

Mr Cameron said: “Some people and some organisations - frankly, we know which organisations - go along with some of the narrative, think that a caliphate might not be such a bad idea, that Christians and Muslims cannot really live together and that democracy is inferior to another sort of system, and do not believe in equality. Those are people that we must call out, too.”

“Dig a bit deeper and it all comes out. ‘CIA plot . . . Jews told to leave the twin towers’ – even when it comes to 7/7 ‘how do we know the suicide bomber videos are real and not fakes?’.

“Even if this is a view held by 5 or 10 per cent of British Muslims – and I suspect it is at least that – this is a real problem which we have all got to get to grips with.”

But has the Prime Minister simply got it wrong?

Ms Mahmood argues that British Muslims have no more connection to the horrors they see on the news than anyone else.

Speaking in the Commons, she said: “The thrust of the Prime Minister’s comments . . . are that, as part of dealing with symptoms and causes, British Muslims must step up and call out those who are silently condoning extremist ideologies.

"But does he agree that most ordinary British Muslims, among whom I count myself, have no more knowledge and ability to step up to the plate and call out in that way than any other ordinary British person?”

I would disagree with the last comment. "Most Muslims live in a closely knit Muslim Community. They have a fairly good idea of what goes on in their community.

But Mr Cameron doesn’t agree with Ms Mahmood.

Some people would perhaps argue that he is at last speaking openly about a problem that has been ignored for too long.

If this hurts the feelings of some people, then one could say tough. The Muslim community don't seem to care about the feeling of other people. As I have said many times, "treat people as you would like to be treated yourself. There may come a time when people treat you as you have treated them."





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