The Revival website happenings - New colour scheme, twitter sign in


Screenshot of new theme for The Revival
Screenshot of new theme for The Revival

Ok, after you put away your sunglasses, you will be able to take in the new colour scheme for The Revival website. (EDIT - ive changed it to more muted colours - nothing like the screenshot attached to this page.)

If you are reading this blog, this page may or may not be a different colour to the rest of the website.

Firstly, a new layer of paint has been applied to this website, making it all ... shiny. or radioactive.

On the plus side its big and bright, unlike the last iteration.

I have also added an option for members to choose from different colour schemes for their personal blog posts (and maybe in the future for other content too). To show off the feature I have chosen a non default colour scheme for my blog.

Members can choose their colour scheme by going to my account >> edit and looking down the list of options.

Currently there are 8 options - 7 single colour shades and the default which is currently orange and green. I may add more, remove existing ones or tinker with them over time to see what we can get.

Talking of options, if you connect an authenticated twitter account to this website by going to My Account >> edit >> twitter accounts, you could be able to log in using the twitter signin button logged out visitors can see on the right hand side at the top.

You simply click that button, (enter twitter credentials if not logged into twitter,) click authorise, and wait to get redirected back to this website.

There is also an option to automatically create an account on here for those that sign in with twitter but dont yet have their own account set up, but this is not urrently enabled.


Can we have a colour scheme that is easier on the eye please?
The bright colours will give me a migraine. 

UNLESS the majority vote that this is okay - might just be me squinting whilst typing.


I've changed the defaults to Teal and green instead of Orange and Green.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

The teal is a lot better. Thanks!


Looks nice and clean...well done..i think this is the third color change since i first discovered rev. 


Silent traveller wrote:
i think this is the third color change since i first discovered rev. 

and the best

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi