Jabir bin Abdullah says: I heard the Messenger of Allah (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) saying this: The difference between a man (Muslim) and shirk and kufr is the abandoning of salaah.
(Sahih Muslim: Kitab ul Iman: Book 001, Number 0147)
I know that hadith but I think I've heard there's more to it, than the literal meaning of it.
i know. but that hadith is serious enough. the explanation isnt going to go far from the literal meaning.
Of course the hadith is emphasising the great importance of salah but if the meaning doesn't mean EXACTLY that, then people shouldn't go around thinking it's ok to call such people kafir.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Of course the hadith is emphasising the great importance of salah but if the meaning doesn't mean EXACTLY that, then people shouldn't go around thinking it's ok to call such people kafir.
totally agree. people shouldnt at all go around calling others kafir. but if people are looking for reasons to call THEMSELVES kafir....
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Submitted by Ya'qub on 22 January, 2012 - 21:05 #34
I think the issue could me more with what the word 'Muslim' means to the individual in question.
If it is merely an identity label, something maybe you were born into, a box you tick on forms, then...
But if it is seen as something more along the lines of 'someone who is in submission to Allah (swt), then there is a strong argument that one cannot be called Muslim if they are repeatedly deliberately missing ju'muah
Muslim by name, Muslim by nature?
(ed, you can use that as a chapter name in your book if u want )
Prophet Yusuf's (as) du'aa included something like "please let me die as a Muslim", if I am not wrong..
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by Ya'qub on 22 January, 2012 - 21:05 #35
Thanks, edit button!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by kashim (not verified) on 20 March, 2012 - 03:59 #36
Salaam Brother and to all brothers and sisters.
Brother i have come a cross this video clip and Ina Sha Allah this will Answer all your Question for Juma'ah Prayer (Friday)
Submitted by Abu Imtinaan (not verified) on 23 November, 2014 - 22:52 #37
It was one thing to say, "work is difficult they will not let me go, but I beg Allah for better job or that He soften their hearts to let me go to Jumaa'a.
But in the end, the statement was made that, going to Jumaa'a without understanding doesn't makes sense. From this statement one can understand our misunderstand that the One who miss Jumaa'a because he does not understand, (was he ever Muslim by heart) in order to be Muslim, the One who pronounce to be so must understand what he has committed to at the beginning. If there is no understanding how could there be a true commitment?
So with that, we are inducted to drop business and go to Jumaa'a, it did not say if you understand the message being brought or not. May Allah make it easy for the believers. Amin!
Submitted by Student (not verified) on 14 August, 2015 - 03:14 #38
Can you please tell me if what you said comes from Sahih Muslim or Sahih bhukhari , thank
I would think you have to be a Muslim to actually perform salat. Performing salat does not make you a Muslim you have to be a Muslim first similarly not performing it does not make you a non Muslim if you already are a Muslim.
Before I was taught salat I was taught how to be a Muslim.
Submitted by me (not verified) on 2 November, 2018 - 20:01 #40
Shame on you, shame... This person is asking an honest question that he or she isn't sure about, an is asking to get an answer and to live by that answer. Yet your ignorancy decided to kick in and call them a "bad Muslim". First if all learn some damn manners, then decide to give an answer that'll effect the asker positively, idiot.
i know. but that hadith is serious enough. the explanation isnt going to go far from the literal meaning.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Of course the hadith is emphasising the great importance of salah but if the meaning doesn't mean EXACTLY that, then people shouldn't go around thinking it's ok to call such people kafir.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
totally agree. people shouldnt at all go around calling others kafir. but if people are looking for reasons to call THEMSELVES kafir....
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I think the issue could me more with what the word 'Muslim' means to the individual in question.
If it is merely an identity label, something maybe you were born into, a box you tick on forms, then...
But if it is seen as something more along the lines of 'someone who is in submission to Allah (swt), then there is a strong argument that one cannot be called Muslim if they are repeatedly deliberately missing ju'muah
Muslim by name, Muslim by nature?
(ed, you can use that as a chapter name in your book if u want
Prophet Yusuf's (as) du'aa included something like "please let me die as a Muslim", if I am not wrong..
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Thanks, edit button!
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Salaam Brother and to all brothers and sisters.
Brother i have come a cross this video clip and Ina Sha Allah this will Answer all your Question for Juma'ah Prayer (Friday)
Click on this link Below
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIpmXmo4WfQ(link is external)
It was one thing to say, "work is difficult they will not let me go, but I beg Allah for better job or that He soften their hearts to let me go to Jumaa'a.
But in the end, the statement was made that, going to Jumaa'a without understanding doesn't makes sense. From this statement one can understand our misunderstand that the One who miss Jumaa'a because he does not understand, (was he ever Muslim by heart) in order to be Muslim, the One who pronounce to be so must understand what he has committed to at the beginning. If there is no understanding how could there be a true commitment?
So with that, we are inducted to drop business and go to Jumaa'a, it did not say if you understand the message being brought or not. May Allah make it easy for the believers. Amin!
Can you please tell me if what you said comes from Sahih Muslim or Sahih bhukhari , thank
I would think you have to be a Muslim to actually perform salat. Performing salat does not make you a Muslim you have to be a Muslim first similarly not performing it does not make you a non Muslim if you already are a Muslim.
Before I was taught salat I was taught how to be a Muslim.
Shame on you, shame... This person is asking an honest question that he or she isn't sure about, an is asking to get an answer and to live by that answer. Yet your ignorancy decided to kick in and call them a "bad Muslim". First if all learn some damn manners, then decide to give an answer that'll effect the asker positively, idiot.