Aljazeera - " Surveilling UK Muslims 'cradle to grave' "

New report details 'McCarthy-like' police surveillance and discrimination against the Muslim community.

London, United Kingdom - Muhammad still does not know for sure why British counter-terrorism police came to the door of his east London home shortly before dawn one morning in March 2012.

It was 5:30am on the day of Muhammad and his wife's third wedding anniversary. The couple's two young children were sleeping in their cots, and his elderly parents were also visiting.

"My mum woke me up, saying: 'There are police at the door. Get up! Get up!' My wife grabbed her headscarf and we all went into the living room," Muhammad told Al Jazeera, requesting only his first name be used for legal reasons.

"I counted 12 police officers in there and there were others lurking in the other rooms. They said they had a warrant to raid my house and my car."

As police searched the property, Muhammad's father suffered a heart attack. An ambulance was called to take him to hospital. The police eventually left at 2am the following morning, taking with them money, documents, electrical equipment, phones and Muhammad's passport.

Muhammad, a British-born Muslim of Bangladeshi origin in his late 20s, was not arrested, detained or questioned as a result of the raid. His father made a full recovery. But the incident has turned his life upside down.

He has subsequently been routinely stopped and questioned at airports under Schedule Seven counter-terrorism powers, making his work as a guide escorting British pilgrims to Saudi Arabia on Hajj increasingly untenable. In October last year he said he was held for 26 hours at Riyadh airport before being deported back to the UK without explanation.

Read More @ Al Jazeera

The interesting bit for us should be this: 

In a report published this month into the UK government's Prevent counter-terrorism strategy, CAGE warned that Muslim communities were being subjected to "cradle-to-grave" levels of surveillance and discrimination that go beyond the policies used against suspected communist sympathisers in the United States at the height of the Cold War.

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"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

It's disgusting only God should have that power.  Sometimes I think where do they get the time and resources not to mention putting up with the boredom of it all.  Other times I think they can't be doing this on a mass level they just want us to think they are, so we are permanently scared. Mostly I like to pretend everything is just ok and that we are all free citizens of the world living in a wonderful bright world laughing and skipping drinking coke and still keeping our shiny white teeth.

God has given us the power of free will in this world.

and such levels of surveillance should not be surprised.

Afterall, we have been warned that there will be a day when even rocks will speak out telling people who is hiding behind them.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I did not know that, really i didn't 

The stones, I did not know about the stones

I mean rocks!

Its the one about dajjal and Imam Mahdi etc, where near the end there is no place for the enemy to hide.

There will be a lot of ahadith etc that we will simply not be able to understand until the circumstances/technology is not there - any past explanations etc would have been from the world seen by those explaners.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

laila wrote:
Mostly I like to pretend everything is just ok and that we are all free citizens of the world living in a wonderful bright world laughing and skipping drinking coke and still keeping our shiny white teeth.

That sounds a bit like my trail of thought though in reality, I know it's far from that. Alhamdulillah, because I haven't felt any of these threats/raids/discrimination personally it's hard to imagine what it must feel like. Simply put 'I really think they're out to get us'. However British I feel, there is still that "them v. us" scenario. Eradicating that seems unlikely, very unlikely.


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