Is Weed REALLY haraam?

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It seems like this topic opened up pandoras box. I didn't really expect the question to be taken so serously.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
It seems like this topic opened up pandoras box. I didn't really expect the question to be taken so serously.

The pandorica opens Biggrin

Back in BLACK

Aoa Brother. May HE swt have mercy on us all. Ameen. Seems like you have done some research relating to this topic. I wanted to know if you could tell the proper way for massah or the proper regularities a muslim must follow for salah/prayer after smoking a joint?
Looking forward on finding the right solution to this problem Smile

you cant pray when high.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

bilan wrote:
You wrote:
@ anonymous321 - what do you do when prayer approaches and you're stoned? DO you read it or do you miss it?

Does weed clooud your judgement? I would guess so and I would guess that it is a form of intoxication - just differnet from alcohol.

i am a very religious muslim and have every intention of doing only good in my life and inshalla stay tahir and go to heaven.

That does not fit inwith the revelation of "I smoke weed" too well.

Its like saying "if you ignore the gambling, violence, drinking, murder and fornication, I am actually a nice guy".

people always talks like they know and it gets frustrating.

people who smoke weed often feel stressed when doing things or communicating with others who do not agree and they then need a fix. They also see no link with this excessive getting stressed at minor things and smoking weed, which affects the same part of the brain.

Normally, a good way to find out if something is right or wrong is to see the consensus of the ummah - the hadith mentions that this cannot be wrong. So to find the consensus ask scholars if weed is allowed. Find even one and then you're stance of "I don't know man, it might not be..." can have some validity.

But if you find zero people, zero scholars taking your position then you know that by consensus it is haraam.

Now smoke it if you want, but please do not try to pretend that something that is haraam may not be so - this is how Shaytaan got into trouble - by trying to justify his bad actions instead of admitting them.

ahhh, so u were just playing devils advocate????
and theres me thinking u didn know.....which is silly cos u knw a pretty whole lot right??? Wink

I have heard that weed is prohibited, or one can say makruh. Not harram. Let me know if i am wrong. Feamanillah.

The only people I have heard suggest its not haraam have been those who smoke weed. Not anyone with any religious credibility.

Most that smoke it still call it haraam - because committing a haraam act is a sin but saying something that is haraam to be halaal is often disbelief.

Intoxicants are haraam.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

It is beyond belief that those who smoke this filthy substance or take any intoxicant lower themselves to the point that they actually justify its use. Such people rather than feeling bad and guilty and then turning to their Lord in repentance and fearing for their Hereafter, actually make shaythans job easy for him and start working with shaythan to promote and justify haraam. They become the helpers of shaythan without even realing it. Such people becone so dillusional.

Let no lowlife fool try to convince you that haraam can be halaal. They are the worst of people and are due a severe punishment unless they change their ways immediately. This substance is totally forbidden. There can be no justification of its use at any level. It ruins lives and ive seen this with my own eyes.

Anyone taking intoxicants should fear Allah because death can come at any second and if a person has taken an intoxicant then Imaan (faith) leaves the body of a person who has taken an intoxicant. Imaan and intoxication cannot remain in the same body.

So an intoxicated person risks dying without imaan. Not only that but we will rise on the day of Judgement how we died. So an intoxicated person who dies in that state will rise also rise in the state. Allah will not even look at such a person.

How can we risk dying like a wretched dog? How can we gamble the Hereafter which is for eternity over a short buzz? There is only one thing that those who intoxicate themselves can do. That is to NEVER take an intoxicant again. Turn to Allah in sincere repentance with the intention of never returning to such a dark empty life and let go of those so called "friends" who one associated with and turn ones life totally towards fulfilling ones obligations to Allah.

It is not too late to change now but tomorrow it might be as tomorrow may never come. So do not delay as death is awaiting and is ready to strike at any moment no matter where we are or what were doing.


Salam-un Alaykum,

I'd been a heavy drinker of any kind of alcohol and a cutter and a self-punisher for years until I met weed. I'd made crazy things, risked my life, tortured myself, quit many jobs, committed suicide, run behind every woman I saw, and been far away from Islam and all its rituals until weed. When I met weed order, peace, knowledge, pudency, thankfulness, understanding, self-consciousness came into my life back as in my childhood. I'm a Borderline Personality Disorder patient. In my illness almost %85 of the patients uses something to make their mind stable and to feel normal. I think it can be beneficial for particular illnesses and people. So, what is the Islamic point of view in this case I'm not sure. I take refuge in Allah and beg Allah to forgive me if it is Haram and show me another cure that he accepts. Another thing according to my point of view, in Quran it says, Wine which can be anything made by the hands of men, we just make Wine from grapes, Cocaine from Koko plant, Heroin from opium poppy, extasy from sassafras trees, LSD from a grain Fungus and so on. They do not exist normally, we made them. We change their natural form, existence aims, the way and purposes which Allah made them for. We knew that when every single plant were created; they inspired by Allah to serve in some good aims, to be a cure for mankind and other creatures. Producing alcohol and drugs is the knowledge and way of Satan to make people forget Allah, but to me, weed made me remember Allah. We knew from science and medicine that every drug, alcohol and even tobacco works on human reward system on brain but weed does not. It works on logical process system, information process system and some others but not the reward system. It never ever makes you feel happy when sad and upset but makes you think deeper over the things that make you sad. Weed never made me do the things I would never make but stopped me to do the things which you can call Haram. I only wanted to share my thoughts and impressions. Allah knows the best but if it is Haram, and we all knew that Harams have grades, it is not as Haram as others. You never kill anybody on weed unlike Alcohol. 2 of every 3 murders' murderer or slain are on Alcohol. So, what is it like to think deeper? Shouldn't we think, just obey whatever said to us?  May Allah be with all of you and us...    

Anonymous wrote:
Salam-un Alaykum,

I'd been a heavy drinker of any kind of alcohol and a cutter and a self-punisher for years until I met weed. I'd made crazy things, risked my life, tortured myself, quit many jobs, committed suicide, run behind every woman I saw, and been far away from Islam and all its rituals until weed. When I met weed order, peace, knowledge, pudency, thankfulness, understanding, self-consciousness came into my life back as in my childhood. I'm a Borderline Personality Disorder patient. In my illness almost %85 of the patients uses something to make their mind stable and to feel normal. I think it can be beneficial for particular illnesses and people. So, what is the Islamic point of view in this case I'm not sure. I take refuge in Allah and beg Allah to forgive me if it is Haram and show me another cure that he accepts. Another thing according to my point of view, in Quran it says, Wine which can be anything made by the hands of men, we just make Wine from grapes, Cocaine from Koko plant, Heroin from opium poppy, extasy from sassafras trees, LSD from a grain Fungus and so on. They do not exist normally, we made them. We change their natural form, existence aims, the way and purposes which Allah made them for. We knew that when every single plant were created; they inspired by Allah to serve in some good aims, to be a cure for mankind and other creatures. Producing alcohol and drugs is the knowledge and way of Satan to make people forget Allah, but to me, weed made me remember Allah. We knew from science and medicine that every drug, alcohol and even tobacco works on human reward system on brain but weed does not. It works on logical process system, information process system and some others but not the reward system. It never ever makes you feel happy when sad and upset but makes you think deeper over the things that make you sad. Weed never made me do the things I would never make but stopped me to do the things which you can call Haram. I only wanted to share my thoughts and impressions. Allah knows the best but if it is Haram, and we all knew that Harams have grades, it is not as Haram as others. You never kill anybody on weed unlike Alcohol. 2 of every 3 murders' murderer or slain are on Alcohol. So, what is it like to think deeper? Shouldn't we think, just obey whatever said to us?  May Allah be with all of you and us...    

For you to sit there and try and condone the use of weed as something that is beneficial is utterly shocking and clearly shows me that you are either not in your senses (due to smoking pot) or just totally dillusional (or both).

I personally know of a few people who have experienced psychosis after trying just a little bit of this evil substance and have been on anti depressants and various other drugs to try and control their psychosis ever since. I also know of many others who have ruined their lives due to the use of this evil drug and others who are struggling to stop using it so that they can actually begin to move forward with their lives.

Obviously a person will stop doing "many things" once they are on this drug because they are so out of their heads that it makes a person like a zombie. It totally destroys ones brain cells and causes mental cognitive impairment in the long term.

Truly cursed are those people in this life and the next who try to justify that which is haraam as halaal. You can never use the deen of Islam to try and justify your use of this filthy evil substance as there is no doubt by the consensus of scholars of Islam that weed is an intoxicant and is therefore totally forbidden.

Science is also not on your side as the use of weed is proven to be linked to cognitive impairment. I request all to watch this short beneficial video by a scientist on the negative effects of weed on cognitive impairment: is external)





2 things here 1 why re paste the whole comment just refer to it

2 it is not good to be so judgmental, sometimes doctors even prescribe such drugs for certain illnesses. It's all very well to sit in our glass houses telling people to stop but people in these unfortunate circumstances need understanding from people who are fortunate enough not to be in these circumstances. we all come to decisions in our own time it's hard but reviling and punishing are not the answer. Love, care and understanding is the better way, always.

I hope brother Allah talla gives you courage, will power, patience and above all hope to be free of all addictions and pray for me also. 

First of all, I think whoever is looking for this answer should just read The Quran. It seems pretty clear to me. Unless you're just reading The Quran to recite arab words you don't necessarily understand, than I suggest you read it in a language you speak in to really understand the message. Here's a couple of verses that talks about plants, because as we all know, cannabis is a plant.

33. A Sign for them is the earth that is dead: We do give it life, and produce grain therefrom, of which ye do eat.

34. And We produce therein orchard with date-palms and vines, and We cause springs to gush forth therein:

35. That they may enjoy the fruits of this (artistry): It was not their hands that made this: will they not then give thanks?

6. Do they not look at the sky above them?- How We have made it and adorned it, and there are no flaws in it?

7. And the earth- We have spread it out, and set thereon mountains standing firm, and produced therein every kind of beautiful growth (in pairs)-

8. To be observed and commemorated by every devotee turning (to Allah).

9. And We send down from the sky rain charted with blessing, and We produce therewith gardens and Grain for harvests

10. And tall (and stately) palm-trees, with shoots of fruit-stalks, piled one over another;-

11. As sustenance for (Allah's) Servants;- and We give (new) life therewith to land that is dead: Thus will be the Resurrection.

54. "He Who has, made for you the earth like a carpet spread out; has enabled you to go about therein by roads (and channels); and has sent down water from the sky." With it have We produced diverse pairs of plants each separate from the others.

55. Eat (for yourselves) and pasture your cattle: verily, in this are Signs for men endued with understanding.

In those three surahs, it clearly says that Allah SWT gave mankind grain plants to consume. Cannabis is a grain. Its seeds don't grow inside a fruit. And unlike beer which is also made from grains, the THC in cannabis does not need to be processed and can be obtained in its original form. Where on the other hand, too make beer or any other type of khamr a process of fermentation is needed to produce alcohol.

It also states that all beautiful things are made in pairs. Cannabis is predominantly dioecious, meaning that it has distinct male and female individual organisms. Dioecy is relatively uncommon in the plant kingdom, and cannabis is the only plant where the males appear one way and the females appear very different, physically. To determine what sex a plant is you would normally have to look internally, at its DNA.

So considering what's stated in The Quran and facts about cannabis, I don't see how anyone can presume it to be haram. Allah SWT gave us cannabis for a reason, and I'm pretty sure that it's a good reason. Unless you doubt The Quran.

Dudes i just spoke to the man himself (found his private instagram) 

he said 'yolo my son'

Actually, marijuana is NOT haram. I am all for the quran but not with weed being illegal I don’t care what Mohamed said in the quran its says we may use the herbs of the earth and if it wasn’t for weed I would have never even found the quran new study’s have shown that marijuana is gods plant to humans other man made drugs are bad and cigarettes I agree and of course alcohol.
Quran has never banned marijuana. It has banned Alcoholic beverages (Arabic root KH-M-R). Other plant-based intoxicants (Arabic root S-K-R) have not been banned and spoken of positively in the Quran. (16:67) They are only banned before Salat (Quran 4:43)

Banning psychoactive plants like marijuana and opium is a recent phenomenon among the so-called Muslim Scholars who mistranslated two different root words mentioned above (KHMR and SKR). Earlier use of organic intoxicants are seen widely among both Shia and Sunni scholars. I am sure the Shia scholar who wrote this is aware of this issue! On the other hand, there were some scholars who have banned all psychoactive plants, including coffee and tobacco!

As for marijuana danger, research has shown it is only dangerous for teenagers and young adults. The benefit outweighs the costs if it is used on rare occasions by older adults.

I hope our “scholars” stop skewing the words of GOD. Even if they believe psychoactive plants should be banned, they should not base their conclusion on their purposely mistranslated words.

Its very obvious he was not smoking weed, and if he was it was 100% laced with a drug that make u crazy. Weed does not play with your mind, when your high you are aware of everything around you, u know what right and wrong. Weed would not make someone jump off a roof. No way in hell.

all wrong all assumptions read the book. and are sure that guy was smoking weed? , weed has quit the opposite effect to that you would avoid danger. also weed mske u eat more because speeds up your metabolism

Weed is different for everyone, therefore some people can be harmed, while others can be better than ever, for example when i smoke it i feel at peace, and my creativity is boosted, but when some people do it it freaks them out. and if used responsibly there is no harm to your body or mind.

Anonymous wrote:
Weed is different for everyone, therefore some people can be harmed, while others can be better than ever, for example when i smoke it i feel at peace, and my creativity is boosted, but when some people do it it freaks them out. and if used responsibly there is no harm to your body or mind.


Assalamu Alaikum,


My brother the worst of people are those who try to justify Haraam. When something is forbidden it is not up to debate how bad the effects are for one person to another. The fact is that it is forbidden and this is not even something that is debated in our Deen. However shaythan beautifies our sins and makes them look acceptable and even good in our eyes. He tells us "who is it harming"? When in fact it is harming us more than we know. If you think that it is good for you then you are without doubt very deceived. During these blessed nights turn to Allah and ask of him for forgiveness lest we due in a state of intoxication or whilst doing sin. What will we say to our Lord when we face him with nothing but our sins? He will say to us that were we not given enough opportunities to change our ways? Keep away from those who indulge in these evils and live a life of obedience to Allah as you are doing it for your own good no one else's. However I can only remind but the rest is up to you.

