Syria should be invaded by an international coalition
11% (4 votes)
The Syrian Leadership should be bombed/assassinated
14% (5 votes)
Arm the opposition
19% (7 votes)
Do nothing
5% (2 votes)
Something else
51% (19 votes)
Total votes: 37
I wonder if there is a possibility of accident over the chemical attack.
Its unlikely, but the chemical weaponry would be stockpiled in secret locations. If one of these locations was lost and shelled in order to regain control, it could be possible for some sort of leak.
On the other hand, if the chemical agents are found on the insides of the shells of mortars and other weaponry, its way more likely to have been a deliberate use of chemical weapons.
It is looking likely that there will be a limited aerial assault on Assad's forces by the end of the week.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Something else should be done. I just don't know what that something else should actually be.
We shall raise a grand army of the republic to counter the increasing threat of the sepratists
Back in BLACK
Sephyy, watch Stacey Dooley's documentary called Europe's Dirty Drugs Secret on BBCiPlayer. Actually, you don't need to watch the whole thing, watch from about 44.29 minutes onwards. He actually thinks he's the Darth Vader lol.
So House of Commons voted against it. I wonder what the Congress will do.
Obama makes me sick with his hypocrisy.
How would military intervention help though :s But I have no solution to offer
Just duas for whatever happens happens for the best for the Syrians.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Back in BLACK
In light of "new evidence" military action in syria maybe put to a second vote.
What i want yo know is why is everyone soo convinced its Assad? It could just have easily been the rebels. They would certainly have more to gain from doing this.
Back in BLACK
I found it funny too!
{{{{{{ This post is so great and nice }}}}}}}
Syria should be invaded by an international coalition
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If it comes to military intervention im pretty sure it will mea air strikes and soldiers on the ground. We'd be talking a full on invasion (coughOilWarscough).
And I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying come and see and I beheld, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him.