The Dates for the last ten nights of Ramadan In the Uk for 2013 are as follows:
21st Night - Monday 29th of July - From Maghrib until Fajr
22nd Night - Tuesday 30th of July 8th - From Maghrib until Fajr
23rd Night - Wednesday 31st of July - From Maghrib until Fajr
24th Night - Thursday 1st of August - From Maghrib until Fajr
25th Night - Friday 2nd of August - From Maghrib until Fajr
26th Night - Saturday 3rd of August - From Maghrib until Fajr
27th Night - Sunday 4th of August - From Maghrib until Fajr
28th Night - Monday 5th of August - From Maghrib until Fajr.
29th Night - Tuesday 6th of August - From Maghrib until Fajr
30th Night - Wednesday 7th August - From Maghrib until Fajr.
If Ramadan is 29 days then Eid Ul Fitr will be on - Thursday 8th of August. If it is 30 days then Eid ul Fitr will be on Friday the 9th of August Insha'Allah
Therefore tonight marks the beginning of the first of the 10 blessed ten Nights of Ramadan!
Remember: We can gain 83 years of worship reward and forgiveness for an entire lifetime of sins for worshipping on this one special night. So we CANNOT afford to miss out. If we are working on the days after those nights and we can take those days or go work later on that day then we should try to, even if it means we to work go tired on those days, so be it as it is only once a year whre this opportunity comes and we may NEVER get such an opportunity again as we may not be alive next year!
So make the commitment!
So we should all make a firm commitment to devote ourselves in worship on all of the last 10 nights, if not then on the odd numbered nights, if not then at least on as many nights as we can. If we still cannot do that then at least on the 27th night. We should worship Allah with full sincerity, hope for immense reward, forgiveness and mercy from Allah for an entire lifetime of sins.
We should also make a firm commitment to Allah that we will change ourselves for the better for the rest of the year as Ramadan is for life not just for one month.
We must remember that our time is very short and that this may well be our very last Ramadan as it was the last Ramadan for so many who thought they would make it!
So let us grab this opportunity with both hands! If we walk towards Allah then he will run towards us!
These threads will help to make the best of the last ten days & nights of Ramadan:
Worship Plan for the Last 10 Blessed Nights of Ramadan:
May Allah enable us to make the best of the last 10 days & nights of Ramadan and enable us to gain the maximum rewards from this special, unique and auspicious night. Ameen
Although the majority opinion of scholars is that Laylatul Qadr occurs in one of the last 10 night and that it is more likely to occur in one of the odd nights. Some scholars say that of the odd nights Laylatul Qadr is more likely to occur on the 27th night which is tonight. Although there is no guarantee of this it is still a possibility according to some scholars.
So how can we miss out on a night in which we can gain rewards of over 83 years no matter what acts of worship we do.
Subhanallah We cannot afford to miss out on such an opportunity as we may not be alive next year to gain such an opportunity again!