After my time with my wordsearch, I spent about about an hour and a half sitting with my dad talking about 'stuff'. I can't remember a single word about what we had talked about but all i know is that we talked about 'stuff' whatever that 'stuff' was. Then for a couple of hours i have absolutely no idea what i did because my mind is just blank at the moment so i'll begin at the part that i can remember.
I decided to go into town to try and look for matching items for the dresses that i had bought a while back and a couple of things for one of my sisters too, but then my youngest sister and mother decided they wanted to come too, so the three of us were dropped off into town by my dad.
Both of them felt very tired the minute we stepped out the car and all i wanted to do was skip and run but i had to slow down and keep up otherwise i would look like a crazy woman that doesn't belong to them. I think it's because they were fasting and didn't have as much energy as i have. Because i've had exams and lots has been going on, i haven't been shopping for donkeys of years so i was really excited!
I found things i liked, but NOTHING was my size. That long deep purple skirt was size 12 and above so i couldn't get that. The blazer i wanted was size 14 and above. The blue top i wanted was size 8 and above but that size 8 was an oversized size 8 and that wouldn't fit me, it'd just fall off my shoulders. AND EVERYTHING else in the bullring was just not the kinda thing i was looking for.
All shortsleeved, mini skirts, ripped leggings, ugly dresses and items i just didn't want to see and i just got bored and realised that today was not the day to shop and look for things, though i did buy a peachy-red cardigan which will match the peachy-red shoes and jewellery that mother had bought for me not so long ago. (Y) What else did i buy? I haven't even emptied the bags out yet.
And whilst we were getting out of the Bullring we heard LOADS OF cheering and i just looked straight ahead and didn't need to ask anymore. They were LOADS of people, i wouldn't say ordinary people because they weren't wearing ordinary clothing, but let's just say they were people anyway who didn't want to act very ordinary.
I kept on looking and everyone around me had their phones out, taking loads of pictures and videos of what was going on and they were saying words which i didn't understand and they were clapping. Then they would stop and continue walking along. THEY WERE ODD PEOPLE!
So now what do we do when there is no walking space?! All the 'normal' shoppers have stopped to watch and all the non-shoppers are walking! There is no space for normal people, like me to get through and HOW DO WE GET OUT?! So we waited and waited and tried to find some space but there was none. So we waited and waited even more until we thought that the big crowd consisted of less people.
So we walked behind them and THEN we find out that they are going in the EXACT SAME direction that we need to go in and there was no escape route. We either wait and everyone's legs hurt and we disturb the people walking behind us or we carry on walking behind this crowd or we attempt to run right ahead of them, but there were too many people so that was impossible!
But I haven't told you what they were wearing. THEY HAD PAINT all over themselves. Red paint. All bloodish. They had googley grey coloured eyes and they're veins were made green. They had grey hair spray and looked bonkers. THEY WERE DOING A ZOMBIE WALK! That's why they looked very non-ordinary!
I'm not joking but it was like waking up from the most bloodiest and scariest nightmare ever. It was such a frightening and horrible experience and i had to look away SO many times. I saw these three ladies on the side and they were hooked onto each other and looked like they wanted to cry! I felt sorry for them.
So then they moved onto a smaller street, near to the road next to Next Clearance and that's where my bus is and a lot more bus stops, but ofcourse i wasn't catching the bus anyway. And these zombie walkers decide to SCARE all the people in the bus who were waiting and they plonked themselves against the bus with their hands in the air and you shouldv'e seen the look on the face of that old man. Poor him!
THEN THE GUY WAS BEHIND ME. HE WAS SO SCARY. I ACTUALLY SAID OH MY GOSH, PLEASE GO AWAY. He was TOO close to me and i was already mega scared of everything i had seen. His face was deliberately bent and turned towards me, but he wasn't looking at me, his eyes were upwards and HE WAS SCARY. That's all i'm saying.
With all this going on, i REALLY wanted to know WHY so many people wearing such weird clothing would want to come to town dressed like zombies for a zombie walk and i thought it may be because they come under the category of goths, punks, emo's whatever you want to call them.
But then i found out that they were doing this zombie walk -
To raise money for Birmingham Childrens Hospital.
And for more information or to have a look around at some of the pictures, have a browse, if YOU DARE on: is external) Though, i must say - The pictures aren't as scary as the eyes with which i saw these people, yesterday!
Or WATCH last year's official video.
Lol I wonder if they were going for the very creepy look or something didn't go right. But it obviously caught people's attention so it worked.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
oh no. i voted in the poll and everything here got deleted
anyway, i said that your first paragraph make you sound like you need to go see a doctor becase random amnesia is not healthy.
that is one scary walk... quite a memory though. i have opened your link but havnt yet looked at it.
also, the zombie stuff is so new and annoying, these kids were playing ZOMBIE tag, so the "tagger" walks around making weird zombie noises and sticking his tongue out and with his hands out. *shakes head* so stupid.urgh... but emo, punk, goth dont fit in that category lol.
whats the point of doing that? like...hey, you wanna be weird, here's the opportunity to act weird without actually being weird forever. sigh... and zombies!? who invented that concept i wonder...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Zombies are supposed to look creepy, no? I know it catches attention but i don't understand how and in which way, shape or form this was raising or creating awareness for the hospital. Firstly, i can't recall seeing even ONE plackcard or banner saying what they were doing and i had to ask to find out what was going on! They didn't have buckets so i'm not exactly sure how they were raising money either?
You can go chuck your diagnosis in the bin lol. I kid, its not always that this happens. I just can't remember the topics nor what he said, nor what i said. Almost like a blank slate asthough it's been rubbed out and forever vanished. I'm trying to think but i can't.
And about emo's, punks goths. There is one place in Birmingham where you are bound to find them. Pigeon Park. They're ALWAYS there. It's a park in the middle of town-ish and it's they're hang out area. Went there last year and met loooooooads.
It times like this where a handbag comes in use.
Really? Why? This is one of the situations when i wouldn't carry one of them!
Figure it out
To bang them on their nose and kill them with it?
If you can do both at once you're laughing!