Okay so one of my counsins whose like 8 has developed this irrational fear that theres a monster in his room and its generally out to "get him".
Now im the cool uncle, what do i do?
a) Tell him he's imagined this as there are no such thing as Monsters. And its just a product of his over-active imagination.
b) Play along and pretend to give the "monster" the biggest beating of his life.
c) Tell him the worlds full of monster and he needs to learn to confront them someday. So he may aswell start now.
Let me know what you think
Tell them the Monster is friendly and you and the monster are gonna have iftar together later and ask the kids if they wanna join
Buy him a furry version of Sulley from Monsters Inc and show your little cousin how nothing will happen and this is what so called monsters look like.
Does your cousin have tetraphobia?
He could use his over-active imagination to kill the monster then use its fur as a rug and sell its teeth.
Tell him if there was a monster wanting him, he would not live to tell the tale.
I like the making the monster into a friend idea.
but I think thr best is to tell him that theres no such things I mo.ster. Ask him where he gt this idea frm n take it frm there. Also use this occasion to teach abt how no harm will cme to him if Allah foesnt want it to happen. That he has guardian angels watching ocer him. And if he does his morning amd evening duahs (especially the 3 quls and ayatulkursy) and his sleeping duah its like his invicible body shield thst no monster can get u. And also that if he fall asleep in at night thinking abt Allah an angel stays and watches over him all night. Sorry for spelling mistskes. Typing on phone.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
A story for another day
I dont know what that is =/
He's just got an over active imagination and most likely just had a nightmare.
Happy Endings.
So in order to fight this monster we both got dressed up in cricket pads and cycle helmets. Then using a cricket bat and a jar of salt we proceeded to run into his room swinging like crazy (lol) and pretended to fight the monster, while my sister flickered the light on and off and sprayed silly spray everywhere #specialeffects until we "vanquished" him back to hell, hence why theres no body.
And we then had pie and watched 'How to Train Your Dragon'
Back in BLACK
YOUR dragon*
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
What was the salt for?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Thats what i said!
Well i could hardly let him run in there armed with a cricket bat!! He'd demolish to room!... Or more likely end up wacking me! :'(
I told him all monsters were super-allergic to salt. Salt being an international catalyst at separating the pure from the not so pure. He bought that. So i gave him some salt to chuck around at the thing.
All in all a good monster hunt
Back in BLACK
Sounds quite fun. It wouldn't be allowed in my house cuz my mum would be too concerned about the mess
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Which is why i always say its easier to ask for forgiveness then to ask for permission
Back in BLACK
Sephy, do you know how awesome you are?
That's all i want to say.
You're the kinda 'uncle' everyone wants.
Lol ive been told that before
Back in BLACK
Just thought i should verify things!