Dr Isa Abdur-Rahman

He died in Syria a couple of days ago.

This is an email i received about him, I've also seen his picture around on fb. I guess he's like a modern day hero.

A great man and an elder brother to me, Dr Isa Abdur Rahman, was martyred yesterday while providing humanitarian medical aid to the injured in Syria.

I first met Isa when I was going through a very difficult period but Isa helped me focus on my deen and encouraged me to get more involved in the Isoc. I owe a lot to him but the one thing I owe the most was the dua that he brought to my attention, a dua that not only changed my life for the better and brought me closer to Allah, but gave me a peace I had never experienced before:

حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ
Hasbunallahu Wa ni'mal Wakeel
Allah is enough for me and there is no better to look after me (3:173)

This was the dua that was recited by Ibrahim (as) when he was thrown into a fire by disbelievers and instead of feeling heat, he felt coolness by the will of Allah. It defines our relationship with our Creator: the only source of support we truly need is Him and He will always look after and do what is best for us.  This was the dua that Isa would always recite: his trust in and love for Allah was ingrained into every aspect of his life and I'm sure in his death too.

Isa's patience and wisdom was beyond doubt even at such a young age. He had a towering presence and was highly respected in the community but he was so modest and humble that you would never have realised his incredible achievements until someone told you. He was and will continue to remain a great role model.

Today Isa is no longer with us, he is with his Lord, we will sorely miss him but this is enough for him and there is no one better to look after him.

Join me in praying that Allah accepts his martyrdom, grants him jannat-al-firdaus, gives his family peace and strength and reunites us with him in the next life. Ameen. If you can, kindly donate in his memory: www.justgiving.com/for-Isa

I've been by the person above to add one more point:

but add in the incredible sacrifice he made leaving his wife and parents and going to help people. Incredible sacrifice. The guts and the level of iman..apparently the dua he had been making for past few yrs was to become shaheed subhanAllah

Our beloved brother and friend Isa Abdur-Rahman was killed today (22/05/13) when their hospital was shelled by the brutal Syrian regime whilst providing medical aid to the Syria civilians.

Those who knew him personally, and those who have heard of him, will know what an amazing, inspirational, kind and deeply-caring person he was. It is quite hard to where even begin describing what an amazing person he was, and all of us are still in shock.

We plan to set up an ambulance in his memory, to carry long a cause he was always passionate about - helping and being there for those who need it the most.


(The ambulance will be bought and used by the registered charity Hand in Hand for Syria - the charity Isa was working with).


He's truly a role model, a hero for us to look up to! May Allah grant him Jannatul Firdaws and ease his family and friend's suffering and pain, allows their hearts to rest.




"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

May Allah reward him immensely for all his humanitarian work and good deeds and give him the highest status in Jannah. Ameen.