The Revival would like to condemn the disgusting and barbaric murder in Woolwich. Our prayers and thoughts are with the family and friends of the deceased. It's a heinous criminal act and the perpetrators should be punished accordingly. It should be clear that murder, extremism and terrorism has no religion. We should all condemn and punish the criminals not the community or faith they may be affiliated to.

This is a time for the whole country to pull together as one to tackle this evil rather than allowing extremists to divide us. The British nation should stay united, strong, resolute and determined to deal with any act that threatens our peace, harmony and unity.


The Revival Magazine - Voice of The Muslim Youth



More Muslims need to be stronger braver or just more honest if these barbarians are to be stopped. Condemn with your voices not your thoughts. People in the Muslim communities know about people like these and say and / or do nothing. It's a shame.

People in the Muslim communities know about people like these and say and / or do nothing. It's a shame.

I doubt that is the case.

There is no big conspiracy, we are not all a part of an underground movement that is supporting a bogeyman. That is the American TV series Homeland, not reality.

Condemn with your voices not your thoughts.

There are plenty of voices, loud voices too.

However, the idea that we all must constantly condemn these acts has the hints of prejudice, once again hinting at the idea that we are all guilty for the nutters that run amock.

Should you have to personally apologise for all criminal acts committed by any briton, or other individual of same ethnicity, creed, location, gender or age?

The justifications used by these nutters, while mentioning the odd arabic word ("Allah"), did not present an Islamic arguments for their acts, but ones of vengeance.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:

 Should you have to personally apologise for all criminal acts committed by any briton, or other individual of same ethnicity, creed, location, gender or age?


i'd like to know the answer to that question from the perspective of non-muslims. it makes a rebellious mind like mine want to not apologize or look/feel sorry in any way for anyone, to just not care about this whole thing. a stupid act of anger and of course no action should be taken when one is angry, that's pretty much a fact of life.

i'm off to research this whole thing, first where the heck is Woolwich.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?