What are your hobbies?

What regular activity do you take part in, purely out of pleasure in your leisure time?


Walking, taking photographs, studying nature (and identifying things for other people), foraging, cultivation, some cooking. Writing, performing, hosting poetry events. Painting. Cycling and more recently running, although this year I'm still waiting for slightly better weather to charge me up (and I somehow feel guilty when I see people out jogging in the freezing cold). In terms of games, Scrabble, RIsk! (and the online variant conquerclub.com) and backgammon. The occasional reggae or D&B night (and wherever company takes me but that doesn't qualify). Chatting here might also count as a hobby, but now I'm down to that I'll end the list. Smile

I'm not always as active or excellent as the above makes me seem, just highly diversified. In fact, a humble afterthough, anyone who considers themselves a procrastinator just hasn't seen how I roll.

  • It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens

Edit: Previous comment appeared to take the mick. Sorry!

What I enjoy but don't get time; designing dresses, football, sledging, reading, cleaning, babysitting, going places with mates and having a laugh (Not anymore) and cooking if I can be bothered. Once I do have time to think about my hobbies in more detail, you'll be the first I'll keep posted. Blum 3


_Me_ wrote:
Edit: Previous comment appeared to take the mick. Sorry!

What I enjoy but don't get time; designing dresses, football, sledging, reading, cleaning, babysitting, going places with mates and having a laugh (Not anymore) and cooking if I can be bothered. Once I do have time to think about my hobbies in more detail, you'll be the first I'll keep posted. Blum 3

You enjoy cleaning???.... LOL

Back in BLACK

cleaning is excruciating..i only do it when its so dirty that it just needs to be done. more a case of "my mind is such a mess i need SOMETHING to be clean" or just a general "a normal human would broom this room/hoover the upstairs, it seems to need it". i do it mainly coz its shared ground and its my parents' place. MY personal space is a different story.

my hobbies (since ive come out of daydreaming, ive had time to think abt this) reading non ficiton, especially inspirational biographies, the middle east and Palestine in particular, Islam, baking, Chemistry (especially green/environmental), Maths, i'd like to get into translating english to french, i also really do kinda like teaching lol, i like sports but dont do anything much recently - started playing table tennis outdoors (roll eyes) with my bro which is pretty good (blame everything on the wind). ive also decided that i'd like to get into studying the history of Islam/the Muslim World. as soon as i get back on top of my uni work.

im looking for a book abt baking and chemistry, i havent had time to google anything yet but if anyone here knows anything send it this way!


check out luminosity, might be an interesting thing to get into on a daily basis.


which reminds me, i love sudoku.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Seraphim wrote:
_Me_ wrote:
Edit: Previous comment appeared to take the mick. Sorry!

What I enjoy but don't get time; designing dresses, football, sledging, reading, cleaning, babysitting, going places with mates and having a laugh (Not anymore) and cooking if I can be bothered. Once I do have time to think about my hobbies in more detail, you'll be the first I'll keep posted. Blum 3

You enjoy cleaning???.... LOL

If I didn't enjoy cleaning I would be living in a pigsty.

Cleaning is not excruciating if its part of your faith. 


_Me_ wrote:

If I didn't enjoy cleaning I would be living in a pigsty.

Cleaning is not excruciating if its part of your faith. 


thats why i do it only when necessary. as i said... i do do it. just dont enjoy it.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

I LOVE cleaning. It's so therpeutic, especially when it's my own room. I do it all the time. With the rest of the house i'm gulity of not contributing much unless i'm asked to. Maybe that's because i generally think our house is clean anyway or it's due to a lack of time and not bothering attitude? Parents tend to be linient with me 'cause i'm the eldest. 


I tried to think of what my hobbies were and i couldn't think of any which is why i decided to create this forum post and i still don't think i have hobbies. There's things that i like doing, but because i don't do them often or i've left them in my childhood i don't call them hobbies anymore. I want a hobby. Somebody help me to find one?


i would say, start with thinking HOW you spend your day. where do your hours go?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Looking To See wrote:
i would say, start with thinking HOW you spend your day. where do your hours go?

You want to know the details? I wake up each morning, i get changed, skip breakfast, head to theeee place-of-learning. Come home at 4. I eat, have tea-time but without tea. On three days of the week i prepare for my evening classes which start at 7.30 and end at 9.30. Lessons sometimes go over time, so i finish 5-10 minutes later and i enter the house at 10. I have my supper, do work for the next day and sleep. I don't have a fixed time for sleeping but i try not to sleep late. As daddy once said - Nights are for sleeping. Then a repeat of that occurs. Then on those two other days, i fit in all my work, have a bit of a rest, watch documentaries, spend time with the family and spend time on the laptop talking to people who are worth talking to. On the weekend, i go somewhere, the park or an event. Otherwise i'm at home, doing more work that couldn't be squeezed into my weekdays. That is all. What is my life?! That is my life. Look how depressing it sounds.


sounds extremely interesting, you're still studying and its hard to fit hobbies in that. i felt exactly the same in college. felt like i hhad no hobbies and thoguht "whaaaaat" especially when i had to write stuff and include something abotu my having a life beyond studying.

spending time with family is good. Islamic studies could be considered a hobby if looked at from a specific perspective. watching docs are also hobbies - broadening your mind, researching things you dont know about.

park and events. thats extremely good too. not something to be dismissed in 3 words. parks - nature, socializing, and whatever else

events - islamic  ones, fall into your hobbies.

make islam your hobby!! coz it is.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

playing with my nephew Biggrin 

reading stuff

I would say cleaning but can that be counted as a hobby? that's a bit odd, like people who say shopping is a hobby. Wait, I guess for the rich it can be a hobby but otherwise? 

Watching certain things

Can pondering on life be counted as a hobby? cuz I do that a lot lol

I wanted to join the kayaking society at uni, but when they weren't going to actual places, they would meet up in the swimming pool - mixed male and female. I was so gutted about that. I would've loved that.

I like those kinda sport, if only I could go kayaking, hiking, rock climbing more often. 

I think I'm gna join the fencing society next year though, that should be fun and if we get to set up an archery society. Though my hand-eye coordination is rubbish, but I'm sure I'd like that!

I'm gna try to take up arabic caligraphy and baking this summer. Not sure how either will turn out, I'm so unbelievably far from being "artsy", or creative in any manner, but I want to try to write verses of the Quran, and get to a point where I can do them on a canvas and hang on my wall. I was thinking, with the build up to Ramadhan, I'd start practising with the names of Allah and learn them simultaneously. 

I'm not being funny but I want to make a family tree, I just find lineage interesting and with pakistani families people can be related to u in a number of different ways and I just want to know that. But it's such a big task and I'd need help of other adults so I've never seriously sat down and started it or anything. Did you know Abu Bakr (ra) was one of the best geneologists? 

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Sounds extremely interesting? You're kidding me. That can't be true. Yes, how you felt in college is what i'm thinking of right now and have been thinking about. What do i do that isn't studying related? I don't think i have a life beyond studying, is that worrying? Researching, watching docs, going to Islam events and spending time with family don't sound like hobbies to me. In my eyes hobbies are the sorts of things that have been mentioned in this thread. 

TPOS - You have some awesome socities at your university. May i ask something? How can you go kayaking in a swimming pool? Kayaking is that thin sort of boat with one person or two people. You should really do fencing because i think it sounds interesting and it's good to have a change and try out something new.

I've promised mother that i will be in the kitchen this summer and learn how to cook so i have no way out right now. Aaaand, my sister started a family tree for my dad's side of the family. It's so humongous, it's unbelievable and we've only reached second cousins yet so there's still so much to do. You can add in their date of birth, gender, marital status and all sorts, which is what family trees do, obviously. Everytime we go to Leicester, we take the iPad with us and she asks all the older people in each household about their children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren and then their sisters and brothers and so on and it's still expanding.


I don't really know what they do in the swimming pool. I've been kayaking before, I may have partly enjoyed it because my partner was good at actually doing the kayaking whilst I mostly sat there almost chilaxing haha. I couldn't kayak strongly enough, it's pretty tiring! But It'd still be fun

Woah! I thought I was the only weirdo who'd want to make a family tree! Actually technically we did start one, once when we were at my uncles and I dunno who came up with the idea but my uncle started writing it on paper. But it didn't get very far and they stopped and since then I've wanted to. How does she make it on the iPad anyway? It's probably best to do it using a pc rather than paper but still it seems pretty complicated, I'd get annoyed trying to arrows and whatever lol

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

maybe there's an app for it.

i want to go kayaking!!

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Visiting parks is a hobby for me. One of those long forgotten hobbies, really. Because of exams and other things going on, I didn't join the rest of my family when they used to go to the park. BUT i did yesterday and i loved every moment of it. 

I found out how awful i have become at sports. I loved cricket once upon a time, but lack of practise has put me right at the bottom and i am no longer good as i once used to be. The one thing i am good at is frisby. Playing frisby with a four year old is fun, since their wee arms can't make it travel a long distance away. It's nice and easy if you class it as a sport. Even football i'm crap at. You know you're bad at it when your sister criticises and laughs at you whilst trying to teach you how to kick a ball. Biggrin

Then there was table tennis. There's a big table and you bring your own equipment. I couldn't keep the ball ontop of the table. I was applying too much force and energy into playing, not understanding that the ball will go flying. That's why we made my youngest sister as the ball keeper. She ran after the ball everytime it went flying. Found out that mother is AWESOME at table tennis! (Y)

But later on, i gave it another go with another sister and i was just getting better and better. There was this family, 3 adults and 2 kids. One of the women just kept staring at me and i felt slightly uneasy but continued nonetheless. Then the little kid ran to one of the ladies and screamed 'something, something, hsjahdsjad, MOZLEM, something something suajsajsgka' and pointed his finger at me and my sister. I don't have any idea what they were saying but it was said probably because we were wearing headscarves?

Then we went tree climbing! Because i'm an amateur, i didn't go that high up - maybe just 2.5 metres above the ground and that was it. My youngest sister went higher up and then lo and behold she got stuck and was scared to come down so my brother shouted 'DAD, hurry up and call the builder to chop down the tree so that she doesn't have to jump'. Lol, he's cute MashaaAllah.