I would rather try to figure it out at the expense of being wrong.
33% (2 votes)
I would rather try to figure it out at the expense of being wrong.
33% (2 votes)
I would rather be told and know 100% I was being told the truth.
17% (1 vote)
I would rather be told and know 100% I was being told the truth.
17% (1 vote)
Total votes: 6
Would you rather be told which religion was right, how to practice it correctly, and have all of your religious questions answered - if you knew that what you were being told is 100% correct, or would you rather continue as you are trying to figure things out for yourself with the prospect of being wrong at every turn?
Think hard on this one - imagine a world where everybody knew exactly what was expected of them no questions asked, even within religions there was no dissent because we all knew the truth - no bin ladens, bakris, robertsons, falwals, any of them, in fact - no more options - Just [i]the[/i] way.
You wouldn't have to figure anything out yourself again - you were simply given the answer.
there would be no point in living, hence the reason Allah swt has given everyone free will....choose the way they live thier lives. with that said, Islam to me, is 100% correct and i do have people who tell me its right and can prove it, however i also have my own freewill.....and i agree with them.
if we lived in a world where everything was [i]just the way[/i] i would be happy knowing i was doing the right thing, but what would be the point?
i dont know if that makes sense, but you get what i mean!!
its hard to pick either of your answer's to Dave's important question
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
Well here's the thing - there is nothing preventing you from choosing not to do the right thing.
It's either follow "the correct way" - since you now know what it is - or choose not to.
Kind of like how Adam and Eve absolutely knew they were not to eat from the tree - there was nothing hazy about it, they were flat out told by God not to, didn't have to figure anything out - but [i]chose[/i] not to.
They still had freewill but not any of the complications about figuring out what the right way was before they had to chose between that and the wrong way.
100 % correct ? You mean errorless ?
Dave. Which reasonable person would refuse to follow an authority that was never wrong?
When Jesus returns, who would still say that he can thikn better than him ?
Jesus can make no mistakes.
people will stil deny jesus when he returns. People denied the Beloved Prophet SAW, having lived in the same era. its the nature of people, turn a blind eye to the truth if its not in your worldly interests
The Lover is ever drunk with love;
He is free, he is mad,
He dances with ecstasy and delight.
Caught by our own thoughts,
We worry about every little thing,
But once we get drunk on that love,
Whatever will be, will be.
he is never coming back mate...
Hmmmmmm I wonder what will happen if I claim to be jesus....
Would be interesting wouldn't it?...
What you put in the hearts of others; is what goes back into your own heart…
Indeed dis is a question dat makes u think b4 u can really answer it.
Well i dnt no if i thought a lot b4 i replied 2 dis but i think my choice of religion is rite coz ive luked in2 other religions but none of dem make sense like the religion of Islam doez. It's so pure n shows clearly the point of dis life.
I like been told in sumthings dat i dnt no bout but nt everythin such as which organization 2 choose etc....as long as im a muslim n hav trust in Allah n his beloved rasul
i dnt hav anythin 2 worry bout but it doez nt mean im perfect coz i do make mistakes like every1 else at de end of de day we r all humans.
Jazak'Allah khair
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
Oh, didn't think about that angle - not trying to convert anyone, trying to test something I was told by my pastor a little while ago. This isn't religion specific and it's not a prelude to a sermon.
i no ur nt tryin 2 convert any1 n by de way i waz just givin my point of view.
"Duniya toh badalti rehti hai...Ey mere Quaid tuh kabhi Na badal janaa"
Well then Allah wouldn have made this world, the whole point is being tested and findin out what is right and wrong by using your own brain (not that you would understand but i think you forgiven).
Having said that i would like to know whether i am right or wrong but the fact is i know Islam is the true religion cuz there is no way somethin can make sense so much.
religion is belief in the unseen
u cant fully know all the answers
belief does not come from knowldge or answers
i wouldnt want anyone to "tell me" whats right
I'd want to figure it out on my own
so what you are saying is that we do know the truth but still choose to ignore it mainly because we can i cant get any deeper now got to go
We are still left with the choice between obeying and disobeying.
It's just rather than having to figure out what to obey, it's all clear - no dissenting opinions - it's either door number one or door number two and fortunately they are marked clearly.
Seems to me freewill is still preserved.
Dave we have the ability to choose (freewill) what we believe. Whether you choose to believe in Islam or in Christianity or in Hinduism its all choice. Thats the test. Its multiple choice people.
a. Be ignorant and dont believe much of anything
b. Belive in Islam
c. Dont believe in Islam
d. Dont know the truth even if it sat on my head.
The potential to be great people lies within everyone its our choices that set us appart from each other. Its what sets the Saints apart from the Non-believers whom are apart from the regular folk.
Its like lilsis said, having faith is not about having all the answers, its about what you believe deep down in your heart of hearts where doubt doesnt exist, you shall know the truth when you're presented with it.
The rest is just a matter of choice.
Back in BLACK
Salam Muslims
Peace Non-Muslims
The reality is the Creator has “told” us “which religion is right, how to practice it correctly” and has “answered” all of the “Religious questions”.
The only true “Authority” of truth is God and only He can be “100% correct” (not any human being or human product)
Which also means there is no need to “figure it out”.
Does by God telling us the Truth negate the concept of free will???
Or perhaps I misunderstood the aim of your questioning.
That is would we rather know the Truth from day one or undertake a search for the Truth.
To know the Truth moment you are born is irrational since it goes against what the reality itself dictates. In short this bears no relevance to life hence it renders this question invalid.
As for searching for the Truth has a reality and there are many who claim to have the Truth. In certainty, whether you like it or not, we’re in this reality that there is no option but to search for the Truth (if indeed, as pessimist say, one accepts that there is really a Truth)
Or perhaps I again misunderstood the aim of your questioning.
That is you meant that all the people of the world have come to point where they know the truth in every matter.
As a result everybody in the world follows the same Truth in every matter. Buts what’s wrong with this (if its Islam that they follow)? This may seem hypothetical but according to the Islamic sources there will come a time in Isa (as) return that all the people will be believers who will know the truth in every matter. I do not know if accountability will take place with them but my initial thoughts is that there will always exist differences even if all the people know the same truth simply because they are humans e.g. among the Muslims there are those who follow the same opinion in every matter e.g. strict deobandi hanifis but have different personalities, different homes, lifestyle, family and friends etc. simply because in Islam there are choices in the mubah, mandub and makruh. But if you say there is only one way of doing every single thing than this goes against the nature of human beings and renders your point irrelevant, invalid and irrational.
The implicit concept is if everybody knows and acts upon the Truth does this negate accountability?
We must understand that the human being is truly a complex being. He may know the truth and fail to act upon it due to temptation. Even if he acts upon it he/she may be insincere. And if even sincere he may be foolish and so on. The point is if you remove that what makes the person human then this makes the discussion irrational as it will goes against the reality of a human being.
Every human being is different and in Islam he/she will be accounted accordingly.
Salam Muslims
Peace Non Muslims
lol so then I understand your opinion is that we have already been told the truth and our options are accepting it or rejecting it. And furthermore you like this situation - so can I put you down for "would rather know 100%"
Don't try to figure out the aim of my question - you never will figure it out as it pertains to a very complicated and involved sermon and I am testing it's accuracy. If correct it has some rather remarkable implications on my religious views.
It's real simple, would you rather be told and know 100% (this can mean by a person, by God, by whoever) or would you rather figure everything out yourself?
I'm not really even asking if you think it is right, or religious to be told - I simply know what you would prefer.