"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Hummus on 3 February, 2013 - 23:13 #2
I usually take a bit of everything. My siblings complain that i've taken too many unneccessary things when we go on holiday, but i'm not really bothered - i feel like i need them. Trainers, everyday walk wear, slippers, indoor footwear. Clothes, scarves, underclothes and nightwear that are suitable for the weather. Suncream, normal lotions, toiletries, towel, handtowel. Body spray, perfumes, nail cutter, nail filer, cotton buds. Shampoo, shower gels, hairbrush, comb, hair dryer. Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash. Jewellery, hair pins, scarf pins. Ear muffs, head phones. Pencil case. Sudoku. Sweets. Yes i know - i practically take my whole house with me. If there's anything i've forgotten i'll probably add it to this list later.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Hummus on 3 February, 2013 - 23:21 #4
You wrote:
you forgot cotton buds.
That's only because you'd already mentioned it lol. Fine fine, i shall add it to my list to make it more complete!
You dont need books and an alarm clock feature exists on mobiles too. You can read books on there too.
I assume the "side bag" and "essentials" cover like 50 things.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I wouldn't be used to having an alarm clock on my phone at all because I've never used it. I'm old fashioned like that I suppose.
Books on phone? That could work, but they need to be on hard copy rather than have to stare at a screen. Chances are I'd never read them either if they were.
Submitted by Hummus on 6 February, 2013 - 21:33 #15
_Me_ wrote:
12- A Parachute
Is this a way of rescuing yourself? lol. Don't worry, you might experience some turbulence on the plane. Its when the plane wibbles and wobbles whilst going through some strong winds. What else is there? Hmm.. All the air hostesses stand in the middle of the aisle telling you how to put your seatbelt on, where the fire exits are and what to do in an emergency. In the pocket of the chair infront of you, it tells you how to slide down the wings of the plane!
Submitted by Nasheedgirl on 20 February, 2013 - 13:57 #16
Sigh..i saw holiday and remembered Qatar. Just last week i was holidaying and now im back to this drab country.
I took: Clothes, Abayahs, Hijaabs, Niqaabs, Two bags, Two pairs of shoes, Toiletries... and i can't remember what else. My mum and dad looked after the rest.
Although, i didnt end up wearing/ using half that stuff.... that usually happens with me!
Who's going on holiday..??
"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters
Submitted by _Me_ on 20 February, 2013 - 14:50 #17
Awwwh. Yeah, I'm going on holiday, first time ever..... :S
I need to take stuff that I will actually use.. and that will last me.. last thing I want is to rely on anyone else.
Submitted by Hummus on 20 February, 2013 - 15:57 #18
I LOVE travelling. The planes. The view. The clouds. The sky. The new atmosphere. The sun. The people. The animals. The culture. The scenery. The glares. The stares. It seems a lot better than Britiain anyway.
Seriously don't take SO much with you, like i do. I end up not using half the stuff i take and if im feeling like it, i'll leave some of my stuff there if i know i'm going to return - (only if its Turkiye). We've left all our swimming gear there aswell.
And if you're planning on buying things and bringing a lot of junk back with you, then consider the amount of free space you're going to need. And if people tell you to get things for them, thats more space you need. And if your family members don't have enough space, they might need a bit of yours. Keep it ALL in mind lol.
my jaw is about to dislocate and my eyes are finding it difficult to go back inside hummus' list. (exageratingly of course)
why wld u take MOUTHWASH when you have toothpaste and toothbrushes? WHYYYYYYYYYYYY
havent been on holidays in like..nearly a decade. (well a plane holiday)
just get a bag and chuck clothes in man. whatever you faaaaancy.
well, if youre going to enjoy yourself and you wont be judged or looked at by any relatives and what not then the above pretty much applies really, the only reason why i have to spend aaaaaaages on clothes choosing is coz of all the outfit you need to find to go to all these different places.
but usually, its going to be the clothes im in and a double of that, toothbrush, PHONE CHARGER PHONE CHARGER PHONE CHARGER PHONE CHARGER. what Titanium mentionned, that changing plug thingimajig, fully charged MP3? aaaaaaaaaaaand the phone charger.
thats really for a weekend or under a week kinda holiday...plus we;re going to famo's house so you can find stuff there if you need it, pluuus we're not going in the middle of nowhere so you can buy stuff.
nowwwwwwwwwwwwww to go on a month long holiday, i think you just need to double the amuont of clothes pretty much no? there must be washing machines there and you'll buy loads of stuff. a book wld be good too. and camera if ur phone doesnt have one. oh i think you shld also take a set of light clothes and one of warm clothes. just in case.
and i read cotton bud were bad for you, they just push all the junk down. the body has a natural system to get rid of dirt anyway. havent used cotton bud in many years.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Submitted by Hummus on 20 February, 2013 - 19:53 #20
Lilly wrote:
havent used cotton bud in many years.
Ewh, you said whaaaaaat? *Blinks*
I think i'm reading things that aren't really there.
I would never ever want to look down your ears.
Submitted by suhail :) (not verified) on 21 February, 2013 - 01:37 #21
Haribo giant strawbs!
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 21 February, 2013 - 15:06 #22
suhail wrote:
Haribo giant strawbs!
haribos are harram
Submitted by TPOS on 21 February, 2013 - 15:23 #23
abualabbasassaffah7 wrote:
suhail wrote:
Haribo giant strawbs!
haribos are harram
not the ones that are halaal
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by abualabbasassaffah7 (not verified) on 21 February, 2013 - 15:51 #24
Submitted by Hummus on 22 February, 2013 - 09:41 #29
Okay okay. I get your point. Stop sulking, yeah? and BE my friend before i begin to sulk lol.
I used to 'over-use' them once upon a time. I'd literally use two a day. Then i got told off and a couple of the things you'd mentioned above got used against me and mother decided to remove the cotton buds from my room and keep the collection in her room.
Now i use cotton buds 'atleast' twice a week. That seems about sufficient. When the wax is there, somehow i can feel it and i need to remove it as soon as i can. Dude, why do you think cotton buds were made for in the first place?
i used to use cotton buds. and btw, i make wudu at least 3 times a day (mostly 4/5 times really) and as part of wudu I stick my little finger in my ears. 4 times a day.
i quoted some of the stuff, and the link, the links are longer. and there is talk that you can use cotton buds safely and blah blah blah but mostly it seems the body's just fine without them.
now, guns were also invented, who knows for what. so was TV, and video games. *shrugs*
cotton buds.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I usually take a bit of everything. My siblings complain that i've taken too many unneccessary things when we go on holiday, but i'm not really bothered - i feel like i need them. Trainers, everyday walk wear, slippers, indoor footwear. Clothes, scarves, underclothes and nightwear that are suitable for the weather. Suncream, normal lotions, toiletries, towel, handtowel. Body spray, perfumes, nail cutter, nail filer, cotton buds. Shampoo, shower gels, hairbrush, comb, hair dryer. Toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash. Jewellery, hair pins, scarf pins. Ear muffs, head phones. Pencil case. Sudoku. Sweets. Yes i know - i practically take my whole house with me. If there's anything i've forgotten i'll probably add it to this list later.
you forgot cotton buds.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
That's only because you'd already mentioned it lol. Fine fine, i shall add it to my list to make it more complete!
I take a debit card and two credit cards....
Is 1 credit card not enough?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
One to use and one as a backup...
http://www.islam21c.com/campaigns/8346-muslims-a-the-proposed-gay-marria...(link is external)
Passport, ticket = Dont forget or your not getting on the plane lol.
Its usually the little things you'll forget. I also take a small bag of meds.
Back in BLACK
This thread has made me miss Turkiye even more.
Lol, cotton buds. *facepalm*
Why would you need ear muffs? Incase you get lectured?
I'm going to share what I have on my mind, incase I forget and I can always add to it. In order of importance;
1- Books
2- Essentials
3- A side-bag
4- Camera
5- Headscarves
6- Headphones
7- Sunglasses
8- Mobile Phone
9- Alarm clock
10- Food
11- Cardigans.
Erm, that's it I think. Seems so short.. -.-
You dont need books and an alarm clock feature exists on mobiles too. You can read books on there too.
I assume the "side bag" and "essentials" cover like 50 things.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Yeah 50 small things.
I wouldn't be used to having an alarm clock on my phone at all because I've never used it. I'm old fashioned like that I suppose.
Books on phone? That could work, but they need to be on hard copy rather than have to stare at a screen. Chances are I'd never read them either if they were.
12- A Parachute
Is this a way of rescuing yourself? lol. Don't worry, you might experience some turbulence on the plane. Its when the plane wibbles and wobbles whilst going through some strong winds. What else is there? Hmm.. All the air hostesses stand in the middle of the aisle telling you how to put your seatbelt on, where the fire exits are and what to do in an emergency. In the pocket of the chair infront of you, it tells you how to slide down the wings of the plane!
Sigh..i saw holiday and remembered Qatar. Just last week i was holidaying and now im back to this drab country.
I took: Clothes, Abayahs, Hijaabs, Niqaabs, Two bags, Two pairs of shoes, Toiletries... and i can't remember what else. My mum and dad looked after the rest.
Although, i didnt end up wearing/ using half that stuff.... that usually happens with me!
Who's going on holiday..??
"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters
Awwwh. Yeah, I'm going on holiday, first time ever..... :S
I need to take stuff that I will actually use.. and that will last me.. last thing I want is to rely on anyone else.
I LOVE travelling. The planes. The view. The clouds. The sky. The new atmosphere. The sun. The people. The animals. The culture. The scenery. The glares. The stares. It seems a lot better than Britiain anyway.
Seriously don't take SO much with you, like i do. I end up not using half the stuff i take and if im feeling like it, i'll leave some of my stuff there if i know i'm going to return - (only if its Turkiye). We've left all our swimming gear there aswell.
And if you're planning on buying things and bringing a lot of junk back with you, then consider the amount of free space you're going to need. And if people tell you to get things for them, thats more space you need. And if your family members don't have enough space, they might need a bit of yours. Keep it ALL in mind lol.
@Nasheedgirl, how was Qatar?
my jaw is about to dislocate and my eyes are finding it difficult to go back inside hummus' list. (exageratingly of course)
why wld u take MOUTHWASH when you have toothpaste and toothbrushes? WHYYYYYYYYYYYY
havent been on holidays in like..nearly a decade. (well a plane holiday)
just get a bag and chuck clothes in man. whatever you faaaaancy.
well, if youre going to enjoy yourself and you wont be judged or looked at by any relatives and what not then the above pretty much applies really, the only reason why i have to spend aaaaaaages on clothes choosing is coz of all the outfit you need to find to go to all these different places.
but usually, its going to be the clothes im in and a double of that, toothbrush, PHONE CHARGER PHONE CHARGER PHONE CHARGER PHONE CHARGER. what Titanium mentionned, that changing plug thingimajig, fully charged MP3? aaaaaaaaaaaand the phone charger.
thats really for a weekend or under a week kinda holiday...plus we;re going to famo's house so you can find stuff there if you need it, pluuus we're not going in the middle of nowhere so you can buy stuff.
nowwwwwwwwwwwwww to go on a month long holiday, i think you just need to double the amuont of clothes pretty much no? there must be washing machines there and you'll buy loads of stuff. a book wld be good too. and camera if ur phone doesnt have one. oh i think you shld also take a set of light clothes and one of warm clothes. just in case.
and i read cotton bud were bad for you, they just push all the junk down. the body has a natural system to get rid of dirt anyway. havent used cotton bud in many years.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Ewh, you said whaaaaaat? *Blinks*
I think i'm reading things that aren't really there.
I would never ever want to look down your ears.
Haribo giant strawbs!
haribos are harram
not the ones that are halaal
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
the turkish ones not always available besides turkey islamically not the most trustable around since atteruk way started
i mean that idiot ataturk munafiq
Giant strawbs are gelatine free
im not your friend anymore *Sulks*
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
http://www.drpaulose.com/ear/ent-pediatric-children/cotton-buds-are-bad-...(link is external)
SO THERE! *still sulking*
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Okay okay. I get your point. Stop sulking, yeah? and BE my friend before i begin to sulk lol.
I used to 'over-use' them once upon a time. I'd literally use two a day. Then i got told off and a couple of the things you'd mentioned above got used against me and mother decided to remove the cotton buds from my room and keep the collection in her room.
Now i use cotton buds 'atleast' twice a week. That seems about sufficient. When the wax is there, somehow i can feel it and i need to remove it as soon as i can. Dude, why do you think cotton buds were made for in the first place?
(*still sulking*)
i used to use cotton buds. and btw, i make wudu at least 3 times a day (mostly 4/5 times really) and as part of wudu I stick my little finger in my ears. 4 times a day.
i quoted some of the stuff, and the link, the links are longer. and there is talk that you can use cotton buds safely and blah blah blah but mostly it seems the body's just fine without them.
now, guns were also invented, who knows for what. so was TV, and video games. *shrugs*
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?