Bungee Jump for The Revival



Insha Allah I would like to take part -


If so when and where is it taking place?


Adnaan Yousaf wrote:


Insha Allah I would like to take part -


If so when and where is it taking place?


If I'm not mistaken, there's a few places up and down the country.

Email your details to TheRevivalEditor and he will let you know more.


Then what happens if the person is not from the UK?


Hummus wrote:

Then what happens if the person is not from the UK?

We fly them (all expenses paid) First Class and put them up in the London Hilton for the duration of their stay (as long as it's no more than three days). All they have to do is raise £122,540.00 for the magazine.


The date of the Bungee Jump will most likely be on 27th October- this is for manchester. Different locations will have different dates

If you are definitely interested please confirm so we can book the jump for you.


i heard that before you bungee jump you're told to sign a paper which says if you die its suicide. is that true?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
i heard that before you bungee jump you're told to sign a paper which says if you die its suicide. is that true?

Is that a way of making sure that family members/friends don't sue the company?


Hummus wrote:
Lilly wrote:
i heard that before you bungee jump you're told to sign a paper which says if you die its suicide. is that true?

Is that a way of making sure that family members/friends don't sue the company?

answering a question with a question? if i m asking for confirmation about this, dyou think i'll know abt your question?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

I've done several jumps and have had to sign a form before every one. I've never read what it says on the form though.

Even if did say that, and the police investigation (and there WILL be one if someone died) says that the equipment was faulty, it won't be classed as suicide EVEN if the jumper has signed that form (IF the form exists with that wording)

So in short - yeah but no...


You've never read the forms yyouve signed?!

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
You've never read the forms yyouve signed?!

Nope - there was too much to read and I was just too excited about jumping so just signed and jumped.



Bugee Jump?? for the revival??


Please, maybe if it was for the widows and orphans of Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, but for this it's just pure...Crazy

There is a need for this platform, as there is a need to support the less fortunate, and those in the middle of war and so on. But there is a time and place for everything. Of course, those in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are going to have different priorities to the British youth and this little magazine may be useless to them, but it's not to the British Muslim youth. We are told by the Quran and sunnah to help and deal with problems close to us before going elsewhere. And the problems the revival deals with are very close to the youth who live in the country that the revival is based in. Therefore it is important. That's not to say I don't/won't help those overseas; both are important. If you don't like it, go away.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
There is a need for this platform, as there is a need to support the less fortunate, and those in the middle of war and so on. But there is a time and place for everything. Of course, those in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan are going to have different priorities to the British youth and this little magazine may be useless to them, but it's not to the British Muslim youth. We are told by the Quran and sunnah to help and deal with problems close to us before going elsewhere. And the problems the revival deals with are very close to the youth who live in the country that the revival is based in. Therefore it is important. That's not to say I don't/won't help those overseas; both are important. If you don't like it, go away.


You think this magazine is making a difference?? Look around you, the youth are as lost as ever before, they don't need a stupid magazine they need the quran and sunnah.

If you think this magazine is going to do some magical shape shifting miracle with the youth, you need your head examined. Reformation based on anything other than quran and sunnah is a total waste of time, aka The revival.

Why am I here?? To stop this "modernist" view of Islam from spreading and indoctrinating the youth, I will do my best to expose some of their baseless and anti islamic articles as best I can. Insha Allah.


I'd like to share just one of many personal experiences I've had of how a site like this can help someone:

I live 2 doors away from a brother who is very practicing now. About 3 years ago when I moved to the house I live in now, he was a "gangster wannabe" who gave his parents a hard time and the police were often round their house for one reason or another.

When I first spoke to him, he said "you're not one of those mullas whos gonna try and Islamify me are you?"

I realised he's not ready for the truth and will need unbrainwashing first so assured him I'm not one of them and we spent some time together. Initially we went to play pool at the local snooker club. I'd keep him company, try to make him feel loved (not in a gay way) and he'd often go with his other mates to have a joint. Although he admitted that he smoaked weed, he denied that he consumed alcohol. I know what alcohol smells like and smelled it off him a number of times, but didn't confront him about it as that would have just driven him away and then I would have had no influence in his life at all.

Anyway, eventually he started reading non Quran and Sunnah "moderate" islamic material like you find on sites like this one.

Soon after that he got more involved with religion and within three years became what he is today.

My point is, that not everyone is like you and me. There are some people who are rebelling against the religion for reasons like their parents trying to force them do do it while they themselves sit in front of Geo dramas all day (and so on). The 2 choices we have with people like that are: 1-try to help them, 2-let them burn in hell.

This magazine, and others like it, are a "steping stone" to show those kinda young men and women that Islam isn't what their parents have told them it is. And once they are "unbrainwashed" they can go on to become like you are and like I am (reading from Quran and Sunnah and trying to live life by that).

You're here to "stop this 'modernist' view" - personally I think that's a little counterproductive and a lot of people will be "lost forever" without platforms like this one.

I'm here to encourage people to join this, let them get a little further from the complete rubbish and also try to identify the people who I feel are at a stage where they have got everything they can from here and help them move on to where you and I agree they should be (reading only from Quran and Sunnah).

We both have the same agenda, just a different approach. I may be wrong, but I think with your approach, a whole load of people who could be potentially good Muslims are missing out on that opportunity / right.

As long as they don't stay stuck here too long it's all good right?

I'd like to invite you to become a full member, write articles for the ones who are ready to move on, and guide them through the process as best you can, and just ignore the ones who aren't quite ready yet.



Great stuff, but some may think this is the "only" version which is detrimental, they may oppose the true Islam coz this modernist approach is so much easier and appealing to the self.


May Allah Guide us. Ameen.

What is the modernist rubbish you keep mentioning. Where has the revival team ever said don't read and act upon the Quran and sunnah? What is this "modernist" approach encouraging which is so easy?

Thus website is a like a "third space" for youth. Somehing in between the strictness of the the mosque environment and the environment that completely lacks religious influence. A place where you can be yourself, share opinions, get advice without fearing the consequences. It is in no way replacing the Quran and sunnah.

I took the phrase third space from Usama Canon. MashaAllah he's created a real third space rather than a cyber one. But every little helps. (can't play this vid right now, but I think it's the right one http://vimeo.com/m/47645218 )

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

The forum may not entirely be bad but be careful of things which don't have a genuine reliable source, more especially the opinions of individuals who are not scholars.



Its easy to blame the bogeyman, which in this case is modernism.

One thing you will notice is that different people will have different understanding of the same sources and then they will blame the others of modernists.

Generally the accusation goes in one way, but I sometimes enjoy throwing the accusation the other way as often what has happened is a sequence of events where the kuffar have learnt from Muslims, adopted some practice and then later the Muslims rejected that practice "because it is done by the kuffar" when in nature it was from the Muslims in the first place.

In these cases the ones that seem to be the modernists are often the classical ones, especially as our early generations were way ahead of the game and their ideas had a depth to them that can still be startling.

Like the concept of there being a "place" with/that is "no place". This is the type of radical thinking that Muslims did over a thousand a year ago and now scientists are just coming to explore the concept of it, albeitly in an extremely shallow manner.

(The basic Islamic argument here being that both time and space are creation of God.)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.