2012 in 201.2 seconds :)

From a royal jubilee, to a royal baby. From drought to flood. Into recession and out again. Elections, protests and of course, the Olympics. It has certainly been an eventful year. Watch the news stories of 2012 condensed into 201.2 seconds.



Some things we didn't know last year:

  • Watching a horror film burns more calories than movies of other genres
  • People eat Christmas trees
  • Goats have accents
  • More babies were born in the UK during 1920 than in any other year
  • Lizards can survive a spin in the washing machine
  • Spiders appear bigger when you're afraid of them
  • The longest word ever used in the House of Commons is floccinaucinihilipilification
  • The polar bear is 450,000 older than previously thought
  • Listening to opera helps mice recover from heart surgery
  • David Cameron though LOL was shorthand for 'lots of love'
  • Beetles like living near street lights
  • One in three South Koreans follow Manchester United
  • Chimpanzees have a secret handshake
  • One in every 10 people use the same Pin number- 1234
  • Honey can turn blue and green


"It's cold. It's very cold" lol

Some of those things seem like they were ageeeeeeeeeeees ago. The cruise ship story is one of them - every tuesday was "newsday" at school where we had to watch the news during registration. That story just really put me back in my form room!

It feels like such a long period of time that so much has happened and I can't even remember everything that's happened and pick out something that really stands out. 

Do you guys have any highlights? What have you learnt from this year?

The best lesson I've learnt is probably that Allah is the best of planners, He knows and I do not!

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

They missed the bit about me getting a payrise at work...


Northen Southener wrote:
They missed the bit about me getting a payrise at work...

Congrats! MashaAllah Smile

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
Northen Southener wrote:
They missed the bit about me getting a payrise at work...

Congrats! MashaAllah Smile


LOL - it wasn't enough of a payrise to warrant a congrats. And it happens every year. Maybe that's why they didn't mention it.