Just an illusion, probably marketing for something too.
Notice how they focus more on the crowd than on him?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Soo basically you put up the wierdest things and are very late. I don't think he is a jinn, but i think the jinns aid him in his exploits..... but yeah...he's got well nice eyes
I thought all that except, Ed doesnt post te weirdest stuff and only thing I'd add is that he's proper skinny so that makes him look kinda freaky and I think that's got something to do with jinn too. I thought the jinn could be in him.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Yeah, i noticed that there was more focus on the audience, thats something that you don't see very often! I think that the water is either very shallow so thats why he's able to walk across it or it was very very salty on that day (you can float on salt water). Also, why isn't he wobbling? Why isn't the flow of the river pushing him? When your actually in water, sometimes its hard to stand upright without falling over! I wonder how he managed that? Did anyone else notice that in some parts his foot was 'in' the water, and in other parts it was 'ontop' of the water, so a bit of both. If it was genuine, wouldn't the way he walked, be the same?
Submitted by Seraphim on 6 November, 2012 - 14:05 #7
Oh please...
The River Thames is like 20m deep. If you tried walking on its water surface you'd fall in. Thats basic science. FACT
Its NOT possible for someone to walk on the Thames. So clearly there is some sort of deception at play and im afraid the answer has nothing to do with Jinns or magik.
This illusion has been done before by another magician in the states called Crisis Angel. Its done with the help of plexi glass which is set up prior to filming. Strong enough for someone as skinny as him to walk on and transparent enough to be invisible to the naked eye.
Suddenly the answers not so magical.
PS Ed just mentioned this thread to me, hence the late reply.
Plexi Glass..??
Can a speed boat drive over this glass?
Dynamo is picked up by cops in a speed boat, how do you explain that?
The Jinn theory is closer to the truth for me.
Submitted by Seraphim on 7 November, 2012 - 21:16 #9
Northen Southener wrote:
Plexi Glass..?? Can a speed boat drive over this glass? Dynamo is picked up by cops in a speed boat, how do you explain that? The Jinn theory is closer to the truth for me.
Plexi Glass isnt exactly glass.... its just called that. Its actually sort of more like plastic. The video doesnt show him being picked up by the cops? I see boats on either side but thats about it.
You'd rather believe that Jinns are helping him walk on water, rather than something more plausible like he's rigged it?
I didn't watch this video (can't play it on my phone)
I saw this on telly - it ends with him being picked up by cops in a speed boat.
I'd believe whatever sounds realistic. ATM - the plastic glass thing sounds more unreal than jinn (to me)
Submitted by Hummus on 9 November, 2012 - 21:18 #11
Take a very close look at the way in which he walks. Look at his first step from the platform, and then the ones that follow. Rewind the video if you really need to. (I looked at a video which seemed more clearer). When you step onto water, similar to when its raining, you see the water move either side, and this is exactly what i saw on his first step, you could see a sort of bounce and the meeting of his foot and the water (or perhaps the flexi glass). Then as he takes more steps you can actually see the water which falls off from the sole of his shoes as he continues to walk, in the same way that if you were walking in a puddle, the exact same would happen. So, i've concluded that there must be a layer on the surface of the water.
Submitted by Seraphim on 9 November, 2012 - 22:15 #12
Back in BLACK
Submitted by SaraMo (not verified) on 20 November, 2012 - 10:20 #13
Can someone please post something relevant about this magicician......not the fact that he has nice eyes or he is underwieght...just talk about the jinn inside him because theres something creeeeepppyy about him......sends a shiver up my spine..
Thank You
Submitted by Castiel on 20 November, 2012 - 23:22 #14
The Jinn looks like this, if you see it RUN!
And I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying come and see and I beheld, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him.
Submitted by Unknown267 (not verified) on 2 December, 2012 - 20:47 #15
That'd not a Djin indiot, that's a Marid!
Djins are supposed to be of a lower rank.
Submitted by Castiel on 5 December, 2012 - 22:04 #16
Unknown267 wrote:
That'd not a Djin indiot, that's a Marid!
Woh literacy rate is really going to sh*t.
First im not indian.... and Its spelt Married!.... which i strongly recommend you dont ever do. Coz that would be a crime against nature.
And I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying come and see and I beheld, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him.
I think that's supposed to say idiot! I have no idea what marid is but I doubt it means married :s
(or were u joking )
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by Castiel on 5 December, 2012 - 23:36 #18
TPOS wrote:
I think that's supposed to say idiot! I have no idea what marid is but I doubt it means married :s
(or were u joking )
I posted a picture of Genie from Disneys Aladdin.... yeah im totally serious
And I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying come and see and I beheld, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him.
Submitted by Hummus on 7 December, 2012 - 17:25 #19
No, marid is not married lol. He might have got that other word wrong, but back in the Arab days, long long looooong ago, i think maaarid was a type of jinn that lived in the sea/water? I'm sure it's something like that?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by Hummus on 8 December, 2012 - 10:36 #21
You wrote:
So like mermaids?
I don't know too much about the types of jinns, but maarid's are thought to be sea spirits who take sanctuary in the open oceans. What do mermaids do? They aren't jinns right? I've only heard of the ones that are in the fantasy of Disney!
Submitted by Mia (not verified) on 9 December, 2012 - 19:20 #22
Actually, there is something mentioning mermaids are jinn from the ocean in Islam.And that the ocean is home to many of the jinn/djinn*secret*
Submitted by Hajjar on 11 December, 2012 - 23:38 #23
This dude and others like him who appear amazing never do anything live on stage. It's always recorded things we watch on tv, street magic. Why is a live audience and stage never used?, because it is a clever trick and cameras are needed to edit things in and out, and some of these so called random people in the streets are not random but stooges.
he does look like he's ill but that's because he has Crohn's disease, so he is ill, not on illegal drugs but prescription drugs perhaps.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
Submitted by MaJimbo Juice (not verified) on 23 December, 2012 - 21:34 #24
Satan was a jinn, which were made of fire.... There are ways for people to gain control of Jinns and vica versa, sadly its the only logical explanation to what Dynamo does,,,, puting a cellphone in a bottle... Lol
Submitted by anon (not verified) on 24 December, 2012 - 02:53 #25
watch the video again, after he has crossed the first part, canoes paddle over the water, if it were plexi glass their paddles would bash on the plastic and they wouldnt be able to canoe over.
he is aided by jinn. he's possibly a dajjal who calls to falsehood. look how he's raised his arms as if he's some deity doing a miracle! prick. he will pay sooner or later.
Submitted by Seraphim on 24 December, 2012 - 13:54 #26
anon wrote:
watch the video again, after he has crossed the first part, canoes paddle over the water, if it were plexi glass their paddles would bash on the plastic and they wouldnt be able to canoe over.
he is aided by jinn. he's possibly a dajjal who calls to falsehood. look how he's raised his arms as if he's some deity doing a miracle! prick. he will pay sooner or later.
Do you honestly believe that the canoes going past was co-incidental?
Imagine your canoing down a river. Your paddling along and some weirdo is there walking on water. Would you just carry on as if nothing had happened? Its all staged!! Everyone from the guy whose videoing it, to the people canoing is in on it.
Its like Hajjar said, he never does these things live because they are staged, they take prep work and misdirection. Has no one ever watched 'Breaking the Magicians Code'? They show you how he does all these tricks and yet some people insist he's a Jinn or some other supernatural entity. Rule out the possible first folk before jumping to Supernatural. Thats how innocent people get killed, because they are "supposedly" possessed by Jinns.
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Jamie bond (not verified) on 25 December, 2012 - 17:13 #27
He's thin coz he's got a disease called chrons disease search it up
Submitted by Jamie bond (not verified) on 25 December, 2012 - 17:16 #28
TheRevivalEditor wrote:
He walks on water!
A Jinn?
why was he put down on the cops boat ??
Submitted by whateva (not verified) on 27 December, 2012 - 00:38 #29
do u believe in black magic? do u even know about the 30 liars (dajjal) to come before the one eyed dajjal? , why would this be staged when it's foretold of such antichrist to appear who seem to have powers, ALLAH HAS FORETOLD IT. the supernatural, black magic, jinns all exist and are evident in the seerah of the prophet pbuh. so why does this seem so impossible to u? it's a fact. if this event was a 'trick' or illusion as u say, then explain his many other fetes of unnatural behaviour, like phone in bottle? twisting of a glass bottle??, random selection of coconuts being cut on the spot housing coffee and orange juice instead of coconut milk???
why does it seem like u are justifying his behaviour. he is associated with the dark arts, look at his face and eyes and go figure...!
Submitted by openyoureyes (not verified) on 27 December, 2012 - 00:41 #30
Hmm yessss, well you can be blinded by him seraphimmm, but we WON'T thanks!
you post the weirdest stuff.
No, no magic.
Just an illusion, probably marketing for something too.
Notice how they focus more on the crowd than on him?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I thought all that
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Oh I thought it was just magic...?
Yeah, i noticed that there was more focus on the audience, thats something that you don't see very often! I think that the water is either very shallow so thats why he's able to walk across it or it was very very salty on that day (you can float on salt water). Also, why isn't he wobbling? Why isn't the flow of the river pushing him? When your actually in water, sometimes its hard to stand upright without falling over! I wonder how he managed that? Did anyone else notice that in some parts his foot was 'in' the water, and in other parts it was 'ontop' of the water, so a bit of both. If it was genuine, wouldn't the way he walked, be the same?
Have you guys seen other stuff he does?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Nope, not yet.
Oh please...
The River Thames is like 20m deep. If you tried walking on its water surface you'd fall in. Thats basic science. FACT
Its NOT possible for someone to walk on the Thames. So clearly there is some sort of deception at play and im afraid the answer has nothing to do with Jinns or magik.
This illusion has been done before by another magician in the states called Crisis Angel. Its done with the help of plexi glass which is set up prior to filming. Strong enough for someone as skinny as him to walk on and transparent enough to be invisible to the naked eye.
Suddenly the answers not so magical.
PS Ed just mentioned this thread to me, hence the late reply.
Back in BLACK
Plexi Glass..??
Can a speed boat drive over this glass?
Dynamo is picked up by cops in a speed boat, how do you explain that?
The Jinn theory is closer to the truth for me.
Plexi Glass isnt exactly glass.... its just called that. Its actually sort of more like plastic. The video doesnt show him being picked up by the cops? I see boats on either side but thats about it.
You'd rather believe that Jinns are helping him walk on water, rather than something more plausible like he's rigged it?
Back in BLACK
I didn't watch this video (can't play it on my phone)
I saw this on telly - it ends with him being picked up by cops in a speed boat.
I'd believe whatever sounds realistic. ATM - the plastic glass thing sounds more unreal than jinn (to me)
Take a very close look at the way in which he walks. Look at his first step from the platform, and then the ones that follow. Rewind the video if you really need to. (I looked at a video which seemed more clearer). When you step onto water, similar to when its raining, you see the water move either side, and this is exactly what i saw on his first step, you could see a sort of bounce and the meeting of his foot and the water (or perhaps the flexi glass). Then as he takes more steps you can actually see the water which falls off from the sole of his shoes as he continues to walk, in the same way that if you were walking in a puddle, the exact same would happen. So, i've concluded that there must be a layer on the surface of the water.
Back in BLACK
Can someone please post something relevant about this magicician......not the fact that he has nice eyes or he is underwieght...just talk about the jinn inside him because theres something creeeeepppyy about him......sends a shiver up my spine..
Thank You
The Jinn looks like this, if you see it RUN!
And I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying come and see and I beheld, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him.
That'd not a Djin indiot, that's a Marid!
Djins are supposed to be of a lower rank.
Woh literacy rate is really going to sh*t.
First im not indian.... and Its spelt Married!.... which i strongly recommend you dont ever do. Coz that would be a crime against nature.
And I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying come and see and I beheld, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him.
I think that's supposed to say idiot! I have no idea what marid is but I doubt it means married :s
(or were u joking
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I posted a picture of Genie from Disneys Aladdin.... yeah im totally serious
And I heard as it were, the noise of thunder. One of the four beasts saying come and see and I beheld, a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death... and Hell followed with him.
No, marid is not married lol. He might have got that other word wrong, but back in the Arab days, long long looooong ago, i think maaarid was a type of jinn that lived in the sea/water? I'm sure it's something like that?
So like mermaids?
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
I don't know too much about the types of jinns, but maarid's are thought to be sea spirits who take sanctuary in the open oceans. What do mermaids do? They aren't jinns right? I've only heard of the ones that are in the fantasy of Disney!
Actually, there is something mentioning mermaids are jinn from the ocean in Islam.And that the ocean is home to many of the jinn/djinn*secret*
This dude and others like him who appear amazing never do anything live on stage. It's always recorded things we watch on tv, street magic. Why is a live audience and stage never used?, because it is a clever trick and cameras are needed to edit things in and out, and some of these so called random people in the streets are not random but stooges.
he does look like he's ill but that's because he has Crohn's disease, so he is ill, not on illegal drugs but prescription drugs perhaps.
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
Satan was a jinn, which were made of fire.... There are ways for people to gain control of Jinns and vica versa, sadly its the only logical explanation to what Dynamo does,,,, puting a cellphone in a bottle... Lol
watch the video again, after he has crossed the first part, canoes paddle over the water, if it were plexi glass their paddles would bash on the plastic and they wouldnt be able to canoe over.
he is aided by jinn. he's possibly a dajjal who calls to falsehood. look how he's raised his arms as if he's some deity doing a miracle! prick. he will pay sooner or later.
Do you honestly believe that the canoes going past was co-incidental?
Imagine your canoing down a river. Your paddling along and some weirdo is there walking on water. Would you just carry on as if nothing had happened? Its all staged!! Everyone from the guy whose videoing it, to the people canoing is in on it.
Its like Hajjar said, he never does these things live because they are staged, they take prep work and misdirection. Has no one ever watched 'Breaking the Magicians Code'? They show you how he does all these tricks and yet some people insist he's a Jinn or some other supernatural entity. Rule out the possible first folk before jumping to Supernatural. Thats how innocent people get killed, because they are "supposedly" possessed by Jinns.
Back in BLACK
He's thin coz he's got a disease called chrons disease search it up
why was he put down on the cops boat ??
do u believe in black magic? do u even know about the 30 liars (dajjal) to come before the one eyed dajjal? , why would this be staged when it's foretold of such antichrist to appear who seem to have powers, ALLAH HAS FORETOLD IT. the supernatural, black magic, jinns all exist and are evident in the seerah of the prophet pbuh. so why does this seem so impossible to u? it's a fact. if this event was a 'trick' or illusion as u say, then explain his many other fetes of unnatural behaviour, like phone in bottle? twisting of a glass bottle??, random selection of coconuts being cut on the spot housing coffee and orange juice instead of coconut milk???
why does it seem like u are justifying his behaviour. he is associated with the dark arts, look at his face and eyes and go figure...!
Hmm yessss, well you can be blinded by him seraphimmm, but we WON'T thanks!
Each to their own