100 Fabricated hadith








Note: Many

of the readers may be shocked to discover on the title cover of this book,

the brief headings of the often quoted popular narrations. Many of which

are propagated with deep conviction and sectarian pride. The author claims

that these widespread narrations are falsely attributed to the Prophet. 






I think there is wrong when the first thing people concentrate on is fabricated ahadith instead of actual validated ones.

Surely in a learning environment, the discussion of the fabricated ones comes at a later stage?

Step 1 - learn what is right.

Step 2 - lean common misconceptions and misunderstandings.

(At a previous employment place someone was offered a book titled like the above as a first step in da'wah. Seemed odd.)

(I will point out however that by listening to the author, you are no longer going direct to the source and you can no longer accus others when they do the same.)

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
I think there is wrong when the first thing people concentrate on is fabricated ahadith instead of actual validated ones.

Surely in a learning environment, the discussion of the fabricated ones comes at a later stage?

Step 1 - learn what is right.

Step 2 - lean common misconceptions and misunderstandings.

(At a previous employment place someone was offered a book titled like the above as a first step in da'wah. Seemed odd.)

(I will point out however that by listening to the author, you are no longer going direct to the source and you can no longer accus others when they do the same.)


then you should start by taking your own adivse and read some books on science of hadith first then speak


afterall you come from a sect which accepts fabricated hadith as sahih

here start your education here











afterall you come from a sect which accepts fabricated hadith as sahih

erm... nope.

I try to follow classical Islam which suggests that there are more categorisations to the chain of narrators that simply sahih and fabricated. More, that unless the chain is found to not be fabricated, but is also not considered sahih, that doesn't make the hadith lose all value.

Afterall, we cannot say that every word the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) uttered in in eg Sahih Bukhari.

Another aspect of following classical Islam is that a lot of stuff was codified BEFORE the sahih books got compiled. Now that codification cannot be limited to books that were written in later generations where people had a less direct connection with the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) or the sahabah (ra).

Thirdly, I find that sometimes when people with an agenda push a line, they can take it so far where they actively ignore ahadith to give their opinion. I have found that to be the case with one of the sites you linked to - Islam QA - ommitting a hadith when giving an answer can change the truth.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:

afterall you come from a sect which accepts fabricated hadith as sahih

erm... nope.

I try to follow classical Islam which suggests that there are more categorisations to the chain of narrators that simply sahih and fabricated. More, that unless the chain is found to not be fabricated, but is also not considered sahih, that doesn't make the hadith lose all value.

Afterall, we cannot say that every word the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) uttered in in eg Sahih Bukhari.

Another aspect of following classical Islam is that a lot of stuff was codified BEFORE the sahih books got compiled. Now that codification cannot be limited to books that were written in later generations where people had a less direct connection with the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) or the sahabah (ra).

Thirdly, I find that sometimes when people with an agenda push a line, they can take it so far where they actively ignore ahadith to give their opinion. I have found that to be the case with one of the sites you linked to - Islam QA - ommitting a hadith when giving an answer can change the truth.


the fact that you take the noor hadith alone proves you do that which clearly contradicts the quran

of course theirs more category then that your pirs speak to muhamamd sa win their dream and get taught their like the legend of zelda game

chain of anrration is one fo the main thing for hadith authencity abu hanifa rh would not accept a ahdith without a sahih chain of narration if the chain of narration was weak he would immediately regect it


chain of narration is the first step towards seeing the authencity of a hadith then you hav ethe actual person anrrating the hadith is he or she reliable the lcoation where it is from and seeing whether that person was actually their at the time


anyway why am i wasting my time with someone whos till needs to gain some education in this field who obviously has no diea what the authencity of a hadith actually means


before the hadith of bukhari existed other hadith books such as kitab al athar maliks muwatta and imam shafi and imam hanblas collection the kitab al athar amongst the tabieen was the first hadith book before bukhari imam maliks muwtta was said to be the most sound and authentic hadith book and your beleifs clearly contradict those aswell

islam qa contains evidence from the hadith and works of tabieen you obviously dont

so now we go back to your claim of classical islam

i beleive imam malik clearly proves sufi and your beleifs were always considered a bidah and harram


Qadi Iyad said about Imam Malik on the authority of Al-Tinnisi:

كنا عند مالك وأصحابه حوله فقال رجل من أهل نصيبين يا أبا عبد الله عندنا

قوم يقال لهم الصوفية يأكلون كثيراً ثم يأخذون في القصائد ثم يقومون

فيرقصون. فقال مالك: أصبيان هم? قال لا. قال أمجانين? قال لا، قوم مشائخ

وغير ذلك عقلاًء. قال مالك ما سمعت أن أحداً من أهل الإسلام يفعل هذا. قال

الرجل يل يأكلون ثم يقومون فيرقصون نوائب ويلطم بعضهم رأسه وبعضهم وجهه

فضحك مالك ثم قام فدخل منزله. فقال أصحاب مالك للرجل لقد كنت يا هذا

مشؤوماً على صاحبنا، لقد جالسناه نيفاً وثلاثين سنة فما رأيناه ضحك إلا في

هذا اليوم

“We were with Malik while he was surrounded by his companions, when a

man belonging to the people of Nasibin said, ‘There is a group of people

among us called Sufis. They eat excessively, then they begin to sing,

and then they get up and dance.‘ Malik asked him, ‘Are they children?‘

The man replied, ‘No.’ Malik asked, ‘Are they insane?‘ The man

replied, ‘No. They are a group of mashayikh [religious scholars] and

other intelligent people.‘ Malik replied, ‘I have never heard of anyone

from the people of Islam doing such a thing.’ The man said, ‘But these

people eat, and then get up and dance tirelessly, some of them striking

their heads, and some striking their faces.‘ Hearing this, Malik

laughed, then rose and went inside his house. The companions of Malik

said to the man, ‘Verily you have brought bad omen to our companion. We

have been in his company for more than thirty years, and we never saw

him laugh until this day.’

[“Tartib al-Madarik”, 2/54].


the fact that you take the noor hadith alone proves you do that which clearly contradicts the quran

erm... now this was a few days ago, but from what I remember,  I quoted the Qur'an and only Qur'an. "indeed you have been sent a nur and a book that guides" is not hadith, but my paraphrasing from the qur'an.

At that point I didnt feel the need to delve into ahadith. That you are also aware of the existence of some ahadith that mentions the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) as nur begs the question why you reject them along with the verse of the qur'an that I mentioned. based solely on nothing but your own logic and understanding.

That goes against the ahlussunnah way.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:

the fact that you take the noor hadith alone proves you do that which clearly contradicts the quran

erm... now this was a few days ago, but from what I remember,  I quoted the Qur'an and only Qur'an. "indeed you have been sent a nur and a book that guides" is not hadith, but my paraphrasing from the qur'an.

At that point I didnt feel the need to delve into ahadith. That you are also aware of the existence of some ahadith that mentions the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) as nur begs the question why you reject them along with the verse of the qur'an that I mentioned. based solely on nothing but your own logic and understanding.

That goes against the ahlussunnah way.


and i posted this back

(Indeed, there has come to you from Allah a light and a plain Book.

Wherewith Allah guides all those who seek His pleasure to ways of

peace.) meaning, ways of safety and righteousness,

(and He brings them out of darkness by His permission unto light and

guides them to a straight path.) He thus saves them from destruction and

explains to them the best, most clear path. Therefore, He protects them

from what they fear, and brings about the best of what they long for,

all the while ridding them of misguidance and directing them to the

best, most righteous state of being. tafsir ibn kathir


Allaah called His Prophet “light” and a “lamp

spreading light” because of the guidance and light with which Allaah

sent him, with which Allaah guides all those who answer his call

(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), as He says (interpretation of

the meaning):

“… Indeed, there has come to you a light (Prophet

Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon

him)) and a plain Book (this Qur’aan).” [al-Maa’idah 5:15]

“Say (O Muhammad): ‘I am only a man like you. It has been revealed to me that your Ilaah (God) is One Ilaah (God i.e. Allaah)’”

[al-Kahf 18:110] 

“Say (O Muhammad): ‘I am only a human being like you. It is revealed to me that your Ilaah (God) is One Ilaah (God — Allaah), therefore take Straight Path to Him (with true Faith Islamic Monotheism) and obedience to Him, and seek forgiveness of Him. And woe to Al‑Mushrikoon (the polytheists, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allaah)’”

“The Prophet

(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) has

light which is the light of the message and guidance from Allaah, through which Allaah

guides whomsoever He will of His slaves. No doubt the light of the message and of guidance

comes from Allaah. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

‘It is not given to any human being that Allaah should speak to

him unless (it be)by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or (that) He sends a Messenger to

reveal what He wills by His Leave. Verily, He is Most High, Most Wise.

And thus We have sent to you (O Muhammad) Roohan (an Inspiration, and a

Mercy) of Our Command. You knew not what is the Book, nor what is Faith? But We have made

it (this Qur’aan) a light wherewith We guide whosoever of Our slaves We will. And

verily, you (O Muhammad) are indeed guiding (mankind) to the Straight Path (i.e.,

Allaah’s religion of Islamic monotheism), --

The path of Allaah, to Whom belongs all that is in the heavens and all

that is in the earth. Verily, all the matters at the end go to Allaah (for

decision).”[al-Shura 42:51-53]

This light is not derived from the Seal of the Awliya’ as some

heretics claim. The body of the Prophet

(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was

blood and flesh and bone, and so on. He was created from a father and a mother, and had no

existence before he was born. The reports which say that the first thing created by Allaah

was the light of the Prophet

(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), or that Allaah

grasped a handful of the light from His Face and that this handful was Muhammad


and blessings of Allaah be upon him), then He looked at it and it formed drops, and from

each of these drops He created a Prophet, or He created all of creation from the light of

the Prophet

(peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) – all of these reports and

the like are not saheeh (authentic), and nothing like this has been narrated from the Prophet


and blessings of Allaah be upon him).”

you obviously have not read the interpretation of all classical scholars on this verse for if you did you wouldve understood what it actually means and it doesnt mean in a literal sense


the idea of muhamamd saw being light didnt even exist during the salaf its a idea which came later on


for people had common sense to know muhammad saw is human and human equals clayu angels equals light and jinn equals fire


but your logic is jinn can be light angels can be fire and human can be light and jinns can also be clay

you obviously fail to udnerstand the story of iblis and aadam as on why he claimed to be superior


if that was the case his feeling towards muhamamd saw wouldve been different not same to all other human beings


use something called common sense something sufis lack heavily


all hadith you use are fabricated and you stil laccept it because you dont even know waht makes a hadith sahih and nor do you have any classical explanation on the verses of the quran to udnerstand things better nor do you have the 4 imams supporting your view rather they laughed at your beleifs

stop talking abt things you only have limited knowledge of.

what ive being taught is that in islam, half knowledge is worst than no knowledge.

what i wld advice here is that both of you stop hitting horns, because you're trying to put two pieces of a puzzle together, with your eyes closed, while being slightly enraged (or a feeling close to that)

from experience, arguments like that never ended well.


just passing by and saying....

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
stop talking abt things you only have limited knowledge of.

what ive being taught is that in islam, half knowledge is worst than no knowledge.

what i wld advice here is that both of you stop hitting horns, because you're trying to put two pieces of a puzzle together, with your eyes closed, while being slightly enraged (or a feeling close to that)

from experience, arguments like that never ended well.


just passing by and saying....


obviously sufis have to stop being blind in order to udnerstand this theirs a reason why all first 3 generations rejected this silly beleif and classical scholars like 4 imams and other scholars


this is aqeedah knowledge in this field must be their or your beleif will be corrupt like shias sufis qadianis mutazilla

abualabbasassaffah wrote:
Lilly wrote:
stop talking abt things you only have limited knowledge of.

what ive being taught is that in islam, half knowledge is worst than no knowledge.

what i wld advice here is that both of you stop hitting horns, because you're trying to put two pieces of a puzzle together, with your eyes closed, while being slightly enraged (or a feeling close to that)

from experience, arguments like that never ended well.


just passing by and saying....


obviously sufis have to stop being blind in order to udnerstand this theirs a reason why all first 3 generations rejected this silly beleif and classical scholars like 4 imams and other scholars


this is aqeedah knowledge in this field must be their or your beleif will be corrupt like shias sufis qadianis mutazilla


how long did the pious predecessors spend learning adaab?

what is the scholars opinion on rebuking/arguing with people? with non-muslims (im asking for a one word keyword here, something mention in the Quran.  I think it was Allah's advice to Musa and Haaroon 'alaihissalaam) ? so what does that say abt arguing with MUSLIMS?

what about calling people shia when they havent? especially if its causing more harm than good?

i cld go on, when are we allowed to call people names in islam? is the common layman allowed to call people names? who is allowed to call people names? under what circumstances? how much evidences is required?


how about we take a step back, take a deep breath thinking abt nothing, renew our intention and rectify it and then think abt what we're going to say, then recheck our intention, then open our mouth and see what comes out? and then BEFORE it comes out, just check our intention and make sure it's right?


one final question in a list of questions. its not suppose to be related to anything or maybe it is. I actually cant find my notes on this so instead of writing it as a reminder, i'll ask.

what are the two conditions for an act of worship to be accepted?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
abualabbasassaffah wrote:
Lilly wrote:
stop talking abt things you only have limited knowledge of.

what ive being taught is that in islam, half knowledge is worst than no knowledge.

what i wld advice here is that both of you stop hitting horns, because you're trying to put two pieces of a puzzle together, with your eyes closed, while being slightly enraged (or a feeling close to that)

from experience, arguments like that never ended well.


just passing by and saying....


obviously sufis have to stop being blind in order to udnerstand this theirs a reason why all first 3 generations rejected this silly beleif and classical scholars like 4 imams and other scholars


this is aqeedah knowledge in this field must be their or your beleif will be corrupt like shias sufis qadianis mutazilla


how long did the pious predecessors spend learning adaab?

what is the scholars opinion on rebuking/arguing with people? with non-muslims (im asking for a one word keyword here, something mention in the Quran.  I think it was Allah's advice to Musa and Haaroon 'alaihissalaam) ? so what does that say abt arguing with MUSLIMS?

what about calling people shia when they havent? especially if its causing more harm than good?

i cld go on, when are we allowed to call people names in islam? is the common layman allowed to call people names? who is allowed to call people names? under what circumstances? how much evidences is required?


how about we take a step back, take a deep breath thinking abt nothing, renew our intention and rectify it and then think abt what we're going to say, then recheck our intention, then open our mouth and see what comes out? and then BEFORE it comes out, just check our intention and make sure it's right?


one final question in a list of questions. its not suppose to be related to anything or maybe it is. I actually cant find my notes on this so instead of writing it as a reminder, i'll ask.

what are the two conditions for an act of worship to be accepted?


Praise be to Allaah.  

Mocking the kaafirs for their kufr or the innovators for their innovations (bid’ah) is permissible because they enjoy no sanctity or protection with regard to their sin and evildoing in which they regard as permissible that which Allaah and Islam have forbidden. But this is only so long as the mocking does not go beyond the framework of dignity and truth, and it is not taken as a usual habit, and the jokes do not outweigh one's seriousness. But what we are warning against has become the habit of many people. 

If one is to mock them, it should be for their going against the Sunnah, not for their different ways of dressing, walking, etc. 

But is it a sin? 

The correct view is that it is not a sin, rather this is something that it is permissible to talk about and joke about. The fact that the sin that we are mocking does not constitute kufr that puts a person beyond the pale of Islam makes it even more appropriate to joke about their sin,  because by forsaking the truth and following falsehood, they have mocked the sanctity of Allaah.  

Al-Laalkaani narrated, with isnaads, some reports from some of the salaf concerning such cases: 

-         He narrated from al-A’mash that Ibraaheem said: “There is no gheebah [backbiting] concerning one who follows bid’ah.”

-         He narrated that al-Hasan al-Basri said: “There are three who have no protection from gheebah, one of whom is the one who follows bid’ah and is extreme in his bid’ah.”

-         He narrated from Hishaam that al-Hasan said: “There is no gheebah in the case of one who follows bid’ah and one who commits evil.”

-         He narrated that al-Hasan said: “There is no gheebah in the case of the people of bid’ah.”

-         He narrated that Katheer Abu Sahl said: “It is said that there is no sanctity for the people who follow their whims and desires.” 

(I’tiqaad Ahl al-Sunnah, 1/140). 

The example which is mentioned in the question, which is, “Oh, we don’t have to pray, it’s in your heart, remember?” is not kufr because the one who says it does not intend to mock the prayer, rather he intends to mock these words that go against sharee’ah, and to show that they are false. 

The point is that making fun of something that the innovators say is not haraam and does not constitute kufr. 

But we do not encourage denouncing the innovators by mocking them; rather we should debate with them in the way that is best. Your concern when debating with them should be to guide them to the Straight Path. Allaah said to Moosa and Haroon when He sent them to Pharaoh (interpretation of the meaning): 

“And speak to him mildly, perhaps he may accept admonition or fear (Allaah)”

[Ta-Ha 20:44] 

And Allaah knows best.


abualabbasassaffah wrote:

But we do not encourage denouncing the innovators by mocking them; rather we should debate with them in the way that is best. Your concern when debating with them should be to guide them to the Straight Path. Allaah said to Moosa and Haroon when He sent them to Pharaoh (interpretation of the meaning): 

“And speak to him mildly, perhaps he may accept admonition or fear (Allaah)”

[Ta-Ha 20:44] 

And Allaah knows best.



beautiful. beautiful indeed.

and so it was Allah subhanahuwata'ala speaking to Musa and Haroon 'alaihumsalaam.

you - Abu - hasnt answered my questions. the article you posted was abt making fun and backbiting. I was asking about calling people names.

and some questions were asking for opinions.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
abualabbasassaffah wrote:

But we do not encourage denouncing the innovators by mocking them; rather we should debate with them in the way that is best. Your concern when debating with them should be to guide them to the Straight Path. Allaah said to Moosa and Haroon when He sent them to Pharaoh (interpretation of the meaning): 

“And speak to him mildly, perhaps he may accept admonition or fear (Allaah)”

[Ta-Ha 20:44] 

And Allaah knows best.



beautiful. beautiful indeed.

and so it was Allah subhanahuwata'ala speaking to Musa and Haroon 'alaihumsalaam.

you - Abu - hasnt answered my questions. the article you posted was abt making fun and backbiting. I was asking about calling people names.

and some questions were asking for opinions.


name calling i agree with you that happends by anger not something i intend to do 

it can also be done like this

The example which is mentioned in the question, which is, “Oh, we don’t

have to pray, it’s in

your heart, remember?” is not kufr because the one who says it does

not intend to mock the prayer, rather he intends to mock these words

that go

against sharee’ah, and to show that they are false.


Yes i got that. As i mentionned in my previous post. No need but may Allah reward you for putting that word forward again. Is there any significance im mising in relation to thst particular passage? Hence why u're repeating it again? Please elaborate on your poibt as i was nt able to grasp it. (if there is a point relatedto the original topic that is)

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
Yes i got that. As i mentionned in my previous post. No need but may Allah reward you for putting that word forward again. Is there any significance im mising in relation to thst particular passage? Hence why u're repeating it again? Please elaborate on your poibt as i was nt able to grasp it. (if there is a point relatedto the original topic that is)


just wanted show the difference in when to use the part you stated earlier and when to use the bit i stated both correct just the time to use each one



abualabbasassaffah wrote:
Lilly wrote:
Yes i got that. As i mentionned in my previous post. No need but may Allah reward you for putting that word forward again. Is there any significance im mising in relation to thst particular passage? Hence why u're repeating it again? Please elaborate on your poibt as i was nt able to grasp it. (if there is a point relatedto the original topic that is)


just wanted show the difference in when to use the part you stated earlier and when to use the bit i stated both correct just the time to use each one




how about just being silent an walking away when you dont know/dont make sense/dont have anything to say? instead of driving me to basically embarrass you like that?


i really shld have cut and pasted that above sentence into a pm, but i dnt wanna pm you...

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
abualabbasassaffah wrote:
Lilly wrote:
Yes i got that. As i mentionned in my previous post. No need but may Allah reward you for putting that word forward again. Is there any significance im mising in relation to thst particular passage? Hence why u're repeating it again? Please elaborate on your poibt as i was nt able to grasp it. (if there is a point relatedto the original topic that is)


just wanted show the difference in when to use the part you stated earlier and when to use the bit i stated both correct just the time to use each one




how about just being silent an walking away when you dont know/dont make sense/dont have anything to say? instead of driving me to basically embarrass you like that?


i really shld have cut and pasted that above sentence into a pm, but i dnt wanna pm you...


you should take your own advise before saying it to others

and im mssing your "poibt"


abualabbasassaffah wrote:


you should take your own advise before saying it to others

and im mssing your "poibt"



thing is, i hardly said anything (in this post anyway) ive only been asking questions.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
abualabbasassaffah wrote:


you should take your own advise before saying it to others

and im mssing your "poibt"



thing is, i hardly said anything (in this post anyway) ive only been asking questions.


you should learn the difference between question and stating

abualabbasassaffah wrote:
Lilly wrote:
abualabbasassaffah wrote:


you should take your own advise before saying it to others

and im mssing your "poibt"



thing is, i hardly said anything (in this post anyway) ive only been asking questions.


you should learn the difference between question and stating


are you saying i dont know the difference? would you like to teach me? i thought a sentence that ended with a "?" was a question...

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
abualabbasassaffah wrote:
Lilly wrote:
abualabbasassaffah wrote:


you should take your own advise before saying it to others

and im mssing your "poibt"



thing is, i hardly said anything (in this post anyway) ive only been asking questions.


you should learn the difference between question and stating


are you saying i dont know the difference? would you like to teach me? i thought a sentence that ended with a "?" was a question...


or maybe your wording is the problem


anyway who cares, i aint a geek to make big deal about this 

During the many hundreds of years I thought all fabricated Hadith had eroded, after all truth survives falsehood perishes in time. Its very sad to look for the negative when there is so much positive.  If you are not lucky enough to see good then you must pray to  Allah day and night to show you the truth and soften your nature, so that you can see and speak good first and remove negativity from your nature.  

Brother abu you sap my energy with your long posts.  You have intelligence to understand that we have free will then why not follow the creed that best suits our natures.  I follow Ahmed Rada Khan (Allah bess him) Brelvi because he loves our beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) as I wish to love him.  I see only good in praising and loving our Prophet(saw).  No one can put a limit to this love, if here was a limit then Allah would have placed this limit instead He made it limitless in the kalma.

laila wrote:
During the many hundreds of years I thought all fabricated Hadith had eroded, after all truth survives falsehood perishes in time. Its very sad to look for the negative when there is so much positive.  If you are not lucky enough to see good then you must pray to  Allah day and night to show you the truth and soften your nature, so that you can see and speak good first and remove negativity from your nature.  

Brother abu you sap my energy with your long posts.  You have intelligence to understand that we have free will then why not follow the creed that best suits our natures.  I follow Ahmed Rada Khan (Allah bess him) Brelvi because he loves our beloved Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) as I wish to love him.  I see only good in praising and loving our Prophet(saw).  No one can put a limit to this love, if here was a limit then Allah would have placed this limit instead He made it limitless in the kalma.


if i say i will show my love for muhamamd saw by eating a 100 burgers will that be valid  no for it is useless so is ahmed raza khan and his ways


follow the creed that is correct not because it suits us this is called pick and choose, the christian way we do it the way of allah and his messenger saw



Easy there now. First you compare Muslims to non Muslims.

Next dont tell me you will go all takfiri on us.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

i dont think any of us have any knowledge to talk abt these things being discussed.

so lets not. lets go seek knowledge, rectify our intention on the way and then come back on here maybe.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

why is my account blocked?


i didnt call anyone kafir making takfir is a dangerous thing not for us unless its obvious like ghulam qadiyani

i just said islam is not about us picking and chossing what we want to do or not its about what allah and his messenger saw revealed to us so the aqeedah isnt something we  just follow out of what fits in with us or pick and choose what we want but we follow what allah says in the quran and muhammad saw said in hadith thats the 2 main source of islam,


otherwise this religion would be like christianity in which its people follow what they want and pick and choose what they want and dont want to do

obviously islam isnt like that atleast we should have common grounds on this

Its unblocked now.

I disagree with the meanings of your posts no matter how you phrase them, you mean the same thing, which is targetted at specifics.

You are suggesting that there is one true understanding of everything (and that is obviously your way), and that those that disagree with you are choosing th reject atleast parts of islam.

Ofcourse the other side will then hold that there is one true understanding of everything and that is is obviously their way and that you by not agreeing with then are rejecting parts of Islam and not accepting it wholly.

And you will find their view offensive, but dont consider that they consider your view equally offensive because they are acting on islam from what they have learnt and understood (like you are) and also act on all and every bit without rejecting it (like you), but they have come to a different understanding from all the qur'an and sunnah from you.

If the sahabahs can come to different understandings of a saying of the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) that was said in their presence for a specific act, and neither are considered wrong, it says a lot to go on the attack on other Muslim and sayign they are rejecting a part of islam simply because they question your understanding of it.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:
Its unblocked now.

I disagree with the meanings of your posts no matter how you phrase them, you mean the same thing, which is targetted at specifics.

You are suggesting that there is one true understanding of everything (and that is obviously your way), and that those that disagree with you are choosing th reject atleast parts of islam.

Ofcourse the other side will then hold that there is one true understanding of everything and that is is obviously their way and that you by not agreeing with then are rejecting parts of Islam and not accepting it wholly.

And you will find their view offensive, but dont consider that they consider your view equally offensive because they are acting on islam from what they have learnt and understood (like you are) and also act on all and every bit without rejecting it (like you), but they have come to a different understanding from all the qur'an and sunnah from you.

If the sahabahs can come to different understandings of a saying of the prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) that was said in their presence for a specific act, and neither are considered wrong, it says a lot to go on the attack on other Muslim and sayign they are rejecting a part of islam simply because they question your understanding of it.


the differences between sahaba ra was in fiqh not aqeedah, such as the timing of start of asr was a popular difference of opinion

but they they never had differneces on aqeedah for difference of opinion in aqeedah is impossible, difference of opinion in fiqh is a beauty for it doesnt contradict, same cannot be said with aqeedah

to have wrong aqeedah and still say it is correct or ok to have these differences is the murjiah way

as i mentioned before the 4 madhab differ in fiqh but not aqeedah like the sahaba ra

theirs one quran with one explanation not a 100 version like bible with a 100 different types of religious views that contradict one another



i agree with what Abu said above but we all need to keep what admin said here: "

and sayign they are rejecting a part of islam simply because they question your understanding of it." in mind.


making dawah is a sensitive affair that requires lots and lots and lots of tact and adaab (manners) and good speech etc... we need to be extremely  careful.


Abu, how abt you write some little articles/blogs abt a topic, a sort of "back to basic" stuff?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:
i agree with what Abu said above but we all need to keep what admin said here: "

and sayign they are rejecting a part of islam simply because they question your understanding of it." in mind.


making dawah is a sensitive affair that requires lots and lots and lots of tact and adaab (manners) and good speech etc... we need to be extremely  careful.


Abu, how abt you write some little articles/blogs abt a topic, a sort of "back to basic" stuff?


back to basic?
