Its no big deal
16% (56 votes)
It should be banned
25% (90 votes)
Director should be jailed
10% (37 votes)
Director should be killed
19% (70 votes)
I agree with protestors
5% (17 votes)
Protectors are over-reacting
7% (27 votes)
U.S. must apologise
8% (29 votes)
I don't know
10% (35 votes)
Total votes: 361
September 11, 2012
U.S. Ambassador to Libya, Chris Stevens, was killed in Libya on Tuesday September 11, 2012 over a film on the life of Prophet Muhammad.
Libyan protestors were angry about an anti-Islam film. They broke into the U.S. Embassy in Bengazi in Libya and killed diplomats and the highest ranking Ambassador.
The film "INNOCENCE OF MULSIMS" was made by non-muslims in 2011.
The film was released in April 2012. Its director is Sam Bacile. He released on the internet a 14 minutes trailer of his film which is originally 2 hours long.
Film Contents:
The non-muslim producers of this controversial film tried to prove that Islam was an evil religion which converts people by force. Prophet threatens: “Convert or pay extortion money.” Actors who played role of Prophet Muhammad attempted to show that during his life the Muslim holy leader had double standards, and he behaved very badly, and he preached immoral beliefs to his followers. The film also claimed that “Muhammad was gay”. It shows Abu Bakr being so greedy for money and power that he pressured the Prophet to marry his 9 year old daughter Aisha “whether Muhammad says yes or no”. The film has sexual scenes which show the Prophet engaged in private acts with his wives. The film also claims that Prophet was “a bastard”, an illegitimate child, who did now know who his father was. It gives first name to Prophet as “father unknown”. These are main things portrayed in the film “Innocence of Muslims”.
Of course, this information is all wrong. Film is designed vilify Islam. That is clearly the intention of the film makers.
Please watch the controversial film before deciding whether or not to be angry about it.
Also, do vote on our poll to give you views about the film.
Here is the link if you want to see the full version of the film.
The Real Life of Muhammad
Length of FILM: 13 mins. 51 sec.
The first 2 minutes 15 seconds are set in today's world. Then it goes to 7th century.
Full reports about the film on Wikipedia:
Innocence of Muslims
2012 U.S. diplomatic missions attacks
Personally, I think killing any American over a damn movie is wrong. Islam is bigger than that.
I'm not sure if I want to watch this film. I know what the film is about (because you've just explained that) and I know what the Religion is REALLY about. So the film will just be a waste of time to watch. (IMO)
i wouldnt advise it. i pressed innocently on the trailer vid and it starts off very dirty. VERY dirty.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
How has this film been taken seriously? It is terribly acted, the sets and costumes are stupid, the offensive words are all dubbed in later and the producer does not seem to be a real person. I'm doubtful it's a real film.
Its so sad that a silly little film can cause deaths of innocent people.
What made things go from bad to worse was the fact that some person dubbed the film in Arabic and then the national TV networks aired the film in Egypt and Libya.
After that a Saudi cleric gave fatwa against the film and urged people to vent their anger at the U.S. Then the local Libyan and Egyptians religious leaders took over and caused such a chaos. The fuel was lit by ignorant wahhabi scholars.
It's said that:
"no matter how many cartoons are drawn or how many movies are made, they will never diminish the stature of The Prophet of Islam"
If that is so, then why the killing and protesting?
Is killing without trial against Islamic ways?
If we want the masses to believe that we are peaceful people, then why are we acting in an unpeaceful way?
An innocent chap in an American embassy was killed because someone in the country he works for made a film. Is that justified / right?
So in retaliation to that if some American goes to Wilmslow Road and kills a Muslim woman because she belongs to a group that was responsible for the killing of an innocent American Embassy worker - would that be OK too?
I really don't get this. Someone made a film offensive to Greatest man who ever lived. Big deal...??
I recall reading a Hadith where people threw stones at this great man and kicked him out of their little town and he just walked away.
His companions wanted to retaliate (as the world wants to now) and He said "please don't - we need to be patient" (not the exact words from the said Hadith - but in words to that effect)
I don't know what everyone else takes away from this, but to me it says:
"although there's the rule 'an eye for an eye' you still need to remain calm and patient at times like this and not go on a killing spree..??
Oh, god. Just seen the trailer. I think it's some sort of cheap-budget web series aiming to stir conflict between Muslims and non-educated-non-Muslims. It's a big wate of time and the comments make you sick.
Thumbs dowwwwwn.
Its funny how a crap and cheap film causes such an uproar in so many Muslim Countries. I mean, I can understand people getting 'angry' but then why do it in such a that it ends up destroying the reputation of Islam and what it stands for altogether? No point in protesting/killing people with the intention that you 'love' the Prophet, cause' it don't work that way. Its no way to express how much love a person has towards the Prophet either! Especially considering nothing like this was ever done during the time he was around.
What's gonna happen once all the protests' are over? People dead? Homes destroyed? Americans killed? Its not surprising that Muslims are being labelled as 'Extremists'.
Imo, the fim-makers looked for an excuse to start all this havoc & intended for this to happen, whereas the people protesting are just making a big deal out of a crappy film that holds no resemblance to ANYTHING whatsoever. Although no matter how much Islam is insulted, nothing can take away the status it holds.
-I'm surprised 49 individual people have visited the site, in the last week, it's so quiet around here!-
When I first heard about this I remembered the words of Sh. Zahir Mahmood, he was talking about the Danish cartoons and the uproar created because of them. Well, I can't remember his words, but I remember the lesson I learnt: We, Muslims offend the Prophet
everyday, just by not being on the sunnah and committing great sins and this may even be worse than non-Muslims insulting - we are believers, we claim to love Allah and His messenger (saw), to make the prophet
out role model, the person we aspire to be. Yet we only get insulted when the non-believers say something against him
...and we don't even pray all our prayers! (or do other important stuff, which *actually* shows our faith)
Also have heard others say, and I agree, that if we did try our best to follow the example of the Prophet
then the non-Muslims wouldn't be saying this stuff. It is our job to show people what he was really like, especially through our actions.
Ofcourse we can only try, and we'll never ever be that great. Obviously.
That reminds of something NAK said in his "lesson from Surah Baqarah" series - Allah calls people munafik only after *the best* messenger has given the message of truth, yet people can be quick to judge others and give up on people - have we ever thought about how good *our Dawah* is? And not just in what we say, but in our actions too!
I have not watched the vid, nor do I intend to waste my time on it. Yes, it is right to condemn the rubbish, but not with violence. That just goes against the sunnah and gives in to how the enemy wants us to behave/be seen. The film maker obviously wanted to increase hatred between people by using a fake name, and pretending to be Jewish and having funding from Jewish people!
Oh btw, I read that the killing of the US ambassador was unrelated to the film protests.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I want to read this too. Can you please post the link on here?
It was a pre planned attack apparently. in the news articles reporting it, they normally add a line in mentioning that.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
wat do americans noe bwt the prophet dat us muslims dnt der jus mokin our religion an if muslims wntd 2 do suin bk den reali dey cud buh jus nt trnsgress buh ov its rng
der god is our prophet so v shdnt mok dem bk
What on earth did you just write? lol!
English would be nice
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
"What do americans know about the Prophet that us Muslims dont, they are just mocking our religion and if Muslims wanted to do something back then really they could, but just not transgress (?), but obviously its wrong, their God is our Prophet (?) so we shouldn't mock them back"
.... I'm bored.
Ahhh, je comprende!
Very interesting results with this poll! Second highest answer on the list is that the film maker should be killed for his crime.
A good question to ask is if anyone has ever looked into the word "Narcissism"? Or to put it bluntly, collective narcissism?
Collective narcissism is when a group of people, say a political group or a religion says to the world "we are special, superior or otherwise noteworthy and we deserve to stand out". This is something I see in every news story I ever read or hear about Islam today, "Respect our Prophet", or "Introduce prayer rooms in workplaces with ablution rooms" and so on.
The film in question is a shoddy excuse for entertainment, but so too is 50% of what we consume on TV most of the time. Yes, it was cheap and likely an excuse to burn money that a few right wing Christian wing nuts have donated out of the kindness of their hearts. And? I don't like Gay porn, so I don't watch Gay porn, but if someone else wants to watch it, it is not my business!
It's not narcissism as Islam requests equal respect for other religions too - "Dont insult their gods so that they may not insult the one true God."
When AFAIK Elton John very seriouslydefamed Prophet Isa (as)/Jesus, it was Muslims who took issue and not Christians.
This is a different issue from the film. Its the act of specific individuals. I think 99.999% of the world would have preferred if the film was not given air time and not heard of - but this was done deliberately and in order to provocate.
1. Film made. No one cared.
2. Trailer released on youtube. No one cared.
3. Trailer dubbed into arabic. No one cared.
4. Trailer deliberately sent to Arab TV station requesting comment. The person asked cared.
5. The rest of the world still did not know until the killing of US consolate staff was linked to this.
6. Killing of consolate staff was later found to be pre planned, so wasnt really due to this, but the video was spread even more.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
26 people think he should die? How would that help?!
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
look, we are not a violent people at all,
and Islam is the most peaceful religion in the world, but we muslims cannot forgive such a devious lying bastard. the film maker insulted our beloved holy Prophet, peace be upon him.
he should be hung by the balls, and in public nailed to the cross with 19 long nails.
he is not innocent. he is guilty as hell. on friday all the Alims said so.
Ayatollah rightly named America as "Great Satan".
Regardless of what has happened, you need to stop using inapproapriate words to express your hatred. If we weren't such violent people at all, we would watch what we say and we would most definitely not harm 'ourselves' by demanding that the film maker be crucified in such a horrible manner.
'They insult our Prophet with the things that they say, but we insult our Prophet by not following his way'. Boonaa Mohammed.