Bukhari Online Maqra'ah with Ijazah and South Africa Retreat with International Ulama

Less than three weeks left and the scholars that will attend are many including.

The senior scholars all aged 75+
Shaykh al-Muhaddith Suliman al-Ahdal (Yemen)
Shaykh Muhaddith Musaid al-Basheer (Sudan)
Shaykh al-Muqri Ali Tawfeeq al-Nahaas (Egypt)

Other Ulama in attendance are:

Mufti Alauddin ibn Jamaluddin
Shaykh Arshaad Muhammad
Shaykh Abdurrahman Khan
Shaykh Mohammed Daniel
Shaykh Shoayb Ahmed
Shaykh Naseem Mitha
Shaykh Ismail Londt





Q. What is a Maqra'ah?

A. It is an intensive reading of a classical Hadith text to senior Ulama in order to keep the Isnad of these texts alive.  More detailed information can be found on this link.

Q. Do I have to be a scholar to listen?

A. No, this course is open to all students of knowledge and the aim is to revive and spread the unique tradition of Isnaad amongst Muslims worldwide in a time that it has become rare and forgotten. 

Q. Will I be required to read to others to receive the Ijazah and what Ijazah will it be?

A. No you will not have to read because the reading will be conducted in South Africa by skilled recitors.  You only need to listen to the text and if you don't understand Arabic it is useful to follow a translation.  The Ijazah will be in sam'aa (aural transmission) which is the highest form of Ijazah and it can be used passed on if your children/students read the same text with you in the future.

Q. What is the cost of participating?

A. The cost for the entire Sahih al-Bukhari online stream will be $149 and for the shorter texts it will be $70. Both can be taken for $200 and discounts are available for pairs/groups who would like to listen.

Q. What texts aside from Sahih al-Bukhari have been decided?

A. The other texts will include the Shama'il al-Tirmidhi, Umdat al-Ahkaam, Arbaoon al-Nawawi and other famous texts.

Q. Who are the scholars supervising the recital?

A. The senior scholars all aged 70+ that have been confirmed to attend are:

Shaykh al-Muhaddith Suliman al-Ahdal (Yemen)

Shaykh Muhaddith Musaid al-Basheer (Sudan)

Shaykh al-Muqri Ali Tawfeeq al-Nahaas (Egypt)

Other Ulama in attendance some of whom will also pass on Ijazah are:

Mufti Alauddin ibn Jamaluddin

Shaykh Arshaad Muhammad

Shaykh Abdurrahman Khan

Shaykh Mohammed Daniel

Shaykh Shoayb Ahmed

Shaykh Naseem Mitha 
Shaykh Ismail Londt


Q. What is the benefit of such Majalis?

1) You will be given the chance of listening to the entire collection.

2) You will increase in your love and appreciation for the Sunnah.

3) You will be granted with a very high Ijaza of transmission that can be traced back to the Prophet Mohammed (Peace be upon him)

And many more benefits…

Q. What is the process for signing up?

A. Download and fill out the admission form or email us directly on cordobaacademy@gmail.com with your name and contact details as well as which option you would like to choose.

A) The entire course including Sahih al-Bukhari and other texts for $200 

Dirol Only Sahih al-Bukhari for $149

C) Only the short texts for $70

Q. What are the timings for the event?


First Session: 6:15 - 9:00 AM
Second Session: 9:30 - 11:30 AM
Third Session: 5:00 - 6:00PM
Fourth Session: 6:15-8:15PM
Fifth Session: 8:45-10PM

Every care will be taken to adhere to these timings on the part of the administration.  However, the comfort and health of the senior 75+ year old Ulama will be given preference over anything else so some sessions may be shorter than scheduled.


The timetable will be similar to the above, but as it is a weekend it may be adjusted to allow for the completion of more texts as this is a golden chance for many to make the most of

Only 5 days left before it starts so don't miss out.

Only three days left insha Allah. Have you signed up?

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