just researching Stuff. Zionism n what ensues..

so i wiki Zionism and its basicallt what i thought it was.when you believe Jews deserve a state of their own..more precisely Jerusalem.


i always thought Zion was a person, but turns out its just another name for Jerusalem, then i see Kabbala mention on that page so I wiki "scientology" (as you do...)



Scientology. you belive that humans are eternal beings and you revisit traumatic experiences to FREE yourself from all that human stuff. so you have "auditing" and to get the auditing materials you make donations! a bit like..hm...those online kids game..the higher in status you are, the better goodies you get. im not going to waste my time reading more into it though..sounds...humanized.



and now. im quite...curious..abt all those orders and that some of our leaders adhere to. pretty freaky if its true which im sure it partially is.


and now. im quite...curious..abt all those orders and that some of our leaders adhere to. pretty freaky if its true which im sure it partially is.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
and now. im quite...curious..abt all those orders and that some of our leaders adhere to. pretty freaky if its true which im sure it partially is.


freemasons, new order and stuff like that?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

I've met Zionists who support Palestine, they were awesome, but i think i was more amazed by the way they were traditionally dressed at the time- with their glasses, long black cloaks, and curled hair.

I can't remember what organisation they were part of, but i did try to look for one with similar aims and i found: 'Jews for Justice for Palestines'. They have about 1600 Jews who are a part of it, in Britian alone.

This is what they believe: 

  • Peace in the Middle East will only come about with mutual recognition and respect and must be seen as just by both sides.
  • Peace requires the end of illegal occupation and settlement.
  • Violence against civilians is unacceptable.
  • Israel’s policies in the West Bank and Gaza are breeding hatred and resentment.
  • It is crucial that Jews speak out for Palestinians’ human rights.
  • The humanitarian values of Judaism have been corrupted by the Israeli state’s human-rights abuses.
  • A lasting peace must be seen as just by both sides.
  • Britain, the EU, the USA, Russia and the UN must be persuaded to implement UN resolutions on Palestine.

The Torah teaches: ‘Justice, justice, you shall pursue’ (Deuteronomy 16:20).

To secure a lasting settlement to the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis so they can live in peace and security, thrive side by side, and co-operate together, Jews today are obligated to pursue justice on behalf of both peoples.” (Rabbi Elizabeth Tikvah Sarah).


If they support Palestine, they're not Zionist, just Jewish...

I follow a really really awesome Jewish person on twitter, he's made me see how similar Judaism and Islam are! Well obviously they'd be similar but I've never come across a Jewish person irl and didnt really know what *they* believe.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:
If they support Palestine, they're not Zionist

No, the ones i met were Zionists, im pretty sure they handed out a leaflet saying they were? Its been a while, maybe its my memory?


Hummus wrote:

TPOS wrote:
If they support Palestine, they're not Zionist

No, the ones i met were Zionists, im pretty sure they handed out a leaflet saying they were? Its been a while, maybe its my memory?

they cnt be zionists... the way you describe them they sound a lot like the ANTI zionist Jews. LOL

how cn a zionist be for palestine, doesnt fit the definition

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?