Assalaamu'alaikum my dear Revivalers!!
Im going to inshaaAllah walk 30 MILES sometime after Ramadan to raise money for Families Relief!
they're an awesome charity that tries to empower Families, not just when disaster strikes but also after, to help them become independent and sustainable. (can i describe the family as sustainable?)
anyway, please donate, even a lil quid.. and please spread the word!
Its ramadan! and its nearly over! so get these bank transfers from your dunya account to ur akhirah account! HUGE PROFIT! only a few days left! If im not mistaken the profit is actually x70. no bank on EARTH can Guarantee this kinda profit.
ok, enough with the bank analogy..
for the sake of Allah.
also, where shall i walk? ive got 30 miles to do, any great location i should visit? suggestions?! (Im in London btw..the city of...something or another right?)
any suggestions whatsoever to make this walk mre fun?
what should i eat? for breakfast? as snacks?
ever done a HUGE walk before?! tell me about it!!! justgiving page..nearly forgot..
Not done a crazy long walk, but I did cycle 200 miles once (all alone). Took me two days. Done it for a blind charity. Raised under £900.
I think 30 miles isn't too long. You won't need to worry about things like eating special stuff and all that. you can even do it as fancy dress?
Half Tortoise and half Hare outfit?
You doing it alone?
REMEMBER - only walk 15 miles (as the other 15 will be to walk back home)
I made that mistake - cycled 200 miles in a straight line like an idiot, then thought "Do'h..!!" and took a train on the way back.
just hoping to basically create a circuit around london that starts at home and finishes close to home witha total of 30 miles.
and nope, alhamdoulillah doing it with a friend.
200 miles. thats amazing. MashaaAllah!
and 30 miles IS a lot!!
fancy can girl. me must retain modesty.
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All the best for this 30 mile walk! Do enjoy every moment of it and remember to keeeeeep smiling!
I know it's a lot for a walk. Maybe I should have woRded it different. What I meant was it's not enough to start changing your diet and taking suppliments etc (that still don't sound right, but you know what I mean right?)
I didn't mean a dodgy fancy dress. You get some loose fully covering ones too. Just thought it might make it interesting and fun for you.
But best of luck anyway. Be sure to post a blog about the experience once you've done it.
Did you have to wear blindfolds
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
LOL - thankfully not. It was difficult enough without them.
If I was you I would make a bag.
A bag full of food.
A pipe needs to be attached to it.
THe beginning of the pipe needs to be attached somewhere in the bag where food can descend down it.
And the end of the pipe needs to be near your hands.
That way you can constantly eat.
It's always been a dream of mine to own such a bag.
If you're gonna do it, you should Vlog it or post a regular stream of photos of things you see whilst you're walking.
You could even rollerblade the distance.
Back in BLACK
yeah..need to get unlimited internet for that week or something.
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WhooHoo! Atta Girl!!!!
I did a THIRTY MILE charity walk 2 years ago, in aid of the Pakistan floods. Me and a group of approx 8 people. We raised over £4000 together.
If i think of any more I'll add em on, but thats all I can think of yet..
It took me about 7 hours to get there, we spent 1/2 hour at the spot to refocus, and it took 7 hours back. Some people chickned out at the half way spot, so we had a considerable reduced amount on the way back... Be prepared.
But it's defo worth it. At the end you get a real sense of achievement alhamdulilah.
I'm proud of you sis
Hope that helps.
Death is the end of time. Not the end of Life.
Now that is impressive.
How did you go about raising money for your charity? I definitely did not raise that much towards the Pakistan floods!
jazakAllahkhair lioness of Allah. these are amazing tips!!!
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Omg!! Am I too late to donate? When is your walk??
For my duke of Edinburgh award expedition thing, me and 5 friends walked for 6 hours to a campsite and then back (the next day). 'twas so much fun!!
Have FUN!!!!
And yes, blog/vlog.
nope havent done the walk yet. quite depressed lol, target is 1000 pounds and im nowhere near it... oh well...
still havent done the walk. sometime this week inshaaAllah.
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ITs happening tomorrow inshaaAllah!!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Oooooh!! Hope it went/is going well i'A!!!
facepalm. i walk the walk of shame
it didnt happen today.. family stuff..
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
tomorrow inshaaAllah!
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
From the 28th August, to the 14th September, and then to the 16th of September. Seems like its dragging, but you have genuine excuses and not 'i can't be bothered today' ones, so your excused. I hope you have an awesome day running 30 miles! All the best x
I think for ever day you postpone it - you should add a mile as compensation?
i think, young man, you should do a 30 miles walk and see how YOU like it?
I did 15 today, got too late so couldnt carry on. so tomorrow inshaaAllah doing the next 15. maybe biking it coz its fun?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
how is it dragging dude...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
How was it?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
i think, young man, you should do a 30 miles walk and see how YOU like it?
Firstly - Thanks you very much for calling me YOUNG man
Secondly - I will be doing a bungee jump for the Revival on Eid
Thirdly - Thanks again for calling me YOUNG man

and last but not least - I'm YOUNG.....
great alhamdoulillah. pains are nearly all gone! except when i go up and down stairs..then it hurts...
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
MashaAllah good stuff! Well done
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I'm gonna do it too. Just to see what it feels like.
I'll stroll rather than walk though.
How long did it take you?
Congratulations, YOU DID IT
alhamdoulillah. abt the walk and abt the pain going away. forgot to say that in my previous post.
took abt 9 hrs first day with breaks and that. (abt 2 hrs breaks in total)
and abt 6 hrs second day.
shldnt be too long. bet you cld do it all in one day!
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