Jilbab is the term used for cloth in Arabic.
When you nickname something in Arabic
using the same root as the word you're
nicknaming (it's called tasgheer)
then it's either a sign of affection
or disregard (humiliation).
This companion was called Julaybeeb.
It was not out of affection.In a culture and society were lineage
and money were paramount... he was born.Yet, we know not who his parents were.
It's rumoured
that he was left by a caravan coming from Medina.
Dumped next to a tree in Mecca.His parents left him.
Julaybeeb means small torn cloth.
It's the derogatory form of jilbab.He was short.
He had a hunchback.
walked weird.
He was described as looking repulsive.These are the narrations that have been
passed down to us and not a mockery of him.No money.
No lineage.
No home.
No family.
Trees provided him with shelter at night.Men would mock him. Spit on him.
Kick him. Insult him.He kept the company of women,
for they showed pity.
Pity is not as cruel as aggression.He accepts Islam. Later on, he makes hijrah.
The Prophet, peace be upon him,
embraces him into the fold.What does The Messenger of Allah,
The Prophet, peace be upon him,
the busiest of men in all time...
the father, the husband - to more than one wife,
the president, the leader, the general,
the friend, the imam, the advisor...... what does a man who is so busy with priorities
and responsibilites...
what does he do with Julaybeeb ?He heads for the household of the prettiest girl
in Medina. The prettiest girl !He knocks on the door. The father opens and is
overjoyed that The Messenger of Allah has
esteemed this household with a visit."All of dunya shines, oh prophet of Allah !
Come in"The prophet,
peace be upon him sits down and when asked
after pleasantries, by the father, as to the reason
behind his visit... he replies that he is looking for
a hand in marriage.The man is over-joyed: "And how can we not
give our daughter to you ?! Oh messenger of Allah""I have come to ask for your daughters hand
in marriage... for Julaybeeb."What does the father say and what happens to
Julaybeeb ?
The Unknown Companion
Published by TPOS on 19 September, 2012 - 02:51
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi