Filmmaker vows to make more 'Anti-Islam' films...

The man who produced the film, which is said to have led to the deadly protests in Libya and became the reason of death of the US Ambassador Chris Stevens, has gone into hiding, but remains unrepentant for releasing his film, says a report.

Sam Bacile, who wrote, directed and produced the two-hour film ‘Innocence of Muslims’, also reportedly called Islam ‘a cancer’ and vowed to release further films about the religion.

Bacile, who described himself as an Israeli Jew, is said to live in California where he works in real estate.

According to the Telegraph, he claimed the film cost 3.3 million dollars to make and was financed with the help of over 100 Jewish donors.

He added that he had worked with 60 actors and 45 crew members to make the film in a three-month period last year in California.

Bacile said that far from apologising, he intends to make further films on the subject.

“My plan is to make a series of 200 hours” about the same subject,” he told a US-based news agency.

The agency said that Bacile was apologetic about the American deaths in Benghazi, but he blamed lax embassy security and the perpetrators of the violence for the dastardly act.

“I feel the security system [at the embassies] is no good. America should do something to change it,” he said.



Film "Innocence of Muslims" was shown in Arabic on Egyptian TV to make people very angry. That is exactly what happened. They stormed the US embassy in Cairo, burned the US flag and threw stones before the police managed to disperse them. But in Libya the police failed to stop the people, especially the militant elements among the protestors., who murdered the US Ambassador on September 11, 2012.

I saw the film. It was made in California by Sam Bacile.

Ofcourse, it is not a nice film, but we've got to remember its only a film.

Lets not get worked up about it. Islam is a great religion.

Islam can take silly attacks like this. We should not over-react like those Libyan nutters called "Ansar al Sharia". These extremists just broke in, burned the embassy and killed Chris Stevens, the US Ambassador. Thats evil. God does not permit killing of innocent people.

I saw the Director's limited release. It does contain offensive stuff.


Omrow wrote:

Film "Innocence of Muslims" was shown in Arabic on Egyptian TV to make people very angry. That is exactly what happened. They stormed the US embassy in Cairo, burned the US flag and threw stones before the police managed to disperse them. But in Libya the police failed to stop the people, especially the militant elements among the protestors., who murdered the US Ambassador on September 11, 2012.

I saw the film. It was made in California by Sam Bacile.

Ofcourse, it is not a nice film, but we've got to remember its only a film.

Lets not get worked up about it. Islam is a great religion.

Islam can take silly attacks like this. We should not over-react like those Libyan nutters called "Ansar al Sharia". These extremists just broke in, burned the embassy and killed Chris Stevens, the US Ambassador. Thats evil. God does not permit killing of innocent people.

I saw the Director's limited release. It does contain offensive stuff.

- some extent.

Think about it like this, if that was your mum they made a film about...would you sit back and say 'its no big deal'?

Maybe people are 'over' reacting. But a reaction is required. Muslims are peaceful people, but it doesn't mean we get trampled all over and let the whole world walk right over us.

By Allah, these people will get their punishment... if not in this world, then in the Aakhirah. Wallahu A'alam.

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters


1. It was a basement operation and not a big scale one

2. The person credited for making it may not actually even exist.

3. AFAIK Only a "trailer" has been released.

4. It was dubbed in english and arabic so that the amatuer actors involved didnt even know what they were taking part in.

5. The people killed almost certainly were not involved in making or disseminating the material.

It was made to get the reaction it got - deliberately given arabic dubbing and sent to the right people, groups etc to get a reaction.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

NasheedGirl never said to kill anyone. she left the judgement with the best of Judge.

we, the people not directly involved in this need to show what the angry mobs are doing is wrong. fb, twitter. spread the word. tell the people that this isnt how the prophet sallallahu'alaihiwassalaam reacted when he was insulted. he walked away and made duah FOR the people. we need to do the same.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Abdul Rahman wrote:

 I agree with Nasheedgirl.

The film makers need to be executed. Just kill all of them.

They abused our Rasoolallah (saw).

Talk (or writing on the internet) is cheap.

Go forth and do what you think needs doing - stop wasting time on here.

Good luck buddy....


Abdul Rahman wrote:

 I agree with Nasheedgirl.

The film makers need to be executed. Just kill all of them.

They abused our Rasoolallah (saw).

What Lilly said... if we leave it to Allah, then Allah will deal with them as much as is required. The thing is, we don't want to cross the boundries and then end up being responsible for wrongdoing somebody.

Of course, i understand where all the anger comes from, but i guess we have to go around things in a wiser way.

At the end of the day, this is Allah beloved they're abusing... so we don't need to worry about protecting him. Thats in the hands of Allah and Allah will not let these people abuse and ridicule His beloved. Im not saying we dont protest and make a noise, we do. Just in the right way. Without making ourselves become the ones who will be punished on the Day of Judgement when they complain about how we stepped the line, crossed the boundary and wronged them more then they wonged us... then what?

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

Abdul Rahman wrote:

 I agree with Nasheedgirl.

The film makers need to be executed. Just kill all of them.

They abused our Rasoolallah (saw).

What Lilly said... if we leave it to Allah, then Allah will deal with them as much as is required. The thing is, we don't want to cross the boundries and then end up being responsible for wrongdoing somebody.

Of course, i understand where all the anger comes from, but i guess we have to go around things in a wiser way.

At the end of the day, this is Allah beloved they're abusing... so we don't need to worry about protecting him. Thats in the hands of Allah and Allah will not let these people abuse and ridicule His beloved. Im not saying we dont protest and make a noise, we do. Just in the right way. Without making ourselves become the ones who will be punished on the Day of Judgement when they complain about how we stepped the line, crossed the boundary and wronged them more then they wonged us... then what?

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

Through experience, I have learned to step back, count to a hundred and then react in a manner that would actually improve my image as a muslim teacher and model my religious beliefs to my students .  I honestly think this technique I have implemented could help us all.  I believe the true islamic values I was raised with, desperately need to be rediscovered in all of us.  We have been labeled, stereo-typed, and slandered with lies. Why?  Because we don't know how to stand up for our rights the right way.  We can do more but only IF we all stand together, demonstrate together, boycott together and much much more but ALL TO TOGETHER. 

When the Prophet was insulted in Taif and children were ordered to throw stones at him and animal intestines were thrown on him- what did he do? Did he call for a riot? Did he get his boyz together and cause havoc? Did he burn effigies? Did he burn embassies?NO! He said i forgive them. They don't understand. But from their generations people will accept Islam and spread my word and teachings......

True dat.

Back in BLACK

I definitely believe that is a perfect example of the prophets(pbuh)  teachings.  Whenever he waged a war, it was with strict principles.  Do not kill the innocent children, women and elderly!  Were these not his teachings? So what are we doing?  We can not fight back with violence.  That is how cowards fight back.  If my mom were insulted in front me, I would defend her in anyway I could but not with violence!  My mom would not allow  me to use violence to defend her.

Nasheedgirl wrote:

Abdul Rahman wrote:

 I agree with Nasheedgirl.

The film makers need to be executed. Just kill all of them.

They abused our Rasoolallah (saw).

What Lilly said... if we leave it to Allah, then Allah will deal with them as much as is required. The thing is, we don't want to cross the boundries and then end up being responsible for wrongdoing somebody.

Of course, i understand where all the anger comes from, but i guess we have to go around things in a wiser way.

At the end of the day, this is Allah beloved they're abusing... so we don't need to worry about protecting him. Thats in the hands of Allah and Allah will not let these people abuse and ridicule His beloved. Im not saying we dont protest and make a noise, we do. Just in the right way. Without making ourselves become the ones who will be punished on the Day of Judgement when they complain about how we stepped the line, crossed the boundary and wronged them more then they wonged us... then what?

Another thing to consider:...

As it is Allah's Beloved who they are insulting. We don't want to be the ones to whom Allah (subhanahu wa taala) says on the day of judgement: "What did you do when my Beloved was being insulted?" if we sit back and do nothing. Although i agree we need to do this in a peaceful manner.

I want to say that I followed his example and disproved the nonsense that this director came up with. This will actually make him more annoyed and unhappy, because he would have failed!

“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”

Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi