New comedy series on BBC1 based on a Pakistani Muslim Family in Birmingham- must watch



Seemed pretty crap and.. crap.

Then again I was watching Serenity instead.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

Another programme which is mocking the religion and trying to test the waters...i agree some of it may be funny, but overall it's not worth the watch if religion forms part of the comedy aspect

Started watching this yesterday and yes, crap is the right word. The scripts and actors are terrible and the humour was awful. They didn't even get the younger generation right.


One thing I really didn't get was why they played Sikh bangra music at the scene changes...its not even about being offended by the religious insults - its just a really bad sitcom thats totally outdated.


BBC have had a number of complaint about the "mocking the Quran" bit (i think it's the bit when the younger girl is reading a mag them quickly switches and then the father makes some comment about it)


I've heard of this comunaty leada quite a few times!

Citizen Khan. What in the world (!) Just look at the title of it LOL

I didn't like the first episode. It was too dramatic for me, totally fake and in some places i felt like they were reading off a script. I know its a comedy but there was too much acting and it didn't feel real. There were some parts which were funny, but the rest of them, i laughed because of the way this sitcom protrayed such actions. 

Mr Khan's daughter, Alia, doesn't even look shareef, innocent and down-to-earth. To me, she was just a daddy's girl. Infront of his face, she'll wear a scarf and act all good, and the minute he's out of her sight, off flings the scarf and out the house she walks. But i suppose that was the sort of character they wanted to make as they said: 'Alia wears a hijab, but also tight jeans, tops and more make up than a cosmetics counter'. That definitely sums up everything about her!

Three things i spotted and disliked/hated. That 'HUMONGOUS' CAMEL HUMP (Argh!). Disrespect of a mosque which is a place of worship and what actually happens inside a mosque. Then thirdly, the part when Alia just dragged the Quran (i didn't look carefully enough to see whether it was an ordinary book or an actual version) and pretended to be reading it. That was just a bit too far for me, and totally irreverant.

I wonder what'll happen in the second episode. I'm looking forward to it.


It's set in the past.

Death is the end of time. Not the end of Life.

Smile Biggrin

so it wasnt a must watch as Editor said... -.-


and lol, the PICTURE posted here puts me off. I'll be watching this is external) then instead. not tonight though.. havent got a mind for Palestine sadness.


i'd really like some palestinian beauty right something abt the village life, the olive trees, just day to day stuff.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:

so it wasnt a must watch as Editor said... -.-


and lol, the PICTURE posted here puts me off. I'll be watching this is external) then instead. not tonight though.. havent got a mind for Palestine sadness.


i'd really like some palestinian beauty right something abt the village life, the olive trees, just day to day stuff.

i thought it was actually

laughed through mostof it

don't tell me u were OFFENDED...

looking forward to the next one


I only watched it because there was this big hooha about it being offensive. But just as I suspected..I found it offensive for its lack of humour. Only 1 joke made me laugh the one about the revert being a ginger head. Like someone already said its backward in that it focuses on Muslims from the 70s/80s could be wrong. why wasn't it based in this era. Also what's with the butt butt accent? parents of  today born and raised in the uk have a typical British accent of sorts, not desi so what's with that. adil ray was being so  strong with it it seemed forced, contrived like most of the script trying too hard. the girl that caused the most controversy was the most likeable character to me, the hijabi. 

This is not a tad bit good as goodness gracious was, surely it should  have aimed to be better than that?

On a positive note there's not much good comedy around, least I don't think there is. Most comedy shows delve into jokes about sex because they're lost for ideas, I don't find that sort of trash funny, so i haven't watched comedy for a while, I avoid them.. Only one that I can think of that I still laugh out loud to is absolutely fabulous, but then I used to love French& Saunders too, and I confess father ted lol

P.s it would have been good if:

There was a lad playing the brother. He would be the wana be gangster, out late. Hiring out flashy cars to do a few laps around the block with the flag, loud music, just to try and get the girls to glance his way but alas he never picks any up..yes don't be surprised u know it happens. 

He would be treated like a king at home, sisters and mother would wait on him

the girls should be training to become doctors, and a beautician lool, ok I'll stop the  bbc need to pay me for more ideas.


Adil ray was a  bbc Asian network presenter is that why he got his foot in easily, I mean he's a funny guy but this is rubbish






“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]

it was bad. but lol.


but bad.


the dad's funny though.. and i really like dave but it feels SOO SOO SOO fake and made up. and that scarfie girl...scary..very scary.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?


and i really like dave.



Yes, I think he was the only actor I liked. 

 BUT. if we start laughing at that, they might take it further, no, they will take it further. first its little joke, mostly cultured centred then..they go RIGHT TO THE CORE OF Islam.



oh wait, they already did that.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

getts a bit too dirty. sad times.


there are three genders (or something like that) in english. Male, Female and?

student: PUFF!



edit: just being thinking. i think its really good that there's been so many complaint abt that show. we need to show non-muslims that islam isnt to be joked with. i just hope the complaint were decent and written with islamic manners...but we need to hit hard and tell people not to mess with our religion.


yes, its alright to joke. as long as its not insulting anything or anyone. is external)

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:

getts a bit too dirty. sad times.


there are three genders (or something like that) in english. Male, Female and?

student: PUFF!



edit: just being thinking. i think its really good that there's been so many complaint abt that show. we need to show non-muslims that islam isnt to be joked with. i just hope the complaint were decent and written with islamic manners...but we need to hit hard and tell people not to mess with our religion.


yes, its alright to joke. as long as its not insulting anything or anyone. is external)

was islam insulted?

was the quran insulted?

was the prophet (pbuh) insulted?

the answer is no to all the above.... making jokes about pakistani culture is not an insult. If Islamic doctrine was ridiculed i could understand the anger..... but if this makes Muslims upset then they need to grow up and stop fussing about nothing!

the 700 plus ppl who complained need to get a sense of humour..... and the bigger issue how many of the 700 complained about the channel 4 doc? which did ridicule islam/quran/prophet etc....


if it was a from muslim to muslim it might have been  A LITTLE bit more acceptable. but this is non-muslims testing the waters. seeing how far they can push it.


what the heck is the point of this show? no point. making fun of a culture. and of the religion often associated with it.

-muslim lying

-they could have made another less religious thing abt kid doing stuff behind parents, but the reading QURAN thing? and the PRAYING app?

-mrs bilal..what the fish is SHE about?


im wondering, are the actors playing the family actually muslim?


im going to create a poll abt this.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:

im wondering, are the actors playing the family actually muslim?

Mr Khan- Adil Ray. 

Amjad- Abdullah Afzal

Mrs Khan- Shobu Kapoor

Shazia- Maya Sondhi

Alia- Bhavna Limbachia

Mr Khan is Muslim, Amjad sounds it, and the other three- i don't have a clue about!


Lilly wrote:

but the reading QURAN thing?


I guess the reason you can't realte to this is cos you probably never done this?

I used to do it all the time.

I even used to do it with prayers.

I used to put the prayer mat out and then "chill"    and if I heard someone coming up the stairs or down the hallway, I'd quickly go into sajda and pretend I'm on my last rakkat.


how does that make it okay?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:

how does that make it okay?

It's not a completely made up thing? It's taking the mick out stuff that already happens - like a lot of comedy.

That's not me tryna stick up for the show, I haven't even seen it.

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

Lilly wrote:

if it was a from muslim to muslim it might have been  A LITTLE bit more acceptable. but this is non-muslims testing the waters. seeing how far they can push it.


what the heck is the point of this show? no point. making fun of a culture. and of the religion often associated with it.

-muslim lying

-they could have made another less religious thing abt kid doing stuff behind parents, but the reading QURAN thing? and the PRAYING app?

-mrs bilal..what the fish is SHE about?


im wondering, are the actors playing the family actually muslim?


im going to create a poll abt this.


the point is ... IT'S A COMEDY!

 theres not suppose to be a point... apart from it should make u laugh lol

NOTHING was insulting Islam!

it's like goodness gracioius me but less funnier.... evenn four lions, east is east- all comedies... i don't remember fatwas coming out then!




I don't think it insults in the slightest.

Insulting the way certain members of the Muslim community insult their religion of their own free will is NOT the same as insulting Islam?

The thing about girls (AND guys, but I mentions girls because that's what the "comedy" talks about) leading double lives is a VERY REAL issue within the Pakistani Muslim culture (I can't talk about others cos I'm not from them)

I agree to some extent that he has culture and religion confused - but then the character he's portraying also has religion and culture confused.

There are soooooo many Uncle Gees I see at my local masjid who are just like this Khan chap...

So to summarise, he's NOT insulting Islam. He's exagerating the steriotype that so many still hold close to their hearts.


TheRevivalEditor wrote:

the point is ... IT'S A COMEDY!

The point is it wasnt funny.

Quality control - we are not so desparate for "good" publicity that quality control goes out of the window.

I dont blame the BBC on this - theytried, they commissioned a Muslim "funny man" to create a comedy that they could broadcast.

But the funny man messed up.

I cringed at the ginger jokes too - saw it coming a mile away.

Khan works as the short clips that were floating around earlier, but it doesnt work as a half hour show.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:

TheRevivalEditor wrote:

the point is ... IT'S A COMEDY!

The point is it wasnt funny.

Quality control - we are not so desparate for "good" publicity that quality control goes out of the window.

I dont blame the BBC on this - theytried, they commissioned a Muslim "funny man" to create a comedy that they could broadcast.

But the funny man messed up.

I cringed at the ginger jokes too - saw it coming a mile away.

Khan works as the short clips that were floating around earlier, but it doesnt work as a half hour show.

being unfunny is one thing- being an insullt to Islam and Muslims is something else....


It was an insult to my intelligence. So I didnt watch it all.

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

I think lily has got a point about the religious aspect. To me it's on par with how christian beliefs have been mocked in comedy. I remember in the 80s it's was quite mild but now Christian jokes I. Mocking nuns, making sexual jokes about priests etc is the norm. Do Christians even bother to complain, if enough of them did then it would be taken off air, or edited.

i think the same thing is being attempted here, they're using comedy as a tool to dilute the faith. The more religion is seen as a joke the fewer people will follow it. I mean secular beliefs seem to prevail in the west, no matter how Christian we claim the uk or USA is.. Muslims who take an active part in their religion will feel that, but obviously those who dont Wont have that view point. 

U can't compare this to goodness gracious, as I recall it didn't focus on religion, although there may have been certain elements. Here it's quite obvious it's a Muslim Pakistani family.

i think the characterisation is really poor. Where is the educated Muslim woman I.e doctor, lawyer?  yes u can still build comedy around an intellectual character. Who is shazia just a Bollywood fan who's sitting around in her slippers waiting to get married, has she got any other aspirations?  Why is the hijabi just depicted as an airhead who cares for nothing but partying, and the plaster on her face. I will get feminist here and say its disgusting, at a time when Muslim Women in hijabs are being depicted as suppressed, ignorant uneducated, there's this comedy validating that rather tha using comedy to diffuse those ideas? Rubbish writing I won't watch it again.


“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]

Suhail wrote:

Another programme which is mocking the religion and trying to test the waters...i agree some of it may be funny, but overall it's not worth the watch if religion forms part of the comedy aspect

Thats what i was going to say... but its been said. Smile

They're 'indirectly' taking the mick out of islam. Sure it might not all be about islam and muslims... but as and 'outsider', they (the actors) are just representing muslims. Mostly only asians with get all the 'culture' related jokes anyway. So thats that...made me laugh a bit... but i doubt i'll be wathcing it again.

"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters

TheRevivalEditor wrote:

im looking forward to the next episode tonite


are you saying this just to spark things up?


and it was said that yeah lots of muslims do the "act like im religious when im actually texting" or whatever. how on earth does showing that in a comedy help in any way?

as someone earlier said, it could potentially have disastrous consequences. kids thinking its okay coz its on tv.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

just watched second episode....

have to say was dissapointed... not very funny this time... just a couple of half chuckles.... poor script...

i'm sure sum ppl found somethings insulting.... i just expected it to be funnier for  a comedy

