I will be doing Bungee Jump for The Revival!!


The things I do to raise money for The Revival!

First the Great Manchestrert Run and now this:-)

I will be taking part in the Bungee Jump on 27th October

It would be great if you could all sponsor me.

To sponsor me send email to editor@therevival.co.uk(link sends e-mail) or send me a PM


Sajid Iqbal

Editor, The Revival


I'll sponsor you £10 for every full minute of screaming



create a just giving page?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:

create a just giving page?

That's only for registered charities?

Is The Revival a registered charity?


Northen Southener wrote:

Lilly wrote:

create a just giving page?

That's only for registered charities?

Is The Revival a registered charity?

no... not as yet

so you can sponsor me by sending cheque or bank transfer. so email or pm me for details pls


It would be soooo much easier to get donations in if you registered the revival as a charity.



Just sayin

Back in BLACK

Seraphim wrote:

It would be soooo much easier to get donations in if you registered the revival as a charity.

Just sayin

AGREE 100%


I researched into registering charities and we do fulfill some requirements like: 'the charity must benefit the public and not the company itself or the members'. We also need to have an annual income of more than 5,000 which will need to be looked into, though i'm very sure Ed has looked into the possibility of registering as a charity, previously.


It's today!!!!!

How did I agree to do this lol

spare a few thoughts for me today people....

will let you know how it goes

ps those who want to sponsor me pls send me a pm or email editor@therevival.co.uk(link sends e-mail)


Hope you have a great day today! Its really cold today- the sun seems a little fake. Lets hope you don't loose your voice. All the best, Ed Smile


:O You're actually doing it. 

I'm sure you'll survive, if a guy can survive jumping from space Wink 

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

TPOS wrote:

:O You're actually doing it. 

I'm sure you'll survive, if a guy can survive jumping from space Wink 


Lol you shoudda seen him before hand haha.

Back in BLACK

was a wee bit nervous before but amamzing when i did it!!!!