Has anyone watched this amazing drama on channel 4 called the promise? If you haven't, heres a little info:
Claire Foy and Christian Cooke lead an international cast, including Itay Tiran, Haaz Sleiman, Ali Sulaiman and Perdita Weeks, in Peter Kosminsky's new four-part drama serial.
Just as 18-year-old Londoner Erin sets off to spend summer in Israel with her best friend, Eliza, she unearths an old diary belonging to her seriously ill grandfather, Len. Intrigued by the life of this old man she barely knows, she takes the diary with her, and is stunned to learn of his part in the post-WWII British peace-keeping force in what was then Palestine.
Left to her own devices when Eliza begins National Service in the Israeli army, Erin witnesses the complexities of life - for both Jews and Arabs - in this troubled land. And as Len's story comes to life from the pages of the diary, Erin discovers the disturbing truths about his time in Palestine and the atrocities he witnessed in the 1940s.
Retracing Len's steps in modern-day Israel, Erin sets out on a heart-breaking journey in an effort to understand and fulfil a promise made by her grandfather over 60 years ago.
The 4od page to watch The Promise.
(I think the earlier episodes are no longer available as they are not listed - I think it was 4 episodes in total)
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
is it good?
"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters
It's amazing! Didn't tie all the loose ends though; I would've loved to know what exactly happened to Umar. But hey, sometimes this happens.
“Before death takes away what you are given, give away whatever there is to give.”
Mawlana Jalal ud Din Rumi
Oh, i watched this, it really is amazing...showed the true view of palestinians and the acting was amazing too.
degree of fact-uality? don't wanna waste my time on madeup stuff.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
how rude. try a google search!
im on the final ad break of the second ep. cool. real cool.
i had no idea the brits had anything to do with Palestine ever.
what does it teach us? let's reflect?
there are jews, IN ISRAEL that protest and what justice and peace. im still trying to come to term and process that particular piece of info.
the holy land is beautiful. nearly cried when Erin was driving up the mountain
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Omar = Baba Ali anyone?
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
alright finished the second ep. and my packet of biscuit.
edig: Grandad LEN SHOT! so ruthlessly.... let's not get distracted by thoes blue eyes....
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
i hate those stupid add breaks. urgh. but here i am again. ok from now on. a post per episode. a per half ep? right now no one can stop me lol coz everybody's either got a life or sleeping.
deal and appeal rhyme.
two lines away from the centre of a circle at the samedistance are equal? what?!
ok seriously now, second part. just had to actually pause.
"over there west bank, over here Israel"
*looks at her* "you see God in this?"
- why would you buy the NEW cinderella dvd after you bought the original, then the redesigned one or restored or whatever, and now.. WOUHOU!! it has the short TANGLED ON IT!! YOU MUST BUY IT!
ok wouah. wouah. i dont know what to make of this...i dnt get hte point yet... if only there was a note "based on true event" i mean... why do they so badly want Len to join them, do they really? they already have an inside man... they dont need Len. He's a great guy n that but...
learnt and had to google a few things. bona fides. conscript soldiers. israeli arab.
i wonder if the epilepsy means anything... and you cant drive for 2 years after an epileptic fit (or 5) read that here goes her counter back to 0 lol...
its really good so far, i like the view of both side. it seems truthful and honest as far as i know abt palestine.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
there's FIVE ad breaks in the last episode! FIVE!
and by accident i pressed back instead of play so now im getting SEVEN bunch on ads!
17mins in. the girl on the radio is Clara?
"i told him it is his responsibility to keep it, because one day we will return"
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
loyalty. another oneof those terms you need to think abt.
how precious life is
the innocence of a child
the killing of a sacred life
our own weaknesses
and I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT DRIVES THEM! :'( I dnt understand...
i think this isnt a documentary. but hte above are the main things i picked up which are universal and which are REAL. Im glad i got that out of The Promise at least.
now, i have strengthen the belief that Israel, NOW, is not right, ever. and the further we move along in history and away from WWII the less and less they will be right.
i'll watch a doc, IsraHell or something, saw it on my fb. will check how credible it is then inshaaAllah watch it.
then i'll fight with everything I've got.
yesterday i drank Coca Cola. felt as close as "burning my stomach" will ever get in real life. I didnt even wanna touch the bottle. but...for other, more pressing reasons, i drank it. I stood up and was about to pour it down the drain but then, i sat back down and drank it. for the sake of the host.
but heeeeeeyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I told my aunt (fam friend) and my mum was there and this other lady, i said; we shouldnt buy coke coz they give money to Israel and thats the least we can do.
Im glad i never had starbucks. and i gave up mcdies in stages. first coz of the frying thing..then now, the icecreams and milkshakes. ive decided to let that go. maybe those few quids wont buy that gun that'll kill my sister, or my mother leaving angry orphans behind, or my father defending his family, his land, his right to live.
even ONE gun....
just had an idea.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Ha! That's what I thought. (I was a newbie back then and didn't know you so I kept quiet).
Ahh, well...better late than never...Glad to know you like it! I think I might re-watch them now...I have the box set of DVD's.
Tooooodleeeeey Pip
whats sad is that its a battle NOT to go mcdies, NOT to buy cocacola. it shld be the other way round. Muslims shld be embarrased to want to go Mcdies.
What really annoys me is that when i told some people abt Coca cola n israel they tell you stupid stuff like Oh but pepsi doesnt taste the same and Evoca is a coca cola wannabee.
Go rot your teeth, ur heart doesnt sound any better right now.
iedit: i wouldnt recommend rewatching. there's LOADS of REAL life documentary out there to be watched. if ur purpose for rewatching was for the palestine/israeli conflict side.
if it wasnt. stop wasting urrr timeeeee
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I'm like two years late but finally watched it! I haven't watched the first part though, I just caught the second part on tv and watched the other two online.
Wow I loved it!
But it reminded me of my hatred for zionists. Urghhhhhhhhh
It's crazy how the soldiers just stand there watching and doing nothing while people get abused and everything
and how they were able to kill children too 
Also, the British were kinda decent? Well obviously Len, especially. I wonder how factually correct that is lol
And the poor Len was betrayed by his gf and best friend.
The little boy was so cute and I like the whole relationship between Len and Mohammed's family
I think the best friend's brother really liked Erin, I didn't like how she was leading both him and Omar on...but yh that's more of a side note lol
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I have this saved on my Sky box. Might watch it again to refresh my memory.
I recall loving it when I watched it almost two years ago to the day.
WOW - how time flies......
When I first saw this I thought it was a typo! Two years! Woah..time sure fly!! :o
*time sure DOES fly