this is just a thread about spyware, malware, virus, trojan blah blah. to rant, complain, cry, say bye, say hello (before and after getting your pc wiped clean and what not), link to good sites to help, warn etc..
let me start.
HOW DID RELEVANT KNOWLEDGE END UP ON MY PCCCCCCCCCC *wails* (<--is that the correct spelling of that word?)
who cares. so basically. i go on skype and i see rlvknlg.exe wants to use skype or something. SAY WHAT?! *googles that weird name* from the entries i gather that this AINT something healthy *sinking feeling*
then i read something abt relevant knowledge bringing that gndrlgsrg file around... "ah, silly people downloading relevant knowledge!"
reads something about random surveys popping up from no where.
*not quite sinking feeling..more like a "oh please no" kinda feeling..i guess that IS a kind of sinking feeling*
click: start -> All programs -> relevant knowledge.
*sees little relevant knowledge icon in my taskbar..near my ANTIVIRUS!*
*comes on here and create this thread*
and inbetween all this there was *reads is external) and thinks "i'll use this when something REALLY bad happens"*
"i need to find the empty usb to back up pc.. *looks at desktop* ARGH *deletes 3 random picture files* ah.. *feels better already*
Im now off to go on a deletion rampage.
deletion rampage muhahahahahahahaha!!!
mostly i deleted stupid desktop shortcuts that werent needed.
and,,euh...i went into add/remove programmes and uninstall revelantknowledge and that seems to be it...inshaaAllah it is.
then i went on a deletion rampage in add/remove programs. felt nice.
then i restarted the pc to give it a fresh start.
then i went into disk cleanup and deleted temporary internet files.
(i wonder if i can delete "temporary files")
then i started the disk defragmentOR. analysis took abt 5 secs (ish) and now its defraging (3%) i shall now get off the pc coz ive been on there for nearly 3 hours and i feeel SICK.
have i gone insane you're wondering? i dont think its clinical yet.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
You'd be a great IT technician!
where did u get that frm!? but id li to learn
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
This is another language
Lilly, do you speak creole?
i understand it...speaking it is complicated coz its so close to french
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Malware Bytes is a good removal software if used in the right way. Google the symptoms, there's always a page which instructs you step by step on how to remove the virus/malware either manually or via software such as MWbytes
Worse come to worse, back everything up. Reinstall windows...or ask around, sm1 should know how to do a fresh install of windows
ssshhhhh but if i were you, i'd ask admin about all this
lol he's pretty gd with computers
Malware bytes is a good start.
It seems that Lilly has it all covered - Lilly, the fact that you do all that, delete programs, look for the problems to some people is absolutely amazing and probably 99% of what a technician does.
I'd assume the main jobs of a technician are:
1. Is it plugged in?
2. Make sure it has antivirus and antispyware.
3. Advice the person to buy a new pc if 1 and 2 dont work.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
then i dnt wanna be a techniian. i wanna be a hacker.
or something in between
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Yup hackers are clever, technicians are boring
I actually misread the title as Meanies and ths is soo not what i expected lol
Back in BLACK
True dat. But if i may ADD to the above. You shud run a registry scanner/cleaner too.
Just incase somthng nasty has been added. I cud recommnd a progrm if u want
Back in BLACK
CCleaner? Never got round to understanding how it works so never gt it.
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I personally use TweakNow Registry Cleaner. Its pretty good and easy to use and best of all its free.
Back in BLACK
I need a new mousepad.
WHY IS MY PC SO LOUD?! that whirring sound is REALLY REALLY loud. i thought it was all the clutter on top of it but i jsut uncluttered it while waiting for this link to open. and its still doing the whirring, going UUUUUPPP and DOWWWWNNNN. Its really bad, i was watching something and it actually gets in the way and i have to put the sound up.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I'm no expert, but my laptop used to make that funny sound and also over heat. I had a mempry upgrade on it recently and the guy who done that cleaned some "hot air taker outer" thing and now it's all good. Quiet and don't overheat.
I had a similar problem at home. But we did solve it- switched the PC off, opened the PC tower using a screw driver, found dust in there and then very carefully vacummed the whole thing including the fan. Switched the PC back on, and the problem was sorted- no more whirrring noises.
youtube isnt working
help please!
the site works but when you click on a vid it just stays a black square!
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Your computers making that noise coz the CPU is over heating. Probably coz of too much dust. As hummus suggested, vaccume the inside and it will be fine. Alternatively lower the fan speed in the BIOS.
Back in BLACK
oh! never replied! so sorry, but yes, after Hummus said that i did try it and it has fallen back into silence alhamdoulillah.
JAzakAllahkhair to both of you
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Sounds like your flash player may have crashed.
Uninstall it and then then re-install it from YouTube.
That should fix it.
Back in BLACK
Lost all files on USB drive.... !!!!!!!
... I might just die....
No backups?? What happened to ur usb? Did it get corrupted? Or have you just "accidentally" deleted the files?
Back in BLACK
Step 1) Keep a back-up copy ALL the time.
Step 2) Say Bismillah, breathe in, breathe out, and start over.
Step 3) Just pretend that you haven't lost anything at all. Don't remind yourself too much.
Step 4) If you can't get it done in time, explain to whoever needs to receive it. If thats a teacher and they have a heart for their students, they'll be nice and give you a new date.
It wasn't backed-up. My fault. But I didn't know this would happen..
Basically there was some corrupt files on the USB, so I had to get rid of it somehow otherwise it was just a waste of memory space.
So I went on Properties, Tools and checked the thing for errors.
Went back to the USB drive hoping the corrupt files were deleted.. then knowing what a klutz I am.. everything vanished.
Ended up losing 3 hours of work cause of 1 stupid mistake.
Another reason to hate technology.
Or offer them some doritos... Never fails.
Back in BLACK
I dont think I backup anything.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
i hate making back ups. its like... when you start, 1 doesnt feel like enough .and when you're using a USB on a regular basis. aer you suppose to back up EVERY time you change something?! urgh.
you need this other usb that you never use. thats just a backup USB. but hey, i bet one day you put it in your pc and its like "windows doesnt recognize this" then you may eat this usb with total piece of mind.
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For some really odd reason, i haven't felt the need to use a USB since September
I've survived 3 months without it lol. But at the moment, my work is saved in four different places around the house, electronically, along with attachments that i send to myself (if i need to print from the main computer). One day i need to collect them all in one place, and delete them from everywhere else.