Most people know a guy who is 'camp' but not gay.
Now, I have two close mates who fall underneath this category.
They are also the type of people who will leave a lecture or party or dinner to go pray and then come back to whatever they are doing i.e. more committed than the rest of us when it comes to their religious duties.
But when I say 'camp', I mean the extra extra care in clothes style, the hand movements, the hair of them actually looks at fashion magazines.
Now, recently Iv realised although neither know each other. They both have started to want to change their personalities so people don't think they're gay. One of them has gone and chopped his hair off and doesnt smile anymore. And the other has changed his fashion wardrobe and just seems to be a lot nastier to people even his close mates who have always defended and looked out for him.
What is the best advice for these people?
Bing "camp" doen't mean one is gay.
People who call "camp" people gay are in fact gay themselves. They are just jealous taht camp people are acting in a way that they themselves would like to act like.
The above is NOT my opinion - it's FACT.
No offence NS, but that is a very lame comment.
And it is not FACT.
Its the sort of comment someone says when they haven't listened to the problem properly.
tell them to be themselves? (i know this is general...only friends would know how to say that personally) somethign must have happened for them to decide to change in a more "manly" direction? an incident? an insult? coz if they TRULY wanted to change for one reason or another they would have change for the better..not the worst. these guys sound unhappy (to have to change)
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Leave them to it I say. Not sure why you care?
#Before you look at the thorns of the rose , look at it's beauty. Before you complain about the heat of the sun , enjoy it's light. Before you complain about the blackness of the night, think of it's peace and quiet... #
I never did care until one of them confided in me and the other has just turned into a horrible person and left my friend in a lot of trouble.
I made this thread and I had more questions to what I asked. There was an Islamic element to it as well, but Im so tired now I have actually forgotten.
Were you thinking of how guys shouldn't dress like girls and vice versa?
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Lilly-chan answered your question perfectly (whose a CLEVER GIRL!! :D). The answer is simplicity itself.
They should just be themselves and not care what other people think so much. They will only be happy when they are just being themselves and not pretending to be something they're not. Maybe thats why your other friend is nasty to people coz he cant be himself and thats frustrating, resulting in him taking it out on other people.
They need to stop trying to force themselves to change so drasticlly. Over-time and with lifes many bumps tends to change people anyway. So they dont need to actively force a change. When i think about it, ive changed SOOO much over the last decade its scarey. And its not because ive forced it but simply through living my life.
Also, only people who are not comfortable with their own sexuality go around calling other people gay. Why? because they're teens. Hormones, lack of life experience, general stupidness.
If i may make a sweeping generalisation; Im sure everyone, at some point or other in their youths werent comfortable with themselves but there comes a time in life when they WILL be comfortable in their own skin because they will atlast know who they are. You'll become more assured of themselves.
So just urge them to be themselves. To hell with what other people think. Being Camp will not turn them gay, im pretty sure thats not how it works.
PS Flip flops are just comfortable in warm weather. Nothing camp about them. And looking good is not a crime (altho in my case it should be
haha )
Back in BLACK can stay in Dubai
Not quite
LMAO, i guess that means you dont want to see the pictures then.
Back in BLACK
i forgot to mention in my first post that i had NO IDEA what "camp" was before yesterday. nor had i EVER heard this word before.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?