Uplifting/emotional lectures

The title says it all, if you've listened to any talks which have touched your heart, helped lift your imaan and have in general been uplifting, then please post them here so others can inshAllah benefit from them.

I'll start off with a few ">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoP-cxaYbuc]



edit: i think the one on the life of Umar RA is a must if someone wants to just touch upon the surface of his life. I literally mean 'touch' obv you can never do the life of Umar RA justice in just one hour, but mashAllah the talk will be enough to soften anyones heart. If anyone wants to listen to an indepth study of the life of either Abu Bakr RA, Umar RA or indeed the pre and post Makkan period seerah. Then i think the latter three were covered in quite a bit of detail by Iman Anwar. All politics aside, his talks are very informative and he's very easy to listen to mashAllah. I've only listened to the series on Abu Bakr RA, but i think anyone after listening to that will walk away with 1) a softer heart/increased imaan 2) greater love for both Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) and Abu Bakr RA. As you'll find most of the time when discussing Abu Bakr, 9/10 times  Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam (Peace and Blessings be upon him) will also be part of the talk/series, so it would complement anyones efforts when studying the seerah.


The Video's disppeared. 





as you can see this is part 4. feel free to start from part 1. its quite interesting. havent listen to anymre than part 4 yet. but its quite deep and interesting and he goes on a few tangent its true (hence why i foudn it SO hard to take note) so its a talk worth just listening it, not making notes from or anything. just sit back and enjoy. and i really really really enjoyed the below vid by Suhail. mashaaAllah. it was amazing.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?







can you please post a little one sentence saying what the vid is about or why you like it when posting? so others have an idea. jazakAllahkhair.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Yeah i've heard the above lecture...what else can i say apart from that fact that it was amaaaazing may Allah bless NAK, his words have an impact upon a person heart and no exaggeration his seminars can be life changing. I think it's because he doesn't beat around the bush, if something needs to be said he makes the point loud and clear yet at the same does so with hikmah, so listeners still hold their respect for him.

The point where in the above lecture the sheikh discusses counitng ones blessings, one would live and then die and yet he won't be able to count all the blessings of Allah swt. Perhaps a good way to remember Allah is besides saying words of dhikr, rather to actually acknowledge each and every blessing (which in itself is impossible) but we can try. In doing so we can appreciate more and more the greatness of Allah swt regardless of the fact that we as mere humans can perhaps never come to fully appreciate the greatness and to worship Allah swt in a way in which he deserves to be worshipped.

But i think that's where the beauty of the deen lies, that regardless of all our flaws, Allah swt as mentioned on the very first page of the Qur'an is a merciful lord and it's at his discretion that our flaws can be forgiven and looked past, in order to grant us the sweet smell of jannah.

i think we shld start posting just links. not vid links coz the thread really struggles...anybody noticed?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:

i think we shld start posting just links. not vid links coz the thread really struggles...anybody noticed?

No, what do you mean by that?


video link: where you can watch the video in the thread.

normal link: link that takes you to youtube.


[size=15]THIS IS WHERE THE NEW POST ISS!! [/size]

edit: just going to post a vid here to make this post a little bit less useless


Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem - Is science the only answer.

He talks abt how we shouldnt just focus on Islamic science but need to balance it with ISlamic sciences:


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dNFkgFrcug(link is external)

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:

video link: where you can watch the video in the thread.

normal link: link that takes you to youtube.

I already knew that :S


sorry abt that. basically. the thread takes ages to laod all the vids. first its a blan kspace, then ts a blak square THEN the vid comes up. thats what i mean by struggle.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Yes, I'll edit my posts later on in the day with just the links inshAllah n yes it really is a struggle when u try to load the page.

Is that because you're using your phone? It seems fine for me, no problems at all.

But to make it easier for all of us, i'll edit mine too.

