ask yourself a question before answering my question please.
if Russia was first against Islam, in Afghanistan America aided the Mujahidin. why is Al Qaida not attacking Russia?
three Al Qaida suspects arrested in Spain. one Turkish(mediator) and two Russians. is Russia behind Al Qaida?
I don't know. Why does this matter?'s_9/11_Connection(link is external)
Sorry, but i don't know if i can trust that site.
well im of the opinion that if British holigans destroy the streets of Portugal after a football match they stand trial in the UK not Portugal. the same should apply to an Islamic group. its our responsibility not Americas... is external)
Conversation between a muslim and al qaida leader.
Muslim: Asalam
Al qaida leader: waleikum salam
Muslim: kief halak
Al qaida leader: al hamdulilah wa enti
Muslim: al hamdulilah
Al qaida leader: al hamdulilah
Muslim: one question. Why do your soldiers use AK 47 assault rifle and not a hand pistol?
Al qaida: its more effective akie.
Muslim: why did bin laden use planes on 911 and not missiles?
Al qaida: its more effective akie.
Muslim: so why use bombs? Houari Boumediene said in 1974 - “the wombs of our women will gives us victory.”
al qaida leader: …
Muslim: its easier to blow yourself up then it is to raise and educate a family but which is more effective akie? is external)