What I learned 30/7/2012

The next 10 days...

The next 10 days are days of forgiveness. It's the best time to seek Allahs forgiveness and repent for all your sins.

The Dua for these 10 days is "Astagfirullaha Rab-Bi Min Kulli Zambiyon Wa-Atoobuilayh"

It's best to read this over and over for the next ten days.

Good luck....


Thanks for sharing (:


No, I'm right handed. Do you make that assumption by the way that i type that smiley face?


Hummus wrote:

No, I'm right handed. Do you make that assumption by the way that i type that smiley face?




Northen Southener wrote:

Hummus wrote:

No, I'm right handed. Do you make that assumption by the way that i type that smiley face?



Sometimes i just don't want that actual smiley face to be there, like this one ^


Hummus wrote:

Sometimes i just don't want that actual smiley face to be there, like this one ^



i read in quite a few places that this hadith is weak.

how to act around a weak hadith though..thats another issue.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:

i read in quite a few places that this hadith is weak.

how to act around a weak hadith though..thats another issue.

Uh oh. I'm leading people down a wrong path.
I've got an imam type of guy in the family who's coming for Iftar tonight.
I'll ask him and get back to you lot tomorrow.


Northen Southener wrote:
Lilly wrote:

i read in quite a few places that this hadith is weak.

Uh oh. I'm leading people down a wrong path.

Thats not the what a hadith with a weak chain of narrators does.

It doesnt suddenly become "bad" - that is something different.

From what I understand (and others may disagree - I think Lilly has hinted at this though I have not really read an alternative version), with ahadith with a weak chain of narrators, you cannot use it as a religious command or order, but it can and is used to guide preference and positivity.

In this case it would mean that performing that dua will be considered a good thing but you cant order others to do it (ie make it fardh or waajib on them to).

"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.

You wrote:

Northen Southener wrote:
Lilly wrote:

i read in quite a few places that this hadith is weak.

Uh oh. I'm leading people down a wrong path.

Thats not the what a hadith with a weak chain of narrators does.

It doesnt suddenly become "bad" - that is something different.

From what I understand (and others may disagree - I think Lilly has hinted at this though I have not really read an alternative version), with ahadith with a weak chain of narrators, you cannot use it as a religious command or order, but it can and is used to guide preference and positivity.

In this case it would mean that performing that dua will be considered a good thing but you cant order others to do it (ie make it fardh or waajib on them to).

Phew - thanks for the clarification.
My imam said something simmilar.
He said although it's not obligatory, it's still rewarding to do it.


Even if it has a weak chain of narration, its for doing good and gaining extra reward. Its not like any bad is being committed, so i guess if your not making it compulsory and forcing people to recite the dua, then there doesn't seem to be a problem.


disclaimer. i never said anything like that.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?