I just didn't like it. Didn't understand its purpose besides following people and being followed. Didn't know what i was supposed to do on there. It seems like something that you have to keep updating, and i don't have the time to keep doing that.
Submitted by Suhail (not verified) on 27 July, 2012 - 19:09 #5
It can act as just a news feed aswel, mix it up, be in touch with all the latest
yep, i dont think i have any followers. just follow things im interested in. then when ive got a bit of time i'll read all those tweets and open links and read stuff. real interesting.
I think there should be a revival twitter page ...?
Your profile's protected though.
Mine's @silence_powerr
@ Hummus, you don't need to regularly update your account, I think u can get still get a lot out of it depending on you follow.
I mainly follow people with Islamic tweets, but also a bit news&politics, football and a few random ones. Others may follow celebs, people who tweet a lot about entertainment or certain organisations. My timeline provides me with news, information, inspiration or just reminders.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
@ Hummus, you don't need to regularly update your account, I think u can get still get a lot out of it depending on you follow. I mainly follow people with Islamic tweets, but also a bit news&politics, football and a few random ones. Others may follow celebs, people who tweet a lot about entertainment or certain organisations. My timeline provides me with news, information, inspiration or just reminders.
Thanks for shedding some light on Twitter- good advertisement. Now i know what its all about and it does seem very interesting. So, this is what i understand from it- you have control over who you want to get tweets from because they've been specifically chosen by you. That would mean your timeline won't really have a load of junk, right? (Unless your mad about a celebrity and you want to know exactly what they're doing, every hour of the day -.-).
No I don't see the need for twitter or Facebook. Give me some positives. I think they are places where ppeople post really banal stuff like "I'm eating pizza" "I'm going to the dentist today ". I am so single, I have x number of fake internet friends. It's for people who have too much free time, or people who don't want to socialise. It's about being made to feel important, and thinking you are popular by the number of ppl following you. But who are these ppl fact is yo don't know them neither they u. U don't care about them, are they true friends? Why spend so much time updating status, typing stupid sms style lines to ppl u don't know orcare about? I'd rather use my time on. Real family and friends. These sites have encouraged ppl to stop communicating face to face or on the phone, I find it utterly sad.
We have forums, we have email, phone and face to face communication twitter and Facebook aren't needed, yet ppl hark on about them like it's the blood that they survive on, if they don't get their feed every day they feel inadequate.
Suffice to say I think they are ruining people and I detest them with a passion!
Away with the rebuttal....
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
@ Hummus, you don't need to regularly update your account, I think u can get still get a lot out of it depending on you follow. I mainly follow people with Islamic tweets, but also a bit news&politics, football and a few random ones. Others may follow celebs, people who tweet a lot about entertainment or certain organisations. My timeline provides me with news, information, inspiration or just reminders.
Thanks for shedding some light on Twitter- good advertisement. Now i know what its all about and it does seem very interesting. So, this is what i understand from it- you have control over who you want to get tweets from because they've been specifically chosen by you. That would mean your timeline won't really have a load of junk, right? (Unless your mad about a celebrity and you want to know exactly what they're doing, every hour of the day -.-).
Yep, generally (people can retweet - (basically quote) - others though, if they want, then you see other people's tweets too. However it's not a big issue as they will probably be tweets which have a similar mind to the one you are following and will tweet stuff which is interesting. If a particular person does tweet too much rubbish you can always unfollow them
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Yep, I am
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
I was, but deleted it the day after.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
I just didn't like it. Didn't understand its purpose besides following people and being followed. Didn't know what i was supposed to do on there. It seems like something that you have to keep updating, and i don't have the time to keep doing that.
It can act as just a news feed aswel, mix it up, be in touch with all the latest
yep, i dont think i have any followers. just follow things im interested in. then when ive got a bit of time i'll read all those tweets and open links and read stuff. real interesting.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
See, i don't have the slightest idea. Maybe i should ask those who use Twitter frequently, they'll be able to give me a better idea.
I think there should be a revival twitter page ...?
I am very sure there is already one. Let me find it:
http://twitter.com/TheRevivalVotMY/(link is external)
Your profile's protected though.
Mine's @silence_powerr
@ Hummus, you don't need to regularly update your account, I think u can get still get a lot out of it depending on you follow.
I mainly follow people with Islamic tweets, but also a bit news&politics, football and a few random ones. Others may follow celebs, people who tweet a lot about entertainment or certain organisations. My timeline provides me with news, information, inspiration or just reminders.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Thanks for shedding some light on Twitter- good advertisement. Now i know what its all about and it does seem very interesting. So, this is what i understand from it- you have control over who you want to get tweets from because they've been specifically chosen by you. That would mean your timeline won't really have a load of junk, right? (Unless your mad about a celebrity and you want to know exactly what they're doing, every hour of the day -.-).
No I don't see the need for twitter or Facebook. Give me some positives. I think they are places where ppeople post really banal stuff like "I'm eating pizza" "I'm going to the dentist today ". I am so single, I have x number of fake internet friends. It's for people who have too much free time, or people who don't want to socialise. It's about being made to feel important, and thinking you are popular by the number of ppl following you. But who are these ppl fact is yo don't know them neither they u. U don't care about them, are they true friends? Why spend so much time updating status, typing stupid sms style lines to ppl u don't know orcare about? I'd rather use my time on. Real family and friends. These sites have encouraged ppl to stop communicating face to face or on the phone, I find it utterly sad.
We have forums, we have email, phone and face to face communication twitter and Facebook aren't needed, yet ppl hark on about them like it's the blood that they survive on, if they don't get their feed every day they feel inadequate.
Suffice to say I think they are ruining people and I detest them with a passion!
Away with the rebuttal....
“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]
Yep, generally
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi