:O lucky you, d/w it's nothing special and smells disgusting. Or maybe you have but didn't realise it was weed. Hmm
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by Bilan on 19 January, 2011 - 22:50 #93
lol im glad im not alone! and maybe my mum has been passin of the funny smellin plant in the corner of as exotic...(further investigation required???) lol!
and yes, i am very naive, im too innocent lol! it cn only be a good thing right??
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
lol im glad im not alone! and maybe my mum has been passin of the funny smellin plant in the corner of as exotic...(further investigation required???) lol!
and yes, i am very naive, im too innocent lol! it cn only be a good thing right??
naive isn't good.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by Bilan on 19 January, 2011 - 22:54 #95
lol! get straight to the point why dont ya?? haha
it probably isnt but not much i cn do about it....
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
lol :oops: Well I can be naive at times...(a lot of times?) too :/
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by Nasheedgirl on 20 January, 2011 - 21:33 #97
ThE pOwEr Of SiLeNcE wrote:
bilan wrote:
lol im glad im not alone! and maybe my mum has been passin of the funny smellin plant in the corner of as exotic...(further investigation required???) lol!
and yes, i am very naive, im too innocent lol! it cn only be a good thing right??
naive isn't good.
i guess in a way, but i dont think its intirely good to be too aware of everything... (takes away your innocence...!
"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters
I thought there was a difference between innocence and naive? Sort of? Maybe? :/
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
Submitted by MoonChild (not verified) on 17 June, 2011 - 21:48 #99
No. Dude. Just no. People need to understand marijuana is a PLANT grown straight from the ground, from nature. Therefore, as long as no tar nicotine or any chemicals are mixed with it it is not a drug. I know i have been smoking for almost 7 years now. It makes u think smarter and deeper. You just need to know how to treat the mood you're in. And the only reason it is illegal and alcohol is legal is because the govt in wherever don't want us to be smart and really know what is going on around us in the world. Instead they put people to brainwash and have them drink nasty alcohol like a fish thus causing destruction, leading them to do bad things. Weed keeps people at peace there would be world peace. But no "they" just want corruption and evil around us. It's so sad.
No. Dude. Just no. People need to understand marijuana is a PLANT grown straight from the ground, from nature. Therefore, as long as no tar nicotine or any chemicals are mixed with it it is not a drug. I know i have been smoking for almost 7 years now. It makes u think smarter and deeper. You just need to know how to treat the mood you're in. And the only reason it is illegal and alcohol is legal is because the govt in wherever don't want us to be smart and really know what is going on around us in the world. Instead they put people to brainwash and have them drink nasty alcohol like a fish thus causing destruction, leading them to do bad things. Weed keeps people at peace there would be world peace. But no "they" just want corruption and evil around us. It's so sad.
Make illegal something boring that a lot of people do anyway and you persecute common folk into furtive and perhaps ever more criminal ways, making it likelier that addicts do not receive help but become paranoid like MoonChild, and you don't have time for catching violent assailants. Prohibition only serves the criminal enterprise - so who is the war on drugs against? I think laws relating to import/export or large scale production are probably very justified but it should be legally fine to grow or acquire natural stimulants on a domestic scale.
I have no opinion on whether weed is haraam but it is not true that it makes you clever. Call it mind-expanding but in excess it induces paranoia, crippling meekness and mood swings.
It can never be satisfied, the mind, never. -- Wallace Stevens
No. Dude. Just no. People need to understand marijuana is a PLANT grown straight from the ground, from nature. Therefore, as long as no tar nicotine or any chemicals are mixed with it it is not a drug. I know i have been smoking for almost 7 years now. It makes u think smarter and deeper. You just need to know how to treat the mood you're in. And the only reason it is illegal and alcohol is legal is because the govt in wherever don't want us to be smart and really know what is going on around us in the world. Instead they put people to brainwash and have them drink nasty alcohol like a fish thus causing destruction, leading them to do bad things. Weed keeps people at peace there would be world peace. But no "they" just want corruption and evil around us. It's so sad.
Make illegal something boring that a lot of people do anyway and you persecute common folk into furtive and perhaps ever more criminal ways, making it likelier that addicts do not receive help but become paranoid like MoonChild, and you don't have time for catching violent assailants. Prohibition only serves the criminal enterprise - so who is the war on drugs against? I think laws relating to import/export or large scale production are probably very justified but it should be legally fine to grow or acquire natural stimulants on a domestic scale.
I have no opinion on whether weed is haraam but it is not true that it makes you clever. Call it mind-expanding but in excess it induces paranoia, crippling meekness and mood swings.
Joey, I love the way u talk! (Y)
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
Submitted by R4hM4n (not verified) on 29 August, 2011 - 08:53 #104
I strongly agree with you, the last paragraph you wrote was very deep and touching....this has encouraged me to start toking up occasionally instead of doing it everyday as i did a about 5 months ago...(I havent smoked for about 4 months but ive been wanting too).
Submitted by Bugz on 2 September, 2011 - 14:33 #105
If u can make a nice tarkari with it then just maybe it will be halaal.
Submitted by Ya'qub on 2 September, 2011 - 14:54 #106
R4hM4n wrote:
I strongly agree with you, the last paragraph you wrote was very deep and touching....this has encouraged me to start toking up occasionally instead of doing it everyday as i did a about 5 months ago...(I havent smoked for about 4 months but ive been wanting too).
If u'v managed 2 giv it up 4 that long, why'd u wanna start again? Are u sure it's gonna stay occasional? What if u end up doin it more & can't stop?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Submitted by Khalil (not verified) on 9 May, 2012 - 23:28 #107
Hi Idk if weed is haram or not but what your saying is totally wrong A: all natural weed doesnt make your scared or parniod it makes you relaxed and happy about life. B: spice which is weed but with like 90% other deadly ingradaints like cigs have but way worsemake you freak out and scared and pariond he you take to much of it ka spice or k2 samething then you will acatully hit a beaking point wear you go nuts thinking your a cartoon trapped in a tiny room aka your house or where ever your at . At the time or you will see your self as a puppet cartoon round around in circles like a maze and or even this could happen you could think your a tiny moelcule the last molecule on earth and no one else is with you your eyes are open but its like there a switch and some turned your eyes off you wont see anything excpet the yourself as 1molecule and the only nolecule in the universe or a cartoon running in a maze spice usaully end after 45mins same with weed but weed is natural plant and does not have any digusting chemicals. I stilll dont know if weed all naturla weed is haram or not.
But again thats like saying medicane is haram because weed is used a type of medicane for some people.
Submitted by Khalil (not verified) on 9 May, 2012 - 23:32 #108
YEs YES this is treu again idk if wed i haram or not but if you start smoking you start to open to new things like your brain will start thinking of everything example illumanti everyone that smokes weed knows about them and ppl that dont know to but most people smoke weed and are like earth where did it come from how why are there wars all this kind of stuff and they start researching they get illumamti signs..
Bro, you've smoked too much weed and are now a lesson to all the rest.
Weed intoxicates and that makes it haraam.
If a person has a real medical need for taking it, let the doctor prescribe it. Otherwise, there isnt an excuse.
and it does mess up peoples minds.
People go crazy. Some forget how to spell.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
Submitted by abra (not verified) on 5 July, 2012 - 05:17 #110
If coffee is halal , then alcohol must also be halal , if its taken in smaller proportions , like we take coffee ...
“And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you. And whoever commits that through aggression and injustice, We shall cast him into the Fire and that is easy for Allah” [Qur'an 4:29]
“And do not throw yourselves into destruction.” [Qur'an 2:195]
Inhaling smoke into ones body containing substances is harmful.
Also its a drug, (an intoxicant) so therefore I would advise against it unless your doing it for medical reasons and its not affecting your state of mind in the process.
BTW - LOOL at You's last post and the one before..
Replies? My thought process: 1. The qur'an does not explicitly mention weed. 2. Weed does not "intoxicate" in the same manner as alcohol. (Or so I am told.) While one dulls the sense, the other makes you feel at peace and makes you ponder. about thing like the colour of the wall and maybe more. 3. In the current age of science, we know that most substances have an effect on the brain. All food, sugar, drinks, tea/coffee and other things containing substances such as caffiene. So, I weed REALLY haraam?
akie there is no mention of weed in the Quran. hence why one cant say for sure its haram as there is no khalifa. BUT! from my experience you shouldnt smoke it. it creates mental ilness. believe me. dont smoke akie. hooka or even cigarete i cant say dont but weed take it from experience DONT!
Submitted by Seraphim on 13 July, 2012 - 14:43 #117
Hamza13 wrote:
Please please please dont smoke it... or Hamza13 will cry
Back in BLACK
Submitted by Hamza13 on 14 July, 2012 - 11:33 #118
Seraphim wrote:
Hamza13 wrote:
Please please please dont smoke it... or Hamza13 will cry
probably will you know...
Submitted by Smoker (not verified) on 19 July, 2012 - 11:35 #119
Your friends are dumb. Although I smoke marijuana often, I am fully aware of it being very haram, and I would have let you know.
I'm a college student, born in a Muslim family. My grades are going great, and I plan to be a doctor. I've tried marijuana since high school, but I've been regularly, frequently using it since the start of college. SOOO many people smoke weed in college that it's difficult to avoid. It's ridiculous. I'm not saying that I started smoking because it was difFicult to avoid. I quickly embraced the benefits of marijuana. I am not a very religious person, but I do have strong faith.
I normally would not post on this forum, but I'm amazed as to how a handful of the people here are blatantly uneducated and just speaking on what they think they know. I've also read the posts of the handful of you who do know your stuff, so that keeps me content.
But you guys who immediately start bashing weed sound like ridiculous radical Muslims. For those of you that don't know, or just won't admit it, consuming marijuana is HARAM. You can vaporize marijuana, which many people find more effective then smoking (in terms of getting high), and that's a very safe way to get high. There are virtually no risks when you vaporize. Also, I know that many people are terrified of the drug addiction to marijuana. Marijuana's addictive capabilities are equivalent to a video game's addictive capabilities. It's a mental addiction, not a physical addiction. I smoke often, and many times, in large quantities. But I am not an addict, I smoke for fun, I can easily stop. I've gone through periods of time without smoking because I've been busy or I've chosen not to due to school work, or other legitimate, more important reasons.
When I was a little younger, I played this online multiplayer game (MMORPGS are potentially very addictive), which I was insanely addicted to. If I was not playing the game, I was thinking about playing it, and this went on for about a strong two years. I never want to go back to that addiction, one that made me rely on only one thing to keep me satisfied. I would go nuts if I haven't played for a while, it was a feeling I've never felt again towards anything else, that hungry, dependent feeling.I smoke more weed than most people, I smoke often, enough for me to have gotten addicted, and I can say that I don't feel dependent on it at all. I can easily go without it, although I'd rather not bc I like being high.
BUT STILL, you are getting high. You are intoxicating yourself. Thus it is haram, since all intoxicants are haram. And I approve of all intoxicants being haram. If the world was free of intoxicants, I would think itd be a much better place. Humanity would have benefited so much without the presence of drugs. Because most people are stupid, and many will let marijuana, or any other drug consume their lives. If anything, it should be the other way around.
I have a very close Jewish friend who I smoke with often. He always tries to convert me out of the Muslim faith (both when I'm high and when I'm sober), and into Atheism or anything else non religious, bc he thinks religion is one of the great causes of disaster and death in our world for a long time. I keep telling him it's not God's fault, it's just a test on humanity. One that humanity is seeming to fail. Religion is not the cause of death and war, it's the stupid people interpreting or abusing the religion the wrong way. Deliberately or indeliberately depending on the person. I am never swayed by his attempts, and although he sees his attempts as futile, he will try to still do so. He's obviously not a Jew at all, he was just born into a Jewish family.
Those of you who criticize weed, and smoke tobacco, are just plain stupid. I'm sure if smoking tobacco was as widespread at the time of Mohammad (SWS), then smoking tobacco would have been declared haram. It's much more addictive and detrimental to your health than marijuana.
Marijuana is not a very harmful drug, you can even consume it by eating marijuana brownies. What's the downside to that but 300 calories? But it is still very haram.
I love smoking pot, but the older I'm getting, the busier I'm getting as well, so I feel like eventually I'll inevitably grow out of the marijuana thing. Medical school will prevent me from engaging in my favorite hobby, which upsets me. But I will smoke in my later years, definitely not as much or often though. If you're a Muslim, you shouldn't smoke weed. But if you're going to do a drug, choose marijuana. It's the best and safest. And still loads of fun. And if you want your health to remain pristine, consume it through food or vaporizers.
Btw, I don't plant to smoke at all during Ramadan. Some of you may criticize me for making that decision, saying its futile, but forget you.
Submitted by Hamza13 on 22 July, 2012 - 16:40 #120
Smoker wrote:
Your friends are dumb. Although I smoke marijuana often, I am fully aware of it being very haram, and I would have let you know.
everyone is entitled to they own opinion. can i ask you where is your evidence for the above statement? as i havent found any consistent evidence just cannabis websites and there is no caliph to clarify it.
me neither!
"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters
:O lucky you, d/w it's nothing special and smells disgusting. Or maybe you have but didn't realise it was weed. Hmm
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
lol im glad im not alone! and maybe my mum has been passin of the funny smellin plant in the corner of as exotic...(further investigation required???) lol!
and yes, i am very naive, im too innocent lol! it cn only be a good thing right??
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
naive isn't good.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
lol! get straight to the point why dont ya??
it probably isnt but not much i cn do about it....
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
lol :oops: Well I can be naive at times...(a lot of times?) too :/
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
i guess in a way, but i dont think its intirely good to be too aware of everything... (takes away your innocence...!
"That's the thing about pain. It demands to be felt" - Augustus Waters
I thought there was a difference between innocence and naive? Sort of? Maybe? :/
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
No. Dude. Just no. People need to understand marijuana is a PLANT grown straight from the ground, from nature. Therefore, as long as no tar nicotine or any chemicals are mixed with it it is not a drug. I know i have been smoking for almost 7 years now. It makes u think smarter and deeper. You just need to know how to treat the mood you're in. And the only reason it is illegal and alcohol is legal is because the govt in wherever don't want us to be smart and really know what is going on around us in the world. Instead they put people to brainwash and have them drink nasty alcohol like a fish thus causing destruction, leading them to do bad things. Weed keeps people at peace there would be world peace. But no "they" just want corruption and evil around us. It's so sad.
"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi
thats not true moonchild.
Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?
Make illegal something boring that a lot of people do anyway and you persecute common folk into furtive and perhaps ever more criminal ways, making it likelier that addicts do not receive help but become paranoid like MoonChild, and you don't have time for catching violent assailants. Prohibition only serves the criminal enterprise - so who is the war on drugs against? I think laws relating to import/export or large scale production are probably very justified but it should be legally fine to grow or acquire natural stimulants on a domestic scale.
I have no opinion on whether weed is haraam but it is not true that it makes you clever. Call it mind-expanding but in excess it induces paranoia, crippling meekness and mood swings.
Joey, I love the way u talk! (Y)
"Verily, in the remembrance of Allah, do hearts find rest"
I strongly agree with you, the last paragraph you wrote was very deep and touching....this has encouraged me to start toking up occasionally instead of doing it everyday as i did a about 5 months ago...(I havent smoked for about 4 months but ive been wanting too).
If u can make a nice tarkari with it then just maybe it will be halaal.
If u'v managed 2 giv it up 4 that long, why'd u wanna start again? Are u sure it's gonna stay occasional? What if u end up doin it more & can't stop?
Don't just do something! Stand there.
Hi Idk if weed is haram or not but what your saying is totally wrong A: all natural weed doesnt make your scared or parniod it makes you relaxed and happy about life. B: spice which is weed but with like 90% other deadly ingradaints like cigs have but way worsemake you freak out and scared and pariond he you take to much of it ka spice or k2 samething then you will acatully hit a beaking point wear you go nuts thinking your a cartoon trapped in a tiny room aka your house or where ever your at . At the time or you will see your self as a puppet cartoon round around in circles like a maze and or even this could happen you could think your a tiny moelcule the last molecule on earth and no one else is with you your eyes are open but its like there a switch and some turned your eyes off you wont see anything excpet the yourself as 1molecule and the only nolecule in the universe or a cartoon running in a maze spice usaully end after 45mins same with weed but weed is natural plant and does not have any digusting chemicals. I stilll dont know if weed all naturla weed is haram or not.
But again thats like saying medicane is haram because weed is used a type of medicane for some people.
YEs YES this is treu again idk if wed i haram or not but if you start smoking you start to open to new things like your brain will start thinking of everything example illumanti everyone that smokes weed knows about them and ppl that dont know to but most people smoke weed and are like earth where did it come from how why are there wars all this kind of stuff and they start researching they get illumamti signs..
Spelling might be off but whatevs
Bro, you've smoked too much weed and are now a lesson to all the rest.
Weed intoxicates and that makes it haraam.
If a person has a real medical need for taking it, let the doctor prescribe it. Otherwise, there isnt an excuse.
and it does mess up peoples minds.
People go crazy. Some forget how to spell.
"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone'" - David Cameron, UK Prime Minister. 13 May 2015.
If coffee is halal , then alcohol must also be halal , if its taken in smaller proportions , like we take coffee ...
“And do not kill yourselves. Surely, Allah is Most Merciful to you. And whoever commits that through aggression and injustice, We shall cast him into the Fire and that is easy for Allah” [Qur'an 4:29]
“And do not throw yourselves into destruction.” [Qur'an 2:195]
Inhaling smoke into ones body containing substances is harmful.
Also its a drug, (an intoxicant) so therefore I would advise against it unless your doing it for medical reasons and its not affecting your state of mind in the process.
BTW - LOOL at You's last post and the one before..
akie there is no mention of weed in the Quran. hence why one cant say for sure its haram as there is no khalifa. BUT! from my experience you shouldnt smoke it. it creates mental ilness. believe me. dont smoke akie. hooka or even cigarete i cant say dont but weed take it from experience DONT!
it actually says achool in the quran. the correct translation of the word is alchool not intoxicant. ask an arabic speaking person.
DONT SMOKE WEED! it creates mental ilness and that changes your life for ever...
800: Islamic prophet Mohammed permits cannabis use, but forbids alcohol.
weed like tabaco is makroo but from personal experience it creates mental ilness.
Allahu alam!
Please please please dont smoke it... or Hamza13 will cry
Back in BLACK
probably will you know...
Your friends are dumb. Although I smoke marijuana often, I am fully aware of it being very haram, and I would have let you know.
I'm a college student, born in a Muslim family. My grades are going great, and I plan to be a doctor. I've tried marijuana since high school, but I've been regularly, frequently using it since the start of college. SOOO many people smoke weed in college that it's difficult to avoid. It's ridiculous. I'm not saying that I started smoking because it was difFicult to avoid. I quickly embraced the benefits of marijuana. I am not a very religious person, but I do have strong faith.
I normally would not post on this forum, but I'm amazed as to how a handful of the people here are blatantly uneducated and just speaking on what they think they know. I've also read the posts of the handful of you who do know your stuff, so that keeps me content.
But you guys who immediately start bashing weed sound like ridiculous radical Muslims. For those of you that don't know, or just won't admit it, consuming marijuana is HARAM. You can vaporize marijuana, which many people find more effective then smoking (in terms of getting high), and that's a very safe way to get high. There are virtually no risks when you vaporize. Also, I know that many people are terrified of the drug addiction to marijuana. Marijuana's addictive capabilities are equivalent to a video game's addictive capabilities. It's a mental addiction, not a physical addiction. I smoke often, and many times, in large quantities. But I am not an addict, I smoke for fun, I can easily stop. I've gone through periods of time without smoking because I've been busy or I've chosen not to due to school work, or other legitimate, more important reasons.
When I was a little younger, I played this online multiplayer game (MMORPGS are potentially very addictive), which I was insanely addicted to. If I was not playing the game, I was thinking about playing it, and this went on for about a strong two years. I never want to go back to that addiction, one that made me rely on only one thing to keep me satisfied. I would go nuts if I haven't played for a while, it was a feeling I've never felt again towards anything else, that hungry, dependent feeling.I smoke more weed than most people, I smoke often, enough for me to have gotten addicted, and I can say that I don't feel dependent on it at all. I can easily go without it, although I'd rather not bc I like being high.
BUT STILL, you are getting high. You are intoxicating yourself. Thus it is haram, since all intoxicants are haram. And I approve of all intoxicants being haram. If the world was free of intoxicants, I would think itd be a much better place. Humanity would have benefited so much without the presence of drugs. Because most people are stupid, and many will let marijuana, or any other drug consume their lives. If anything, it should be the other way around.
I have a very close Jewish friend who I smoke with often. He always tries to convert me out of the Muslim faith (both when I'm high and when I'm sober), and into Atheism or anything else non religious, bc he thinks religion is one of the great causes of disaster and death in our world for a long time. I keep telling him it's not God's fault, it's just a test on humanity. One that humanity is seeming to fail. Religion is not the cause of death and war, it's the stupid people interpreting or abusing the religion the wrong way. Deliberately or indeliberately depending on the person. I am never swayed by his attempts, and although he sees his attempts as futile, he will try to still do so. He's obviously not a Jew at all, he was just born into a Jewish family.
Those of you who criticize weed, and smoke tobacco, are just plain stupid. I'm sure if smoking tobacco was as widespread at the time of Mohammad (SWS), then smoking tobacco would have been declared haram. It's much more addictive and detrimental to your health than marijuana.
Marijuana is not a very harmful drug, you can even consume it by eating marijuana brownies. What's the downside to that but 300 calories? But it is still very haram.
I love smoking pot, but the older I'm getting, the busier I'm getting as well, so I feel like eventually I'll inevitably grow out of the marijuana thing. Medical school will prevent me from engaging in my favorite hobby, which upsets me. But I will smoke in my later years, definitely not as much or often though. If you're a Muslim, you shouldn't smoke weed. But if you're going to do a drug, choose marijuana. It's the best and safest. And still loads of fun. And if you want your health to remain pristine, consume it through food or vaporizers.
Btw, I don't plant to smoke at all during Ramadan. Some of you may criticize me for making that decision, saying its futile, but forget you.
everyone is entitled to they own opinion. can i ask you where is your evidence for the above statement? as i havent found any consistent evidence just cannabis websites and there is no caliph to clarify it.