Saudi Arabia to allow women to compete in 2012 Olympics

Saudi Arabia has announced that it is to allow female citizens to take part in the Olympic Games this summer for the first time in the country's history.

The move comes only months after the International Olympic Committee (IOC) faced calls to ban the country from London 2012 after the Saudi Olympic chief appeared to rule out sending women athletes to the Games.

However, a statement released by the Saudi embassy to the BBC said that the Saudi Olympic committee will "oversee participation of women athletes who can qualify".



I feel some barriers removed! Awesome, everyone should be able to take part if they have the ability and they're dressed modestly, without dazzling their bodies everywhere!


Ok so a saudi woman can't drive a car but can compete in the olimpics.....makes alot of sense right.

wonder if any of the sisters will actually compete in the end?

can I ask in what sport they will be competing in?

ok sorry didn't see the link there.....I think that of all the sports equestrian jumping is the most halal.


Titanium wrote:
Yaaaaaayyyyyy!! One step at a time. One step. Plus there's archery, clay pigeon shooting, table tennis, running, long jumps, ball throwing, and loadssss more that Muslim women could join in with their modest clothing... But do they heck?


that is so true!! wouaw!! i wish i could go back into sports now... archery *dreamy look* table tennis....

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

I've never seen/heard of clay pigeon shooting

"How many people find fault in what they're reading and the fault is in their own understanding" Al Mutanabbi

I think that there are meny sports are just not halal for muslimahs to compete in.....long jumping,'s not very modest !

it doesn't matter how supportive your bra is....I hardly think that running around infront of men,  wobbling your bits about can be classed as something halal!

Can one run in an abaya if so then it would be ok or a thick long top with baggy trousers, personally when you are a serious sports person as long as clothes are modest and conducive to the sport at hand you should wear them and worry about performance rather than clothes.

women competing is good but in my book true equality can only be archieved when men and women compete as individuals alongside each other and not as separate sex races, games

feminists make me laugh, they used to make me angry but now I just laugh, if they only knew what it means to be equal, and how biologically it is near impossible

same goes for every sport cricket, football etc I hated playing these with just women what's wrong with playing boys at their own game, if women really think they are equal then they should play with  males on the same level playing field, and I bet some of us might just make it.

In fact my friend was good as any boy at football but when it got to senior years at comp she had to play in the girls only team - why?


Sorry about the rant

i can really see the prophet muhamad salallahu alaihi wa salam allowing muslimahs to run and swim infront of men...

I casn really see that happening!

it is not halal, it doesn't matter how much we want it to be it just isn't!


nope im just goign to say i CAN imagine him like that. except for the braces bit coz that's out of his time..bit like a roman with a watch...hmm...


but yeah. muslim women only olympics would be awesome

and men and women are different, they catn compete alongside each other. i'll say it again. have you seen women play basketball? here im assuming you've seen guys do it. its like a totally different sports. they are different techniques and its just a different take on/approach to the sport.


Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

I'm just going to agree to disagree and be done with it. I don't believe that ut is halal... but you do.

It's all good everyone is entitled to theire opinion right.


kenza wrote:

I'm just going to agree to disagree and be done with it. I don't believe that ut is halal... but you do.

It's all good everyone is entitled to theire opinion right.


Sport is halal for women, nowadays Olympics are all political but still the athletes are serious and professional, that's what I believe, it's no different to going to mixed sex schools or sitting on buses with men on them or anything else like working in an office etc.  if you stop one thing then you must stop everything.

doing haram things such as clubbing etc is where we should draw the line and not clean activities such as the Olympics 

of course kenza we all have differing opinions and one must believe in what one thinks is right for oneself.

so you're saying we should either be totally holy or totally unholy?

so if i go mix school i might as well go work in a mix office but if i dont go mix school then i shouldnt work in an office? that's how it sounds.


and you cant compare sitting on the bus with interacting on a daily basis with males.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

What I'm saying is that we live in world where men and women interact, you can't ban one type of interaction anymore than you can ban any other.  If you say women can't compete in the Olympics because men are there or are watching then you can say the same about many activitIes and you can't ban them all.  

bannign something because guys are watching. that's lame.

why do we need guys. why cant we have a female only olympic?

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Lilly wrote:

bannign something because guys are watching. that's lame.

why do we need guys. why cant we have a female only olympic?

One that isn't televised, could work.  If I was an athlete I'd just compete in the regular Olympics with men so what I'm there to compete not show off my womanly wears. 

I agree with Kenza I don't see how it can be justified having a mixed audience watching. The sports aren't forbidden it's more a problem with male audience members watching the arena and watching the televised version.


But it's not a Muslim woman's issue, Saudi rulers are as backward if they had any sense they would see that it isn't right for Muslim men to be parading themselves amongst strange women either, somehow it's made excusable for Muslim men, what a joke.

as someone mentioned if I was a Saudi female athlete I'd tell them to flush their permission for me to attend the Olympics down the toilet! the fact is Saudi rulers would have me running a marathon to work because they believe it's haram for me to drive, but it's ok for me to troop across the globe for the Olympics  hosting a mixed audience, whatever happened to mahram rules? Oh I recall there are mitigating circumstances when world reputation and money is concerned!

“O my people! Truly, this life of the world is nothing but a (quick passing) enjoyment, and verily, the hereafter that is the home that will remain forever.” [Ghafir : 39]

you mentionned something, yeah, i dont think muslims should take part in olympics AT ALL. male or female. coz of what you said.

 what stopped the women from participating should also have stopped the men from participating.


but hey, its their problem. we can only advise them..not sure how to do that though so i'll just leave this matter alone.

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

I don't agree with Kenza or Hajjar or Lilly, I agree with myself